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Tuesday, March 28, 2006 okies im instead going to post a very GENERAL post on wd im feeling.PEOPLE WHO DO NOT APPRECIATE YOU. THIS one thing seriously pisses me off, i mean friends are supposed to be there for GOOD and BAD. u dun just use them n chuck it away. like condom like that. i mean they;re supposed to be more like a good bra, fine sturdy, give support and last long long. seriously, i seriously hate people who take people for granted. even if im not the one being taken for granted. i get pissed at my frens for allowing themselves to be taken for granted. i get pissed when they dun do anything, saying they're used to it. i get REALLY REALLY PISSED!! everyone is special, as cliche as it might sound. every one of us has some special qualities in us created by God (that's me by e way..). and its these qualities that make us endearing to other people, be it frens, family, bfs, gfs, colleagues, wadeva. and so noone shd EVER assume that they're not important enuf for anyone. AND SO, they shd never ever allow other people to also think of themselves in that way. u're just letting people look down on u n stamp all over u! its like giving them the permission to use u as their condom!!! and now, to the people who USE other ppl, NO BRAIN IS IT!!!! imagine how u feel if ppl did that to U huh. ure just lucky u never kenna me, if not i will WHACK u upside down by now. arghhhhhhhhh. and another thing. anothe sort of "people i hate". people who bloody hell depend on their other halfs/steads/gf's/bf's for everything. i mean pls, u guys were not joined at e hips when u were born, i dun see why u HAVE to be tht way just cuz ure together now, esp those who forsake yr frens for those "siamese twin". will realli slap them. OKEIS. im so fired up from bitching. poor keyboard is going to die. im gg to sleep. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (0) comments fine i just had to delete all my pissed off rantings cuz of jo. JO IM ONLY DOING THIS CUZ IM NICE. not cuz i wanna avoid any fight. in fact, i rather fight it out with her then continously getting so irritated. ONLY BECAUSE OF YOU OK, ONLY CUZ I LOVE U OK. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (0) comments Sunday, March 26, 2006 hola hola!dance today was BAD. torturous. did e thillana again AND again AND again AND again.. and todae padmini teacher asked me if i wanna do arrangetram. aiyoh i almost died on e spot. wds my reply ? *smile smile* erm teacher, maybe after finishin my degree.. DO ARRANGETRAAM NOW? she siao alreadi la. i was estimating like, when im 27, 28 years old. looks like she wants me to do before im 25. sighhhh.. i want to have e beautiful voice. i want to serenade people..i want to take part in song talentimes. i want to singgg. sighs. being a dancer, u cant just break out into a dance. need to have e proper attire (yeah im just imagining kicking my leg up n doing a twirl in a mini-skirt), need to have e proper place (yes dance bharatanatiyam in dbl o. rite), and not everyone appreciates fine cultural art. but have a good voice, can sing anything, sing classical, pop, jazz, rock, rnb, tamil, english anything. SIGH I WANT A BEAUTIFUL VOICE!!!!!!!!! do they sell it on ebay? (0) comments yay!!! my tag board is back!!!! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee turns out i deleted a very crucial part of e HTML. and i figured it out all by myself. wahahahahahaha.. aniweis got loadsa things to blog abt..lets start with ydae.. 24th of March so i started e dae feelin super uber bored.cuz since lsm1101 prac ended, i haf freeee fridaes from now on..and work was only at 7pm..so wad to do..started msgin my gurlfrens askin them if they wanna go trim the bushes on our foreheads (eyebrow threadin PEOPLE..dun think too much..) wells to cut a story short, just as i was beginnin to give up hope tt ANYONE will be free on a fridae afternoon, pearlie darling msged me and asked if i wanna meet up for lunch! yay, turns out the dearie din go for work.. lol, well aniewis i went down to school to hand in my prac (bloody irritating, seeing tt its not even counted!), then went down to town to meet pearlie..she's such a sweetheart la..we just walked ard, talked, GOSSIPED MAJOR, ate, walked ard more, shopped (SORRY PEARL!) and waited for jo to come down after her lect.. after jo came down, we went down to e RUPINI'S at orchard emerald for threadin..i tell u, e customer service there sucks k..its juust, argh feel too irritated to explain..just that, they rt spoiling Indians name!!!! next time, im going to go down to tekka's RUPINIS. think they at least have better service there... so after threadin we walked ard more, went bra shopping. LOL. for pearl laaaa...was damn funny...i tell u pearl, im so nice, if not i will tell everyone abt yr HALF-FULL MONTY that u did in e dressing room. wahahaha. OOPS did it just slip out of me?! aniweis, she is damn comfortable wif her body la..that's all i can say..wahahaha after that, i had to go to work, and pearl had church stuff, n jo wasnt feelin too well so we all left... work was T.I.R.I.N.G! but i was e runner! YAY! so not too bad, after work we (xiaojie, jingy, sijia) were just lyin ard upstairs closin up, when they started observing my boobs! i tell u, they come up wif e weirdest theories abt my boobs..its crazy k..i was just laffin at them while they examined my boobs.. sighs..the things i haf to endure with.. so came back at 2 ++ took a shower, went to bed.. fast forward to.. TODAE went for sitar in e mornin, as usual kanna scolded..sign im just not musically inclined la..shd do stuff like packing paper or typing. better suited for me. sighs. met vik for lunch at fish n co. wow food was so filling!!!!! i can still feel e seafood platter that i had..aniweis had a nice afternoon eating n talkin wif him..haven done that in a while.. :) aniweis i left earliee cuz i was so tired n sleeepy...came home, n slept for like ONE BLOODY HOUR..then woke up, took a shower n got dressed for e arrangetram..wore my pink saree with e super sexy blouse.. aniweis e arrangetram was greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat...but i still think shankari's one was nicer..but this was real good!!! i mean, its BHAKTHAN sir's choreography, so it was REALLY FAST! i think if it was me, i would haf fainted after the allaripu. and that's like e firsst dance in a total of 9 dances, one of which is half an hour long!!!! aniweis everyone i met there kept askin me when's my turn. like wedding like that. wahaha i just kept telling everyone "5-8 yrs, 5-8 yrs., cuz hopefully they'll all forget me after that. wahhahhaha.. aniweis e performance is real good la,gives me more motivation to dance well in class.which is tmrw.and i haven practised.dead. aniweis i feel so sad wheneva i see Alvin, this cook in ebie...who is/was actually ah bee's bf. now tt bee's back in thailand for good, its damn sad cuz can see that he still loves her very much n is reminded by her in everythin tt he does. and we all dunno wad to say when he suddenly just mentions her, cuz we dun wanna "encourage" him...she;'s not gonna come back for good, and alr told him she is not gonna wait. sigh. so sad. a r'ship doomed from e start. if its me, i wld rather not get into e r'ship in e firsst place, save myself some major heartache.sigh. would u guys? i know its easy to say "oh i wun blablabla" but the heartbreak of losing someone after being sooo close is so much more wrenching that losing someone before getting to know them better. siggh. or maybe its e case of "better to have loved n lost than not to have loved at all" hmm..dunno..its jusst plain sad. okies im tired. gonna sleep. i wanna go lib in e mornin to borrow books for my stupid project.sighs.such a nerd i is. muacks people, MUAH MUAH MUAH. (0) comments Friday, March 24, 2006 okies i changed my layout!!wheee so perfect for me!!! cuz im e QUEEN!! aniweis my tag-board is missing!!!! where'd it gooo..ARGH!!! but e html code is in my template..sobsobosb.pls tell me how to put it back, arghhhh u guys cant even tell me how to put it back CUZ MY TAG-BOARD IS NOT HERE!!! SOBSOBSOBSOBSOB (0) comments these past few weeks have been an emotional turmoil.. first i was sad, hurt, angry.. then more angry..pissed..still abit sad.. then i decided to resign myself to tt state.accept things. just as i was being happy accepting... then *BHAM* they're all so nice... waaaaaaads up wif that man..ah wells..im still accepting..though its kind of a happy acceptance..albeit abit strange.. sighs.. aniwei i realised i haven blogged abt momo.. went momo wif the eb peeps..was fun as usual, but due to the IMMENSE small young looking people there, felt abit bored. alas, no cute guys. hehehhe but it was still fun as usual, the eb peeps are my number 1 clubbin khakis la.. thank god din get drunk..had to come home n sleep in e same room as anu-auntie (as mum n dad were still away) aniweis i dun rarely get drunk...only H-I-G-H aniweis i wanna change my blog layout soon..altho its sooooo super pretty n all, so many peeps have been complainin bt font size/colour/space wadeva etc..so ya, FOR YA'LL OUT THERE.. okies im gg to bed now. so that i can wake up, go hand in my report, meet some ppl for lunch n threadin (hopefully) then go down to work. nites peeps. muackx.. (0) comments Tuesday, March 21, 2006 i miss my mark valerby...hehehehe..this real damn cute ang moh guy who came down to essential.. and complimented me on my "Great service" and "excellent recommendation"... sigh..that boy/man made me blush..he actually made me blush. and skip, and smile big big, and give even better service.. awww man he's my dream customer!! why cant everybody be like tt?!!@ gorgeous, charming, appreciative, kind, smiling, hot, cute, handsome, charismatic, beautiful, hot hot hot hot. ohhh mark valerby... okies i know his name NOT CUZ I ASKED. but he paid by credit card. and its there. wahhahahahahha aniweis, im soooo sick of studyin for tests..i haf one on thurs but am NOWHERE near done..like not even anywhere near started. lol. but its an open book test, and accordin to nair, its bloody diff, even if u study can only get 30%. so why bother rite.. this sat is jayanthi akka's arrangetram. so exciting. hope it was as good as shankari's. i either get realli moved or get realli sleepy during arrangetrams. lol. i want to dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... ok im kidding. realli.. (0) comments Monday, March 20, 2006 my parents are back!!!!and they bought me sooooooooo many beautiful things!!!!!! i love them!!!!! it was a horrible one week w/o them , din get to sleep on my bed much cuz of stayin over relatives. had to come home earli cuz of SOME PEOPLE and din get much freedom..wheeeeee im glad they're back.. i only realised how liberal they are, when they;re not here..sighs.. anioweis i got TWO BAGS, 2 perfume sets, 1 pouch, 1 chain, 3 earrings, 1 watch AND CHOCOLATES!!!!! yayyyyyyyyyy!!! aniweis met e girls, actually just pearl n jo, for dinner on sat..which turned out more to be a S-H-O-P-P-I-N-G trip!!!! hehehe i bought a beautifulll big GOLD BAG!!! (thank god i din get e middle sized one, cuz mummy got me that. :D ) had a GREAT time wif e girls, they realli can light up my dae/night la...i miss pearlie so much, rarely get to see her..sighs.. well at least she's all updated now. lol i love u girls!!!!! MUACKS and pearl, remember, dun rush into it k..if its meant to be, it will be..if u dun/cant imagine it, then dun. :) and jo, remember wad i told u on e bus ride home..i meant every word..serious babe. nth wrong. nth wrong at all :) aniweis watchin kopi-o wif karan now...it was prob recorded before vivek-aish (my twin sister by e way..) broke up...cuz he's going on and on n on and on n on about my twin sister n how great they are together. and i dun haf a very good impression of him animore..so.. HAHAHSHAHAHA NEH NEH NI BOO BOO, U GOT DUMPED! OK SORRIE. lol dance class todae was super tiring..cuz auntie bhaskar came in to class n GRILLED US..but it felt good..i actually felt that i was learning things n WORKING OUT..n actually sweatin it out. learnt a WHOLE korvai todae..usually takes us 2 to 3 weeks..cuz of e uber fast speed auntie padmini works at...heheheheheee.. HE SAID SHAH RUKH KHAN IS GOD. yay i like vivek oberoi again. cuz he knows e truth!!! i miss SRK...he so cute..so handsome.. :) okies gg to complete my lab report.act, i wanna sleep..cuz tmrw i got no prac! yay! so i shall wake up earlier n finish it up..half's done aniweis. :) muahs all.. (0) comments Tuesday, March 14, 2006 well parents are away honey-mooning again in PAREEEEE.and so im sleeping all alone in their big room, going clubbing on wed n fri. besides that, NO CHANGE! SIGH NO cchange for my attitude either. still feelin wrteched about tt whole thing. sigh. sunitha was such a darling, i talked it out to her n feel much better. but still wretched. little better. but still wretched. soooo much to do. as usual im behind time. sigh. how do u be "behind time" is time a person, that u are actually standing behind? ok im gg crazy tmrw going MOS wif eb peeps. im oh-so-broke. why am i still going? i haf no idea... who wanna comeeeee im sleepy...bored..tired..and need to study. the nerd is going to die.. (0) comments Thursday, March 09, 2006 eh shanker..u made me a HAPPY WOMAN!very very happy! lol erm hv my number rite..pas pass la. okok im joking. i promised i will not flirt with yr frens. hehehehe mals! yay u updated! and i'll give u e add for e shop k, they sell the bitch tee there..even better, LETS GO SHOPPIN N BUY TOGETHER!! and i love u too dearie..MUACKSS!!!! todae's school day was damn tiring la...sigh anant test..was...not HORRENDOUS but not great either.sigh.and i forgot to bring eraser.and its a MCQ test. best rite..so i kept using e tip of my mechanical pencil to erase, and its SO DAMN LITTLE LEFT. so in e end, i left it up to fate. if i manage to erase it, that means its meant to be corrected. if the tiny eraser cant erase it properly, its not meant to be corrected. great logic rite? thankew thankew. then i met nair, xiao tao and xin hui to finish up my project for e ss module. AHHHHHH tiredness man..but we finally finished it!!!! amidst all e "tensions"-its my new least fav word by e way, and amidst all e laughter, phone calls begging people to be interviewed, pretendin to be sunitha, lol, damn funny la, laff untill stomach wanna crack open.. and we finished it! yay! however poor xiao tao aka jen is sick! so sad, hope she gets bettterrr... todae as i was having my daily full-of-crap-but-still-doing-it conversation with Shanker, he was telling me how he only has mainly female friends and so all the KLKs (keling killahs aka typical tamilan aka anjadi) all will somehow think he's with that girl whenever he's out with any female FRIEND as in M.U.T.U.A.L friend. then i was thinking, ya same here..i mean BACCCKKK in e days where the number of guys greatly outweigh the number of girls i knew by like x5, every single time i go out with a guy, someone or some ass will come reporting to some family member " todae i saw yr grand-daughter/daughter/niece/student with some guy ah...dunno who he is la...but..just thought of telling u..." THESE BLOODY BUSY BODIES! tell u, ruined my teenage life man..esp since my grandma knows almost every single old indian lady in singapore. (trust me, i am NOT exxagerating, jusst ask miruna or vik) cant they just keep their bloody mouths shut? will they DIE if they dun "think of telling". will they EXPLODE if they dun report my every single move to my parents/grand-parents/aunties/uncles/cuzins/teacher? (yes sadly, even tamil teachers are included..) no1 typical scenario, i just happened to watch a movie finish with this guy, whom by e way just totally disappeared once i got attached (shall rant about that issue in another post), and one really nosey auntie (who's daughter by e way, is WAY wilder than wild flowers) saw la. taht's it. 5 mins later i get a call. "kala, where are u?" "er out with a fren.." "what fren.." "just a normal fren.." "do i know that fren..." "no..." "auntie xxx just saw u with that guy. wad are u doing alone with a guy?! dun u know people will talk?!@ u better come back home now!" "er ok." sighs. thank goddd my parents are way relaxed now. now i just do e smart thing. if i notice any nosey pokers i call mummy, tell her who i am with n where i am n inform her of an incoming call. sighs..indian gossips. worst tongue i tell u, worst tongue. whyyy are we in particular, so concerned abt wad people will think? i mean, the chinese are the majority here for God's sakes. but it is US. we MINORITY INDIANS, who's news spread e fastest! HOW HOW HOW?!@ i tell u, next time, there's some major national news abt terrorism/national disaster/natural disaster WADEVER, just tell a indian. they'll do the job. no need for newspapers. no need for tv also. just a KLK'S mouth. that holds all the power. aniweis everyone, go visit shanker's blog k! got write nice nice things abt me..!!! wahahahaha yeah im egoistic, and im proud of it. wahahha aniwei he's so sweet la,succchh a sweetheart..all shd support his and KLK's blog..go see go see! ok bye. (0) comments Tuesday, March 07, 2006 hmmMmMMMmm..really think i will undergo depression if not for my frens..hahahaha jo n miruna, my fellow nerds are just e best studyin companions ever..lol..e shit that we do while "studyin" is realli hilariious. and we ACTUALLY do manage to get stuff done..wheee todae was ps test..not too bad..felt like i did pretty alrite.. realli feelin crappy abt myself these daes. feel like im just a shadow in e background. whether im there or not doesn't realli matter so why bother aniweis. uni life's takin its toll on me. im not used to it. im used to being surrounded by my frens, havin a big grp to hang out with, eating lunch/dinner together with them, always walking everywhere with at least 1 other person. now its become usual to walk alone by myself along e corridors, its great even if i can find one other person to talk to or walk ard with or even sit in lecture with. i just find it so hard to make new frens now-a-days. its like, on one hand, thankew very much im happy with the great wonderful frens i have. but on e other hand im thinkin, dun tell me i will never be able to make ONE MEASLY good fren from my uni life? i mean, i DO have frens from uni. but they're the HI-BYE frens, the sort u msg before u go for lect to ask them chop seat, those u ask abt questions regardin yr module, those u ask to get lect notes for u. but not those u will go out wif OUTSIDE of sch. not those u can study with after sch hours. not those u can arrange to meet just cuz ure bored..sighs...wells..at least ive alr got great frens now itself..shd be happy with wad i haf.. hmm aniweis i finally talked to vik regardin how horrid i was feelin abt e sat outing thing. suprisingly he didnt criticize me but instead, talked to me abt it n made me see things that i haven relli noticed. but he also understood where i was comin from n promised me i wasn't being paranoid and wad i said realli did make sense. (SEE IM NOT PARANOID!) i dunno if i shd approach them direct abt how im feeling. i mean, they are guys n they tend to see things diff. and things mite not be e same btw us if the approaching thing doesnt work out. n i dun wan vik to feel weird cuz he'd be stuck between us. sighhhhhh. we'll see how things go after vinoth's birthdae party this sat. I AM BEING SUCH A WHINY LITTLE PRICK. slap me please. (0) comments Thursday, March 02, 2006 i miss F.R.I.E.N.D.SI miss ross, racheal, monica. chandler, joey n phoebe. I WANT THEM BACK!!!! (0) comments i is back. wow with my nights of late=night studying, i is beginnin to blog regularly again. aniwei jo n miruna, thanks so much for caring..i love u guys!!!!!! thanks for being my leader nerd and fellow groupie nerd. n groupie nerd, there's no such thing as studyin too much!!! (spoken like a true nerd) wahahhaha.. aniwei, maybe i AM studyin too much. studyin till i dun go out much no more, dun dress up nice nice for sch (not as if i USED to, but well i did, at CERTAIN TIMES), dun work much no more (less exercise, trust me, workin in a restaurant really is as tiring as a run), sit at one place n stare at a book, not movin ard much..sigh...so prob gettin more doody n fuddly n fatty. and making up my own vocab on e way... aniwei i dun think im studyin SMART. dunno if i can do well if i continue studyin so un efficiently. sigh. but dunno wad else to do. there's just SO DAMN MUCH! watchin e first episode (i think) of the new season of amazin race. i always get hooked to it when i actually watch it, cuz i dun usually make a point to watch it. but if i do, then i'll prob watch till e end. sighs. no good no good. nerd must study. aniwei i got my paaaaay todae. no diff. din work much last mth so pay is FREAKIN little, just nice to cover my hp bill, internet bill, payments etc. :( haf to wait for my tution fees to pay for certain stuff i bought online (and in e stupid nus bazar) ON A BLOODY IMPULSE and to actually start saving n buyin stsuff! aniwei, nus is fast becomin a shoppin centre!!! im spendin more money there than anywhere else!!! they've got to put an end to this!!!! they cant keep feedin on our vulnarabilities!!! sigh.haf.to.control.myself. ok back to the last chapter of proteins! 2 more chapters to gooo..A.R.G.H NITE peeps.muackx (0) comments Wednesday, March 01, 2006 ohmygod im watching this super damn lame lame lame lame lame lame tamil movie on suntv. gosh its so lame i dunno to laff or to cry. LAME!SCENARIO: king goes hunting in forest. king sees dear. king tries to kill dear. peasant woman wearin VERY LITTLE CLOTHES walks by n ACCIDENTALLY throws a stone in e direction of e king (i haf no idea why she decided to throw e stone). stone hits right smack on king's head tho SHE THREW IT DOWNWARDS. girl comes to appologises. king falls for beauty and asks her to marry him (with the river as the proof). stupid girl agree. and they haf sex (i think..cuz usually censor all this on tamil tv). then king leaves sayin he will come back with royal customary to get her. she wait. wait. wait. he never come. she go find him in e palace. he say he dun like her, just use her. aniwei its realllli lame cuz of e costumes, POOR ACTING, and realli funny funny expressions on face. oh well. for more lame movies, do tune in to suntv, every dae, 1 am. serious, definately CAN GET lame movies. the perfect medicine for an insomniac. oh my god the movie just got lamer! she committed suicide (after cursing the king) cuz she lost her honour, and now she FLEW, as in literally FLEW WITH WHITE WINGS SEWN ONTO A WHITE GOWN, down back to earth. ok this is getting hilarious. aniweis, todae went for my first n last hip-hop class with jo. last cuz i dun think i can commit any more time la. just too tiresome to rush to tuition after an hr n a half of dance..aniwei e class by itself was not too bad, but i din see anythin much hip hop abt it. to tell e truth it seemed abit like modern dance sort..hmm..but mayb cuz its e first lesson la. aniweis i felt so fugly man. so fat n urgh. hated lookin in e mirror. even durin dance class, as in my every sundae bharathanatiyam, i dun feel so fat man..cusz basically e dance saree hides all e fats..and all e girls in e hip hop class are like SKINNY BANJOLES!!! sigh feelin so fugly abt myself nowadays. YES JO I KNOW IM NOT HUGE GENORMOUS FAT. but i am hideous, plum, fats pokin out, fat. that's how i feel aniweis. argh having a HUGE inferior-complex recently. EVERYTHING abt myself bothers me, my curly dry unmanageable AH-LIAN colour hair, my pimple-heaven face, my dun-even-go-there-weight, my height, or rather, lack of it, my will-make-spore-rich-oily face. sigh. i think im just falling into depression. sighs. H.E.L.P -proteins tend to be least soluble at their isoelectric point, at the pH value where the sum of their positive and negative electrical charges is zero. they then, tend to coalesce and precipitate out of solutionn as the electrostatic repulsion betwen the protein molecules is minimal. just a glimpse into my so ever sleep-inducing textbook. alrite i finished most of wad i wanted to do todae. just 7 pages short..wheee..going to bed. got presentation for pol science tmrw. sighs. work as well. sighs. nite peeps. muackx (0) comments |
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