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Tuesday, March 30, 2004 sighhhhhh i hate tutorials..chem,bio,maths..cant do a single shit! woohoo! so prd of maself.. :/my blog is so boring!!! Boring! BORING! boring! BORING! boring! BORING! my sis's tummy is cho big.big. she's getting fat.fat.fat.very fat.fatter than me! HAH! fer once! she no more stick! bwahahaha. i cant wait to see ma nephew/niece! wheee! sex this thurs. all unveiled sex of e baby. sickos. (0) comments Monday, March 29, 2004 so i didnt go clubbin in e end.so anti-climax..haha..lotsa ppl PANG SEH me and i realized e money i was supposed to get wasnt gonna come..sooooo..its been postponed to this sat! woohoo! beginnin of e mth..more ppl got more money..anyone wanna come?school has begun proper..as in lessons and all..we had a new classmate todae..actualli its an old classmate fer me..suan wood..who was in ma first yr1 class..hmm..due to certain circumstances, she's back in sa, in ma class..well hope she feels comfortable in our class and that she fits in alrite! after all, ma classmates are all angels..includin maself! bwahahahaha oh got back half..or rather 3/4 of ma bio results..passed SO FAR..got 16/25 for ma MCQ and 44/80 fer ma structured..im act quite happy cuzi i usually FAIL bio! wooohooo!!! hopefully i do well enuf for ma essay..which is upon 20.. *prays* aniwei im off to do some hw, sleep, do more hw and then study.yes.im a nerd.kala e nerd strikes again! woohoo! and she's gonna stay!! (excluding certain weekends n public holidays) till block tests 2! woohoo! or at least for e next 1 mth..bwahaha.. (0) comments Saturday, March 27, 2004 wow! got so many things to sayy..dunno where to start!ok firstly, ydae's bbq at jc's place was greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!! we had soooo much food..cldnt finish..as usual..and we visited the extreeeeemeeeeeeeeee scary blue house..a police car stopped to "scold" us..lol..and then we went back to jc's house where we rocked e nite away tellin FREAKY ghost stories togetha wif alcohol n ice cream n so fluffy cushions..yumyum..was damn freaky man..cldnt sleep when i got home..haha..we left there abt 1145..and we ran like hell cuz we tot we missed e last bus..and the stupid guys were laffin at us, cuz it actually wasnt! then we took a cab home (us girls) cuz my curfew fer ydae was 12! lala..reached home juz in time.. was reali damn fun mannn...hehe..so much craziness..juz laffin n toking cok n "dancing" n cookin n jokin n screamin..stupid ganesh n daljit were scarin every poor passer-by cuz they threatened to kill them..lol..poor ppl..lol..then oh ya, got lotsa bottles left over..so i brought home one long island tea bottle..one of ma favs..then i hid it in ma cupboard n my mummy saw it!! togeta wif my other collection of bottles! all alcoholic!! haha i told her that im helpin ma fren keep..cuz she got no more space at home, n she collects all this stuff..she believed me..phew..my acting not bad sia..lol.. so aniwei todae, some shit abt gg school at 7 am..instead i didnt.thank god.haha..then met sam in town to catch a movie..the thai movie..MY GIRL..was so damn funny!!! and reali nostalgic..n sad..at e same time..yeahhh...aniwei the lead actors are soooooo cute!!!! they are kids btw..... but reali! the kid's so pretttyy!!! and the lead actor..character's named JAEM..reali cute as well!! such big pretty eyes and red lips..and this other actor...character's named BOY (reali..) is super duper super duper super duper adorable..sigh..those dimples..those baby eyes..that perfect smile..hehehe..wow im so in love wif them! aniwei the movie's real good! shd go catch it ok?! ok! then after that we went over to suntec fer that SINDA cip thinge..on e way visited meena at her workplace..raffles city marks n spencer..but cld onli stay there fer like a few mins cuz we were alreadi late..aniwei i'll b seein her..n sunitha naz n vj..tmrw so its ok..yeah then we reached suntec..the cip thing was soooooooooo tiring ok..sigh..the room is liike HUGGGGGGGEEEEE...hundreds of tables..and im SERIOUSLY not exxagerating..and we had to do our work like TWICE OVER..cuz of some stupid cock up-entirely NOT our fault..sigh..nvm..its fer good..lalala..so tired...then we went to eat dinna at kfc@suntec then juz got home at abt 10-ish, 11...sigh..so tireeedd..legs all soooooo painful..but chris is like supa duper happy cuz she got to meet n TALK to her goody..haha was so hilarious..the way she was "flirting" wif him..but i seriously think he likes her as well..lol..they'd make a real funny couple..as in humourous funny..not weird funny..but its chris..so mayb e latter applies as well..hahahaha.. tmrw im gg clubbin!!!!!!! wooooohoooooo!!!! first time in like..9 mths?!@?! wheeee! moz prob gg LONDON NITES..got party over there..vj, resh, thinesh, my cuz, vivian, vik are e probable clubbers...wheeee..cant wait.. also meetin sunitha n all tmrw..haven seen them in ages as well..hopefully we'll haf some fun.. b4 that i'll be meetin ma dearie!!! haven seen him in more than a weeeeeek..sigh miss him so muccccccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..hehehehe..lalala..okok got busy week aheadddddd...shall go rest ma poor legs n go to bed soon..nite! MUAH (0) comments Wednesday, March 24, 2004 itssssss oVER!!!!!!!!! wooohooo!!! BLOCK TESTS 1 ARE OVERRRRRRR...wheeeee!! OK FINE.ITS NOT THE As. BUT I NEED SOME SORTA ADRENALINE TO CONTINUE LIVING OK?!@aniwei todae was a nice nice nice dae..apart 4m e fact that chem paper sucked! actually allllllllll my papersssssss sucked!!! esspppppppppppp MATHS! the ONE paper i was hoping to get an A fer..id be lucky if i can pass..sigh..ANIWEIII lets not talk about exams.i mean.let me not tok abt exams.bleagh so after school, classmates n i planned a bbq at jincheang's place fer tmrw..so fun! cant wait..gonna go over to e blue house n all, moz prob at nite..n get freaked silly..then gonna gamble thru e nite AGAIN..haha..n prob stay overnite..yayyy! then after all that discussin, me sam n siti went over to ikeaaa to eat at bk..*burp* boy was e meal fillin..esp satisfyin since i bought it wid a coupon! woohoo! er ok fine. yeah and oh oh oh! the caramel pie is dammnnnnnnnnn delicious!!!! yummmmmmyy...well it depends if u love caramel..if u do..GOSH ITS HEAVENLY!!!!! WOOOOOHOOOO!!!! ok.u know, in case ure wonderin, i DO eat fast food often.juz feelin excited abt it todae cuz....ITS E END OF BLOCK TESTS 1~!!!! EVERYTHIN IS EXCITING!!! then we decided to go "shoppin" at ikea..at first it was sam, siti, me, dawn n shuting (2 of sam's classmates..) but later it split into sam n her classmates n siti n myself..haha cuz me n siti were exclaimin at every single thing, even e pink waste paper basket..lol..i think they got sick n tired of waiting for us..lol so we walked thru every single sq metre of ikea..so fun!!! oh n i made a list of wad i wanna buy to "revamp" ma room, as in TOTAL revamp..incl bed n all..gonna cost me abt 800 plus but its so worth it! gonna start saving! yeah as if i can ever..sigh..ANIWEI there was this comp at da kitchen section, where we cld design our own kitchen..the one that me n siti designed was so kewl!!! hahahaha..i think we shd become pro interior designers..sigh..i love all the show rooms at ikea..wished ma house is like tt..hahaha..yeah then after that we went to see da beds n all, and we started gettin real sleepi..lol..so we headed home at abt 2 plus after spendin 2 1/2 hours at ikea..buyin nth..lol.. act was supposed to meet dal to go thread, but i was so tired after e ikea experience that i juz wanted to go home n sleep..and, ydae nite i onli slept at 3...dunno y, was juz tosiin n turnin in bed fer 2 hours..so ya..but she wanted to go in e afternoon itself, so she went ahead while i went home n bonded wif ma bed.. woke up at abt 5 15. then started callin ma frens to see who's da lucky soul who'd b accompanyin me to tekka to T.H.R.E.A.D..aniweiiiii my dearrrrrr darlings logais n miru agreed to come alooong..so miru came over to ma place at abt 6 plus, then we went down together to meet log at tekka..and he was LATE! as usualllll..so we went to thread first..and at the threadin place, there was this REALI LOUD WOMANNNNNN who was toking SO LOUDLY on her phone..n e irony was tt e place was so serene n tranquil and this barabaric woman was screamin into e phone n laughin soooo loudly n talkin in CRUDE tamil..haha..me n miru cldnt stop gigglin..after we "beautified" ourselves, went to meet logz n e three of us walked down to paradiz where we ate our dinna..was so fun meetin up wif these 2..gossipin laughing talkin cok, commentin on metti oli, suntv adverts, part time jobs, bitches, bastards blablablablablablabla..haha was esp great cuz i haven seen those 2 in AGES! miru since she came fer ma performance..n logz...hmmmmmm..i cant even remember when's e last time i saw him! then after that, miru left at abt 8 plus to go meet her bf..mr prabs..bleagh..yeah..then me n logz walked down to ps..was so fun..haven toked crap wf him in such a looooooong time..we're juz shoppin ard..tokin nonsense as usuall..then he dragged me to da arcade..where I WON HIM AT DA DAYTONA RACE!! WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!! WHO'S DA WINNER?!@ WHO WHO?!!!! MEEEEEEEEEE BABY ITS MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..WOOOHOOOO!!! then we left at abt 10, walked to somerset mrt..sigh i missed him..ma best guy fren..but felt so good meetin him after so long..will be meetin him on fridae again..cuz ma sch ics wld be gg to suntec to do some cip hours fer SINDA..n e company he's workin fer..stage 4...are settin up e lights n all fer tt show..lalala been soooooo long since i last went out w/o feelin guilty..haha..oh ma old fren vivian msged me outta e blue todae..in da end we made plans to go clubbin this sat..lol.. CHEEKY MONKEYS HERE I COME!!! WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! sigh feel so un-burdenised...gonna juz enjoy myself fer e next few daes till mon..then i shall become a nerd n study hard again..next time, im not going to study thru e nite fer BT 2..cuzzzzzzzzzzzzz...i'll be so damn prepared! yeah! ok my younger sis's screamin..she's got sch tmrw n needs to sleep.claims my typin is toooooo noisy fer her to sleep..BUT, she can sleep so peacefully in da hall wif da tv on.tsk.tsk.kids now a days.nite ppl! MMUAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. (0) comments Monday, March 22, 2004 hmm..first dae of block tests..sigh..so tired..juz tried to cram bio into my head..problem is ive alreadi studied it days n weeks before..but i cant seem to rememeber now!! now u know why students prefer last min studying.it stays there.gp paper was relatively OK.understood e passage.but i dunno if wad i wrote made sense..esp fer ma AQ..hmm..essay was pretty orite too..wrote abt 4 pages long..cld haf stretced to 5 but ma hand was screamin bloody murder..decided to give it a rest..yup. hopefully i can get a B4.reali realiiiiiiii hoping.but i guess a c6 wld be orite too. tmrw's maths n bio.pretty confident fer maths..as in confident to pass.but i wanna get an A.cuz as i THINK ive mentioned before, maths is e onli area where i can actually score.so shdn't put that to waste.i juz hope they dun give all e spasticated questions. bio im givin up hope.i mean fer e first time i reali studied fer bio.cuz i wanted to prove to certain bio tutors that i can do it.but nth seems to get in..even if it does, when i attempt the tys questions, i dunno how to ans them..its like, e material is there, but i dunno how to write it out.sigh. chem's on wed.still got a few chapters to go thru..but those are e recent chapters tt ive studied before.shall go thru tmrw.sigh.will be so happy after that. thinkin of gg clubbin this sat.haven done so in such a long time. :P dun wanna be this nerd animore.hmm..anyone interested? maybe i'll hit china black or cheekys or dblO.maybe embassy too.sigh.but emb. cover charge freakin high.lalala.i miss clubbin.hmm.ok am off to study more abt respiration.nite peeps. muah. (0) comments Saturday, March 20, 2004 oh i forgot..muz thank mr winfrid AKA winnieee...fer helpin me wif this template..lol..fer all the trouble..hahaha..thankew larling!!! love yaaa..MUAHHHHHH...(0) comments yes as everyone can see..i changed my layout! im totally slackin todae..instead of studyin..so sick of studying..sigh..bad time to be sick of studyin..but heck..if that dae comes, then that dae comes..hmm lets see wad i did todae.. woke up at 1130..hey ya cant blame me..i slept at 3 plus ydae afta studyin..thenn..went to do ma daily duties n all..took a shower blablabla.. then i attempted to study somemore..well..i studied abttttt 4 more pages! haha..yeah then brain got too tired of absorbin stuff..so i watched tv...watched n watched..watched rugrats..watched some useless cartoons..watch the brothers garcia n all..thenn ate my breakfast/lunch at abt 2 plus..then i went online fer a while.. then was tokin to him on e phone..first time in 2 weeks we actually had a conversation fer more than 5 mins!! oh n we act went out ydae..had dinna at harbour front n all..sigh..felt so nice to FINALLY meet him..haha..yyeah we were toking fer abt half an hour..to abt 45 mins..then i was watchin raaazz..which is real scary..but i watched it before alreadi! bwahaha..then came onlineee..and still am online..oh met daljit downstairs fer abit to pass her ma maths notes..gosh she looks real stressed..wonder how she'd be durin prelims.. *shudder* ok.am going to watch more tv.sigh i'm gonna fail ma blog tests. (0) comments Wednesday, March 17, 2004 feelin kinda down in da BLAEH todae..i actualli know why..i was so disturbed by it ydae that i act went to write it down in ma diary at 330 am in da mornin..yes yes i haf my own personal diary..this blog thing..cant take it too personal..get wad i mean? ppl are reading..dun wanna get my personal feelings too publicised..dun wanna make my emotions a debating topic..so yeah..i rarely write in my diary..e real one..cuz firstly i dun haf much time..secondly, i kinda refrained from writtin after my mum read my diary in sec3..gosh thank god all there was then were petty schoolgurl crushes n stupid unreal problems...and thirdly, i feel that my real diary is sth i can depend on if i reali need to pen stuff down..so ya..the matter ydae was buggin me mad..dun worrie its no sheit of whether i can pass my block tests or not..i aint that nerd YET..sighzfirst dae of e holz that i dun haf to go back to school..haha..weird isnt it? gonna accomplish alot todae..well, that's my aim aniweiz..i KNOW i can finish at least 2 chapters todae..one of bio n another of chem..then later thru e nite, i'll juz practise maths.practise practise practise.. realised im more than wad ppl see..i hide lotsa stuff from ppl..im rather complex tho i dun like to see it that way..my interior is sth i myself wld like to hide from me..hmm..that's a thought.. ah well, its back to reaction kinetics. (0) comments i love coffee. esp. strong ones. like REAL strong ones. u know, those that help u stay awake thru e nite. studied till 4 am ydae. had to wake up earli to go fer drama. which lasted till 5. studied fer 2 1/2 hrs wif daljit under e blk juz now.quite conducive. gonna study thru e nite again. did i mention tt i love coffee? (0) comments Sunday, March 14, 2004 i shd be studying i realli shd..but if i cant conc its no use ritte? RIGHT!so i didnt go NUS open house in da end..was too tired from drama...which was pretty orite..instead i came home n slept..n slept n slept..then went to my uncle's house.. was pretty fun..fer ONCE almoz everyone was there..cept my cuzin lekshmi..who's in aussie.. n my older sister..who had her fren's wedding to go to..thats's alot of ppl fer a tiny surprise party okay..hmm lets see..abt 20 ppl..was fun..always fun when ma family gets together..my mum's side that is..joked..toked shit..got teased..teased others..planned stuff..watched tv..critisiced everybody on screen..screeched laffed..ate..laffed even more..fun fun as alwayss..reali greatful ive got such a great family..well..at least on one side..heh..yup.. my dearie of a cuzin actually got fer me JEANS durin his trainin trip to Thailand a few days ago..bwahah maybe cuz i threatened to disown him if he didnt...it wasnt the LEVIS i asked him to get but he got fer me still! reali touched..ahaha..cuz he got fer e rest punny useless gifts! HAHA! oops ok mean..aniwei ya thankssssssss nirannn..muahhhhh..yeah now my whole family thinks he's got a crush on me.sigh.stupid family.fun but stupid.sigh sigh. arghhhh so hot!! whhy cantt it rainnn noooooow..i hope it rains like hell till e whole singapore floods and its a national holidae! woohoo! hmm..maybe that shd happen next week..durin my exams..hgmm..yes..good idea.. ok i juz deleted a WHOLE loada stuff i wrote abt my frens..well..maybe time will change certain stuff..dun wanna make wad i said too concrete..maybe there's a chance stuff will change..fer e better.hm.yup.ok im off to study..thru e nite..sighz..nite peeps..muah (0) comments Saturday, March 13, 2004 i know u guys prob think i got nth betta to do..blogging twice in a dae..ever noticed e similarity? i blog when i study..har har har..ah well i kinda finished up wad i had in mind fer todae..act accomplished abit more..but not sure if its enuf..cuz tmre i haf DRAMAAAAA (atafdskjfdskoATGHHH) in e mornin..then plannin to drop by e NUS open house then evenin gotta go ma uncle's house fer his SUPRISE bdae party..hmm..hope he doesnt read this blog..then wun be a surprise animore..oh no..IF he reads this blog, im in deep shit wif my mum over many mannnyy stuff..e.g my bf, my pathetic results, my whereabouts.. :/ i think studying too much is destructive to my logical-thinkin brain cells..hmmm..so e one week break is finally here..doesnt feel any diff tho..the onli thing im happy abt is that now i got da whole dae to study..and can finish up my revision *crosses fingers* hopefulluy..sigh so weird..i used to love holz cuz it gives me more time to slack..now im lookin forward to it cuz i get more time to cram.. :/ .stewpIG A levels.and Oh OF COURSE..i get to wake up LATER THAN 545 EVERY MORNIN! but i haf a feelin stms i'll wake up juz as earli to study more..or even worse..sleep at that time after studyin..but not tdae..feelin quite tired..cuz i met him abt 4 plus..walked ard hv then ate dinner..came back earli cuz he has camp tmrw..so wanted him to get his proper rest..lalala..shall go sleep soon..then slept, or at least attempted to fer abt 2 hrs.. continued studyin till abt half an hr ago..mayb wake up earli tmrw n continue studying...gosh i reali hope i can rememeber all e stuff that i studied when e paper's in front of me.. sigh..he has camp from tmrw till mon..then another one dae camp on tues..then one from wed to thurs i think..and another 3 dae one the followin week..i think he's purposely doin this..so that i wun meet him..n study..he kinda hinted that to me..haha..i think its quite funny..this bf is act makin sure his gf doesnt meet him durin her exams..looks like i got nth to worrie at this dept.. :) ok im off to bed..shall TRY to wake up earli tmrw to study..i bet all e money in ma wallet (55 cents) that im going to wake up late..and my poor alarm clock AKA hp will be lyin somewhere under my bed..where i'll throw it after it repeatedly shreeks..well we'll see..nite ppl..muah (0) comments Friday, March 12, 2004 arghhhhhh i hate exams. :((0) comments Monday, March 08, 2004 lalalala..2 more weeks exactly to ma first paper..sighz.so stress..dunno if can study finish in time..arfgggeyes so tired..but pretty happy wif myself todae..revised finish certain topics fer chem n did most of my hw..left maths tut but i REALI dunno how to do..not that i didnt try..n thats wad counts rite? :p todae was quite fuuny...came back home from sch earlie cuz pe was cancelled due to heavy heavy rain! yay! so instead of endin at 450 i ended at 250! act i think pe's on mondaes are a waste of time..cuz we gotta wait like 1 hour plus JUST for pe to start..hmm.. ya ANIWEI..then came back home at abt 3 plus..was so ready to go n sleep..i mean who wldnt? weather was perfect n guess wad..NOONE..i mean NOONE was at home! woohoo! all went temple..cuz todae's mummy's off dae..so ya i was sooo happy..rarely get e chance to be TOTALLY alone at home u see..wif 7 ppl in a house includin a grandma who cant get ard much n a maid who stays ard wif her, being alone becomes a rare priviliege so instead of sleepin i changed outta ma wet clothes..got comfy on my sofa..off all e lites..closed all windows n juz sat there watching tv..nothing to disturb me..was doin that fer quite a while..then i got a lil cravin fer that fish snack in ma fridge..so i decided to do some cookin..fried e fish snack..fried some sausages n all..then rite my windows were all STILL closed..so ya..in e end looked as if my house was on fire..so smoky..ahaha..was quite funny..at first tot sth wrong wif my glasses cuz it was so smoggy..so i realised wad happened n rushed to open all e windows..but sadly after a while my mum maid n grandma came back n my mum was juz laffin away when she heard wad happened...my grandma tot there was a fire in da house..was quite funny at tt pt of time..oh well..weird things amuse me u know? :P ok gettin tired..shall go sleep soonn..long dae tmrw..gonna meet my old pals! my dearies who survived sec1 till now wif me..can say..my longest batch of frens..haha off i go now..muackx (0) comments Saturday, March 06, 2004 woohoo my home comp's up n working again..the handyman aka ma dad came to fix e prob and now its all ritee..wheeeeeeewow didnt know how much i missed being online..even in one dae..i managed to catch up wif 4 of my old frens online..whee wheeet supposed to be studyinnnnnng..argh..nvm..shall push that out fer a while..house seems so peaceful..sis is in school..mum's working..dad n grandma sleeping..maid went to shop..wow..rarely get this opportunity..and wad am i doin..updatin my blog. ok..shall be dillgent..shall go study at 430..yes! i shall! so aniwei i got an A2 for tamil and dist fer oral..aint gonna lie and say im so happy wif it..an A1 wld be great but i aint complaining..juz glad i did betta than e last time rd..but kinda sad isnt it..now that i did well..they arent takin it in fer As..lala ah well its ok..i love tamil..as a lang..i'm not taking it juz cuz i haf to..in fact i wldnt mind re-doin it but sadly my tamil teacher SUX. which brings me to my next topic..all this mother tounge debate..HARLOW ALL U ASSES..yr mother tounge is a PART OF YOU..so some of u mite not be sooo eloquent in it..which mite bring abt certain hatredness fer it..but that doenst mean u totally abandon it..its..yr culture..the onli thing left in these modern times..its so silly..when i read e papers..abt e debate whether to keep MT or not..i mean..its so heartbreaking..its like debating whether to keep yr culture or not.. and the main reason they wanna "dump" mother tounge..cuz they wanna conc on their other subjects..cuz learnin it is givin them too much stress..they cant do well in the more "IMPORTANT" subjects..excuse me..in wad way is mother tongue LESS IMPT than other subjects? juz cuz u dun need it to get into the U? and if wad my younger sis says is true..u dun even need it fer yr L1R5 score animore..sighz.. in da future...it wouldnt matter if u know yr chem physics or bio very well..even if u dun its ok..but wad abt yr MT..dun u think it woulnt say much of u if u dun even know how to communicate in yr OWN MOTHER TOUNGE? sigh.. some ppl i know..not mentionin names cuz seriously, there are TOO many, consider themselves too high up there to talk in their mother tounge..they think if they do, they'd be considered "low class", "crass", "undignified" or even worse..gaSP "uneducated" .sigh. its juz real real real sad.. and some are even proud of e fact that they cant speak their mother tounge..that..is even more heartbreaking than anything :/ oh well this is juz my own views..if u haf any adverse reaction..feel freee to tag :P (0) comments Friday, March 05, 2004 am in ma school lib. nowresearching abt China and Singapore and thier trade impacts blablabla there's a reason why i didnt take up econs ya know..*yawn* ANIWEIS.my comp is full of shit. so i got my new monitor..and wads e prob now..my internet connection's gone bonkers.i think its a sign.that i shd not use my comp at home. sigh not as if ive got time to use it aniweiz gosh im so boreeeeeed...i dun reali care how e world will be affected by China's emergence as a world superpower..sighhh..and this stupid library is so damn quiet..i'l prob shatter e glass wif ma yawning.. aniweiz, A level results out todae...hope everyone's satisfied wif their results..after all, you get wad u deserve..hmm..ya for those who do well..congrats..yr hard work paid off :) for those who din..well...hmm..no pt cryin over spilt milk..u guys shd know wad caused e results to be wad they are..but its ok..its still earli..not da end of e world..tho it may seem to be..things can be done..fates can be changed..up to u if u wanna take a new path..or remain in da sludge.. :) lalaa gonna get my tamil results later..im confirmed droppin..got my B3 to fall back on..and since e new rule states that mt is not a requirement..all e more..but inside..hopin that i'll get an A..u know..to prove to myself.. ok gettin real bored here..even the keyboard typin sounds like a nuclear bomb..and im HUNGARY! aight shall go back to class n slack there fer da remainin 10 mins.. (0) comments Wednesday, March 03, 2004 I AM AT HOME.WAD DOES THAT MEAN?!! I GOT MY MONITOR!!!!!!! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~ (0) comments Tuesday, March 02, 2004 ah well..too lazy n tired to blog fer da past few daes..days gone by in a blur..hmm another one n a half more weeks to term holz..then its da bitchin block tests..argh..my brains r blocked.oh! im gonna get ma new monitor tmrw! woohooo!! finnnnnnnalllllllllyyyyyyyyy gonna be able to use my comp..after........4 MONTHS! can u believe it..so damn freakinggggggg looooooongggggggg...i actually survived 4 mths w/o using e comp at ma house..so proud of myself *sniff*sniff* ive decided that my blog's too much abt whinin abt my studies..shall TRY. to stop doin that :) aniwei either thurs or fri..As results comin out..i cant wait..cuz i get too see all my frens come back! woohoo!! gonna be a bit sad..cuz im suppposeddd to be there..gettin my results wif them..but its ok..im glad fer e position im in..ya i juz cant wait to see all of em..hang out abit..go out..hmm..we'll see.. oooh i watching somethin's gotta give on sundae..quite a funny movie but i felt was too damn draggyyyyyyy...i was tryin very hard to shake off ma pins n needles.. im so damn broke nowadays!!!!! lalallalala..its ok..i can see it..in da near future..fortune awaits *serene look* (0) comments |
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