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Tuesday, August 23, 2005 ahhh dunno how im gonna survive this week! so many things on!!!school everyday, two more tutions, work two times, kavitha-akka's weddin and engagement, sitar class. and somewhere in btw there, i gotta collect my saree blouse one dae and only after 6pm! sigh.. ok im tired.sigh.sigh.sigh,sigh,sigh,sigh,sigh,very tired. had my first thai lesson ydae, SAWADIKHAA..DICHAAN CHU KALA KAA. KUN CHUU AARAI KAA? fun fun! hehehe e tutorial ppl seem nice. suprisingly, the no of guys outnumbers e girls. lol. didnt know learnin thai was such a testosterone-filled thing. todae had my first stats tutorial. getting there alr was such a big drama cuz of my muddleheadedness.lol. just wanna say a huge THANK YOU n SORRIE to sunitha. lol.lol. cant believe i walked e WHOLE OF E SCI FAC findin a place i passed by 2wice. lol. oh n 2 very nice girls helped me out and even gave me a copy of their map. hehe. nice ppl in nus they are.. next time i promise sunitha, i will look at e timetable properly. LOL. stats tutorial was alrite. a guy tt daljit thinks is hot is my tutorial class. he has an ULTRA THICK indian accent, and very very very into e tutorial. he mite as well xchange place wif e tutor n teach us instead, cuz he was doin that 3/4 of e time. lol rather entertaining. went for my facial, got scolded for pinchin my pimples. I CANT HELP IT!!! threaded, finally, no more forest on my forehead and met vj, sunitha n hema in tekka. lets just say, alot of runnin ard. frankly i was very tired out n still had places to go, but i only went cuz vj;s gg back tmrw, so wanted to see her n say goodbye. think it was e same for sunitha. then me n nair took e train, she went home, i met miruna halfway at clementi, went down to jurong point, collected a cake and went to my sis's place.. YES TODAE IS MY DARLING BABY GIRL NIECE NAVINA'S FIRST BDAY!!!! HAPPY BIRTHdaY TO YOUU, HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY TO YOUUUUUUUU, HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY TO NAVINAAAAAA, HAPPPPPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY TO YOUUUU!!! (she claps when we sing that..lol) sigh she's so cute. but i din feel happy there, bcuz of SOME PPL. but cuz of e sensitivity of e matter and cuz i never know who's gonna read this n cuz i dun wanna ruin my sis's life, im not gonna say who, JUST THAT U PPL GOTTA REMEMBER NOT TO THINK YOU'RE E ONLY ONES ALIVE!!!!! AND WAD U DO IS RIGHT BUT WAD WE DO IS OH SO WRONG!!! grrrrr i dun like to give in, grrr,..but haf no choice, mummy says i must, tho im not in e wrong. GRRRR just got home a while ago. sigh tired. well lonnnnng week starting from tmrw, no rest animore. gonna go watch finish csi, tho ive alr watched this episode before. NEW CSI EPISODES PLEASE!!!! ok nite.
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