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Thursday, June 29, 2006 rite im back. did like 2 stuff since i last blogged. 1 - arrange some papers. 2-met malz and her brother! they came down to Sinda to pass sth to some guy (ya BALA)..although i met her for like 5 mins, it was so much more interessting than my 8 hours here so far. *yawn*1 hour more!! wheee..well its actually, 38 more mins!!! wheeeeeeeee!!!! im gg to run out of here once its 6 28. takes 2 mins to go down to e "clock-in-clock-out" plaace..wheee. okies i was so bored i did a survey! my inaugral survey on my blog (i think)..yenjai! one more note..u'll be seeing more updates and surveys untill i stop workin here...too bad..
(0) comments not in the best of moods..things seem to be going downhill since yesterday.. at first i thought it was all set...i`m having 3 tuition assignments now, would most prob be getting one more..and with this 4 assigments, i would be getting about $700 and would be all set.. then when i call the prospective assignment, the mum told me she's still considering and will let me know in a few days time (READ : I DUN THINK SOOOOOOOOOO), and i was telling myself..its ok about $400 is fine too..just nice to pay my bills and set aside some each mth for my bdae celebration..then one of my current tutee sms-es me to tell me she will be stoppin tuition this mth due to financial difficulties.. ARGH!!!! that brings me down to slightly more than $200. which is not enuf!!! arghh..its barely enuf to pay my phone + internet + instalments for camera bills..i still have my sitar class fees, bus pass, AND savings..shit la..which means i have to go back to ebie till i find another assignment..or more like..IF i find another assignment.. i mean, i really miss ebie and all, but it is REALLY time for me to stop..if i dun stop now, i never will..and i will tell myself i'll only work one dae..which would be perfect..but because im so DAMN NICE, my mouth will automatically say "YES" when jingyi asks me if i can work more, cuz there's not enuf ppl..and it will soon become 2, maybe 3 days..then it'd be back to square 1.. argh..i really wish e prospective student calls back..then it'd be just nice.. *pls pls pls pls plsssssssssssss* oh wells, back to my office..im seriously just rotting..and will be rotting for another hour or so till my colleagues come back from lunch..i attempted downloading MSN and some grey's anatomy episodes..but e 1920s state of the computer here is not supporting it..i am already over the moon that it supports INTERNET EXPLORER! nice and quiet over here..contrary to my post a few days ago, i doubt they will extend my stay..i've already completed everything im supposed to do..i dunno if its because im efficient or they're just giving me brainless bimbo work..but i think e girl who was tempin before me was quite erm..suitable for that sorta work..cuz they always seem so suprised when i hand back the files saying im done..or when i say im done with the calling/faxing..wonder how long the other girl took to do that..but its really brainless stuff..i really dunno why u have to have at least A levels to do this..sigh.. AH! they all came back..why so eaaarliiii..aniweis i asked them if they have anythin for me to do and they said no..so i'm slackin with a reason : LACK OF WORK. there's this damn catchy song playin on e radio now..its a tamilan song..not e typical sort tt i listen to but i like it.CATCHY CATCHY. goes sth like "gamma karaiyilae umma kodukave summa ne velluthu katthu" then e chorus goes "uuvaaa uvaa uvaaa voo uvaaa uvaa uvaaa uuu (x2) gamma gammma gammaaa" ok i looked like i typed nonsense but its really catchy!! like some village song..i likeeee..like those 70s songs..but it came out just recently (i think) yay i just did some work! i think ive never been so happy to do work! OH MY they playin one of my fav songs! "nam thamna nam tham nam tham nam tha nam tham..sangeetha jaathi mullai kanna villai" wow i love this song..kamal hassan was just wonderful..and i love e movie Salangai Oli..one of my all-time favourite..its a classic..actually to tell u e truth, when i was very younger, i hated to go to dance class..my mum would practically drag me there every Sunday morning..i hated it..it was horrible, everyone in class was mean and spiteful, i had no friends, we danced mainly folk dances, which i have nth against, but nth to do with bharathanatiyam, and i was just becoming a teenager, so was very conscious of my body and refused to dance..but after watching Salangai Oli, i think i was determined to learn e dance, and finally enrolled in Nritralaya.. *round of applause* alrite long enuf post..shall go rot around more..its only 4 now..2.5 hours more before i run out of here..and then still got 2 more tuition. one of which is my last. sobsob. (0) comments Tuesday, June 27, 2006 okies early start todae..started work early cuz i gotta leave early to teach tuition later..and since im early, there's no one in yet cept for e boss! woohooooosigh not sure if i wanna extend beyond this week. work is so boring!! i know i shd actually count my lucky stars cuz almost everyone who knows that i am temping at SINDA have warned me about e abundance of work they push on u, and how they never can go back on time, work OT everyday blabla..but im just sittin here and rottin, so much tt i have time to blog. *yawn* oh wells. i like it better if i have work to do, if not i will just be yawning away, trying not to fall asleep, wondering when i can go home.. aniweis there's only 6 months and 1 more day left to my birthday!! (no im not hinting, for once) i have so little time left to plan!! yaya 6 months seems like a long time..but sch's startin in Aug (that's 1.5 more mths), and once sch starts i cant get anythin done..and there's so much to dooo..so ive decided..this sat im gonna go scouting for places..i want sth diff, i DONT WANT a tamilan function..so i dun really mind if there's no tamilan food.. and i DONT WANT the number of senior citizens to outnumber the young ones, so im only going to invite people i ACTUALLY know and talk to, regardless of what my mum says..actually i think she has kinda given up on my birthdae party..cant keep up with e changes i think...hehehe.. ydae nite i had such weirddd dreams..as it is, my dreams are weird. but ydae, my dreams kept centreing ard my JC life..like my JC classrooms, my A level results collection etc etc..but i somehow knew i was already in NUS..but was awaiting my results for A levels..aiyah damn weird la.. oh well. the point of this post is. NOTHING. ok e others are here already..time to get down to..NOTHING. i have NOTHING to do. ARGH.<Br> (0) comments Friday, June 23, 2006 okies here i am, in my office (woohoo feels cool saying that), all by myself cuz e others in my department are gone off to a meeting.. wheeeeeeeeeeeeee..finished doin wadeva im supposed to do and all im supposed to do now is to pick up calls in case ppl call to RSVP abt a certain function...and one of e phones is connected to a fax line so i gotta run as soon as i hear it ring in case it gets diverted to e fax..and that phone is at e other end of e office..siighh..aniweis its pretty nice sitting here by myself..lol..going to meet e girls later..pearlie called earlier, askin if wanna go wala's or over to her place to watch e games tonite..id really love to but i gotta get up earli tmrw to run ard regardin e Akriti concert, so i cant afford to sleep late...sigghhh.. its really confusing in e office me..beside me is e radio tuned to 96.8 OLI OLIIIIIIIIIII and the office cd-player is playing devotional songs..i mean oli is now playing like 80s 90s songs, which are ANYTHING but devotional..and actually its just one devotional song playing OVER AND OVER AND OVER again..feel like turnin it off but e player is in my boss's office..betta not.. okies its like 1055 now...i usually only go for lunch around 1 plus so that when i come back. i only have 4 hrs before i knock off at 6 30! but im soooooooooooooo hungry now..lunch is a sad affair cuz i usually have it all by my lonely self..sobsob.. okies im off to read my book tt i broought along, anticipating tt i will be doin sth totally "mind-blowing"..bye peepsss muacks! (0) comments Thursday, June 22, 2006 okies lots of things to update but im so lazy...i actually got a job! a temp admin job at..SINDA..tamilan place la..but its just for 2 weeks..im so busy at work!! im workin in e Public Education department..sigh..i know every single pri sec and jc by heart now..and i just faxed out 307 FAXES TODAY ALONE!!!! madness... its prretty soooooon gonna be my last dae at EBIE..sense of sadness as i packed my smelly torn shoes into a plastic bag to bring home...sigh..im reallllllli gonna miss the ppl there...but as e no of nice ppl is slowly being outnumbered by e nicknames..i think its time to move on..for good.. but not to worrie my dear ebie-rians, we will def NOT lose contact kies..love u guys too much for that..muackx.. aniweis todae vik brought me to this french cafe/restaurant near SINDA there..at tekka there..its damn nice k! im still so filled up by e books and we had soooooooo much to eat...2 mussel soups which were good!, e nicest plate of garlic bread i ever had (im serious!), my pan-frilled dory fillet with mashed potato, his porl with cheese and sliced potato, free flow of ice water (very cute, they put a big bottle of water there for us to fll up ourselfs!!), sinfully delicious tiramisu for me and some french dessert with vanilla ic and dark choc sauce for him...and its only 41 bucks!!!! its called e "NO FRILLS CAFE" i think..damn nice k..u guys shd give it a try!!! okies im still so damn fulllllllll..i wanna pukeeeeeeeee...good nite ppppppllll... (0) comments Friday, June 16, 2006 so i cut my hair..argh its really really short!! like shoulder length!!!! but i like it la..i din at first, but grew to like it (ya in like a LOOONG span of 4.5 hours) aniweis i'll post pics of it..when i take a picture..heheheheheeeee aniweis i felt like a lab animal there..all sorta ppl were touchin my hair, and e poor girl who was cutting my hair (the same one who dyed it) was kinda gettin lectured by the boss hair-cutter cuz she wanted to do a cut that supposedly not suitable for my face..dunno la..pity her..cuz the cut hair girl is actually quite nice... aniweis towards e end loads of ppl started comin n puttin their hands thru my hair..i felt so. violated. wahahahahah..aniweis they were going on abt how sexay my hair look. wahhahahaha note : my hair, not me! aniweis i went shoppin with miru darlz..haven seen her in ages! she was lookin for stuff for her ball with prabha tmrw..got some earrings, a necklace and a bracelet..and she got me a huge chunky damn cool bracelet too!!! wahahahahahha aniweis i met vik after tt and kinda scared him cuz i was acting delirious..lol..dunno wad got into my head la..heheheh aniweis so glad to be not workin todaeeeee...going to have an early nite...got sitar tmrw mornin, tuition..then evenin im going for a weeedddiiinnnhhhg. okies there's like a huge drama in my house now..4 women here (excluding myself of course) are tryin to capture a poor grasshopper!!!!! and they're using my shirt!@!!!!!!!!! sigh. this can only happen in my house. (0) comments Thursday, June 15, 2006 wow so many things to blog!!okies lets see... Numero Uno. no1. i dyed my hair!! its not e colur i posted but supposedly, according to many ppl, its nicer..and i seem to agree now as e colour becomes more and more obvious...its a sorta reddish brown..a lighter version of wad i used to have.. i like it tho..not ah-lian! yayyy! the ppl there were very excited when they saw me cuz i think its one of e rare chances that the students there got to "play and experiment" with curly hair..in fact, the one doing my hair was so excited that she made an appointment with me to cut my hair tmr..hahaha..oh wells its only 8 dollars, and they're rather good..and also, my hair is really in a need of haircut.. ![]() malz met me ther with vik..as usual, waving to the indian construction workers and ruinin my image..hehehe..somehow she says i influence her when i am not e one doin all e waving!! they (e workers) were so excited i tell u..lol.. Numero Two-o.no2. todae is naz's bdae! happpy 21st bdae nazreen darling!!! we went to the secret recipe at suntec..and it was hilarious i tell u..sunitha and myself had met up some time earlier to get her present..a realli pretty pinkish-purplish big nike sports tote bag.. so pretty..very rare for me to say this cuz i dun really like nike..prefer adidas and puma and basically everythin cept nike..so ya. its niceeee..and then meena, nair and myself met up on sat to do up this HUGEEE card (basically vanguard sheet size) on which we pasted loadds of photos and wrote stuff..very pretty! too bad i din get a pic..aniweis we were finishin up e card in e restaurant, and the manager there was very intrigued by what we were doin.. conversation 1: Manager: wah wad u all doing ah, project ah? three of us burst into laughter Kala : no la, one of our fren's bdae so we doin card for her.. Manager : really? wow its very interestin..really interesting.. * moves around till he come to my side, where u can see e card clearly..starts lookin at e pics n readin e captions. Manager : so who's e bdae girl? Kala : er this one.. *points to naz* Manager : oooh..wah twins ah?! look so aliike? *points to picture of meena and nair* *all burst into laughter again as this has been widely said* Kala : erm these are the 2 of them *points to them in real life..* Manager : wah really look alike ah! aniweis the conversation is mostly between him and me cuz the other 2 were too busy laughing.. aniweis naz came after tt..i think she really liked it..cuz she actually showed some emotion! ahahahahahaha happppppy bdae nazzzzzzzz!!!!! after that the manager gave us a free cheesecake with candle and all!!! so sweet rite!!! we din even ask for it (as in e candles). we were just orderin e cheesecake as dessert and he comes n gives it with a lighted up candle and a "happy bdae" sign. and then he says " dun worrie abt it, its on e house" so sweet rite...heheheheh we were so touched that we took a photo with him..he was so shy man!!! waahhaha so funny. sunitha practically ran out of e restuarant after tt cuz she was so embarrased..wahahhaa..but it was real funny! ![]() us and the mananger! hehehehe aniweis funnier than this is that, meena tot he meant that the candles was on e house!!!!! it was so hilarious!!! then when i said "okies lets tuck into e delicious cake that going to be more delicious cuz its OOSI!" and she said "HUH? THE CAKE FREE AH?!? I TOT ONLY E CANDLES?!!" aiyoh we all burst into laughter then! and we couldnt stop laughing for reralllllllly long timeeeeeeeeee.. ![]() Nair and Naz with the Oosi cake! wahahah aniweis it was time well spent..and i love those girls! MUACKX! ![]() weird ppl came to my house to film a documentary todae..some MOE thing. so sadly u guys wun be able to see it on national tv..aniweis i was rather irritated cuz e "actors" were really snobby. HAIYOH pls its a small scale MOE show la..not like some hollywood movie..they were acting like some big-shots. complaining its hot la, need water every other min la, this la that la.. STUPID! arghhhhhh... but aniweis we were paid pretty well for it and i wasnt expectin any form of payment so it was a real supriseeee..wheee. Numero Four-o.no4. went momo ydae with e EB peeps. they had some stupid "sexiest male butt" comp where gay guys were doin pole dance. not very entertain cuz they were not cute. had OK bodies and NOT SEXY AT ALL butts. so dance floor started late..but it was good..we got a free bottle of champange! yummy! but sadly i had to leave early..but was still gooooooood... ![]() us all nice before we went it..so pretty..hehehe.. ![]() hehehe before that i went temple ( i know..) for a pooja that my frens Gayathri and Angshuman were doin for their marriage..but it was really beautiful. and because of malz, i was laughin n laughin at e tavil player (pte joke)..but he is quite cute laaaa..lol poor boy must be wonderin why this loosu was smilin him..prob thinks im checkin him out! wahahahahahaha.. but he's too innocent to think that..lol..and i had some "half-time entertainment" (another pte joke..) lol okies they're showin sister act 2 on star movies.im gonna watch. love all, MUACKX! (0) comments Tuesday, June 13, 2006 work todae was rather tiring..but good cuz i made some customers happy today who complimented my service..and one table even wrote "kala-i love her svc!" (p.s they asked for my name...) but however, evan seems to think that i wrote my name there myself.stupid. i got better things to do ok. ANIWEIS..tmrw im gg to dye/die (kill it with chemicals..geddit'? hahahahhaha) my hair...ive chosen this particular colour tt i like alot but not sure if it'd suit me..it mite be too red..but i like it..so hopefully the ppl at Toni&Guy's academy (its really cheap ok!) will help me choose a colour tt'd be suitable for me..sigh sigh..so worried..anwieis, ![]() ![]() so this is e colour..so pretty rite!!! (not e girl ok!),,howwww will it suit me..sigh so worried. over such a small thing. sigh. aniweis after MUCH MUCH MUCH browsing thru my 1800++ photos, i found a photo which showed e horrible state of my hair.. (the underlyin meanin is tt i take much care to portray my hair in a nice way..wahahhaha) so here goes.... i cant believe im purposely humiliating my own hair.. sigh.. ![]() ARGH! okies e good thing is (a) my adidas jacket is very niceeee (b) my hair may be damaged but its still nicely combed. wahahahahahaaa.. aniweis so this is e current state of my hair..i dunno wad e auntie was thinkin/doin when she was dyin my hair, but it has grown to such a state that only certain parts are dyed..and it grows out it such a weird way..the ponytail part is dyed, but wadeva is behind it is black. so weird la..as if she tied my hair this way and dyed it. sigh. aniweis the colour is a very golden ah-lian colour with VERY VERY LITTLE ALMOST-CANNOT-SEE red colour.. and i hate it!!!! so aniweis, thankew for attendin my lesson on MY HAIR. WAHAHAHAHHA. OKIES im tired. gotta wake up early for drivin/crashin. nite ppl. muackx. (0) comments Monday, June 12, 2006 so why is it that some ppl move on so easily while others cant, when e truth is facing them so blatantly?and why is it that some messengers get to be stuck in between, filling the guilt and the pressure of keepin secrets between 2 equally good frends? and why is it tt such supposed good friends give u 2 diff versions of what's happenin between them that u just dunno who to trust? sigh, i just wish i could blow a whistle, give them both a red card and ask them both to get off e pitch and MOVE.ON. aniiiiiweis i just had a 2.5 hour LONG chat with malz. and we were talkin abt things ranging all e way from celebrity gossip to bitchy psycho ex-gf's to temple stuff. we only hung up cuz i had to peeeeeee. i love u girl! thanks for being my gossip mate yar, seeing tt my bf has such wonderful talent in tt area. lol. so sundae was umaka's bdae..went over to her place to suprise her at midnite..i think she deserves it cuz she's been so down lately due to some probs..hmm..i really think i will not get married so early like her..though my BIL is a great guy and a wonderful father, i just think marriage at such a young age takes a great toll, both mentally and financially..i need to be really secure, in my job, my bank account, and my mental state of mind to take such a great leap.. and that;s just me..wad abt my partner? he also needs to be comfortable in his own skin and able to support himself and MY PRESENTS..wheeee.. [btw im no high-maintainence girl okies va..i prefer to pay my own stuff, be independant and only expect presents on my birthdae..(im allowed tt one indulgence!)] OKIES ENUF OF SERIOUS STUFF.. so ive given up hope on findin a job..there;s only a month or so left till sch starts (actually 2)..but noone wants to employ anyone who cant commit at least 3 mths..and it more flexivle workin at ebie aniweis..work abt 3-4 days a week, teach tution and i can get abt 700+ to about 800 bucks..its not much i know..but its enuf to pay all my bills, class fees, transport etc with just nice left over for savings and everydae expense..the only sad this is its e GSS now and i cant even buy stuff on sale. sobsob. well its vokay, GSS is annual.. THANK GOD FOR THAT. okies im gg to call malz again..lol..byeeeeeeeeeeee (0) comments Saturday, June 10, 2006 by e way, im broke and in A REAL NEED OF A JOB. *hint hint hint hint*(0) comments just a quick lil update before i go to bed.. it was INDEED a fraud job. wanted me to sell stupid coupons, at of all places, TEKKA. thankew very much, i have my tamileh pride.. went to zouk finally..i think its over-rated and over-hyped..but other than that, i had fun with veejee darling..dancing away with her and makin fun of every other living soul there..lol..there were actually 2 tamileh tryin to pick us up laaaa..hhahaha..it was so hilarious actually..thank god we lost them..and oh my god, the mambo nite ppl, they are CRAZY..as in pagal..they actually have choreographed steps to e dance!! my fav was.. "greasee feverrr".. wahahahahha we will go to hell for what we did that nite..lol.. and phuture's music..is a year behind! and e whole lame crowd was "WOOHOO" ing at every song, tt was hot like A YEAR AGO! sigh. me and nair had some female bondin time on thurs..LOL..i think she will NEVER go out wif me alone again..lol..wad i did to her at pepper lunch, she will never forgive me for..wahahahah aniweis i din do nothing much OK.. i just asked e service staff there a zillion questions..and accordin to sunitha, i kinda scared a poor girl..WAHHAHA..one of e qtns i asked them was "wad time do u open till? " and she said tt they were open till 10+. SO i filled up a comment form and under "other comments" i wrote "WHY DO YOU CALL YOURSELF PEPPER LUNCH WHEN YOU'RE ALSO OPEN FOR DINNER??!??" not very embarrasing rite? just tt i filled up sunitha's name and details in e card. and gave it to e poor girl i supposedly scared. and she just read it and stared at us, and sunitha dragged me out of e place (i was too busy laughing) and all e service staff were pointing at us. wahahahha besides tt, e food is not too bad..very exciting to cook it!!! but e prices there does not include GST, so im warnin u'll beforehand.. im wonderin if e Pepper Lunch ppl have called her back with e answer to our query. LOL. todae was a good dae. slept like a pig..went for driving (he's really gonna kill me one dae, tt poor man..i really pity him at times..sit beside me and endure my crappy driving..)..went to work for 5 HOURS! Woohoooo short fridae!!!! and it was good, just a lil busy and i was runnin ard doin alotta desserts..but had nice customers, who made me happy, so i served them well and so they were happy. so all are happy. cept a CERTAIN stompee. shall not mention *R**E names. :) aniweis after i was supposed to go to someplace in Princep street to watch e game with vik, mal and e whole gang. BUT last min plans got changed, place was changed to vik's place, malz din go..and i din wanna go be e ONLY girl there, with vik's parents there somemore..and i gotta travel allll e way back MYSELF. so i sadly came home. and the really really sad part is tt, I DRESSED UP AFTER WORK, BRAGGED TO EVERYONE AT WORK THAT I WAS GOING OUT, AND THEN CALLED VIK. sobsobsob. so i was all dressed up, headin home. SIGH SIGH SIGH. wad sadness.. annnniweissss, it was a good kick-off game. was really rootin for Coasta-Rica, they have much cuter guys and i always like it when e underdog wins..but alas..aniweis 4-2 is a pretty good score..6 GOALS! and i think Coasta Rica did a good job against Germany..Germany's coach is cute..i like it when guys dress formal :) but e game was good..i felt that Germany was e better striker and cuz of tt, CR was too busy defendin to actually have much of a chance at the shots..so 2 goals is alreadi rather impressive. but they need to improve on their ball passing though..i felt tt too many times, they lost e ball to Germany. RIGHT, like im e soccer expert. wahhahahahha aniweis its sad i dun have e pay per view thing..so cant watch the Poland and Ecuador match..i hope Ecuador wins though.. okies short update became a long one..tired..long dae tmrw (wad's new), shall go to bed..muackx alllll (0) comments Monday, June 05, 2006 okies this is for RISHI cuz he is such a sweetie pieeeeeei laus u rishi!!! hehehehe aniweis tmrw i will be reporting for my "fraud" job... for those who dunno...i got a job..as a customer service officer at a marketing firm called JDL International..but e thing is, it sounds fishy la..cuz they gave me e job on e spot, and e pay is like MINIMUM 300 a WEEK, and they still say no needa do sales cuz i double checked with them..so im wonderin why they're payin me so much money just to answer phone calls?!?! but they said stms i mite needa go down to islandwide shopping centres, sit there n ans customer questions, i dun mind, as long as its air-conditioned and i dun needa sell and i dun get paid via commission. wahahahahaha ..but i went to check out their website, and it looks really nice..and they have lotsa impressive clientile..like citibank, seoul garden, lots of other banks, ST pocket money fund, COLOURS BY E BAY@ esplanade etc..wahahaha..so who knows, i mite just be damn lucky. anwieis i was so lazy to write all this, i basically cut most of it from my conversation with malz..so malz, if it sounds familiar, it probably is. wahahaha. okies im tired, gotta wake up early tmrw..shall report on my X-OUTING! next time..whahaha.. by e way, X MEN IS SO NICEEEEEEEEEEEEE..i laus cyclops..and malz n me turned it into a tamil picture. and we were prob laughing e loudest. and pretty much scared alot of ppl. wahahahaa.. okies RISHI I UPDATED FOR U AND ONLY U!!! muacks! nite pplllll..wish me luck for my fraud job! :P (0) comments Friday, June 02, 2006 okies im tired..had a long day todae...driving, almost knocked into a lorry (wad's new), met jo for lunch, came back, went out for tuition again, and just came back ard 11ish..sigh..tmre mornin got sitar, then got work from, 3 BLOODY PM TO 2 BLOODY AM! sighhhhhhhhhhhh...so i burnt my hand at work ydae. stupid hot tea poured down my whole hand..and i couldnt just drop e G.L.A.S.S on e floor so i had to hold on to e scalding hot cup and tea till i found a table..sigh..just made it worse..argh... damn pain!!!!!! i almost wanted to cry, but cannot lose face..hahahaha. aniweis xiaojie n roy were being so sweet n finding antiseptic cream for me n all (but they did try to trick me by giving me UHU glue instead. grrrr.. aniweis there's a ring of redness surrounding my hand now..RING OF FIRE.WOOGOO. ydae was Sangithah's birthdae, and we got her a black motorola v3 razr!!!! argh she's such a pig..jump from a no-colour, black n white nokia 8310 to that phone! argh such a big jump...sighhh.. okies here's more pics...YENJAI! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() sigh going to e party made me really miss crescent..sigh, it is THE best school i ever went to..without any doubt, taught me some pretty good lessons, and gave me the greatest friends i could ever ask for..fond memories..great teachers..wonderful food..hehehe..and just plain, wonderful "the day when we must part, may Crescent remain in our hearts...." ok nostalagic moment.sobsob. anwieiisss more pics!!!! these are of some photos of e gathering at my uncle's place..was to celebrate my periyamma and mum;s bdae..i love my family la..they are e best...thru better and definately worse, they're always there. also, great gossips! hahaha muacks!! ![]() cuz actually e 3 of us wanted to take alone, but they say cannot take pic with 3 ppl, so we just grabbed my uncle sitting on e chair n posed. hehe. ![]() ![]() ![]() OKIES COMING UP NEXT......... danceeeeeee photos..pls be prepared for opera make-up... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() okies IM TIRED! 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