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Wednesday, February 08, 2006 haaaaaiyah....ok its good news post time. both my daddy n brother in law have gotten jobs!!!! yay!!!!!! and vik's got an interview tmrw. hope it goes well (prays with fingers crossed) aniweis msia trip was damn fun. enjoyed myself in a looooong time wif ma family..just sad that vanithaka n niran cldnt come..wld have been much more fun if they were there..but it was allll good..i have REALLY cute cuzins down in msia. lol aniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiweisssssssss, i really dunno wad to blog..lol time is just going past so fast! its alreadi gonna be mid february!!! ok i actually have 2 reports to do but i dunno wad to doooooooo..argh...cant get e answersssssssssss..help. haf i mentioned that i find grisham hot? well yes i do... aniweis sangithah's o levels results are out on fri..she seems kinda tensed. wad a day to get results, a day before thaipusam. lol. i remember when i got mine, was freaking out e night before man...super freakin out and was cryin n all..lol..cuz i din wanna go back to AC but dunno if i did well enuf to go to SA, my first choice. went temple wif nair, hema n vj the morning to pray. first time we all went together. lol. then went to sch where i was freaking ouuuuuut e whole time, so nervous. and then just as i wanted to collect, they told me i had overdue fines at e library and had to pay them first before i cld collect e result slip. LOL. oh wells, memories memories.. oh my god im watching a really disgusting CSI epsidode where a mum who's having an affair with her son (YUCKS) kills her son's bf cuz she was jealous that the son was cheating on her, with a guy. errrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhh. ppl are weird. unnaalae kaan vilithu sorpanam kandaen. :) ohhhh suryaaaaa cant wait for thaipusam!!! gonna take paalkudam this yr, after a yr's break due to the passing on of my grandma the year before last..then gonna be having road marshall duty with NUS's Hindu Society. lol. no i have not joined them, just helpin out cuz a fren mentioned they needed ppls. club by e bay is also helping out. WAHAHHAHAHA. kaanaa nee koobap pataal vayil alagu.. :) :) aniweis thaipusam is like some major indian networking dae. the others are "night before deepavali at tekka" and "theemathi". confirrrrrm can meet ppl u haven met in ages, lol. the time to meet up wif ollllld frens. lol. hahaha, lets see who i meet on saturdae. ooohhh one of my all time fav songs on suntv!!! oorum terinjukitaaen, ulagum purinjikitaen kanmaniiii yen kaanmaniii...power song..i love it! so much meaning.. and very sad. sobsob okkkkkkkkk im gg to attempt to do my reports.adios muacckkkssss.
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