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Sunday, November 09, 2003 *yawn* im bloated up..and i juz found out i gotta go over to ma sister's fer lunch.ARGH. noooooo..cant eat no moreeee..ydae frens came over fer dinner..wasnt as good as i wanted it to be but didnt turn out to be a total disaster..i cooked! whoohoo..but didnt turn out to be some gourmet dish.. ah well..first timer..muz give chance abit..hmm ganesh was damn down..dunno wad happened to him..that kinda brought the mood away..cuz he's usually the clown..making jokes n everyone would juz naturally join in..but he didnt even talk ydae.. sigh..wonder if he was pissed..sigh..then chris..the other clown..didnt come over..cuz she was STUDYING for french..yeah rite..hahaha..chris..no matter how much u study..it aint gonna make a diff. :P yupyup so e main thing is that vik came over ydae..sigh..my mum kinda knows everything alreadi la..hmm..i wun say she's delighted wif him but i wouldnt say that she aint either..ah well u know mothers..all fussy thinking their daughters are some royal blood ppl..sigh..its ok..my darling's the best i can get :p so cute he looked ydae..all nervous n fidgetty..hehe..but i managed to sneak in a few photos wif him..lol..at da expense of certain frens..THANKS AH SAM..:P my frens looked real pretty ydae..sam n usha act looked pretty..*gasp* hahaha..and miru baby looked good as usual..lava was sooo sweet looking..lol..too bad joey looked like construction worker *kiddddddingggg* even ganesh looked so handsome wif his spiked up hair n all..too bad he juz wasnt in da mood ya..but he loosened up in da end..he came to see my cow in da room..hahahaha..well..i guess it went pretty orite.. amma's pretty ok wif e idea of me n vik i guess..she juz wants me to study first..phew.. one hurdle crossed..woohooo..one more yeaar..oriteeee so holidaes are finnally here..but doesnt seem like it..still got pw presentation..asrgh.. cant wait fer saturdae..when its allllll ovaaaa...woohooooo..ggotttaa find a joooooobb.. ok gotta go get all ready fer sister's place...see yaaa..
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