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Friday, March 05, 2004 am in ma school lib. nowresearching abt China and Singapore and thier trade impacts blablabla there's a reason why i didnt take up econs ya know..*yawn* ANIWEIS.my comp is full of shit. so i got my new monitor..and wads e prob now..my internet connection's gone bonkers.i think its a sign.that i shd not use my comp at home. sigh not as if ive got time to use it aniweiz gosh im so boreeeeeed...i dun reali care how e world will be affected by China's emergence as a world superpower..sighhh..and this stupid library is so damn quiet..i'l prob shatter e glass wif ma yawning.. aniweiz, A level results out todae...hope everyone's satisfied wif their results..after all, you get wad u deserve..hmm..ya for those who do well..congrats..yr hard work paid off :) for those who din..well...hmm..no pt cryin over spilt milk..u guys shd know wad caused e results to be wad they are..but its ok..its still earli..not da end of e world..tho it may seem to be..things can be done..fates can be changed..up to u if u wanna take a new path..or remain in da sludge.. :) lalaa gonna get my tamil results later..im confirmed droppin..got my B3 to fall back on..and since e new rule states that mt is not a requirement..all e more..but inside..hopin that i'll get an A..u know..to prove to myself.. ok gettin real bored here..even the keyboard typin sounds like a nuclear bomb..and im HUNGARY! aight shall go back to class n slack there fer da remainin 10 mins..
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