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Monday, March 20, 2006 my parents are back!!!!and they bought me sooooooooo many beautiful things!!!!!! i love them!!!!! it was a horrible one week w/o them , din get to sleep on my bed much cuz of stayin over relatives. had to come home earli cuz of SOME PEOPLE and din get much freedom..wheeeeee im glad they're back.. i only realised how liberal they are, when they;re not here..sighs.. anioweis i got TWO BAGS, 2 perfume sets, 1 pouch, 1 chain, 3 earrings, 1 watch AND CHOCOLATES!!!!! yayyyyyyyyyy!!! aniweis met e girls, actually just pearl n jo, for dinner on sat..which turned out more to be a S-H-O-P-P-I-N-G trip!!!! hehehe i bought a beautifulll big GOLD BAG!!! (thank god i din get e middle sized one, cuz mummy got me that. :D ) had a GREAT time wif e girls, they realli can light up my dae/night la...i miss pearlie so much, rarely get to see her..sighs.. well at least she's all updated now. lol i love u girls!!!!! MUACKS and pearl, remember, dun rush into it k..if its meant to be, it will be..if u dun/cant imagine it, then dun. :) and jo, remember wad i told u on e bus ride home..i meant every word..serious babe. nth wrong. nth wrong at all :) aniweis watchin kopi-o wif karan now...it was prob recorded before vivek-aish (my twin sister by e way..) broke up...cuz he's going on and on n on and on n on about my twin sister n how great they are together. and i dun haf a very good impression of him animore..so.. HAHAHSHAHAHA NEH NEH NI BOO BOO, U GOT DUMPED! OK SORRIE. lol dance class todae was super tiring..cuz auntie bhaskar came in to class n GRILLED US..but it felt good..i actually felt that i was learning things n WORKING OUT..n actually sweatin it out. learnt a WHOLE korvai todae..usually takes us 2 to 3 weeks..cuz of e uber fast speed auntie padmini works at...heheheheheee.. HE SAID SHAH RUKH KHAN IS GOD. yay i like vivek oberoi again. cuz he knows e truth!!! i miss SRK...he so cute..so handsome.. :) okies gg to complete my lab report.act, i wanna sleep..cuz tmrw i got no prac! yay! so i shall wake up earlier n finish it up..half's done aniweis. :) muahs all..
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