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Thursday, November 06, 2003 so i haven updated in a loooooong time..been real busy la..tho the dance is over n all.. ive been studyin *gasp* fer SATs and tamil paper and preparing fer stupid oral presentation fer prjt work..SAT's were last saturdae..sigh..i mite as well have been sitting fer "Do you know your dictionary?" sigh..soooo shittfied...but the maths part was easy..couldnt wait fer the paper to end..3 hours plus..pantat sakit.. tamil's tmrw..its awrite i guess..juz gotta study abit more..and i think muthu knows abt me n vik..hehe..he said he saw me at this place where i was..wif vik..he din tell me that he saw us together but e look he gave me n the interrogation that went on wif it was enuf fer anyone to figure it out..now the whole damn class is tryin to make it even more obvious..sigh..the friends i have..useless.. lalalalala ydae was raj's bdae..my brother-in-law raj..umaka booked a private room at grand hyatt and we had dinna there...without the oldies..me..raj's brother selvam..raj's frens and his cuzins n all..was fun..gosh they are CRUDE..lol..they din even bother that im onli 18..toking abt evvvverything..tsktsk..hahaha was fun tho..n the waiter was kewwwwuteeee..was GOOOOOODDDDD..food was FAB! ABIITT too much tho..she made me bring back da xtra..so i gave some to ma classmates todae..i think joey n jc finished it up tho..pigs..hehe..but muz reali thank joey fer helping me wif a certain sth..sucha sweetie..URE STILL A RASCIST THO! hehe..i'll poison ur food on sat! hehe.. yupyup i havin deepavali open house this sat evenin..abit da laaateee but its ok..betta late then NEVERRRR..vik's comin too..hopefully mum doesnt scare him away..she knows tho..haf i said? yup..she doesnt know we're together but she knows he;s a certain special someone.. :P she told me to wait till after As so we STILL gotta act..sigh..all this drama.. hmm..well..wads there to say..been bz wif a certain "prjt" of mine..its halfway thru.. im kinda excited abt it..wheee...hehe..my frens are helpin me alot wif it tho.. accompanyin me here n there n fixin certain stuff :P whooooo hope it goess well! *crosses fingers* ah well ORAL PRESENTATION sux..its next wed..sigh..need to haf a meeting soon.. bleagh..waiting fer vik to call..he's in jurong fer his workplace lunch thingee so i'd be meetin him..wheeee..lalalala..bored..
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