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Thursday, August 18, 2005 this is so coooool. i gota free wireless connection! hhahahaha i dunno whose it is but im getting it, its free so i dun reali care. haha now i can use my laptop in my hall! hahahahahahahhayes yes im a freeloader. btw, i din get all e tutorials tt i bidded for. my statistics one is on a tues, which means ive got no free day anymore!!!!!!!!!!! sobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsob this is life.lying down on my sofa, my spankin new ibook on ma lap, watching tv n USING FREE WIRELESS CONNECTION!!!!! going to e zoo tmrw for my first ever biodiversity practical..so exciting! heheheheheh. haven been to e zoo in a looooooooooooooooooooong time.... i wamma see animal. got work tmrw nite as well.sigh.sigh. todae is thurs, got lost. but i dun watch lost. never did. looks v boring. reali dun understand wads e big fuss abr.anyone care to explain? i miss desperate housewifes. todae i got my lab coat. half of my mum's dreaMs came true. seeing me dressed up as a medical figure.lol.lol.lol sigh. ok mac know-it-alls, where can i dl songs??? i am so freakin broke. before i even earn e money, i haf alr spent it. sigh. waitn for friends to start. i love friends. its just so funny. so sad that its no more. and jennifer annistion, my fav female character, even said tt she'll never consider comin back to do a reunion show as she wants to distance herself from e rachel character. WHY WOULD SHE WANNA DO THAT? RACHEL IS A GREAT CHARACTER. ROSS LOVED HER FOR LIKE 17 OVER FREAKIN YEARS!!! SIGH. ok bored. just realised this entry is as long as my gp essay.nite.
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