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Saturday, April 17, 2004 stms i wish i wasnt reali born into ma family.they can be a tad too frank that it hurts ma feelings. i know families are supposed to be da ones who can be frank, but stms.limits shd be observed. i know i aint pretty,slim,gorgeous,tall,good-looking or anything.but u dun haf to rub it into my face. seriosuly. im sick of hearin ppl gg on abt how pretty n gorgeous ma elder sis is, how slim n pretty my younger sis is gettin, how sweet n pretty my mum is.suprise isn't it.all e girls in ma family are "wonderful" cept a certain some1. so some mite think im exxagerating.but no, as i said.they can get too frank. im sick of hearin lines like "kala, gosh haf u been eatin more? ure gettin sooo fat!" or "kala, seems like yr other 2 sisters got all e looks in e family huh?" or "kala, we said pretty.toking abt umaka.not u." though it mite seem INSANELY ABSURB,that i mite act get HURT by these comments, i DO. so wad if its onli abt e superficial beauty? so wad if its onli abt e exterior? it still hurts.big time. we were toking abt e miss vasantham contestants todae.then my mum was saying she wants to train my younger sis to become one of e future contestants.she said, "yeah betta start trainin her now, if not she'll end up like kala like that". i was so shocked.like, she's my own mother.and ah well.i mite as well shut up.its never goona change. im no beauty queen.i know that. but it'd be good if they didnt mention it so often.
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