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Wednesday, March 24, 2004 itssssss oVER!!!!!!!!! wooohooo!!! BLOCK TESTS 1 ARE OVERRRRRRR...wheeeee!! OK FINE.ITS NOT THE As. BUT I NEED SOME SORTA ADRENALINE TO CONTINUE LIVING OK?!@aniwei todae was a nice nice nice dae..apart 4m e fact that chem paper sucked! actually allllllllll my papersssssss sucked!!! esspppppppppppp MATHS! the ONE paper i was hoping to get an A fer..id be lucky if i can pass..sigh..ANIWEIII lets not talk about exams.i mean.let me not tok abt exams.bleagh so after school, classmates n i planned a bbq at jincheang's place fer tmrw..so fun! cant wait..gonna go over to e blue house n all, moz prob at nite..n get freaked silly..then gonna gamble thru e nite AGAIN..haha..n prob stay overnite..yayyy! then after all that discussin, me sam n siti went over to ikeaaa to eat at bk..*burp* boy was e meal fillin..esp satisfyin since i bought it wid a coupon! woohoo! er ok fine. yeah and oh oh oh! the caramel pie is dammnnnnnnnnn delicious!!!! yummmmmmyy...well it depends if u love caramel..if u do..GOSH ITS HEAVENLY!!!!! WOOOOOHOOOO!!!! ok.u know, in case ure wonderin, i DO eat fast food often.juz feelin excited abt it todae cuz....ITS E END OF BLOCK TESTS 1~!!!! EVERYTHIN IS EXCITING!!! then we decided to go "shoppin" at ikea..at first it was sam, siti, me, dawn n shuting (2 of sam's classmates..) but later it split into sam n her classmates n siti n myself..haha cuz me n siti were exclaimin at every single thing, even e pink waste paper basket..lol..i think they got sick n tired of waiting for us..lol so we walked thru every single sq metre of ikea..so fun!!! oh n i made a list of wad i wanna buy to "revamp" ma room, as in TOTAL revamp..incl bed n all..gonna cost me abt 800 plus but its so worth it! gonna start saving! yeah as if i can ever..sigh..ANIWEI there was this comp at da kitchen section, where we cld design our own kitchen..the one that me n siti designed was so kewl!!! hahahaha..i think we shd become pro interior designers..sigh..i love all the show rooms at ikea..wished ma house is like tt..hahaha..yeah then after that we went to see da beds n all, and we started gettin real sleepi..lol..so we headed home at abt 2 plus after spendin 2 1/2 hours at ikea..buyin nth..lol.. act was supposed to meet dal to go thread, but i was so tired after e ikea experience that i juz wanted to go home n sleep..and, ydae nite i onli slept at 3...dunno y, was juz tosiin n turnin in bed fer 2 hours..so ya..but she wanted to go in e afternoon itself, so she went ahead while i went home n bonded wif ma bed.. woke up at abt 5 15. then started callin ma frens to see who's da lucky soul who'd b accompanyin me to tekka to T.H.R.E.A.D..aniweiiiii my dearrrrrr darlings logais n miru agreed to come alooong..so miru came over to ma place at abt 6 plus, then we went down together to meet log at tekka..and he was LATE! as usualllll..so we went to thread first..and at the threadin place, there was this REALI LOUD WOMANNNNNN who was toking SO LOUDLY on her phone..n e irony was tt e place was so serene n tranquil and this barabaric woman was screamin into e phone n laughin soooo loudly n talkin in CRUDE tamil..haha..me n miru cldnt stop gigglin..after we "beautified" ourselves, went to meet logz n e three of us walked down to paradiz where we ate our dinna..was so fun meetin up wif these 2..gossipin laughing talkin cok, commentin on metti oli, suntv adverts, part time jobs, bitches, bastards blablablablablablabla..haha was esp great cuz i haven seen those 2 in AGES! miru since she came fer ma performance..n logz...hmmmmmm..i cant even remember when's e last time i saw him! then after that, miru left at abt 8 plus to go meet her bf..mr prabs..bleagh..yeah..then me n logz walked down to ps..was so fun..haven toked crap wf him in such a looooooong time..we're juz shoppin ard..tokin nonsense as usuall..then he dragged me to da arcade..where I WON HIM AT DA DAYTONA RACE!! WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!! WHO'S DA WINNER?!@ WHO WHO?!!!! MEEEEEEEEEE BABY ITS MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..WOOOHOOOO!!! then we left at abt 10, walked to somerset mrt..sigh i missed him..ma best guy fren..but felt so good meetin him after so long..will be meetin him on fridae again..cuz ma sch ics wld be gg to suntec to do some cip hours fer SINDA..n e company he's workin fer..stage 4...are settin up e lights n all fer tt show..lalala been soooooo long since i last went out w/o feelin guilty..haha..oh ma old fren vivian msged me outta e blue todae..in da end we made plans to go clubbin this sat..lol.. CHEEKY MONKEYS HERE I COME!!! WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! sigh feel so un-burdenised...gonna juz enjoy myself fer e next few daes till mon..then i shall become a nerd n study hard again..next time, im not going to study thru e nite fer BT 2..cuzzzzzzzzzzzzz...i'll be so damn prepared! yeah! ok my younger sis's screamin..she's got sch tmrw n needs to sleep.claims my typin is toooooo noisy fer her to sleep..BUT, she can sleep so peacefully in da hall wif da tv on.tsk.tsk.kids now a days.nite ppl! MMUAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
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