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Monday, March 22, 2004 hmm..first dae of block tests..sigh..so tired..juz tried to cram bio into my head..problem is ive alreadi studied it days n weeks before..but i cant seem to rememeber now!! now u know why students prefer last min studying.it stays there.gp paper was relatively OK.understood e passage.but i dunno if wad i wrote made sense..esp fer ma AQ..hmm..essay was pretty orite too..wrote abt 4 pages long..cld haf stretced to 5 but ma hand was screamin bloody murder..decided to give it a rest..yup. hopefully i can get a B4.reali realiiiiiiii hoping.but i guess a c6 wld be orite too. tmrw's maths n bio.pretty confident fer maths..as in confident to pass.but i wanna get an A.cuz as i THINK ive mentioned before, maths is e onli area where i can actually score.so shdn't put that to waste.i juz hope they dun give all e spasticated questions. bio im givin up hope.i mean fer e first time i reali studied fer bio.cuz i wanted to prove to certain bio tutors that i can do it.but nth seems to get in..even if it does, when i attempt the tys questions, i dunno how to ans them..its like, e material is there, but i dunno how to write it out.sigh. chem's on wed.still got a few chapters to go thru..but those are e recent chapters tt ive studied before.shall go thru tmrw.sigh.will be so happy after that. thinkin of gg clubbin this sat.haven done so in such a long time. :P dun wanna be this nerd animore.hmm..anyone interested? maybe i'll hit china black or cheekys or dblO.maybe embassy too.sigh.but emb. cover charge freakin high.lalala.i miss clubbin.hmm.ok am off to study more abt respiration.nite peeps. muah.
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