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Friday, April 23, 2004 so its finally fridae! woohoo!juz reached home abt 45 mins ago from NUH..my cuzin's wife gave birth ydae!!! but sadly.noone tot i was impt enuf n i wasnt told till todae! grrrr.. aniwei ma parents, ma 2 sisters n me went over to NUH at abt 6 plus to visit e lil bundle of joy n ma cuzin-in-law..the boy (yeah its a boy), he's soooooooo cute!!!@!@!@! ah i cant take it! he's soooo cute!! his lil eyelids refused to open cuz e glare from e light was too bright, then we had to shield his eyes from e lil..then he slowly fluttered his eyelids open..n his eyes are soooo beautiful! like his ultra sharp nose, and pouty lips n rosy cheeks n soft soft soft soft skin n fingers n all..sigh..im in love. i cant wait fer ma sis's baby to be born! im gonna pamper her like no aunty has eva done before! wooohoo! then it was so adorable, cuz santhya, my cuzin's elder dotter, who's 6..is so jealous! hahaha..i mean she was like protecting her brother n all la, n refusin to let anyone carry him n calling him "my baby" (we tried correcting her, sayings its "my brother" but she juz screamed) n touching him n kissin him n all..but everytime everyone's attention was turned to e baby, she'd start screaming n pointing to herself n doin sth silly..then once when she tot noone was looking, she was threatenin e baby that she'd poke his eyes.whhehe..was quite fun la, we were all toking baby stories n tryin to prepare ma sis..she looked abit overwhelmed.WAHAHAHA. then we were toking abt how my elder sis used to pinch me n bully me cuz she was jealous.and how my mum was like "aiayh anything la" cuz it was alreadi her second pregnancy but quite excited fer ma younger sis cuz she was e last baby.sigh.eh.now u wonder why i always say i got deprived childhood. met 2 ppl at e hospital.one's ma sec school fren n fellow npcc squadmate (GASP.YES.I WAS FROM NPCC) yanlin..she was there as an attachee nurse fer ma cuzin's ward..so coincidental rite..hahaha..then i met shoba, ma senior frm crescent as well, at e entrance of e hosp..was wif her quite act-cool bf..heh.. tmrwq ive got spasticated sports dae earli in e wee mornin then drama IMMEDIATELY after that all e way till 5 plus, then gotta come home, rush, and change n go fer this dance performance at victoria theatre fer which ma darlg sunitha nair is dancing.heh.i promised her i'll bring tomatos to throw at her..BWAHAHHA. oh its also reshma's bdae tmrw! and guo liang (vik's good fren) ROM tmrw..supposed to go fer it...BUT cuz of spasticated sports dae n drama which i CANT skip..unless i want a personal lesson from miss k, i cant go fer e ROM which is like in e morng..nvm..will make sure i go fer da traditional weddin.. sigh ma lil sis has been irritating me lots lately..and now she's whinin abt how she needs to use e comp..so i guess i betta go before i beat her up.or vice versa.nite peeps.muah. (0) comments Wednesday, April 21, 2004 im perspiring.sweat's dripping of me.i feel so hot, so so hot.WHY? cuz my fan's USELESS! hahahaha. well, todae was a rather good dae.i think. the first period of e dae, pe, was rather tortorous.mr ong, who's usually always in a good mood, was in a supppppaaa pms-mood todae.but i think his pms-in was justified lar. ma class aint reali e creme of e crop ya know? then he was like lecturing us wif his ultra black-but-still-handsome face (eh he's like the gorgeous-est teacher in sa aight!) n how he will never pass if we go on blabla n how he's so dissapointed wif us cuz some of us (yeah i know, me SOMETIMES) cheat on our circuit trainings.then i dunno, tat lecture juz basically made all of us buck up.maybe cuz we've never reali seen him so pissed b4.quite scary. yeah, we were told that we haf to do e circuit trainin as a class, and no more in groups, and that we haf to follow e pace of e slowest person, or we'd haf to re-do everythin again. so we started, was rather, no very tedious. i rather runnin long distance str8 then circuit. circuit's reali drainin.we do certain items like push-ups, sit-ups, burp-ups, mountain-climbs, crunches, step ups etc then go run one rd, then start the whole circle again. did a total of abt 5 rounds.but i can assure u that runnin 8 rds wld haf been MUCH less tiring. but i dun think e circuit trainin itself was wad we rememberd e most. cuz as i said earlier, we were told to follow e pace of e slowest member rite? but certain ppl in my class are more atheletic, that CANT be argued.so i guess its onli natural they run faster n all.so we had to keep shoutin to ask e front ppl to slow down n let e back ppl catch up.tempers reali flared cuz not every1 listened, some juz continued runnin n turned a deaf ear upon e rest of us.n certain ppl who were shoutin reali shouted quite offensively, n vulgairites were spewed.quite tense.yeah, but i guess we all figured we betta do it together or every1's gonna get into sheit, so it got betta as we did more rounds.yup, rawk on 03s54! i know we can do it aight? im sorrie if i offended anyone, i tried my best not to..but if i did..sorrie! yup e surprising thing fer me is, well i wasnt so tired out by e runnin itself, but more of e items.usually, its e other way rd, cuz i ABSOLOUTELY detest runnin.its e one thing in e world i wld actually say i DETEST WIF ALL MY HEART.but i think ive changed.maybe due to TAF. we haf afternoon runs twice a week (me n pearline) n ma stamina has greatly improved, n runnin is actually becomin *gasp* rather enjoyable! yeah, when i run i dun think of anyhting else, juz look at e grd, listen to e thumping (or stomping) of my feet against e worn out track, n tell myself "no pain no gain". this weight loss thing is reali obsessin my mind! and not cuz of other ppl la.its myself too.i'd love to fit into more clothes, to be able to to look into e mirror w/o those fats dangling n all.n of course, my navel piercing n hip tatoo wld onli look nice if done on nice abs aight? hahaha. the irony is that, i started runnin so much n workin out to get out of TAF cuz i hated afternoon runs, but then, now i dun reali mind runnin so much that even if i DO get outta taf, id prob continue runnin.ahahaha. pearl says ive changed.yes i haf.im becommin healthier perhaps.finally taking an interest in atheletics.haha.finally interested in sweating.hmm well, i wldnt say finally, cuz there haf been certain periods of ma life where ive suddenly become fitness freak.n lost LOTS of weight.then after that i got lazy, n went back to ma "i-dun-care-i-live-onli-once-so-im-not-gonna-bother" phase. but now, it seems diff, maybe i wun get back to that phase.yeah.hopefully.hehe. phew, so much juz abt ma new health fitness? bwahaha.oh ya update, lost 200g from ydae! hahaha.yay! at this rate, i SHOULD be outta taf in abt 2 mths time, max.SHOULD LA. hmm, met sunitha, applied fer ma final theory.she applied for some stimulator class.she was tellin me abt her instructors n driving lessons.sounds quite interesting.i cant wait fer As to be ova, so tt i can actually start on ma driving lessons! wohho! hmm, tmrw melanie n me haf to make announcements to e school regarding drama's play. miss k picked us. *shudder* so muz do good job. i'll be announcin to e yr1s cuz mel said she'd be more comfortable wif e yr2s.yup.drama tix sale starts tmrw.hope ma frens come by.but if they cant, i guess i'll understand.aniwei the play aint that interesting. oops.im not supposed to say that. heh. :P (0) comments Monday, April 19, 2004 sigh.well, am pretty ok now i guess.a fren of mine told me certain things that made me see stuff in a diff light.heh.thanks.u know who u are.yup. :)well, sch was quite hilarious todae.cuz daljit, well..erm..experimented wif toothpaste n tt resulted in some reali hilarious situation..ahaha..ah well gurl, dun worrie, im sure it'd get betta soon.. and joey is botak! hahaa well not totally botak but NSmen hair-style.he looks like a lil boy jail convict..hahahaha..so funny! i misss his bootiful hair! well, seems he did it fer rugby, but i dun see ALL e rugby guys wif such short hair..siggz..ah well, this hairstyle is damn nice to touch..like some soft toy..hahaha..was tellin him that he shd charge ppl fer touchin his head.. "5 bucks to touch me" HAHA. hmm, well i cut ma hair.bwaha.its real short now, like till ma shoulders.EVERYONE says i look small gurl now.so sad.i'll prob be asked fer ID even if i wanna buy jolly shandy.can onli buy milk.sigh.hahaha.but ah well, can look younger n erm, well, erm, look younger? bwahaha, this week's gonna be ma last "free" week till the 8th of may.from next mondae onwards, i'll be havin rehearsals EVERY SINGLE DAY (except fer sundaes, but guess wad.ive got dance on sundaeS!ggrrr), till e play dates..which are may 7th n 8th.sighx.well, e onli reason im lookin forward to it is cuz its e END of it.sigh. this yr's juz not e same as last yr's drama.last yr's was so enjoyable.everydae was so fun.we'd actually LOOK FORWARD fer reharsals.n have soooooo much fun.each rehearsal promised laughter, fun, gossip sessions, gettin to know each other betta n more laughter. but now, its so mundane.rehearsals are juz abt rehearsals.we dun reali tok or know each other well enuf, we dun bond, we dun laff, we juz rehearse.its so, artghj,sucky.sigh.i tot id like drama life.maybe even aspire to be an actor.but i dunno, maybe wad i had last yr was cuz i was lucky.cuz all ma dearie frens were in drama n made it all e more enjoyable.maybe? im not sure.maybe its juz me.maybe im forcin myself to NOT enjoy drama.like as if to prove a point tt nothing can beat last yr's.maybe im juz livin in a memory, hopin to bring it back.sigh.i dunno.all i know is i cant wait fer MAY 8TH. (0) comments Saturday, April 17, 2004 stms i wish i wasnt reali born into ma family.they can be a tad too frank that it hurts ma feelings. i know families are supposed to be da ones who can be frank, but stms.limits shd be observed. i know i aint pretty,slim,gorgeous,tall,good-looking or anything.but u dun haf to rub it into my face. seriosuly. im sick of hearin ppl gg on abt how pretty n gorgeous ma elder sis is, how slim n pretty my younger sis is gettin, how sweet n pretty my mum is.suprise isn't it.all e girls in ma family are "wonderful" cept a certain some1. so some mite think im exxagerating.but no, as i said.they can get too frank. im sick of hearin lines like "kala, gosh haf u been eatin more? ure gettin sooo fat!" or "kala, seems like yr other 2 sisters got all e looks in e family huh?" or "kala, we said pretty.toking abt umaka.not u." though it mite seem INSANELY ABSURB,that i mite act get HURT by these comments, i DO. so wad if its onli abt e superficial beauty? so wad if its onli abt e exterior? it still hurts.big time. we were toking abt e miss vasantham contestants todae.then my mum was saying she wants to train my younger sis to become one of e future contestants.she said, "yeah betta start trainin her now, if not she'll end up like kala like that". i was so shocked.like, she's my own mother.and ah well.i mite as well shut up.its never goona change. im no beauty queen.i know that. but it'd be good if they didnt mention it so often. (0) comments Thursday, April 15, 2004 so tired.but its alrdi thurs.so i guess its pretty ok.juz one long long long long long tiring dae to go!meetin nair tmrw.yay!mish tt moron.met pearl ydae.been so long since i met that cow.she's still da same as eva.missed her so much! and all e other cows! sighz.seems as if we're all meetin up juz fer bdaes.next up will be jo's.sighz.ah well, hopefully things will get betta once they start U. met one of ma frens todae.percy.she came back to sch.was talking to her.she did reali well! that gurl got 3 As! i knew percy was clever but wpah 3 As! n percy's no nerd.she's a great, cool, happenin rawkin chic.ah well, i haf hope. :) had some boggie interntl fr-ship dae banner paintin thingee todae.ma class did russia.turned out pretty good.n was fun too.juz that certain ppl were'nt reali into it la, so quite sad.and ma left sleeve's all blueee now! argh. weather's sooooo hot nowadaes! e onli workin air-con in ma house is da one in ma parents room.and nowadays eir room smells of fresh paint.but.no paint.hmm.veeeiirddd.so aniwei, im act. lookin forward to gg to school cuz....of e aircon! baahaha.god bless air-conditioned schools.wheee! oooooh my sis went fer her dr's appt! ITS A GIRLIEEEEEE!! WOOHOO!!! im gg to haf a nieeeeeeceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! wooo.can dress up n doll up.wooooooo. i saw my baby todae! wheeeee! i love him.wahaha.its my blog.i'll write wadeva i want.i'll write mushy stuff.i'll write stupid stuff.cuz its mine! met his dad todae.cuz he was sendin me off to e bus-stop.then we were waitin fer e green man to come.then this man was standin at e opp side of e rd.so i casually mentioned, "eh tt guy look veh familiar know.u know him not?". reply: "yeah.he's my dad." haha.ah well, didnt reali tok cuz we were in e middle of crossin e rd.ah.CROSSROADS.bah.but i said hi. :) ok.i shall go attempt to study nitrogenous cps.gt stewpig test tmrw.quite freaked.onli 10 more weeks fer blk tst 2.dun want repeat telecast of blk tst 1.sighz. (0) comments Monday, April 12, 2004 im so proud of myself.actually did my hw! :o tmrw's tamil new yr! HAPPY NEW YR! HAPPY NEW YR! PUTHAANDU VAALTHUKAL!! HAPPY NEW YEAR! VAVoOOM VaA VrOoOM. ok.dunno why i wrote that for. hmm.my mummy lost her fone. :( she left it at e toilet at her workplace, fergot abt it, remembered 5 mins later, went back.and WHOOSH.its gone. all u dishonest ppl! *wags finger at notty ppl* GIVE MY MUMMY BACK HER FONE! *at this point of time, it shd be noted that MUA gave mummy her fone.ME.I bought it fer mummy. * so im gg to be a good dotter. going to buy fer her a new phone.mother's dae comin. *SHHHHH! DUN TELL!* till then, im sorrie mummie u gotta survive w/o a phone.or borrow anu auntie's phone. STOP STARING AT MY FONE! ITS MINE! IM PHONE-DEPENDANT! MY PHONE IS MY ECSTACY!.ok ecstacy out liaoz.MY FONE IS MY KETAMINE! I CANT GIVE IT TO YOU! NOOOOOOOOOO... SIGHS.maybe i shdnt do my homework too often. :/ (0) comments Friday, April 09, 2004 TODAE was a good dae!mainly cuz i met ma baby after a week.baha.and it was his treat.baha.cuz im freaking broke. :( and well, hmmmm..i got to sleep in cuz its GOOOOOOOD FRIDAE! HAPPY GOOD FRIDAE to all christians/catholics..hope every1's all happy..n easter's comin soon..yumz..many chocs out there durin this period.BUT.kala's on a diet.and she's gonna stick to it.800g lost in a week.the signs look positive.the light is out there! the slim figure is approaching! wooooo went to watch da prince n me todae..not bad..typical romance, chick flick.wif cute guys.drools.think his name is luke walby.or sth like tt.woah.real cute. vik n me had a slight arguement abt da sensibility of romance flicks.i was tryin to explain tt romance doesnt neces. make sense.but SOMEONE doesnt agreee.nimwicks.brrr aniwei, WINNIE aka ma larling, HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAE!!! (ok abiiiiit belateed)..im so shorrie i fergot..real real real real sorrie k?!@! aniwei betta late than neva! and its onlie one dae late k..so dun complain so much..yeah thanx so much fer bein such a wonderful larling, all those lafter n e gossip sessions we shared back in 02 in class.still remember how boring class was w/o u.sigh no talking khaki.hehe.n thanks fer all e online accompanionment, n "lessons" online..betta be more mature yaa..gg NS on mon liaoz..so gg to say byebye to yr hair..wahahah..sorrie i cant come fer da dinna tmrw.im realiz broke.n quite bz tmrw as well..but i WILL meet u b4 u botak kz?! stay adorable as eva..i laus u! and u will always be ma LARLING! *muUAaAhh* was also ma dearie gracia's bdae ydae..but she doesnt reali read ma blog..well in case ure readin this gra, HAPPY 19TH bdae!! thanks fer being such a great part of ma life..we've all been thru so much, n u're the one tt ive reali been thru much wif..class was made good cuz of u..the yrs we spent sittin down together..n how my portion of e table wld be so damn messy, n yrs sparkling..n how ud wake me up durin bio n how id play wif yr hair durin gp n how'd ud freak me out wif yr constant studying N managing to play as well..haha..all those fun we had..i dare say we were e loudest pair in class..n 3 yrs haf passed so fast since we left crescent, but u still haf such a big piece of ma heart..such a dearie u'll always be..so sweet so cleveeeeeer so intellectual yet so taitai-wanna be..bwahhaha..love ya always dearie..MUAAAAAHHHH hmm.tt's quite alot fer someone who isn't gonna read it.hmm.on second tot, i shd reali MAKE her read this.bwahaha. tmrw's long long dae.baaaaaaaaaaaaaah.arghhhh.hopefully can see ma baby.cuz he's gg off to camp again next week. gotta get down to serious studying again. *in denial* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. (0) comments Thursday, April 08, 2004 stms i reali hate..well not hate, but dislike my maid intensely.*she talks too much.gets involved in ma family matters tt she cldnt be involved in. *she doesnt reali do her work nowadays.spents too much time doin above. *gets reali bitchy if i ask her to help me do some stuff. e.g. ironing.why? cuz she'll be watching suntv. *as above, she watches too much suntv.even more than i watch disney/nickelodeon/starworld combined. *she makes ma room "all neat" and then loses my stuff in da process. but basically, i dun like it t she acts like one person in front of ma grandma n parents, and another in front of me n ma elder sis.cuz my younger sis likes her la. sigh.but stms, my heart goes out to her.earlier on, i was on ma way to e LoOOoO, then she was on e fone, wid her family back in Sri Lanka.. she seemed so sad, so tired out n withered, so worried.i cld practically feel her worry being in da same place as her.her sis's gettin married soon.and basically, her family think she's some muli-millionaire over here.so they're tryin to make her support the whole wedding.which is quite stupid.cuz she got her own weddin to worrie abt.i mean, she's 30 plus n single.the guy she's supposed to marry, well dunno much abt him, dunno if he's still waiting. she's sendin back almoz every penny she earns here.nth much left fer her. these past 5 yrs or so workin for us, she hasn't bought anythin much fer herself.my mother scolded her e other dae, fer not savin up fer herself n sendin every penny home.n God knows if THAT money is used properly.sigh.every letter she gets is mostly abt how they need more money fer some weird expenditure and how there's some new problem tt's come up.basically, all negativities. i reali pity her sometimes. the times when she gets letters from home, and the expression i see on her face, as if thinking.."tthere's no end to this" and the concern i hear on her voice everytym she talks to her family members, everytym she tries to discipline her reali rebeliious younger bro who refuses to go sch (he's 14), everytime she gets her pay n sends it all back to them, starin back at e "nothingness" tt remains, everytime she talks to my mum n grandma abt e problems back home, belief it..there are ALOT of problems. her dad passed away a few yrs ago, when she was workin wif us.we offered to pay fer her tix home, so that she cld attend to e last rites n be wif her family.but she didnt want to, saying its no point n wad's happened has happened, n not to waste e money cuz she'll need it to send back.sigh.i reali felt like crying then, on her behalf.my mum told her not to work fer a week, while she sat there starin into open sapce.sigh. now tt i think of it, maybe all those nitty gritty stuff tt i get irritated wif her abt, isnt reali worth gettin irritated over.i mean, compared to all that she's gone thru? still gg thru? its nothing..so she watches too much tv..wif all the drama in her life, maybe e tv drama's e onli thing she can relate too..so she talks too much, u cant expect a person to haf a mouth n do nth abt it..heck i can be talkative too..so she's slacking..so do we..dun tell me we all keep up straight A grades thru e yr? and she's juz doin her job cleanin my room. i shd cut her some slack.we, juz going thru stress in sch, complain so much and act as if we're going to die any moment juz cause we've got extra stuff to cram into our minds.but in da mind, we're the ones who are gonna succeed..but look at yr foreign domestic helpers. they travel all the way here, away from their loved ones and homeland, to earn abit more so that they can support others.not themselves, not most of e time anyway.most of them are rather highly educated (my maid was a nurse back in Sri Lanka) and they suffer so much here, so much humiliation, so much suffering, abuse, mental anxiety, worry, concern so much everything.n we juz pick fault at them fer failing at something at a totally new, different environment.sigh. i'm guilty of this too..a few days ago, ma classmates and i were totally puttin down our maids.and i feel rather bad abt it now, cuz i didnt reali think abt all this then.i'm aware that there ARE some rather haughty,obnoxious,irritatating and well, iderts who haf no possible proper reasonin fer their behavioour. but now, maybe we all can think abt wad our maids are going thru inside, before we put them down fer their actions? (0) comments Sunday, April 04, 2004 ydae was good..well not e first part tho..ma cuzin's commissionin parade got cancelled cuz of e rain..so sad..they trained so so many many many daes..ah well..i got ma testosterone treat from e audience *yummz*went over to harbour front to meet da girls..was fun as usual..ate at pasta mania then went over to starbucks n tok cok there till after closing hours..felt real good cuz EVERYONE was there..even miruna..left there abt 11 pm..then took e nel down town..me n vik walked to lido after sendin miru off..juz toked there till abt 1...viv joined us..gosh he looks so diff..gettin cuter..bahaha..lol..watched e angelina jolie movie..taking lifes..its not tt bad la..thinkin movie..abit freaky..but generally typical of thinkin movies.hmm.does tt make sense? saw 2 prostitutes on da walk down to meridien.gosh.i was so shocked.cuz i tot they were normal clubbers comin outta marriot hotel.i mean ok, they were less dressed than most ppl.but e word "prostitute" didnt jump into my mind.then they were walking in front of us.and these 2 men saw them.most prob iranians or sth.n started signallin 2 em.then e girls walked over to em n started discussin rates n walked off togeta!!! *faints* sigh..one was realllllliiiiii skinny.wore a white halter wif a skirt which was juz enuf to cover her vagina.sorriee fer e crudeness but its true.the "length" of e skirt stopped where her legs began.n im not exxagerating.the other was was reallllll plum.she wore a boob tube n ultra TIGHT mini skirt.her fats were juz boobling.i mean, im not against fat ppl, (im one of em) but she looked realiiiiii terrible! like..arghg.get more clothes pls.im gettin sore eyes. so i was still recoverin from e shock.n viv n vik were tryin to convince me its normal.hmm.guess im too sheltered.read abt it in da papers, seen e pics.but never reali affected me like it did ydae.i mean, sigh if they're doin it fer e money, pls there ARE other ways of makin money besides sellin yrself.sure, they mite not bring in so much cash, but.i rather be financially debted than morally debted.but well, tt's juz me.maybe they dun see a big deal.many ppl dun.they mite juz be doin it, not fer e money, but juz bcuz they can.maybe juz to get a free drink? to make "more frens?" to haf a nite's stay at some posh hotel? sigh. then we were juz toking cok outside meridien..mainly abt movies, ghost stories (which reali freaked me out, cuz there was pontianak-resembling woman sleepin a few tables away..never movinh) n girls n guys.was fun.laffin away, gettin spooked.arguin.blabla. took the first bus home.reached clementi abt 6 plus.vik sent me home.all 3 of us were snoozin away on da bus.me n vik were juz sittin at clementi toking till 7 plus.then i went home n so did he.i fell asleep immed n onli woke up at 2.lol.am still kinda tired. met nair n vj juz now.fer nair's bdae.was kinda fun as well.but i was too tired from dance class.as usual.oh.my teacher told us that we're act more advanced tt we shd be.so she mite be skippin one level fer us.great.im happy, but tt means more tiring classes.sigh.heh ah well, im off to watch fight club.cheerios. (0) comments Thursday, April 01, 2004 life sux.:) (0) comments |
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