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Tuesday, August 30, 2005 aaaaammmm soooooo tirreeeeeedddddd.aniwei cuZin's weddin was pretty good. my saree was very good!!!. pics will be up soon. erm if i feel like it. yawn. dunno why im bloggin.sleepy working more now a days.tired.tired shd i join ics, tld or none? i have no social life man! NO LIFE.NO LIFE.NO LIFE.NO LIFE.NO LIFE.NO LIFE.NO LIFE.NO LIFE. (0) comments Tuesday, August 23, 2005 ahhh dunno how im gonna survive this week! so many things on!!!school everyday, two more tutions, work two times, kavitha-akka's weddin and engagement, sitar class. and somewhere in btw there, i gotta collect my saree blouse one dae and only after 6pm! sigh.. ok im tired.sigh.sigh.sigh,sigh,sigh,sigh,sigh,very tired. had my first thai lesson ydae, SAWADIKHAA..DICHAAN CHU KALA KAA. KUN CHUU AARAI KAA? fun fun! hehehe e tutorial ppl seem nice. suprisingly, the no of guys outnumbers e girls. lol. didnt know learnin thai was such a testosterone-filled thing. todae had my first stats tutorial. getting there alr was such a big drama cuz of my muddleheadedness.lol. just wanna say a huge THANK YOU n SORRIE to sunitha. lol.lol. cant believe i walked e WHOLE OF E SCI FAC findin a place i passed by 2wice. lol. oh n 2 very nice girls helped me out and even gave me a copy of their map. hehe. nice ppl in nus they are.. next time i promise sunitha, i will look at e timetable properly. LOL. stats tutorial was alrite. a guy tt daljit thinks is hot is my tutorial class. he has an ULTRA THICK indian accent, and very very very into e tutorial. he mite as well xchange place wif e tutor n teach us instead, cuz he was doin that 3/4 of e time. lol rather entertaining. went for my facial, got scolded for pinchin my pimples. I CANT HELP IT!!! threaded, finally, no more forest on my forehead and met vj, sunitha n hema in tekka. lets just say, alot of runnin ard. frankly i was very tired out n still had places to go, but i only went cuz vj;s gg back tmrw, so wanted to see her n say goodbye. think it was e same for sunitha. then me n nair took e train, she went home, i met miruna halfway at clementi, went down to jurong point, collected a cake and went to my sis's place.. YES TODAE IS MY DARLING BABY GIRL NIECE NAVINA'S FIRST BDAY!!!! HAPPY BIRTHdaY TO YOUU, HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY TO YOUUUUUUUU, HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY TO NAVINAAAAAA, HAPPPPPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY TO YOUUUU!!! (she claps when we sing that..lol) sigh she's so cute. but i din feel happy there, bcuz of SOME PPL. but cuz of e sensitivity of e matter and cuz i never know who's gonna read this n cuz i dun wanna ruin my sis's life, im not gonna say who, JUST THAT U PPL GOTTA REMEMBER NOT TO THINK YOU'RE E ONLY ONES ALIVE!!!!! AND WAD U DO IS RIGHT BUT WAD WE DO IS OH SO WRONG!!! grrrrr i dun like to give in, grrr,..but haf no choice, mummy says i must, tho im not in e wrong. GRRRR just got home a while ago. sigh tired. well lonnnnng week starting from tmrw, no rest animore. gonna go watch finish csi, tho ive alr watched this episode before. NEW CSI EPISODES PLEASE!!!! ok nite. (0) comments Sunday, August 21, 2005 sigh.just ended dance class.on e bus on e way home. No, unfortunately, I dun have any free wireless connection here..just typin on my word pad, gonna transfer later.am alone todae, sangithah didn’t come cuz she got exam tmrw, said she wanna study, but I doubt she’s doin tt. Prob watching tv. yoges is sick. Aniwei I like being alone. Got ma ipod to accompany me, love e bus ride, tho its long, I get dropped off just one block away from e house, and almost get guaranteed a seat as I get on before e busy Chinatown area. Can enjoy e nice ride home. If I take mrt, as I usually do when yoges is ard, it will be very crowded, and we haf to fight for seats(literally). Furthermore, the mrt station is abt a 15 mins walk away from our dance class, and from e mrt station, another 10 mins plus walk back home. The bus stop is just behind e temple, abt 2 mins walk. Hmmmm, why do I still bother to take mrt? Well I guess that’s e pull of friendship. Yoges takes its all e way to boon lay, so me n sis go along as a sort of accompanianment. Also, its more fun as yoges and us wld be gossipin abt ppl, commentin abt class n just doin plain silly stuff. aniwei, back to dance class. Todae was super tiring as well, after class, when I took off my shawl n looked into e mirror, I cld act see the outline of my bra! That’s how much I perspired! My stomach area n shoulders were drenched! I think my teacher was reali serious last week when she said she’s gonna up e pace of class. We did a total of 4 dances todae! Usually we jut do 1 old dance as a sorta warm up and concentrate on learnin e new dance e rest of e lesson. But todae, we had 3 warmup dances!!! And each dance we did many many times. I know it doesn’t sound tiring to u guys, but trust me, it is…esp my most hated dance, jadiswaram! Its so tiring! Need so much stamina, a lot of fast n tiring steps..sigh.. next week onwards must tie dance saree to class alr, cant wear Punjabi suits anymore.sobsob. oh well its good in a way. Whenever we wear dance sarees for rehersal we all feel so uncomfortable, thinking its gonna drop any moment cuz we’re not used to it. Now if we use it every week, we wun be uncomfortable.. but tying it is another prob. Sigh. So troublesome. ah fingers freezing in e bus. So cold!! Todae rainy day somemore, even worse..wow im alr at bukit merah. Din even see e time go by..guess I’ll be home soon.. vik’s going for e national day rally todae. He shd be there by now. Met him for a short short while at clementi before comin for class. He was wearin long formal panks n a beige long sleeved shirt. Lol he looked so formal! The only other time I saw him like tt was at one of his fren;’s wedding. Even then, his shirt was tucked out. Now it was tucked in! he looked so, old..lol not old as in 50 pluss but old as in his age, 24. Lol. Quite a shocker to see him like tt, considerin his fav outfit is t shirt wif berms, sandals n a cap. Hahaha wow am alr going past Queensway. That’s fast. Its only been abt 20 mins since I took e bus, and I took it all e way at waterloo street, near tekka! Wow,hmm maybe I shd reconsider takin e bus more often. I think it shd be able to reach home by 6 50 max. if I take train, I’ll only reach home at ard 720…lol….ok fingers reali freezing. Cant type much. byeeeeeeeeee (0) comments Thursday, August 18, 2005 this is so coooool. i gota free wireless connection! hhahahaha i dunno whose it is but im getting it, its free so i dun reali care. haha now i can use my laptop in my hall! hahahahahahahhayes yes im a freeloader. btw, i din get all e tutorials tt i bidded for. my statistics one is on a tues, which means ive got no free day anymore!!!!!!!!!!! sobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsob this is life.lying down on my sofa, my spankin new ibook on ma lap, watching tv n USING FREE WIRELESS CONNECTION!!!!! going to e zoo tmrw for my first ever biodiversity practical..so exciting! heheheheheh. haven been to e zoo in a looooooooooooooooooooong time.... i wamma see animal. got work tmrw nite as well.sigh.sigh. todae is thurs, got lost. but i dun watch lost. never did. looks v boring. reali dun understand wads e big fuss abr.anyone care to explain? i miss desperate housewifes. todae i got my lab coat. half of my mum's dreaMs came true. seeing me dressed up as a medical figure.lol.lol.lol sigh. ok mac know-it-alls, where can i dl songs??? i am so freakin broke. before i even earn e money, i haf alr spent it. sigh. waitn for friends to start. i love friends. its just so funny. so sad that its no more. and jennifer annistion, my fav female character, even said tt she'll never consider comin back to do a reunion show as she wants to distance herself from e rachel character. WHY WOULD SHE WANNA DO THAT? RACHEL IS A GREAT CHARACTER. ROSS LOVED HER FOR LIKE 17 OVER FREAKIN YEARS!!! SIGH. ok bored. just realised this entry is as long as my gp essay.nite. (0) comments Wednesday, August 17, 2005 ok am at natiional lib now, tryin to get into e stupid cors system. NUS ADMINISTRATORS OUT THERE, LISTEN UP. CORS SUCKS. GET A FASTER SYSTEM OR DO STH SUCH THAT WE DUN WASTE OUR TIME!!!!!!!!im sure nus students will understand e angst im gg thru. everyone i know hasnt been able to get into e stupid fuckin system. and they are also unsuccesfully tryin to find those clowns who are preventin e rest of us from getting in. the stupid clowns who are logging in FOREVER to make sure that they dun haf to try to log in again. the fuckin clowns who are crashin e system such that e rest of us cant get in. when i see them, im gonna do 2 things to them. 1. bribe them to bid my tutorials for me, since they;re alr on e system. 2.kill them for fuckin wastin my time. i wldnt be so worried if i didnt haf work later to rush to. arghhhhh ok negative things aside, since im at e new national lib, i mite as well talk bt it. am at e 7th level now, this place looks more like an office buildin instead of a lib. i miss e old national lib, wif e old red brick walls. always used to go there to find old newspaper articles n references for my projects.sigh. argh! i just deleted a whole chunk of wad i typed accidentally! ah well, it wasnt anything much, was just complainin abt e cors system again. sigh hope i can finish this up soon, wannna go explore this place.. ok getting v pissed wif e system. (0) comments Tuesday, August 16, 2005 ok this post goes down in history!my first post that im posting using my ibook! im so in love with ibook!!!!! its so damn pretty, and so is my PINK IPOD MINI! and u know, im realising why there are so many apple converts. the mac system is relatively easy to use, once u get used to it that is, and its more more more more stable than windows. also, i think mac is more user-friendly. seriously. im officially encouragin all u guys out there to follow my steps, come join us over here. ok well i think im talkin too much, seeing that my home pc is still windows. well i cant help tt, cuz my family uses that n they prefer windows, it being e "norm" and all..ah well, maybe i can psycho them soon, or i'll just use my laptop. it is pretty fun to lie down n type, or watch tv n surf e net..haha. need to transfer e songs from my home pc to my ibook. needa get a thumbdrive. or steal sangithah's ipod shuffle, and use that as a thumbdrive, ah well see first. for e time being, i alr haf abt 16 songs in my ibook. guess i can survive with that for e next few days. got work tmrw, from 6 to 10pm. hope it goes alrite..dun spill any drinks. will be e first time im workin on a wed since they implemented e 1-1 drinks system and open-till-2am-on-wed concept. hope they dun ask me to extened till 2am, got lect at 8am on thurs! ok im gonnA go off now, using dial up as my stupid modem is not mac compatible. waiting for vik to pass me his xtra modem. well that's basically e only prob i face wif mac, not everything is compatible! grrrr.. ok dun wan my mum to faint when she sees e phone bill, been usin e dial up for more than ah hour alr. GEEKS IM SO DEAD. nite ppl! (0) comments Sunday, August 14, 2005 ok wow. long gap. ah no energy to blog nowadays. no feeling. lolwell i finally started school. after abt 10 mths of hols or so. hahahah sch's orite, not tt great yet as ive yet to have e chance to socialise. always runnin off after school to tuition/work. yup. and tutorials n pracs haven started. hope things get better. been lookin forward to going into nus like my whole damn 20 yrs of life, and now, its just so bleagh. well wad have i been doin? hmm... teachin tution, workin at essential (fun!), gettin paid, somehow spendin my money and endin up broke, clubbin lots (part of e reason im so broke), meetin up wif frens... oh ya, i started sitar class. haha i know, so NOT kala.. lol but sunitha was gonna join n she asked me..and i said yes! its been fun man,e teacher's like reali talkwative, reminds me of me..and its reali physically drainin cuz u gotta balance e sitar on yr leg (heavy+leg crap=not comfortable), and sit in this yoga postition which is so super uncomfortable. but e music's reali prettyyy and its fun la.. dance class gettin more tiring, esp since i told teacher im plannin to do my arrangetram. she super upped e tempo and targetin me n sangithah. i guess its good la, we learn more n get more prepared for arrangetram. but stms reali tiring, cuz not used to e pace..but its fun as well, i just love dancing, wun give it up! vik n myself haf been together for almost 2 and a half years now, realli doesnt feel that long..hmm..but its good, all good. he's just such a sweetie..guess i'll take things as they come.. well act loads of stuff has happened la..wif my frens esp. wif miruna, wif logais, wif vj..vj seems changed..she's back now for e hols. i dunno, she seems, nicer. seriously. e last time she came back, me n nair felt totally lost whenever she n hema talk, cuz they're always talking stuff that we dun understand. must be e america/canada air. now vj's more down to earth, frenly n she seems back to e old vj, e one before she became all distant. ah well, its all good, no complains... well i'll upload pics if i haf e nenergy, gettin my laptop tmrwe!!~!!!! yay!!!! i bought an ibook g4, and it comes wif e ipod mini 4gb. sold off my creative zen.sobsob.but sadly, cant keep it cuz its not compatible wif mac system. well, hopefully i wun regret that decision! well gtg now, sangithah wants to sleep. as usual. guess things will get better when i have e ibook. can use it anytime i want. nite! muackx (0) comments |
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