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Sunday, March 26, 2006 yay!!! my tag board is back!!!! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeturns out i deleted a very crucial part of e HTML. and i figured it out all by myself. wahahahahahaha.. aniweis got loadsa things to blog abt..lets start with ydae.. 24th of March so i started e dae feelin super uber bored.cuz since lsm1101 prac ended, i haf freeee fridaes from now on..and work was only at 7pm..so wad to do..started msgin my gurlfrens askin them if they wanna go trim the bushes on our foreheads (eyebrow threadin PEOPLE..dun think too much..) wells to cut a story short, just as i was beginnin to give up hope tt ANYONE will be free on a fridae afternoon, pearlie darling msged me and asked if i wanna meet up for lunch! yay, turns out the dearie din go for work.. lol, well aniewis i went down to school to hand in my prac (bloody irritating, seeing tt its not even counted!), then went down to town to meet pearlie..she's such a sweetheart la..we just walked ard, talked, GOSSIPED MAJOR, ate, walked ard more, shopped (SORRY PEARL!) and waited for jo to come down after her lect.. after jo came down, we went down to e RUPINI'S at orchard emerald for threadin..i tell u, e customer service there sucks k..its juust, argh feel too irritated to explain..just that, they rt spoiling Indians name!!!! next time, im going to go down to tekka's RUPINIS. think they at least have better service there... so after threadin we walked ard more, went bra shopping. LOL. for pearl laaaa...was damn funny...i tell u pearl, im so nice, if not i will tell everyone abt yr HALF-FULL MONTY that u did in e dressing room. wahahaha. OOPS did it just slip out of me?! aniweis, she is damn comfortable wif her body la..that's all i can say..wahahaha after that, i had to go to work, and pearl had church stuff, n jo wasnt feelin too well so we all left... work was T.I.R.I.N.G! but i was e runner! YAY! so not too bad, after work we (xiaojie, jingy, sijia) were just lyin ard upstairs closin up, when they started observing my boobs! i tell u, they come up wif e weirdest theories abt my boobs..its crazy k..i was just laffin at them while they examined my boobs.. sighs..the things i haf to endure with.. so came back at 2 ++ took a shower, went to bed.. fast forward to.. TODAE went for sitar in e mornin, as usual kanna scolded..sign im just not musically inclined la..shd do stuff like packing paper or typing. better suited for me. sighs. met vik for lunch at fish n co. wow food was so filling!!!!! i can still feel e seafood platter that i had..aniweis had a nice afternoon eating n talkin wif him..haven done that in a while.. :) aniweis i left earliee cuz i was so tired n sleeepy...came home, n slept for like ONE BLOODY HOUR..then woke up, took a shower n got dressed for e arrangetram..wore my pink saree with e super sexy blouse.. aniweis e arrangetram was greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat...but i still think shankari's one was nicer..but this was real good!!! i mean, its BHAKTHAN sir's choreography, so it was REALLY FAST! i think if it was me, i would haf fainted after the allaripu. and that's like e firsst dance in a total of 9 dances, one of which is half an hour long!!!! aniweis everyone i met there kept askin me when's my turn. like wedding like that. wahaha i just kept telling everyone "5-8 yrs, 5-8 yrs., cuz hopefully they'll all forget me after that. wahhahhaha.. aniweis e performance is real good la,gives me more motivation to dance well in class.which is tmrw.and i haven practised.dead. aniweis i feel so sad wheneva i see Alvin, this cook in ebie...who is/was actually ah bee's bf. now tt bee's back in thailand for good, its damn sad cuz can see that he still loves her very much n is reminded by her in everythin tt he does. and we all dunno wad to say when he suddenly just mentions her, cuz we dun wanna "encourage" him...she;'s not gonna come back for good, and alr told him she is not gonna wait. sigh. so sad. a r'ship doomed from e start. if its me, i wld rather not get into e r'ship in e firsst place, save myself some major heartache.sigh. would u guys? i know its easy to say "oh i wun blablabla" but the heartbreak of losing someone after being sooo close is so much more wrenching that losing someone before getting to know them better. siggh. or maybe its e case of "better to have loved n lost than not to have loved at all" hmm..dunno..its jusst plain sad. okies im tired. gonna sleep. i wanna go lib in e mornin to borrow books for my stupid project.sighs.such a nerd i is. muacks people, MUAH MUAH MUAH.
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