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Friday, February 24, 2006 *just updated my blogskin. nice nice nice? i love it! wheeeeeeeeeeeeee*wow its a fridae nite and im home.. *relishes e feeling*. the reason im not working isss...i took over ling's shift ydae so she took over part of mine todae. yipeeeee..so i ended at 7. work was allllllrite...am so bored now. i am even beginnin to regret not workAin..AH WADS HAPPENING TO ME?!?! tmr's gonna be a fun dae. meetin club by e bay for movie tmrw. wheeee. i finally collected vinoth's present. i tell u, the science club customer service sucks ok. yaya i know i know, they're the NUS SCI CLUB, not some boutique. but still, know how to collect money from us to make stuff, dunno how to keep up their promise is it?! KNN supposed to collect last fridae know..shit la..oh wells. im beginnin to sound like ah-neh, wads wif e KNN n all. awahha. aniwei, guess wad MY RUDOLPH PIMPLE IS BACK!@@ im so pissed off la..it was a small lil speep bump in the morning and accelerated into the sixth avenue slope now!!! ahhhh...sigh....... and there;s one more huge one at my chin. lile right below e rudolph. looks like i draw it on. aiyoh these pimples got no timing, come also all come together, cannot come seperately is it?!@ sigh aniweeis i have no inspiration to dedicate any posts to anyone. so lazy to think of nice things to say. i can bitch if u want. aniwei i was just thinkin of e state of politics in Sinjaapour, what wif e recent demise of Mr Rajaratnam, and realised, when u say "politics in singapore" there's only one person who comes to mind. LKY. his legacy, his family, his PAP, his fight for freedom! isnt there anyone else significant enuf? i mean yah sure there's the SM Goh and PM Lee and education minister n health minister etc BUT are they so prominent? its like, just background people, with LKY being the main one. even during my political science tutorial, whenever we have to state examples of certain stuff from Sinjaapour, the only person's name which keeps comin up is....LKY. oh well, just a random thought. disclaimer : this is by no means anything to do with the defamingof any political party or figure and is just a RANDOM HARMLESS thought and should not be thought to be as a critisicm of any political party/figure. thank you. gotta be careful nowadays, all the juicy stuff seems to be coming from internet only. by e way, i think vivian balakrishnan is one HOT politician. sigh....
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