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Monday, March 08, 2004 lalalala..2 more weeks exactly to ma first paper..sighz.so stress..dunno if can study finish in time..arfgggeyes so tired..but pretty happy wif myself todae..revised finish certain topics fer chem n did most of my hw..left maths tut but i REALI dunno how to do..not that i didnt try..n thats wad counts rite? :p todae was quite fuuny...came back home from sch earlie cuz pe was cancelled due to heavy heavy rain! yay! so instead of endin at 450 i ended at 250! act i think pe's on mondaes are a waste of time..cuz we gotta wait like 1 hour plus JUST for pe to start..hmm.. ya ANIWEI..then came back home at abt 3 plus..was so ready to go n sleep..i mean who wldnt? weather was perfect n guess wad..NOONE..i mean NOONE was at home! woohoo! all went temple..cuz todae's mummy's off dae..so ya i was sooo happy..rarely get e chance to be TOTALLY alone at home u see..wif 7 ppl in a house includin a grandma who cant get ard much n a maid who stays ard wif her, being alone becomes a rare priviliege so instead of sleepin i changed outta ma wet clothes..got comfy on my sofa..off all e lites..closed all windows n juz sat there watching tv..nothing to disturb me..was doin that fer quite a while..then i got a lil cravin fer that fish snack in ma fridge..so i decided to do some cookin..fried e fish snack..fried some sausages n all..then rite my windows were all STILL closed..so ya..in e end looked as if my house was on fire..so smoky..ahaha..was quite funny..at first tot sth wrong wif my glasses cuz it was so smoggy..so i realised wad happened n rushed to open all e windows..but sadly after a while my mum maid n grandma came back n my mum was juz laffin away when she heard wad happened...my grandma tot there was a fire in da house..was quite funny at tt pt of time..oh well..weird things amuse me u know? :P ok gettin tired..shall go sleep soonn..long dae tmrw..gonna meet my old pals! my dearies who survived sec1 till now wif me..can say..my longest batch of frens..haha off i go now..muackx
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