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Thursday, April 15, 2004 so tired.but its alrdi thurs.so i guess its pretty ok.juz one long long long long long tiring dae to go!meetin nair tmrw.yay!mish tt moron.met pearl ydae.been so long since i met that cow.she's still da same as eva.missed her so much! and all e other cows! sighz.seems as if we're all meetin up juz fer bdaes.next up will be jo's.sighz.ah well, hopefully things will get betta once they start U. met one of ma frens todae.percy.she came back to sch.was talking to her.she did reali well! that gurl got 3 As! i knew percy was clever but wpah 3 As! n percy's no nerd.she's a great, cool, happenin rawkin chic.ah well, i haf hope. :) had some boggie interntl fr-ship dae banner paintin thingee todae.ma class did russia.turned out pretty good.n was fun too.juz that certain ppl were'nt reali into it la, so quite sad.and ma left sleeve's all blueee now! argh. weather's sooooo hot nowadaes! e onli workin air-con in ma house is da one in ma parents room.and nowadays eir room smells of fresh paint.but.no paint.hmm.veeeiirddd.so aniwei, im act. lookin forward to gg to school cuz....of e aircon! baahaha.god bless air-conditioned schools.wheee! oooooh my sis went fer her dr's appt! ITS A GIRLIEEEEEE!! WOOHOO!!! im gg to haf a nieeeeeeceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! wooo.can dress up n doll up.wooooooo. i saw my baby todae! wheeeee! i love him.wahaha.its my blog.i'll write wadeva i want.i'll write mushy stuff.i'll write stupid stuff.cuz its mine! met his dad todae.cuz he was sendin me off to e bus-stop.then we were waitin fer e green man to come.then this man was standin at e opp side of e rd.so i casually mentioned, "eh tt guy look veh familiar know.u know him not?". reply: "yeah.he's my dad." haha.ah well, didnt reali tok cuz we were in e middle of crossin e rd.ah.CROSSROADS.bah.but i said hi. :) ok.i shall go attempt to study nitrogenous cps.gt stewpig test tmrw.quite freaked.onli 10 more weeks fer blk tst 2.dun want repeat telecast of blk tst 1.sighz.
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