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Tuesday, August 29, 2006 sometimes life has a way of sneaking up on you just when u think everything is going fine...and then it comes up bites u so hard, u wonder if all e happiness is worth it..sigh.. hey darling, i'll be there for you if u ever need a shoulder to cry on, a person to share your troubles with and just someone to be there, sitting and holding your hand with u. it IS going to be fine.. i love you dear.. so ppl, lesson learnt : never take ANYTHING for granted. u never know when e big-ass bite is going to come (0) comments Sunday, August 27, 2006 okies many things to blog but i just dun feel like it..lol..FRIDAE went to watch "hunt, play" aka "vettaiyadu vellaiyadu" with yoges and both our bfs..its quite a good movie! i wasn't expecting much but was thoroughly suprised..i shd not have been tho..i mean, afterall, its mr KAMAL HASSAN's movie..well it was like e tamil version of CSI. and since im a mad crazed fan of the latter show, u guys shd know how excited i was...lol..aniweis he's just a great actor..and its a very interesting movie..shd go n watch it guys! e one thing tt irked me was e audience lar..i made a mistake of watchin it e dae it got released..so it was FULL of oorex who came there to shout n cheer n whistle at every single dialogue possible..aiyoh im suprised i even understood e movie..half e time they were either making lame comments or whistling or shouting.. SIGH. NEVER will i go watch a tamilan movie on e DAE of its release AGAIN! also we had quite a interestin time gettin back without takin e cab..lol...last train to kranji..from there last bus to jurong..from there night-rider home..hehehe..wei yishun is like e other part of e universe...if i take cab back i mite as well eat grass for e next few weeks.. SATURDAE this was such a tiring dae..frankly, i am pretty missing laid back saturdaes, where i have nth much to do..just lay back, catch up on lost sleep and yawn lots..ive just been sooo tired these past few saturdaes..SIGH. this saturdae was no different.. but i din go for sitar tho..was havin stomachache n diarrhoea..was havin since e night before..think ate toooo many sweets durin e movie..so i skipped it..then went for tuition..then came back..n just nice to go bathe..dress up for e . . . . "PUNK" party!!! i tell u i had succcccha diff time choosin wad to wear..i just DONT DO PUNK!! retro can, gothic also i can survive ( think: dance eyeliner..hehe), colour theme no problem, summer winter any sseason sure! beach wear ethnic wear right on! but PUNK. i mena PUNK. it is by e far, e most un-appealin dressing for me ( sorrie raeee i still laus u) but however since my darlin rae had made it clear in her invitation that we HAVE to be appropriately dressed and also i have a think abt respectin yr host/hostess's wishes..i took alll e effort in me to relatively LOOK a bit close to punk..put on major dark greyish blackish eyeshadow, long scary eyeliner, looooads of mascara, lipgloss is a petrifyin dark purple, super mini studded denim skirt and a black spag top...with.....BLACK PANTYHOSE AND HEELS to complete e look ( at this point of time i have to thank my darlin jo for buyin e panty hose or she'll just use it to strangle me) and after mucccch walkin (sorriee jo) we finally got to penny black...and i realised, i SHD NOT HAVE BOTHERED TO DRESS UP!!!!!!!!!!! besides e bdae girl and her sidekick mr Jeff, noone else looked remotely punk lar..just wear one black top and its like "yah i have black so u cant blame me" like waddahell?? pantyhose is really uncomfy u know! never know when its gonna rip and i was wearin it with 5 inch high heels! like hello?? wad sacrifice all i made?!? sigh...oh wells. anythin for my darlin girl.. heheheh aniweis e parrtty was good..e cake was heavenly..and looked like it could compete with NDP's fireworks..LOL..we posed many many but none of it is being sent to me!! so u guys just gotta wait to see e pics...aniweis it was also extra nice cuz for once everyone was there..without e bf/gfs...so we cld just talk..and talk..just felt good..took MANYYYY pics...and rae seemed to like her pressies and e cake (i think) and i think it was a success..i was just too tired to go clubbin with her so went home for an "Early" nite in...rufus was so kind as to fetch me alllll e way to my carpark..aaaaaaawww... SUNDAE AGAIN another tiring dae...im beginnin to dread weekends..woke up for vinayagar sathurthi prayers..ran late and rushed down for driving..was quite horrendous la..i almost broke his gear box...SIGH...i really think one dae i will have to drive him to e nearest hospital in case he gets a heart attack while instructin me...SIGH.. after drivin went for tuition at cck...then came home n started gettin ready for dance..left home..had MY LAST CLASS WITH BHAKTHAN..sobsobsobsobsobsob...im gonna missssssss him..we're tryin to think of a plan to move over permanently to his class..but sighh....not as easy as it sounds when we've been with e same teacher for 4 years ++++ SIGH..aniweis we learnt finish e pushpanjali..and he was like laughin at me lar..i mean i may be a dancer and all but ive got ABSOLOUTELY no sense of balance..so i hate all those poses where both my feet are not nicely touchin e ground WHERE THEY SHD BE!! ANIWEIS bhakthan is very ambitious for us..so he gave us like some ridiculous shiva poses where if could, he would prob make it such tt both of my feet r off e ground..i swear!! so obviously i looked like a klutz la..and i cldnt do it..just cldnt! i wld start shakin n wobblin n almost crash into yoges or melanie..then he wld just give me a loook like "how on earth did u get to year 4??" and then i cld ONLY do it when im concentratin REAL hard and practising like for 10mins str8 before that..so he was like "ah all alone means can do perfectly, but ask to do durin e dance itself cannot..how like that?" he said it in tamil and was kinda laughin..sigh...im going to mish him..but he'll come for our class next week..to sing out e song he taught us to show auntie padmini wad we have learnt..when he said that i gave him this look that said "rite..great..i get to fall one more week" and he just laughed n said "good luck" i laus his voice btw...like in LUST with his VOICE. ANIWEIS AFTER dance went to e vinayagar temple in loyang cuz its my fav God's birthdae!!!! i love ganesha...aniweis went there to wish him happy birthdae! i actually sang e birthdae song for him...and my mum just stared at me like i went bonkers. im getting that look quite alot these days... aniweis spent alot of time there..tooooo much time..watchin n hearin e extremely loud concert..most of it was nice but there was a fewwwww songs tht i felt wasnt very appropriate for e temple..i mean we're in a holy site ppl! aniweis there was these few girls who were dancin, well hopin ard..aiyah i din realli like it cuz its kinda of spoiling the name of bharathanatiyam.. aniweis my mum was tryin to convince me thaat its NOT barathanatiyam but folk dance but oh wells..i wasn't happy..cuz she was wearin temple jewellery and kondai and e whole hair and all...SIGH. aniweis im finally back homeeeee and dead knackered..needa do my tutorial for my very first tutorial for e semester!!! hehehehehe...nite ppl love all MUAH. p.s malz it was PUNK not goth!!! and rishi, i laus u for lausin my blog...aaaaaaaaw.... (0) comments Wednesday, August 23, 2006 todae's happy birthdae for navina darling!!!!! she was soooo cute todae, totally loved e present we got for her..so pre-occupied till she just gave a "wadeva" wave and said "biie." as we were leaving..hehehe..aniweis she was so excited by her barney cake..din know if she loved e barney more or e fact that there was a hugeee cake lying in front of her..she kept pacin up and down saying "barney. cake. barney. cake. cake. barney. barney! cake! cut cake! barney!" hahahahha.. as usual, i did NOT have a wonderrrrrrrful time todae as e prescence of some ppl just spoils it for me...and oh wells i dun wanna say too much la... aniweis i got a mani and pedi todae! woohoooo!!! its so pretttyyy... okies i just have one more thing to say.............................. "sometimes u gotta realise..there's 2 sides to everything, including family. u're not the only ones around. look ard. if u bother to, u'd realise that. we're no less than u. not by any bit. if any, maybe more than u. at least we know how to give in. or maybe, that's e reason we're behind. " (0) comments Tuesday, August 22, 2006 hello? testing testing.i yam cho chleepy..................why am i blogging? i have nooooooooooo ideaa oh yar i have sth to say... I LOUS TOYS'R'US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! many many toys man..and some are real cute..however they dun have many things that i used to play with. i.e power rangers, and daytona steering wheel car game (i love that!!) and POLLY POCKET! and many other small stuff that makes me happy. met vik todae like finally after EONS. however we were arguein most of e time..hehehe..i think vj was very amused, i tell u that boy has more irritating questions than my tuition kids!!! i just felt like strangling him..however i wont, cuz i laus him. aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwww drivin todae was pretty good..better than most daes..cept STUPID PARALLEL PARKING and e prob of my engine stallin in e middle of e damn streets and my changinglanephobic problem, everythin else is pretty much ok..so just gotta work on those 3, esp my parallel parking! sigh... todae vj, nair and myself went to a lebanon restaurant in holland v..the food is nice and we were so full!!! we ate like 4 courses and were pretty much full after e heavy appetiser that we din have much room for e main kebab course (obviously i always have room for dessert..hehehehe)..but i love e restuarant, its got a very quaint, peaceful ambience, sofas, pillows, nice decor and its not too expensive..we spent abt 16 per person? and considerin its a set meal..not too bad aight? aniweis we discovered many nice lookin restuarants in holland v..quite stupid of me since i was like workin in that area for 1 and a half years!! and its so near my house somemore..but this area is behind ebie, at wala's there..and since i started work at ebie, i tend not to socialise at holland since i alreadi spend so much of my time there! so usually its work, then out of holland..not much lingerin etc etc..todae had a nice chance to explore e place..think i will go back there often till ive tried all e restuarants.. while we were at e restuarant, we were plannin a holidae we wanna go for next year (we've been plannin since sec sch, seems never to materialise..hopefully now it will..hehhehe)...and i really wanna visit e middle east..i love e buildings, e structures, e landscapes and e life there..however due to e unrest nowadays, dun think i'll be gg there anytime soon..haiks. we settled on either cambodia or vietnam, then got side-tracked to turkey, greece and spain..lol..we'll see..we'll see... ive been blog hoppin loads lately and i noticed most of e blogs are like soooo philosophical..about life and problems and thoughts and death and etc etc..yah its nice to read and i always wonder how their brain works for words to flow out like that..but i cld neveeer write like that all e time...maybe once in a while when im in "THE MOOD". but if not, my blog entries will be as such, nonsensical, lame, no order and abrupt. and i think im gonna keep it that way :) any objections? (0) comments i love my blog layout so much that im gonna blog though i got nth much to blog about... aniweis todae jo and myself had a little excursion around NUH...hehehehehe..i swear, tt girl was ready to kill me..we were just walkin aimlessly, ans squeezing through the cleaner's area and ending up at some microbiology lab and FINALLY ended up at e hospital part..lol.. aniweis i finally managed to get my super ex, much needed text..getting it from e girl tmrw..hopefully its in a good condition.. for 75 bucks it better be!!!! okies i shd really have an earli nite..have driving at 7am (gasp), then meeting sunitha n vj at 11..got class at 2..then meetin vj back at 6 to go to.....toys'r'us!!!! woohooo!!!! gonna look for a present for navina darling..she's turning 2 on wed. :) speakin of her, todae was her first dae of pre-school! aaaaw, my sister said she was a good girl and din cry..but was e total opp in NUH. (they came there for navina's medical check-up, thus e lil excursion) she was hopping ard n cryin when she didnt see her mum, stopped cryin when she went to e shop, demanded chocs etc etc..but was a lil quieter than usual cuz jo was ard.. hehehehhe.. okies im OFF TO BED. for REAL. BYE. SERIOUSLY. (0) comments Sunday, August 20, 2006 todae i was a happy girl...cuz bhaktan took our dance class..he's next in line..well actually together in line with hummer! i lous him! OMG HIS VOICE!!!!! really as malz says "the best in sg"...when he sang e song for us, i was like melting..sooooooooooo nice!!!!! and he teaches damn well too..like all e stuff i didnt know..and tot i was doin rite..is actuslly wrong! so we were taught e correct way of doin it..so nice to not be nagged at and to be actually taught! aniweis ydae was gayatri's arrangetram..i feel tired just thinkin abt it..lol...but everything went well, and i served Mr S.R Nathan kaffee!!!!! woohoooo! AND food too okies! weeeeeeeeeet..gayathri danced so extremely well, i was almost in tears when she did e mangalam cuz i know how much she went through and how she must be feelin that everything went well..awww..and i made some new frens too! the other girls who were helpin her plan..howevers, some girls were just there to look pretty and couldnt do the ONE SIMPLE JOB they were supposed to..while e rest of us were like juggling so many things n managed to do everythin rightly..i really must applaud yoges la..she put her whole life on hold for a month just for this arrangetram and i think she deserves e most applause (after gaya and viki),,so now, i know who to employ to plan my 21st..heheheheheheheheheheh. aniweis it was really funny cuz the secret service ppl (for e president lar) were like posing as cleaners and sweepers..really hilarious cuz i went to ask one of them for a garbage bag and almost asked him to help me clear e rubbish..and the cleaner that i asked e garbage bag from is actually the HEAD of e secret services..cuz when he walked to e area, all e other bodyguards stood up n called him SIR. (obviously, no one know that my fren was under e table pickin up some stuff) hehehehehe so hilarious! okies im tired..gonna rest for another tiring week..tryin to decide if i shd go for logais's sister's weddin tmrw..sighhhhh.. i'll have to reschedule both my tution if i go.and i alredi have to reschedule next mondae cuz of a family prayers... SIGH. nite pppppppppl MUAH (0) comments Saturday, August 19, 2006 so i just got back from a night out with malini..we had dinner at a wonderful turkish restaurant called SOFRA and went to watch "never say goodbye"actually i dun feel like bloggin abt e movie cuz its one of RARE few SHAH RUKH KHAN movie tt i dun really like..and i think e only reason u shd go n watch e movie is because of e glitz n glamour, nice beautiful songs and the wonderful actors (sharukh sharukh sharukh sharukh)..the storyline is a lil siao..i think im not prepared for it..toooooo forward for hindi movies la..i still like e good ol family/love/sobsob movies..it just didnt agree with me lar.. aniweies me n malz made a new fren at e cinema...HEHEHEHEHEH..i think he wanted to say bye n talk more to us but i ran out cuz he was laughin at me when i was cryin..HMPH. enjoyed myself loads with malz..as usual, we do e funniest things n end up laughin n laughing n laughin. there was this really serious part of e movie n both of us were laughin sooo loud i swear they were gonna throw us out..lol... *in out once only ah? so fast ah?* and we purposely drove past amaran to wave to all e tamilan..but...NO OONE WAS OUTSIDE..so we just signalled to e bouncer..hehehehehe.. so tmrw is gayathri's arrangetram..im still decidin which saree to wear..will prob go with e brown one..the only one with a proper blouse..LOL. i hope everythin goes ok..sigh...still think they need more ppl who actually know wad a dance arrangetram is about..oh wells... oh yar, for those who wish to know, my sis is discharged n feelin better...and.....and......and.....i saw a cute doctor at NUH!!!!! wheeet..north indian..looks like a rajesh or a rajiv...hehehhee...oooh.. *imagines grey's anatomy* okies gotta get up earlie to sell my coursepack to some girl at 8 bloody 30 am. SIGH. nite ppl..MUAH. (0) comments Thursday, August 17, 2006 tiring tiring dae todae..rather ironic as wed are my lesson-free days and im bugged e whole dae with tuition..argifdhgfanwieis my sister is admitted into hospital..elder one..she's been having such bad morning sickness that her body got dehydrated. haiks. well the good (maybe its kinda bad) thing is she's admitted into NUH. so my mum's using this as an excuse to pass things to her thru me..so i would most prob be at NUH every weekday for the next few days..and prob during my break times as well..sighs..and even better (or worse), NUH is wallkin distance from my vunderful sci fac..so..yah all e more reason. lol. well i dun mind la, my poor sis will be bored out of her mind also.. ydae i was to the kailamman temple in tekka for the periyachi amman padaiyal prayers. wow it was so great! only bad thing is the atmosphere of thaipusam..forever crowded and ppl who have NO IDEA wad a PERFUME is. aiyoh. stinky stinky. i almost fainted from e smell man..but the prayers was really good..really felt so powerful..and AMMA was decorated so beautifully..and the food...oh my the foood..hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. hehehe some ppl (i.e my mum) purposely went there for e food only..lol..but it was rather entertaining watchin 8 men or so "penaiyiraning" the HUGE rectangular table length of padiayal..lol.. aniweis i was almost crushed a number of times..some ppl can really be so violent just so to get some free stuff..i mean yah its prayers stuff, but still doesnt mean that by crushing ppl in e process to get that stuff, She is going to bless u more. HELLO USE YR BRAINS! aniweis im havin such a headache cuz of e stupid textbook for one of my module..the texts are all sold out and left is the really exp one..i REALLY dun wnana spend 80 over dollars for a text im having doubts if i will use..but both hua n nair are telling me I NEED e text..sigh..HOW NOW BROWN COW..arghdgnf so does anyone have "molecular biology of the cell" by alberts? ANY EDITION ANY CONDITION IS FINE!! okies i needa sleep...like now. before i faint. (0) comments Sunday, August 13, 2006 one carrection. dancer boy is called prakash not prashanth. sorrie yar..too many tamilan names. :)(0) comments
so school is starting tmrw.. yipee yay *yawn* however, truth to be told..im rather happy school is gonna start...its been 3 LONG months..and ive just been so exhausted..working, tuition, driving..din even get to go for a hols due to $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ probs..HAIKS. kinda ironic as its supposed to be my H-O-L-I-D-A-Y-S. HAAAAAAAAIKKKKKKKSSSSSSSSSSS. aniweis finally i can get back to sch, re-transform into a nerd, and study hard to bring up my horrible-trocious CAP. and its kinda sad that im not takin a mod together with my 2 fellow nerds, but i have one together with ONE of em, MIRUNA!! and im also takin a mod with hua..time to re-connect yar? hehehe.. aniweis my RUSH RUSH dae ydae was indeed EXTREMELY rushed..and mostly cuz of e FUCKING ASSHOLIC IDIOTIC FIREWORKS!!!! rsghesfgjhlksdfghfdlghjfd just ruined my night..had to wait almost an hour for a cab ok!! dun even dream abt e buses cuz they were just stationary...finally i gave up n was attempting to walk from suntec to city bayview hotel and was almost halfway there when e taxi uncle called me to say he's *finally* here..i tell u, i was almost in tears..my heels were ridicoulously high and i din know wad e hell to do!! sigh.. aniweis i think i would have had a blast of a time if each of e 3 parties were on different daes...e little time i had at each party was good, so imagine if i'd stayed on for e whole thing..i esp regret having to rush off for ganesh's one cuz its been SOOOOOO long since i last saw e sajc peeps..and it would have been a good time to re-connect..esp since its ganesh's one..confirmed will be hilarious..oh wells we're gonna meet up on e 2nd of sept! YAYS! pearl's party was good too..i love e NUSS GUILD HOUSE in suntec..the alfresco area was great, nice ambience, food was ok, din get to eat much..the sotong n clams were divine, as well as e desserts and e coleslaw n baked potato...but other than that..i cant judge as i didn;t eat...hehehe..would have loved to hang out longer with them...alas..not possible..hmm..esp since gra came down..been so long since we ALL spent time together..e last time was during world cup, at e stinky bar. anand's party was not bad..typical tamilan party..malini got an insight into wad ASOKA might look like..hahahahaha..and well most of the ppl there, im related to..so yar, my mum was warnin me to behave i.e not hold hands with vik etc etc. but navina had fun there..hehehe...she is just too adorable.. oh the dance floor was really insightful..i learned abt this guy called prashanth, he dances e best..the next i dunno, who's a damn good dancer in spore? ok la like simbu la, but better. oh ya did i mention he's only abt 10? i took a photo with him, shall put it up here when malz darling sends it to me..anand(not e bdae boy, another anand) were like having a competition on e dance floor, i know anand is my fren and all but i personally think prashanth would have won. hehhehe. anwieis malz told me nth interesting happened prior to my attendance..so too bad..was hoping for some hot gossip..actually got one la, but haven gotten e full story yet *raise eyebrows* hehehehehehehehe, quite sad i only managed to reach there ard 10++ due to e FUCKIN FIREWORKS! actually its not e fireworks, but e DAMN PEOPLE WHO THINK WATCHING E FIREWORKS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO DO SO THEY CAN BLOCK OTHER PPL'S WAY AND JUST DRIVE FUCKING SLOWLY!!! sorrie still feelin pissed... aniweis im feelin rather tired, dance todae was a killer, did ganesha goutuvam, allaripu, a malayalm padam and thillana and a lil bit of e varnam we're learning. *faints* but at least we did not get an half-hour lect like last week. me n yoges were contemplating which we prefer.. -- when she nags cuz we dance MUCH less e.g last week, we only danced a grand total of 20 mins..or days like todae when nagging is there, but minimal, so we dance more..sigh..-- okies i HAVE to start going to sleep earlie...my dad n mum are alreadi preparin cold water to splash onto me tmrw..i have a HUGE problem with waking up on time..hehe... *secret laugh with malz* goooood nite ppl, here's to my first dae of my second year with NUS. (0) comments Saturday, August 12, 2006 todAe was quite an eventful day..Lessons Learnt: ppl who didn't believe started to believe. ppl who we tot had changed were still e same leopards with e same spots. i learnt that books. are unreasonably heavy.and i have muscles now. as in defined muscles. i can go rather long without food. ah-hah! tamlian functions are never without drama. mothers are super possesive and drama. esp new ones. my darling niece fell down n kinda tore her lip. :( :( :( :( but being e brave girl she is, she cheered up when she saw cake. heh relatives sometimes dunno where to draw e limit. 2 ppl told me i lost weight. :) :) :) :) :) :) some assholes are really not fit to be relatives. its a burden, really. i can be rather hardworking if i want. anand's party tmrw is going to be a HUGE one, cuz his parents came to e prayers n practically invited EVERYONE there. my mom's fren, reva auntie has a really beautifuuuuul voice. i am rather strong. strong enough to hold my mum in trance. i think im rather brave too. cuz i;m usually scared of trancer-s my hurts are hurting an awful lot. have a BUSY BUSY BUSY BUSY BUSY BUSY BUSY BUSY BUSY BUSY BUSY BUSY BUSY BUSY BUSY BUSY BUSY BUSY BUSY BUSY day ahead of me tmrw. basically, that's e sum up of todae's DAY. (0) comments Thursday, August 10, 2006 firstly.... HAPPY NATIONAL DAE~!!!!!!~!!@@!!@!!!!im a capricorn, we're naturally patriotic ya know? i laus u singapore! happy national day malini sivaraman! my fellow patriot! and gan, so happy ure feelin better! :) so todae i had a great evening..met fellow ebians khalid and alex for some BITCHY BITCHY time! gosh those 2 really know how to bitch...we talked abt everything from ebie, to our future, to blowjobs, to homosexuals and bisexuals, to BBs, to sex, to wad they prefer, to clubbing n barring n bengs n mats, to teeth condoms (hehe), to shopping, to eating, to big boobs, to gays and lesbians. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA aniweis i HAD a great time, talked and walked till i have a sore throat n blisters..din wanna go clubbin with them..just din feel like it..think im getting old lar..hahahaha..i cant believe i turned down a night of FREE clubbing! (they wanted me to go so bad they were going to treat me ok!!) sighhh i miss em..but on a brighter note, i got my pay! finally..like after 2 weeks.. but all my money is going into bills, class fees, savings n new books for e new sem..ARGH. on a another note altogether, i think guys are greater drama maamas than us girls. gosh making a big fuss over such a small thing..tsktsk. having a horribleicous headache now..think its cuz i tied my hair whilst it was wet..arfg..feel like banging my head against e wall..aiiikkss... okies i better go to bed earlie..have car-crashing session tmrw..SIGH. (0) comments Tuesday, August 08, 2006 i am officially suffering from night insomnia. night only. cuz i sleep like a pig in e day. shalalalala..i am actually having a SERIOUS MEANINGFUL conversation with shanker..lol..oh wells. miracles do happen. okies this is a very random post. im randomly going to point out that im grateful im alive. also random, its damn hot here. another randomness thought, i miss IRC. RANDOM : im getting more sensitive abt my weight. rising and rising. soon im gonna overflow. randomness again --> my niece is getting clever-er and clever-er..she calls me SISI now..for sitthi (small mum..sth u call yr mum's younger sis.) random - national day is comin. i.e AUGUST. ie. 2006 is almost over! i tot it just started!! rite. off to bed. gonna try to strangle e insomnia thing in e neck n wring it and squeeze all e living night-lights outta it. random P.S hey YOU, dun be so sad..not used to seein u down like tt..dun think just cuz u ruffled my hair, i think everythin's rite. diff ppl have diff opinions. like u and me too. talk it out with that some1, and use this as an opportunity to bond together more..dont be so sad. breaks my heart. :( *hugs* (0) comments Sunday, August 06, 2006 tralalalla dance class todae was BAAADDDDDDD...with a capital BBAAAADDDDD..SIGHS. maybe im just not cut out to be a dancer. or a sitar player. or a student. arghies. i think im cut out to be a waitress. at least i got many good comments whilst doing tt. siiiighhhhhhhhhhh. aniweis kinda silent war going on in my house now. dad vs the maid. dad's really pissed with her, cuz supposedly the washing machine is spoilt and "who else uses the machine but her??". and he's really pissed cuz its just been slightly over 2 yrs since they bought e VERY EXPENSIVE washin machine..so he was complainin to me in e car, on e way to dance..and i was just noddin my head..partly happy that i have an alliane against e maid, and partly guilty cuz i know SOMEONE ELSE (grandm*) who also bangs the washin machine door damn hard and opens it whilst its in e middle of washin n presses all e buttons in hope tt sth will set it on..ah sighs. oh wells. my maid is gettin really irritating tho..she just places my things everywhere!!! argh!! okies those who dun have a maid and are currently cursing me for complainin abt some1 to clean up after me, pls read e following 1. we only have e maid for my grandma. she needs someone to look after her 24/7. we are barely getting by paying her monthly levy and pay. 2. she watches more tv than me. i am NOT exxagerating. 3. i do better housework than her. and ppl who know me well, will know that e only housework i do is. erm. extremely minimal. 4. she's become super lazy these few mths, not doin all her work, making me pick after her, n purposely ignoring my grandma's shouts. okies back to my rants. she is putting me things everywhere!!! argh n really pissing me off. when i tell her to stop cleanin my room, she grumbles under her breadth that if she doesnt, e room will look like a pig sty. HELLO. ITS MY ROOM OK! WHETHER IT LOOKS LIKE A PIG STY OR A HORSE STABLE IS MY PROBLEM! srgesjkfhdjgkhfdghjfdlhgjfd. *pissed.* aniweis since my mum is practically announcing the following everywhere..i mite as well tell u guys.. my elder sis is preggie again!!! yay!!!!!!!!! she's abt 2.5 mths preggie now.and getting fatter and fatter. wahahah. so all u guys there who are kannu-ing my sis (yes u shanker and thinesh), pls note. she is PREGNANT. im so excited. i hope its a boy. so i can have a nephew AND a niece. and it'd be nice to have a boy in e family. like finally. hahaha arhm tmrw got driving. time to get another dose from my instructor. these days im only getting dose. from dance teacher. from sitar teacher. from driving instructor. SIGH. bad bad month. anwieis he whose absence i was basking in is no longer! seems like we will be baskin in his absence forever. sunitha and i are too saddened. we cant believe the end alreadi came. sigh. we din even get to say a proper goodbye..am waiting till i can see him again. ooooh hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-er. pearl's bdae suprise went well! and i even had a spa at her place. lol. it was good spendin time with those girls, tho it'd been more complete with gra and rae. oh wells. cant wait for rae's party on e 26th! wooooot finally, thanga vettai is over. i cant take all e shouting. gives me a heart attack each time she says "SARIYANA PADHIL!! 5 GRAMM THANGAM YEDUTHUKONGAE!!!" my goodness. she has a bigger throat than me! finally e home comp is repaired! weee..brought it down to simlim toddae..got it repaired for 80 bucks. it's pretty ok, as i was thinkin it'd take over a few hundred to get it rite..now FINALLY sangithah can stop using my lappie. speakin of which, my darlin ibook is getting dirtier n dirtier. no more white, more like beige. yucks. anwieis im gonna get a nice cover for my darling. now tt i got a pretty big bag which can hold it, time to get it a cover. im deciding but cant. some help pls! CLICK CLICK CLICK! ANIWEIS do check out my links page yar, got a new banner to help shanker out. CLICK on that too!!! aniweis shanks, thanks for helpin me out with my *lunch* nightmare. ahahha. sounds stupid i know, but it was damn disturbin. lol. okies im off to sleep earlie. (right). have big plans to wake up earli, go for a run, then go for driving. like that will ever happen *snigger* (0) comments Thursday, August 03, 2006 rite its before 12 so i betta do this fast! happy 33rd bdae xiaojie!!!!!! hope u had a greattttt dae!!! MUAH!so wad have i been doing? sleepings, eatings, tuitionings, drivings, watchings tv, shoppings. yes i shopped! woohooo been such a long time since i did that. basically i bought a pair of sandals from C&K (mainly cuz my heels were givin me blisters) and a big bag! woohoo finally got a big bag!! it can store my lappie plus have so much more extra stuff inside. its so nice tt even sunitha n vj bought one each. hahaha. this is called peer shopping. so i finally meet miruna darling after ages!! it was just so good. we (actually just me) had dinner, then we went over to coffebean for coffee and yumsting cheesecake. we just talked and talked and talked. and one of the topics was : "LETTING GO" when do u say "ive had enuf". when do u say "i want out". when do u say "i need to leave" when? i mean im not just talking abt BGR or GGR or BBR (wadeva suits u darlings). im also talking abt friends. when do u say that the friendship has died? that its beyond revival. when do u feel that u cant do anymore, that you are just drained from being the only one trying. when does the reciprocation stop? sometimes i feel its no use trying to be friends with certain ppl anymore, when the chemistry has died, the rapport no longer there, and instead of friends, we are just people who meet up for birthdays/anniversaries/passing of thing, with absolutely nothing in common. furthermore, there seems to be a sense of awkardness lyin ard, not knowing wad to say or do. then, there's a matter of one-sidedness, when one person is doin all he/she can to bring back the friendship to life, while e other just keeps away as much as possible. also, wad is the use of a friendship, when you're only "USED" and remembered when there's sth u can do to help the other person, when the only time they every call, is when they need sth from u, and they on e other hand, just shut u out from their lives so that u never know what they're going thru. u cant help, u cant cry or laugh with them, u cant even give them a shoulder to cry on or a hand to hold, cuz u dunno if they're upset/happy/angry. the worst thing, is to find things out about them, thru others. others who are not even a fraction close to them, not as close as u were. i have come to the stage before. i have wanted to let go before. i have let go before. but stms, it is so difficult. especially when there's such a long history lying before u. then u take a step back n think : so what if ure as complete as strangers as u and the guy who sells tissue paper at e MRT station? u HAD a history. u WERE friends. if there was sth that made u'll friends, that sth HAS to be there still rite? unless of course, that thing is no longer there, and was is left over is an empty void. so if u managed to have a decent r'ship before, why not again? so most of e time, i DONT let go. i keep on hanging. sometimes i even pull. in hope that we'll get back to where we were. and mostly we do. so it mite not be as close as we were before, but we still become friends again. stms, even closer. and if i HAD let go, i never would have re-found my darlings like Vj, Logais, and many others i am choosing not to name.. now that decision is haunting me again, i am being pushed so much. being pushed over the edge. i really do wanna let go, like ive never before. but im preservering, trying my best to keep calm. YOU are pissing me off majorly, and this close to being let go off. but im just remembering our years of friendship, and all that we've gone thru. and all that we are worth. that and ONLY that, is keeping me from letting go. i still love u. but im not sure if i that is enuf. pls, for all of our sakes, do not shut us out. that is not going to help us. remember, i still love u. SIIIIGHHHHHH. argh its 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BDAE PEARLLIE!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE U!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOPEEEEE YR EXAM GOES WELL!!!!!! POOR girl has exam on her bdae. 21st bdae somemore. sigh. oh wells, i laus u!!! okies im tired. got drivin earlie tmrw..needa pay some bills (this is where my money goes for), then meet miruna! we're going shoppin then movies! weeeeeeeet! okies nite ppl muah (0) comments |
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