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Monday, February 27, 2006 im so grateful for the few but realliiiiii great frens i have.thanks malz, jo, miruna for callin me up n tallking to me n makin me feel better n less shitty abt myself.. :) school's actually pretty alrite this sem cuz of my new found frens... :) hope the goodness continues... well that's all. going to study. nite peeps. muackx. (0) comments Sunday, February 26, 2006 mwanhdajdsjkfjdfkydae was alriteeee..not so great..not bad either..i just didn't feel like myself so din not enjoy myself to e max..felt abit BLEAGH towards e end, after e movie and i have noooo idea why. actually i do, but its abit too personal to write it out here..or is it? this is where im supposed to pen/type my personal thoughts after alll...well basically i felt super lousy abt myself..i have no idea why..i mean, i dun get PMS..not e emotional sort aniwei..more like e physical "i-feel-like-killing-myself-cuz-of-e-pain" sort. so ya, dunno why i suddenly felt like tt..somemore just before we were going to watch PINK PANTHER (which, by e way, is not so great)..i just felt so super lousy. so super ugly, fat, unattractive both INSIDE n out, n lost all my confidence, my good mood, etc etc. which is actually quite weird cuz i really dunno why it happened.. aniweis miruna came down n i told her how i was feelin as accordin to her i looked like someone just died n she tried to cheer me up. :) thanks babe.. hmmm well i finally caught up with malz after so long!!! it was all good..missed e IRC times..lol..anyone remember the #singaporeindians? hahahaha..the who's who all hung out there..i made MANY close frens thru tt..and also lotsa freaks..sigh..was just talkin abt it with miru, vik n rishi..all the nonsense i used to do..lol...now we all seem so QUAI n good compared to those havoc days. whahaha aniwei e guys plus sahira went clubbin after e lunch plus movie plus dinner. but didnt feel like going due to my pseudo-pms syndrome. plus im oh super broke. just saw my darling vivian balakrishnan on teevee..he's just hot la. ok im gg to try to study.adios. (0) comments Friday, February 24, 2006 *just updated my blogskin. nice nice nice? i love it! wheeeeeeeeeeeeee*wow its a fridae nite and im home.. *relishes e feeling*. the reason im not working isss...i took over ling's shift ydae so she took over part of mine todae. yipeeeee..so i ended at 7. work was allllllrite...am so bored now. i am even beginnin to regret not workAin..AH WADS HAPPENING TO ME?!?! tmr's gonna be a fun dae. meetin club by e bay for movie tmrw. wheeee. i finally collected vinoth's present. i tell u, the science club customer service sucks ok. yaya i know i know, they're the NUS SCI CLUB, not some boutique. but still, know how to collect money from us to make stuff, dunno how to keep up their promise is it?! KNN supposed to collect last fridae know..shit la..oh wells. im beginnin to sound like ah-neh, wads wif e KNN n all. awahha. aniwei, guess wad MY RUDOLPH PIMPLE IS BACK!@@ im so pissed off la..it was a small lil speep bump in the morning and accelerated into the sixth avenue slope now!!! ahhhh...sigh....... and there;s one more huge one at my chin. lile right below e rudolph. looks like i draw it on. aiyoh these pimples got no timing, come also all come together, cannot come seperately is it?!@ sigh aniweeis i have no inspiration to dedicate any posts to anyone. so lazy to think of nice things to say. i can bitch if u want. aniwei i was just thinkin of e state of politics in Sinjaapour, what wif e recent demise of Mr Rajaratnam, and realised, when u say "politics in singapore" there's only one person who comes to mind. LKY. his legacy, his family, his PAP, his fight for freedom! isnt there anyone else significant enuf? i mean yah sure there's the SM Goh and PM Lee and education minister n health minister etc BUT are they so prominent? its like, just background people, with LKY being the main one. even during my political science tutorial, whenever we have to state examples of certain stuff from Sinjaapour, the only person's name which keeps comin up is....LKY. oh well, just a random thought. disclaimer : this is by no means anything to do with the defamingof any political party or figure and is just a RANDOM HARMLESS thought and should not be thought to be as a critisicm of any political party/figure. thank you. gotta be careful nowadays, all the juicy stuff seems to be coming from internet only. by e way, i think vivian balakrishnan is one HOT politician. sigh.... (0) comments Wednesday, February 22, 2006 ok todae no testimonial all. tired. heheheheaniweiii todae was a great dae! tho not much nerd-ism aka studyin was done, i really really had a great dae with navina, jo, miruna, rae, pearl n hua. yipeee! power to the crescent girlsss aniweis mr shanker aka ah-neh asked me to this carebear test and i found out i am... CHEER BEAR! i dunno whether to be proud or insulted. wahahhaa. make sure u guys go do too!!! aniwei i miss old cartoons. like carebear. like smurffs. like captain planet. like scooby doo. like the OLD-SCHOOL disney ones. now we haf weird shows like hi-5, barney, then of course the teletubbies. gosh. weird. nothing can beat sesame street!!!!! ok todae is short post..cuz im tired and haf to rest for looong dae tmrw which mite incl a nite out at momo. anyone interested? before i go, i'd like to say to my girls again..... i love u girls! i love how u girls make me laff even after 6-8 years together. i love how we can talk abt e weirdest things in e world and still keep a straight face. i love how we can talk abt the most serious things and still burst out laffing for no reason. i love that we're all such camera whores. i love that we can be impartial yet bitch abt e guy once he's out of e picture. i love how we do crazy stuff and dun appologise for it. i love how we can read each other's minds. i love how comfortable we are with each other. i love how we have changed and yet, not quite changed. i love u girls! *muackx!!* (0) comments Monday, February 20, 2006 i is back.i decided that im going to devote some posts to my friends...im so sweet rite??~!?? thankew thankew... *bows* ok todae it shall be..... *yoges!!* ok dun even know if she reads my blog...well, i'll make sure she does!! aniwei i knew this sweetheart when i started dance @ Nritralaya in e year 2002. lol. like essay. ANIWEIS, at first i tot she was some snob, cuz she n this other girl were like standin in one corner n talking to themselves and she looked like she was 25 or sth and i was only 17 then. so actually i was rather scared of her.. but after a few classes, we got talking n i found out she's really nice n funny! and she's only like 2 yrs older than me! and slowly over e years of torture, sweat, bitchin, laffing, gg back home together in e train all smelly, sewing costumes together (wad a headache!), all the performances, dressing up at her place, gym-ing, shopping, bitching, me getting attached, she getting attached, movies, outing, more bitching, we just got so close! so close that her family knows me, my family knows (and adores) her... its really a blessing that i got her as a fren, and an accompanianment for my dance. i think i wld haf skipped half my dance classes if not for her weekly sundae calls at 1 plus "hey girl meeting later at 3 30 ah! dun be late!" (of course im always late..the one time i was not late she almost fainted" hehehe aniwei i adore this girl to e core, she's one of my bestest gal pals that i can talk to abt anyyyythhinng, family problems to ridiculous things..like "eh girl, i forgot wad bus to take to go to my tuition kid's place!!!" and she gives great advice! hahahaha and also, my fellow wash-eye partner!! yay! and yes girl i remember, the flat screen plasma tv for yr house when u get married. dun worrie, im saving up alreadi. WAHAHAHAHA ok la i lous u yoges! see u next sundae when we kill ourselves learnin the thillana -geet-tha thuniti kita theem, nakir thinna thom!- and good luck on yr new job babe, im sure u'll be a great accounts assistant at MICROSOFT!!! MUAAAAACKX! ok who wants next? :p (0) comments Thursday, February 16, 2006 ok this is in request of mr shanker...a blog abt my incomin nostalgia... HOW I MET SHANKER frankly, its soooo long ago...all i know is we met online, started chatting, and found a link btw us. and it just grew from there. and that was back in e year 2000 i think. SOBSOBSOB. hahhahaha im going craaaazzyyy... aniwei im bored. supposed to do a report but i cant, cuz i forgot to take back e photo of e gel from my fren and i cant start without that photo! arghhh.. aniwei shanker gave me this link after i think his ears bled of me going on n on n on abt my boredom. quite good, u guys shd check it out ya.. tinkertailor.blogsome.com check it out ppl! ok i shall burn e midnite oil and study thru e nite n finish up some chapters. know why im suddenly so motivated? because.... because.......... because..................... i went shopping at NTUC FAIRPRICE just now and bought me some snacks!@!!! so i can eat those snacks while studying!!! wooooooohoooooooooo well most prob will be i can study while eating those snacks. wahahhaha. aniwei speaking of NTUC, reminds me of their song... " FAIRPRICEEEEEEEEE...FRESH TASTEEEEEE..." then i cant remember e rest of e song.. and also, ppl never pronounce it properly..its NTUC, N-TOO-SEE, not, EN-TYU-SEE...its N-T-U-C. but alas, im one of e guilty buggers pronucing it as EN-TYU-SEE. palakkam la.. (habit) todae my dear MURU-SAN did not come out in MUGANGAL...so sad....but good, cuz i was busy teaching tuition aniwei..hehehehehehe...finally got my tution feeees..and i can see it flyin rite into paying for my sitar..sobsobsob.. which reminds me, i shd be practising my sitar more often.... ok la, im not bored animore..as i said... " i am going to study!!!!" nite dearies...MUACKX!!!! (0) comments Monday, February 13, 2006 im just so confused these days..sigh. i dunno if im doing the right thing..there are my peers, doing wad they like during e weekend, enjoying themselves, going out on dates, meeting frens, catching up, studying (argh but yes), resting, having a life.. and then there's ME my live revolves ard these n almost, pretty much nothing else : school, WORK sitar dance TUITION. and im not having as much fun as i tot i was... i cant give up tuiton cuz i took an obligation to teach em and its only 2 aniwei. but work. is it realli worth it? im just getting more n more fed up. first i tell myself, work only 1ce a week. but i increased it to two cuz i was told we're short of staff. then i get calls every other day to take ppl's shifts. YES. i can say NO. but, its not nice when the ppl asking u to cover them have, at point of time, covered u. when u desperately needed people. then there's e case of uninformed extension, over-worked, last min re-schedules, forcing us to work, etc etc. i continued working even after school started to get a steady flow of income. then tuition came, but i still continued cuz i loved working..it was fun.. but now, its just gettting tiring. im physically n mentally drained. i dun see myself getting "promoted" either. 5.50 per hr is prob the max i can go. I WANT TO STUDY! as weird as it sounds, i really want to sit down one day, study for hours in a row, not having to rush off to work or tuition. i also want to be able to say "yes" when my frens ask me out last min..i dun want to have to time my week in advance, knowing i haf absolutely no carefree days. i want sometimes, to have my whole weekend free and not permenantly spend my 7-2 on fridaes at a particular restaurant in holland vllage. i want to be able to come home on weeknights and watch my favourite show and lie ard, not having to worry abt havin no time for myself. i know i know, im complaining like a baby. but e reason im stating all this out is cuz i want u guys to help me out here. shd i quit or stay on? now let me state the CONS of quitting.. i will miss the ppl at ebie badly. very very badly. i will not have as much money as i would like to i need the extra money for my planned bdae bash at the end of e year. i will miss my frens at ebie badly. so my frens, quit or not? pls tag yr response..i hope to be able to make a decision by this month..and hopefully start march with a firm mind.. (0) comments Wednesday, February 08, 2006 haaaaaiyah....ok its good news post time. both my daddy n brother in law have gotten jobs!!!! yay!!!!!! and vik's got an interview tmrw. hope it goes well (prays with fingers crossed) aniweis msia trip was damn fun. enjoyed myself in a looooong time wif ma family..just sad that vanithaka n niran cldnt come..wld have been much more fun if they were there..but it was allll good..i have REALLY cute cuzins down in msia. lol aniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiweisssssssss, i really dunno wad to blog..lol time is just going past so fast! its alreadi gonna be mid february!!! ok i actually have 2 reports to do but i dunno wad to doooooooo..argh...cant get e answersssssssssss..help. haf i mentioned that i find grisham hot? well yes i do... aniweis sangithah's o levels results are out on fri..she seems kinda tensed. wad a day to get results, a day before thaipusam. lol. i remember when i got mine, was freaking out e night before man...super freakin out and was cryin n all..lol..cuz i din wanna go back to AC but dunno if i did well enuf to go to SA, my first choice. went temple wif nair, hema n vj the morning to pray. first time we all went together. lol. then went to sch where i was freaking ouuuuuut e whole time, so nervous. and then just as i wanted to collect, they told me i had overdue fines at e library and had to pay them first before i cld collect e result slip. LOL. oh wells, memories memories.. oh my god im watching a really disgusting CSI epsidode where a mum who's having an affair with her son (YUCKS) kills her son's bf cuz she was jealous that the son was cheating on her, with a guy. errrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhh. ppl are weird. unnaalae kaan vilithu sorpanam kandaen. :) ohhhh suryaaaaa cant wait for thaipusam!!! gonna take paalkudam this yr, after a yr's break due to the passing on of my grandma the year before last..then gonna be having road marshall duty with NUS's Hindu Society. lol. no i have not joined them, just helpin out cuz a fren mentioned they needed ppls. club by e bay is also helping out. WAHAHHAHAHA. kaanaa nee koobap pataal vayil alagu.. :) :) aniweis thaipusam is like some major indian networking dae. the others are "night before deepavali at tekka" and "theemathi". confirrrrrm can meet ppl u haven met in ages, lol. the time to meet up wif ollllld frens. lol. hahaha, lets see who i meet on saturdae. ooohhh one of my all time fav songs on suntv!!! oorum terinjukitaaen, ulagum purinjikitaen kanmaniiii yen kaanmaniii...power song..i love it! so much meaning.. and very sad. sobsob okkkkkkkkk im gg to attempt to do my reports.adios muacckkkssss. (0) comments |
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