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Sunday, August 27, 2006 okies many things to blog but i just dun feel like it..lol..FRIDAE went to watch "hunt, play" aka "vettaiyadu vellaiyadu" with yoges and both our bfs..its quite a good movie! i wasn't expecting much but was thoroughly suprised..i shd not have been tho..i mean, afterall, its mr KAMAL HASSAN's movie..well it was like e tamil version of CSI. and since im a mad crazed fan of the latter show, u guys shd know how excited i was...lol..aniweis he's just a great actor..and its a very interesting movie..shd go n watch it guys! e one thing tt irked me was e audience lar..i made a mistake of watchin it e dae it got released..so it was FULL of oorex who came there to shout n cheer n whistle at every single dialogue possible..aiyoh im suprised i even understood e movie..half e time they were either making lame comments or whistling or shouting.. SIGH. NEVER will i go watch a tamilan movie on e DAE of its release AGAIN! also we had quite a interestin time gettin back without takin e cab..lol...last train to kranji..from there last bus to jurong..from there night-rider home..hehehe..wei yishun is like e other part of e universe...if i take cab back i mite as well eat grass for e next few weeks.. SATURDAE this was such a tiring dae..frankly, i am pretty missing laid back saturdaes, where i have nth much to do..just lay back, catch up on lost sleep and yawn lots..ive just been sooo tired these past few saturdaes..SIGH. this saturdae was no different.. but i din go for sitar tho..was havin stomachache n diarrhoea..was havin since e night before..think ate toooo many sweets durin e movie..so i skipped it..then went for tuition..then came back..n just nice to go bathe..dress up for e . . . . "PUNK" party!!! i tell u i had succcccha diff time choosin wad to wear..i just DONT DO PUNK!! retro can, gothic also i can survive ( think: dance eyeliner..hehe), colour theme no problem, summer winter any sseason sure! beach wear ethnic wear right on! but PUNK. i mena PUNK. it is by e far, e most un-appealin dressing for me ( sorrie raeee i still laus u) but however since my darlin rae had made it clear in her invitation that we HAVE to be appropriately dressed and also i have a think abt respectin yr host/hostess's wishes..i took alll e effort in me to relatively LOOK a bit close to punk..put on major dark greyish blackish eyeshadow, long scary eyeliner, looooads of mascara, lipgloss is a petrifyin dark purple, super mini studded denim skirt and a black spag top...with.....BLACK PANTYHOSE AND HEELS to complete e look ( at this point of time i have to thank my darlin jo for buyin e panty hose or she'll just use it to strangle me) and after mucccch walkin (sorriee jo) we finally got to penny black...and i realised, i SHD NOT HAVE BOTHERED TO DRESS UP!!!!!!!!!!! besides e bdae girl and her sidekick mr Jeff, noone else looked remotely punk lar..just wear one black top and its like "yah i have black so u cant blame me" like waddahell?? pantyhose is really uncomfy u know! never know when its gonna rip and i was wearin it with 5 inch high heels! like hello?? wad sacrifice all i made?!? sigh...oh wells. anythin for my darlin girl.. heheheh aniweis e parrtty was good..e cake was heavenly..and looked like it could compete with NDP's fireworks..LOL..we posed many many but none of it is being sent to me!! so u guys just gotta wait to see e pics...aniweis it was also extra nice cuz for once everyone was there..without e bf/gfs...so we cld just talk..and talk..just felt good..took MANYYYY pics...and rae seemed to like her pressies and e cake (i think) and i think it was a success..i was just too tired to go clubbin with her so went home for an "Early" nite in...rufus was so kind as to fetch me alllll e way to my carpark..aaaaaaawww... SUNDAE AGAIN another tiring dae...im beginnin to dread weekends..woke up for vinayagar sathurthi prayers..ran late and rushed down for driving..was quite horrendous la..i almost broke his gear box...SIGH...i really think one dae i will have to drive him to e nearest hospital in case he gets a heart attack while instructin me...SIGH.. after drivin went for tuition at cck...then came home n started gettin ready for dance..left home..had MY LAST CLASS WITH BHAKTHAN..sobsobsobsobsobsob...im gonna missssssss him..we're tryin to think of a plan to move over permanently to his class..but sighh....not as easy as it sounds when we've been with e same teacher for 4 years ++++ SIGH..aniweis we learnt finish e pushpanjali..and he was like laughin at me lar..i mean i may be a dancer and all but ive got ABSOLOUTELY no sense of balance..so i hate all those poses where both my feet are not nicely touchin e ground WHERE THEY SHD BE!! ANIWEIS bhakthan is very ambitious for us..so he gave us like some ridiculous shiva poses where if could, he would prob make it such tt both of my feet r off e ground..i swear!! so obviously i looked like a klutz la..and i cldnt do it..just cldnt! i wld start shakin n wobblin n almost crash into yoges or melanie..then he wld just give me a loook like "how on earth did u get to year 4??" and then i cld ONLY do it when im concentratin REAL hard and practising like for 10mins str8 before that..so he was like "ah all alone means can do perfectly, but ask to do durin e dance itself cannot..how like that?" he said it in tamil and was kinda laughin..sigh...im going to mish him..but he'll come for our class next week..to sing out e song he taught us to show auntie padmini wad we have learnt..when he said that i gave him this look that said "rite..great..i get to fall one more week" and he just laughed n said "good luck" i laus his voice btw...like in LUST with his VOICE. ANIWEIS AFTER dance went to e vinayagar temple in loyang cuz its my fav God's birthdae!!!! i love ganesha...aniweis went there to wish him happy birthdae! i actually sang e birthdae song for him...and my mum just stared at me like i went bonkers. im getting that look quite alot these days... aniweis spent alot of time there..tooooo much time..watchin n hearin e extremely loud concert..most of it was nice but there was a fewwwww songs tht i felt wasnt very appropriate for e temple..i mean we're in a holy site ppl! aniweis there was these few girls who were dancin, well hopin ard..aiyah i din realli like it cuz its kinda of spoiling the name of bharathanatiyam.. aniweis my mum was tryin to convince me thaat its NOT barathanatiyam but folk dance but oh wells..i wasn't happy..cuz she was wearin temple jewellery and kondai and e whole hair and all...SIGH. aniweis im finally back homeeeee and dead knackered..needa do my tutorial for my very first tutorial for e semester!!! hehehehehe...nite ppl love all MUAH. p.s malz it was PUNK not goth!!! and rishi, i laus u for lausin my blog...aaaaaaaaw....
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