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Saturday, November 29, 2003 ok well long time no blog..main reason being..i haf a fucked up computer..its a saturdae afternoon..at ma uncle's place..cuzin niran's place..leavin fer m'sia in a while..gg fer my late cuzin's funeral prayers there..been about a week since she passed on.. :\well ydae was a fucked up dae..i think i lost one of my long time frens..and i got shit up n down from my dance teacher..she threatened to take me out of e performance comin up n refused to give me my cert fer my exam till i can prove to her that i deserve it..well i danced crap ydae..wasn't in da mood after wad happened in da afternoon.. i aint gonna say names..but lets juz say this fren of mine..ive known her fer 6 years..tho we've been thru our own up n downs..we were always frens..well till a few mths ago..started drifting apart i guess..first i tot it was juz her exams..then..i realised maybe its juz me..she managed to be still as close to the others in our clique..i dunno..she didnt even acknowledge me when she saw me ydae..n to make things worse..she was embracing n huggin n squealing wif my other fren who came wif me..who is in da same school as her..sigh..i dunno..i juz felt like crying then..i think all she mustered was a "hello". maybe she blames me fer certain stuff..mainly regarding the credibility of her bf..but i was onli looking out for her..as a fren..dun want her to end up gettin hurt in da end..but i guess in da end..im e one gettin hurt..heh..well ya.. :( so im off to m'sia..gg wif me uncle..aunt n niran..mum n dad r working..sangithah's got some camp and the rest of my aunt n uncles are all working..since i basically make lazin at home my occupation nowadays..tot i'd go down n pay my respects..esp since i ducked out gg to e funeral last week.. will be back tmrw tho..evenin..cuz niran hs to book in by 1030..first time im gg to be away from vik..heh..ya i know its onli one dae blablabla but im still gonna miss him..guess i gotta get used to this..he says he's gg to be out of town quite often cuz of his new work..this adventure camp thing..his frens n him set up a company sort of thing..he's like e instructor..told me that he's gg to be involved in it full swing..if he believes it will work out..then im gonna support him.. :) juz that i'll get to spend even less time wif him..even tho he's supposedly clearin leave now i rarely get to see him cuz he's always bz wif all this camp stuff..heh..there goes my 6 mths of waiting patiently fer him to start clearin leave huh? i think it'd be even worse after he ORDs..cuz he'd be fully involved in it..sigh..its ok..cant expect much..juz gotta be happy wif wad im gettin now.. :P sigh im bored..niran's taking his shower so we cant leave yet..he's such an ass..i was told to come here at 1 exactly...and i did..fer once i was not late..its alreadi 1 41 and im still hereeeee..sigh..oh i heard a door slam upstairs..think e ass finally finished bathing..sigh..by e time he beautifies himself..dawn will break.. *yawn* oh im starting work on thurs..finally..calculated..got abt 20 hrs of work this week..so that's 100 by this week..hopefully get to work more next week n all..lalala ok bored..going to go up n scream at hinm..see ya guys.. (0) comments Thursday, November 20, 2003 okok FIRSTLY! i haf to do sth..not cuz u reminded me ah maran..cuz ive been wantin to do it fer a long time..but my comp went down AGAIN n i finally managed to come online*clears throat* ahem ahem i, kala devi d/o santha kumar, would like to thank the following ppl for their contributions..without which mr vikneshwaran aka my bf's bdae celebrations wouldnt have gone well.. 1) thinesh, naveen and thash fer accompanyin me to queensway..huntin e whole place down..n bargainin fer e jersey n the imprints.. :) 2)joey n jc fer helpin me wif da plane..reali..thanks ALOT! :) 3) my whole class fer helpin me here n there wif everythin..wif da plane..etc etc :) 4) bailuuuu fer helpin me wash e jersey...thanks dearie! :) 5) my younger sis n my mummy (yes my mummy!) fer hyelpin me abit wif da plane n paintin of da box :) 6)sameema! she reali helped ALOT! from shoppin wif me at spotlight to accompanyin me on fridae afternoon n all and comin wif me to collect the jersey and all :) 7) ganesh..this ass actually came wif sameema to harbour front n queensway n all..hahaha.. ah well..i think i kinda threatened him..ahaha..oh well its the tot that counts :) 8) LOGAISWARAN! logz helped me go shoppin shoppin fer all the last min stuff n listenend to me whinin n all..reali thanks alot logz! :) 9) reshma fer lendin me da wine glasses tho she had a paper the next dae :) 10) ok this person deserves the biggest thanks...MARAN! haha yes yes he came up wif the wine by da beach idea n helped me thru alot n even gave me ideas on wad restaurants to go n wad wine to get n all..n he was the mastermind of e fruits as dessert wiuf whipped cream n everything..THANKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! :) (HAPPY NOT??) ah well..also thanks to everyone else who has helpedd meee..thankew thankew..sighh..i feel like as if his bdae was one bigggg show or sth..lol..oh well..wad are frens fer eh?? ![]() trainin was rather dry..but quite ok la..juz sat there fer like 6 hrs untill pantat sakit..but we got paid fer it as well..so its ok :) oh there's this cute guy! hikal..he's posted to scotts too! and we clicked quite easily.. he was like seatin opp me n we kept on havin eye contact and laffin at this other gurl who was like super enthu abt da job..n then we kept laffin at all the lame stuff together n complainin to each othe abt our burnin butts..lol..then he was complainin abt his berms n i was complainin abt mine..woo..fun time comin soon ya? hahaha aikz dun worrie..vik dearie is ma love..he's juz ya know..part of my social circle..need to keep it expandin all e time aight? hehe :P oh vik was so sweet todae..he suprised me by comin down to raffles place (where my trainin was held) to come meet me after ma trainin! and it was like 8 alreadi..i think he was there from 7 or sth..so sweet rite..hehehe.. :P ah well ok i think this entry is like 5 essays long..hahah..see ya guys! :P (0) comments Sunday, November 16, 2003 so my comp's gone crazy..the monitor went bonkers fer a few days n when i decided todae that im soo bored im willing to work wif a spoiled comp..it springs back to life! ahahahavik's bdae went geeeereaaaaaaaaaaaaat..he LOVED his presents! yay!!! hehhe it was so wunderfulllll..the wine was great..candles turned out great..presents were the best..and we were juz sittin there in da beach n talking abt everythin unda the sky..went to meet his frens after that and i onli reached hom at abt 6 30..juz nice fer me to sneak in abt half an hour of sleep before i rushed off to school fer prjt work.. so now prjt work is REALI OVER!!! woohooo..but i was so tired that dae i juz came home..and slept fer abt 2 hours onli..suprisingly..and rotted at home in front of my tv the whole darn dae..(comp was supposedly spoilt wad) was supposed to go clubbin wif him..but..ah well..decided i betta not go..its all his frens..dun reali know em that well yet..aniwei its best that i didnt go..he got pissed drunk and had to be sent home..if i went along..haikx..cannot make it la..how to come home so earli? haha..camps last longer ya know :P well glad his bdae went well..holidaes reali starting now..needa start studyin n working..i NEED DA MONEY..wel..bored..bored..bored...bored..bored..bored.. sandya my cutsie lil niece is over but she juz ate a while ago n so she's startin to feel sleepy..so cute...she's juz swayin abt suckin her thumb..hahaha.. arghh..i cant wait fer the As to be over..not fer me..fer my frens..so that i can date them out again! woohoo! hahaha..ah well..ya one sad thing..my cuzin in m'sia passed away earli thiz morninh..ard 12 plus..sigh..both her kidneys failed..but she was supposedly getin betta..haikx..she's onli abt 23? ard there..sigh..but she was so cheerful abt it..even tho she knew that she'd onli haf a few mths to go..sigh..i was supposed to go to e funeral todae but didnt..dun reali know why..mum said there MITE not be enuf space in da car..cuz our car cant be used..not serviced yet..but i think there was..i dunno..only the aunts n uncles all gg..but..is that a reason? sigh..i juz dun like seeing young ppl dying..when they've got so much ahead of em..sigh.. may you rest in peace vani-akka.. (0) comments Wednesday, November 12, 2003 i think todae's a pretty good dae :)numero uno : oral presentation is OVA!! as in officially OVER dudettes n dudes@ i am sooooooo free of prjt work..well...there's still the file..but then..suprisingly my grp has always had a rather up-to-date file..so we haf juz a teeny bit left here n there to do..which as usual..being e slacker grp..we will do last min :p so yes..ITS OVER ITS OVER ITS OVER!! WOOHOOOOOOO!!!!! no more mugging late into da night n meeting stupid datelines n offering prayers to yr comp hoping it wun crash in da middle of da nite and no more headaches n stress n wads not n no more wasting of my alreadi freaking stupid time and no more stupid lectures on the every compononet of our written report and no more miss kwan lecturing us that our plan is not DETAILED enuf n no more gettin back red-marked drafts of proposals..WOOHOOO!!!! I AM SOOOOOO HAPPPYYYYYYY!!!!! but before i end this saga in my life..i MUST thank my fellow grp members..bailu..peishan..siti..and debbie..they haf been sooo co-operative n understandin n NEVER once questioned my capability as their grp leader (tho i myself haf) and they always did their work dutifully..sigh..IF i ever haf to take this stupid prjt work again(TOUCH WOOD), i'll pray hard fer members like them..after seeing wad some grps went thru wif some of their members..i'm happy. numero two-o : i finished up vik's present! woohoo! its finally all done n complete n nicely packaged..i juz haf tiny nitty gritty details that i can see to on fridae itself..gosh im so excitied!!! woooohoooo!!! ok..calm down kala..its his bdae..not yrs. numero three-o : i juz realised i cant reali type it here cuz i wanna suprise certain ppl..haikz..shall update u all abt it next week then.. :P numero four-o : i found a fab new top at home then i can wear fer dinner tiz fridae so i am soo excited again..k fine..i knw i know..its NOT my bdae. :( now most importantly... numero five-o : MY MUMMIE GOT A JOB@@!!! wooohooo!! its at some jurong island place..a security officer wif cisco or sth..but she;s mainly doing admin work..no gung-ho gi-jane here...buttt..its longer hours...7-7...but then...THE PAY'S like better than her previous job! see..i realised there is a good in every bad..she got terminated from her previous job..but she found another job soon after..wif a betta pay! tho its not going to be all red roses from now..im tryin to find a part time job as well...so hopefully we can all tide thru fer the time being.. well considering the amt of "good" stuff happening to me lately..i'd say its a pretty good dae.. wouldn't you? :) p.s. i went fer two job interviews ydae..one at pastamania the other at some jap. cafe in holland v...pray that i get either one k...personally i'd prefer pastamania :P (0) comments Sunday, November 09, 2003 *yawn* im bloated up..and i juz found out i gotta go over to ma sister's fer lunch.ARGH. noooooo..cant eat no moreeee..ydae frens came over fer dinner..wasnt as good as i wanted it to be but didnt turn out to be a total disaster..i cooked! whoohoo..but didnt turn out to be some gourmet dish.. ah well..first timer..muz give chance abit..hmm ganesh was damn down..dunno wad happened to him..that kinda brought the mood away..cuz he's usually the clown..making jokes n everyone would juz naturally join in..but he didnt even talk ydae.. sigh..wonder if he was pissed..sigh..then chris..the other clown..didnt come over..cuz she was STUDYING for french..yeah rite..hahaha..chris..no matter how much u study..it aint gonna make a diff. :P yupyup so e main thing is that vik came over ydae..sigh..my mum kinda knows everything alreadi la..hmm..i wun say she's delighted wif him but i wouldnt say that she aint either..ah well u know mothers..all fussy thinking their daughters are some royal blood ppl..sigh..its ok..my darling's the best i can get :p so cute he looked ydae..all nervous n fidgetty..hehe..but i managed to sneak in a few photos wif him..lol..at da expense of certain frens..THANKS AH SAM..:P my frens looked real pretty ydae..sam n usha act looked pretty..*gasp* hahaha..and miru baby looked good as usual..lava was sooo sweet looking..lol..too bad joey looked like construction worker *kiddddddingggg* even ganesh looked so handsome wif his spiked up hair n all..too bad he juz wasnt in da mood ya..but he loosened up in da end..he came to see my cow in da room..hahahaha..well..i guess it went pretty orite.. amma's pretty ok wif e idea of me n vik i guess..she juz wants me to study first..phew.. one hurdle crossed..woohooo..one more yeaar..oriteeee so holidaes are finnally here..but doesnt seem like it..still got pw presentation..asrgh.. cant wait fer saturdae..when its allllll ovaaaa...woohooooo..ggotttaa find a joooooobb.. ok gotta go get all ready fer sister's place...see yaaa.. (0) comments Thursday, November 06, 2003 so i haven updated in a loooooong time..been real busy la..tho the dance is over n all.. ive been studyin *gasp* fer SATs and tamil paper and preparing fer stupid oral presentation fer prjt work..SAT's were last saturdae..sigh..i mite as well have been sitting fer "Do you know your dictionary?" sigh..soooo shittfied...but the maths part was easy..couldnt wait fer the paper to end..3 hours plus..pantat sakit.. tamil's tmrw..its awrite i guess..juz gotta study abit more..and i think muthu knows abt me n vik..hehe..he said he saw me at this place where i was..wif vik..he din tell me that he saw us together but e look he gave me n the interrogation that went on wif it was enuf fer anyone to figure it out..now the whole damn class is tryin to make it even more obvious..sigh..the friends i have..useless.. lalalalala ydae was raj's bdae..my brother-in-law raj..umaka booked a private room at grand hyatt and we had dinna there...without the oldies..me..raj's brother selvam..raj's frens and his cuzins n all..was fun..gosh they are CRUDE..lol..they din even bother that im onli 18..toking abt evvvverything..tsktsk..hahaha was fun tho..n the waiter was kewwwwuteeee..was GOOOOOODDDDD..food was FAB! ABIITT too much tho..she made me bring back da xtra..so i gave some to ma classmates todae..i think joey n jc finished it up tho..pigs..hehe..but muz reali thank joey fer helping me wif a certain sth..sucha sweetie..URE STILL A RASCIST THO! hehe..i'll poison ur food on sat! hehe.. yupyup i havin deepavali open house this sat evenin..abit da laaateee but its ok..betta late then NEVERRRR..vik's comin too..hopefully mum doesnt scare him away..she knows tho..haf i said? yup..she doesnt know we're together but she knows he;s a certain special someone.. :P she told me to wait till after As so we STILL gotta act..sigh..all this drama.. hmm..well..wads there to say..been bz wif a certain "prjt" of mine..its halfway thru.. im kinda excited abt it..wheee...hehe..my frens are helpin me alot wif it tho.. accompanyin me here n there n fixin certain stuff :P whooooo hope it goess well! *crosses fingers* ah well ORAL PRESENTATION sux..its next wed..sigh..need to haf a meeting soon.. bleagh..waiting fer vik to call..he's in jurong fer his workplace lunch thingee so i'd be meetin him..wheeee..lalalala..bored.. 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