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Saturday, August 19, 2006 so i just got back from a night out with malini..we had dinner at a wonderful turkish restaurant called SOFRA and went to watch "never say goodbye"actually i dun feel like bloggin abt e movie cuz its one of RARE few SHAH RUKH KHAN movie tt i dun really like..and i think e only reason u shd go n watch e movie is because of e glitz n glamour, nice beautiful songs and the wonderful actors (sharukh sharukh sharukh sharukh)..the storyline is a lil siao..i think im not prepared for it..toooooo forward for hindi movies la..i still like e good ol family/love/sobsob movies..it just didnt agree with me lar.. aniweies me n malz made a new fren at e cinema...HEHEHEHEHEH..i think he wanted to say bye n talk more to us but i ran out cuz he was laughin at me when i was cryin..HMPH. enjoyed myself loads with malz..as usual, we do e funniest things n end up laughin n laughing n laughin. there was this really serious part of e movie n both of us were laughin sooo loud i swear they were gonna throw us out..lol... *in out once only ah? so fast ah?* and we purposely drove past amaran to wave to all e tamilan..but...NO OONE WAS OUTSIDE..so we just signalled to e bouncer..hehehehehe.. so tmrw is gayathri's arrangetram..im still decidin which saree to wear..will prob go with e brown one..the only one with a proper blouse..LOL. i hope everythin goes ok..sigh...still think they need more ppl who actually know wad a dance arrangetram is about..oh wells... oh yar, for those who wish to know, my sis is discharged n feelin better...and.....and......and.....i saw a cute doctor at NUH!!!!! wheeet..north indian..looks like a rajesh or a rajiv...hehehhee...oooh.. *imagines grey's anatomy* okies gotta get up earlie to sell my coursepack to some girl at 8 bloody 30 am. SIGH. nite ppl..MUAH.
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