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Wednesday, October 29, 2003 i wanna shout at the top of my lungsi juz found out there's no such thing as a real world... haikx..ive decided..I NEEDA SAVE MONEY..lol..so im gonna go on a real diet these next weeks..i alreadi squandered most of my deepavali money..so i needa save that back first..alreadi halfway there..wheeee..then i needa save fer bdae presentts n all..SIGH. i need a job.anyone got any recommendations? like waitressing or sth..i dun mind.seriously.help myself n my family..yup..mum has no more job alreadi..yeah.so i gotta help..her company's a shit head..they "let her go" like 2 days before deepavali. sigh i still cant believe anyone can be so argh..i mean..how's one supposed to enjoy like that? i know she was feeling real horrible abt it.. she told one of my aunties that she juz pretended to be happy on deepavali cuz of "the children". sigh.that broke my heart.as if she's not suffering enuf.her life's damn sad.which is why i dun wanna let her down as well.she's one of the main reason that im studying so hard n everyhing.she's e reason im still being a "good gurl" and not creating havoc.she's e reason i come back home everydae.i love my mummy.she's always been there for me..n tho i always complain that she's strict..she's been ALOT better nowadays..she's very open wif me..sigh..she didnt even scold me when she found out abt vik...todae sameeme was rushin readin this tamil book in da canteen as i was havin my lunch cuz stupid muthu wanted us to do book review(btw i skipped tamil cuz i didnt wanna do e book review..and in da end sammema skipped together wif me too..together wif half of tamil class..hahah)..and the book was abt the diff. types of wealth in one's life..and they said..mother's love is the most important and bestest love u can eva get..mothers are the only wealth that u cant earn back once u lose them..its true..u can always marry again..give birth to more children..earn more money..everything..but can u earn another mummy? i love my mummy..dont u love yrs? :) (0) comments Tuesday, October 28, 2003 sorrie for e long break in blogging.been so busy.lost the dance comp.but its ok.im happy wif wad ive accomplished so far.and the support we had was great.the best.thankew guys. :)aniwei not reali in a mood to blog now.mum kinda found out abt vik.but i didnt reali tell her e whole deal.not reali ready to tell her.i dunno how she'd react.so i told her the outline.that he;s someone special in mind.but i said there ws nth between us.i dunno.i juz couldnt tell her.she believes in me so much.i cant bear to.she advised me. alot.told me.alot.i juz dunno wad to do.i guess im juz gonna remain the same.no matter wad.juz gotta be extra careful.i'll come out clean after my As.which means i approx haf another year to go.if ive come thru a whole 6 mths alreadi.wads another 12 or so mths.rite? we can do it.i know we can ball.i promised you. :) (0) comments Tuesday, October 21, 2003 so im in school now..guess wad..its project work again..LOL...suprise suprise.. hahahha..the iderts beside me are looking at porn..lol..reali..hahaha someone sent to bailu..my dear prjt work member..some pics abt a new sorta bathing suit in japan..where ONLI the nippies and er..vaginal area..are covered..lol..hahah so funny..shd see the frenzy going on in the class man..lolproject work sux! stupid sia..macdonalds so hard to contact..lalalala..ok now we're all checking mail..lol..slacker grp sia..sigh..OK WE MUZ GET BACK TO PROJECT WORK!!! lalal going shopping later! wheee!!! lalallaa..and pearlie..thanks fer the message..miss u gurls soooooooo much! *muackx* ok project work rules..mad cow disease is da bessssssst...blog later..ciao. (0) comments Monday, October 20, 2003 so i did it again! i single-handedly.. (actually double-handedly) re-did my whole blog!gosh its tiring..and i was so engrossed in it that i missed frens!! the very first episode of the very first season! sobsob.. ok im reali tired...got sooooooo much to tell abt my weekend..had the bestest weekend ever!! wheee! hehe..ah well..its sure a weekend to remember..met lotttsa new ppl and i basically hd da best time of my life..it juz felt so good..hmm..shan't say much..juz that it was all good.. :P oh gosh im going to become as fat as ..er..two me's..ive been eating sooooooo much cuz ive been having padiyals after padiyals (er..prayers for yr ancestors where they haf allllll sortsa food possible)..but hopefully my dancing works everything off..speaking of which..nvm..i dun wanna depress myself by toking abt it..so u shd know how it is at da moment.. haven finished my shopping! argh! haf onli bought my clothes..no shoes no accesories yet..ack! ohh u know..my ball bought me a top fer deepavali *shy smile* he's such a sweets.. :D ok needa rest my brain..too much html processing going on..and those of u taking yrr As..u can do it peeps..u can.. *muaaaaaaaackx* (0) comments Sunday, October 19, 2003 under constrution.badly.(0) comments Saturday, October 18, 2003 (0) comments Friday, October 17, 2003 haikz..no i did not commit suicide..the reason ive not been blogging for e past few days is cuz ive been so freakin busy runnin abt..doing stuff for e stupid dance comp..runnin ard attendin meetings..choreographin..findin material for costumes blabla..sigh..i seem to be doing everything.and i am NOT the president of ICS.ah well im the leader of e dance team so i guess its expected.sighso i got back my results..A D O.. A for maths..D for chem and O for bio..the O and A i expected..but D i did NOT.i was expectin a C..got 55.5..sigh..but im reali hoping there;s going to be moderation..heard bio is gonna be moderated.. *prays* but seriously..im VERY disappointed wif my chem..i dropped from a B to a D..sigh..i dunno..maybe i studied wrongly this time..gotta reali start hittin the books after all this mad rush is over..oh i got back GP as well..63..its kinda the second highest in class..so obv im happy..muthu hasnt given us back our tamil marks but he told me i got at LEAST an A2.. so im praaying that its an A1..he ACTUALLY praised me on doing well for tamil..wow.. record set.. i juz cant wait for e dance comp to be over..there's actually a tiny part of me praying that we wun make it..i know its unfair to e rest of e team but the semi's will be like barely 2 weeks away from our recording..and its going to be ANOTHER mad rush again.. and this time its going to be worse cuz e standard's going to be higher..sigh..im confused. i think im falling sick..sneezin n wheezin e whole dae..i suddenly feel very distant from my frens..i dunno why..i mean except the ppl in my school..was referring to the crescent ppl..sunitha n vj n all and even hua they all..sunitha n vj its normal i guess..cuz i haven seen them in mths..but i dunno..i mean hua and gra and the rest maybe its cuz i haven met them as often as i wld haf..shd meet up wif them after e dance comp..vj always says she doesnt haf any tym to meet..even to study..i mean she's not e onli one takign As rite..sigh..hua pearl gra jo all taking as well and we meet always to study..haikx dunno..i juz feel distant..even wif julia n sheih li..i dunno its like..we dun reali tok like we used to..i barely know wads going on in their life.. haikx..is it my fault? am i distancing myself? i dunno..i dun want to..stms i even feel distant from vik..it seems ages ago that we actually met n talked properly..more than a week ago actually..even tho we tok every nite its not da same..we dun reali hf much time cuz he sleeps earli cuz of his stewpig work hours or if not..his phone batt dies..SOMETIMES..i dunno..sigh..sometimes i feel so alone..im feeling reali confused now.. (0) comments Wednesday, October 15, 2003 HAIKX.i wanna die.kumar juz told me a few hours ago that he wants to back out of e dance.and he put it in such a way that if i dun let him,his whole future will be ruined.i am not interested in making ppl dance forcefully anwiei.u do it wif ur whole consent or u wun enjoy yrself and that defeats the whole purpose of having fun.sigh.need to find replacement.comp's in less than 2 weeks.sigh.asked vicky.but he's super bz wif his council stuff so he said he'll let me know tmrw *prays*tmrw getting back results.quite freaked.no.damn freaked.ah well im happy wif my gp tho.gillian told me i got second highest in class. :D see.i told u i cld do it without her.sigh.if only the rest are good.if i dun blog for quite some time after this and u see my face in the orbituary.well.u get the idea. sigh.my phone's outgg is cut.haf not been teaching tuition tiz mth cuz of my exams n all.so no pay.so didnt pay bill.so starhub sux.sigh.i feel helpless.at least i can still get calls n stuff.need money.fast. i miss him.haven toked to him since ydae nite.haven even heard from him.ns sux. (0) comments Tuesday, October 14, 2003 sooo todae wasn't that bad after allll..after i typed out that crapped entry..we got called to review our grp's draft proposal..it wasn't perfect YET buuuut MUCHHHHH betta than our last proposal..but still..got lotttsaaaaa work to do..aniwei after tht we went fer our self-proclaimed break..which pretty much lasted e rest of e dae..LOL..ahahah cuz when we came back to the classroom after an hour long lunch..we juz played WIN LOSE OR DRAW and CHARADES the wholeee dae till 1250! was soooooooooooooooooooooooooo hilarious ok! esp seeing ganesh tryin to act like bambi and pearlie tryin to act out teenage mutant ninja turtle and chris over-reacting fer everything n everyone screaming their heads out..lol..so funny..even miss kwan was laffin at us instead of scolding us when she came in the last part and we were all tryin to guess chris's REALI BAD DRAWING of captain planet (it looked more like a rectangle wif 2 ovals attached). hehe was fun. i love my classmates.then we had dance prac..at first was onli me n manges..lava n sameema were juz there to accompany us..but i haf a feeling sam was juz there to check out jeremy..who ladies and gentleman..is this hunky chinese dancer..who is MY partner..lol..hehe but she had to leave earli to go watch movie la..so after a while everyone came down n we were basically practising in da dance studio..till abt 7 30..tiring balls..but kinda fun la..esp if u haf a hunkadelic as yr partner when the partner moves are kinda touchy as well rite? ok ball is going to murder me. :P we completed half e dance..hopefully can complete e other half tmrw.. *prays* costume settled too..but shall not tell u guys abt it..can see fer yrself on tv..dun wanna spoil the suprise :P so after that i went down to tekka to meet umaka n yoges..reached there abt 8..and ball happened to be there too..cuz he was buying some fish stuff there..as in alive fish + aquarium stuff..not dead fish from market stuff..then i asked him to join us..so he n umaka met fer the first time..i tot it went pretty well..i mean umaka was actually FRIENDLY to him..lol *faints out of shock* hahaha..but we were juz sitting there at OLI'S cafe and reali crapping away..then we left there and those two were going on abt army stuff wif some chiminology lingo so me n yoges juz stared at each other..he took taxi home while we the gurls continued a bittttt of shoppin n took taxi home as well..sigh..i think umaka alone is a dream come true fer alll taxi drivers..she even takes taxi from my place to her place..which is lyk a 5 min bus ride and a 20 min SLOW walk..sighh..but its ok..i benefit as well :p hehhe so tmrw's my late grandpa's (mummy's daddy) deepavali prayers at uncle's place ..sigh wanted to go get e material fer the dance..muz go alll e way to thomspon..haikx..oh tmrw got dance prac as well..i am SO sure sameema will be there..lol..and so will sa n daljit along with half of sajc's female population..but sadly gurls..i haf a feeling he's kinda..erm..feminine? ah well..he's a dancer rite... (0) comments so i'm in school now..project work dae..horribleeee dae..gosh one whole dae of nothing but project work..i am DYINGGG...its onli 9 21 am and this stupid shit ends at 1250! and im FREAKIN HUNGRY@@!!!! dunno wad time lunch is..sigh.. *tummy grumbles* k great..siti my fellow grp member sittin beside me n spying on me..juz told me that she's not even sure there's a pathetic lunch break for us...SOBSOB!! THEY CANT DO THIS TO MEEEEEE...NOOOOOO!!! sigh..later after school still got stupid dance prac..hopefully they can catch up fast..ydae thinesh n me n manges managed to choreograph half e dance..which is abt 2 mins..so juz another 2 more mins to go...quiet proud of that achievement.. hehehe..esp since i did most of it.. eh not braggin k..im serious! i wanna go shoppin todae..supposed to accompany yoges go deepavali shoppin but i dunno wd time i end..she wants to meet me at 7..so if i end by then..good la..if not..sigh...i needa buy so many many things..2 pairs of shoes..2 skirts..3 blouses..one more punjabi suit and all ma accesories..well..these are wad i WANT to buy la..muz see my financial situation ya..hehe.. oh fine..siti is cursing me that i'll only buy half e stuff i listed..FINE SITI! I SHALL NOT INVITE U TO MY HOUSE FER DEEPAVALI! HMPH. lalalalla..my other grp members are either sleepin or readin chinese comics..how wonderful..we're allllll slacking together..not as if e other grps are bz brain-stormin or wadeva..ok..SUPRISINGLY..ganesh grp is ACT working..but i think its cuz they got back their draft and haf to do some SERIOUS work to improve it..so e rest of us are busy being slack..as we stilll haven goten back our writen report draft...sigh..hope my grp's doesnt turn out to be freakin horrible or sth..realli put in alot of effort..sigh..its tedious being a grp leader..i feel guilty fer slackin n allowin ma members to slack..sigh... I MISS MY BALL! :\ (0) comments Monday, October 13, 2003 ahhh im at home! hehe..din go school todae.. *bad gurl* ah who cares..exams are OVER! so i came back from e temple at SEVEN A.M.aiyoh so tired..then we didnt wear our shoes there cuz my daddy fetched us there aniweis..and if we wore slippers or wadeva 200% chance they'd get lost..so we came back in da bus bare-footed..lol..ah well..once in a while experience ya?temple was sooooo crowded..gosh..i was standing ALL the way from 11pm to 4 am..then i reali couldnt take it..so i moved away from e main area to go sit down near some tree at the back of e temple..and didnt move from e spot for an hour..lol..leg still kinda sore..sigh.. ok thinesh n manges are comin over to my house to discuss the dance..well im glad at least sth's happenin..hopefulyl we can make it..2 more weeks onli..which means..DEEPAVLI IS LESS THAN 2 WEEKS AWAY! and i haven done finish my shoppin.. cleanin of my room (which is wad im supposed to be doing now *guilty look*) and baking cookies and hanging curtains n paintin n all *ACK* *SLAPS HAND TO FACE HOME ALONE STYLE* I NEED HELP!! im praying that ball's going to be done wif cleanin HIS room soon..then MAYBE i can meet him fer dinner or sth..wheee...been abt 5 days since i last met him..not counting fridae cuz we onli met fer abt an hour plus..half of e time of which he was wif his frens.. sigh..but i shd be gettin used to it rite..i mean..we usually onli meet once a week aniweiz.gosh this sux.we met more before we got together..lyk 4 to 5 times a week.sigh.he seemed to be so free then.guess its all in da process of WOO-ING. ok shall go freshen up..thin n manges will be here in abt 45 mins time and i look like a dead chicken. (0) comments Sunday, October 12, 2003 ok im in a bad mood now..my phone's totally pissin me off..i need a new fone.but im freaking broke.sigh.haikz im tired but not sleepy..reali feel like meetin him..can still afford some time..im onli leaving for the temple at 10..but he's busy. sigh.i dun reali feel like blogging anymore. (0) comments AHHHHHHHH TIRED! AND THIS TIME..i haf a reason fer being tired..lets start from fridae.. so i woke up and went to school to see my yr2 frens..fer the last tym as students of sajc..sigh..im reali gonna miss them lots and lots..sigh.. then i went out wif some of e 02s54-ians to watch UNDERWORLD..it is SOOOOOOOOOOO FREAKING disgusting i tell u..argh..there's this scene where half the head slides off and gosh..blood gore everywhere..but its a kewl movie..then i walked ard wif them n went "pre-prom" shoppin wif e guys n then went over to dance class where i was murdered by my teacher..sigh..then i took e EXTRA LONG BUS RIDE home cuz my parents were at the temple so they couldn't fetch us..then taxi not enuf space fer all of us cuz kathiyayini (my cuz) came along..so i good heartedly volunteered to go take bus and reached home at 10..then i took my dinner..which was also kinda da first meal of the dae..and then i rested abit then i bathed n got ready to go temple..yes..at nite..to accompany yoges do her kumbdathnam (er walking ard the temple while kneeling down every 1 or 3 steps then gettin up again)..gosh the temple freakin crowded man..reached there abt 1..and was squeezed in da queeue..stood in q fer abt 3 hrs THEN the queeue started movin..then ball came there ard then cuz he was helpin his fren ricky do his andraprasdashnam (er rolling ard the temple wif yr hand stretched out in front of u)..so i spent some time wif him..juz abit la..but at least i got to see him fer abit..got freakkkkkkin wet in da rain..came home abt 6..took a hot shower n slept on da sofa till 11 todae cuzzzzz kathiyayini was staying over so my bed was occupied sigh abt todae..so i woke up..went to town to meet yixian n mui peng..haven met them in AGESSSSSSSSS..almoz a year i think..then we ate lunch..went shoppin..i tried on a few mini denim skirts..gosh they;re REAL mini..lol..but they said it looked nice..hmm..i shall go bugis to see cheaper ones..then i rushed home..got ready to go yoges's house fer theemathi (fire walking) prayers cuz her uncle is fire walking..my mum came along wif me..then anu auntie n vijan uncle n kathiyayini n sangithah all dropped by..and we were there till like 10 45 cuz everyone was busy socialising..lol..so i reached home at abt 1115..ballz..im tired. tmrw i SWEAR im going to sleep in..till abt 12 plus..then ive got to go to my auntie's house in yishun fer my late uncle's prayers..then i gotta go temple in e evening n spend the nite there n come back on mondae..cuz mondae is the fire-walking ceromony..obv i wont be going school.. todae is daljit's bdae..called her ard 12 in the morning..HAPPY 17TH BDAE GURLIE! MUZ STUDY HARD K..AND OF COURSE..PLAY HARD! sigh..suddenly im wondering why im so pious nowadyas..i dunno..issit to make up for lost time? i admit i haven exactly been god's dream devotee fer quite a while..which is why i juz quit eating beef over a mth ago..and im tryin VERY HARD to stick to my twice a week veg schedule..sigh..i do believe in god..i juz..dun like to show it out..i juz guess..i believe that believing in THEM inside is enough..cuz its ok as long as THEY up there know it its enuf..i dun haf to be all expressive abt it..do i? (0) comments Thursday, October 09, 2003 im tired..met sam n daljit at clementi for lunch..yes clementi is soon going to be the new hip place to hang out..heh..then we bought some stuff n went over to my place where we did some "groominG". let's juz say it was a learning experience and at least now we know wad to do and how to do it the next tym..im still in quite a bit of pain.ouch.so by e tym we were done it was close to 6..so i went down to tekka to thread..wanted to meet ball but he didnt reply my sms so i tot he was still working..but he said he did and was waiting for me to reply.so i guess the stupid network screwed up..then after threadin i went to clementi central to pick up some stuff..bought choc chip cookies.i couldnt resist..and they were ok offer :p felt so tired once i came home..was abt 9..siggh..tmrw i am supposed to meet malz logais n ball in town to get preya's prez..but i dun think i am..cuz they're meetin at 6 plus 7 ard there and ive got *horror* dance class at 7 45..sigh..maybe if they're still ard at 8 45 i'll go join them..but i dun think they'll stay till that late..i think ppl act haf betta things to do in life then wait ard town to wait fer a smelly gurl comin down from dance class who's prob going to complain abt how horrible her class was.. ahhhhhh tired.got bz days ahead..sigh..tmrw is the last dae of school for e yr2s in my school.feeling quite sad.half my frens arent gonna be in school anymore.gg to feel weird not seeing thash,meena,reshma,winnie,mj,jas and the rest of da gang anymore.reali weird.sigh. (0) comments Wednesday, October 08, 2003 MY EXAMS ARE OVER!!!! OVER! OVER! OVER WHEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! hehehe im sooooo happy..so relieved!! tym to paaaaardeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! wheeee..maths was gooooooood..pretty orite..do-able..quite do-able..hopefully i can maintain my A..HOPEFULLY..not too sure tho..ah dunno wad to write..too happy wif the fact tt my exams haf ended! :D (0) comments Tuesday, October 07, 2003 ![]() hey hey this real cool thing's made by ma fren mAran aka MeCHanix..real deep n reali meaningful..pretty great huh (p.s i m trying to find a gurl fer him so anyone interested juz let me know ya? :p dun shy laa..maran nice guy! almoz as nice as me! :D) (0) comments ONE MORE DAE! WHEEEE!!! tmrw is maths then its over!!! yeahyeahyeah im gonna go practise my maths soon..*grumbles* ooooh i cant wait..in abt 15 hours tym i'll be FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!!! ive got soooooo many things to do! dun know where to start sia..maybe i shd start wif cleaning my room..sigh..but looking at da mess..i'd prob end in tym for A level preparation next yr and then it'd get ALL messy again so yeah who cares i'd leave it lyk that fer e tym being until i feel lyk transforming into maria. hmm daljit looked real down todae..she kinda broke down after chem paper..poor gurl.. she studied lyk freak fer chem..i know that fer a fact..guess it reali got to her when she couldnt do e qtns..i think she was feelin quite confident cuz she told me she cld do all e TYS qtns..well ppl there u haf it..TYS AINT GOD! but ya..i guess exam enviroments juz do it fer some ppl..i get real freaked out when i sit there in da exam hall and THAT'S THE ONLI TYM OF THE YEAR THAT TIME ACTUALLY GOES FAST! too fast to finish da damn papers! sigh..hope she gets betta..would be such a waste if she kept thinkin abt it n doesnt concentrate on her maths..sighh.. chem todae was quite a killer..i know i did quite a no of careless mistakes but i know i did my best..and i actually managed to finish the freakin paper lyk 2 seconds earli..so im quite happy wif that..now im juz gonna concentrate on maths.. u know im so excitied abt tmrw yet i haf NO IDEA where im gonna go n wad im gonna do tmrw..i think i'll meet ball fer a bit..he's working duty todae..sigh..so tmrw he's got no work but its his mum's bdae..so i told him to spend the evenin wif her...so i'd prob spend the dae wif him..UNLESS he decides to cook fer his mum or he's too tired or sth..then i'd juz come home n sleeeeep..then evenin i think my classmates and i are meetin fer a movie..wheeeeee cant wait! ok i shall focus..yes..maths rules..yes.. u know i haf e most embarrasing mum! sigh..todae rite her fren from her workplace came over to repair our toilet bowl (sth's wrong wif e water pipe or some shit) and fix the faulty fone..yes having yr mum work wif mechanics is quite a privilege..they do stuff fer u for freee..SO ANIWEI..there i was watching holland v and glued to e tv and eating my dinner..and my handful of rice was halfway thru my mouth n those 2 (my mum n her fren) burst out laffing..then ah my mum seems to think she's one teenager who's so hip n cool so i STARE at her tryin to tell her to u know..act her age while i catch up wif happenings of holland village..AND U KNOW WAD SHE SAYS!?! "KALA..he want to kidnap u n bring u back to india!" (the mechanix is a respectable indian national) i almoz fainted oon the spot..so while the guy was blushing n feverently trying to deny that i was u know..acting cool n going "ah rite do i care" sorta thing...aiyoh so EMBARRASING OK!! THEN my mum STILL had to go on abt how i'll never survive in india and wad he see's in me blablabla..I CANT BELIEVE MY MUM IS TRYING TO MATCHMAKE ME WIF HER INDIA MECHANIC FREN! WHO IS LYK 30 PLUS OR STH! AND SO NOT LOOKING LYK MADHAVAN OR SHARUKH KHAN! SIGH..and that irritant of a younger sister juz HAD to shout "wah so bad taste" .argh.so as he was leaving he said bye to everyone in da house n i suddenly became very bz wif analysing the dirt on the carpet..so my mum went "aiyah dun be sad la next tym u can come repair sth else n tok to her n see if u wanna bring her back" i almoz collapsed there..thank god i know my mum's juz joking ard..she is...rite? (0) comments Monday, October 06, 2003 AHHHHHHHHHHH IM GOING TO FAIL BIO.seriously.im not da sort who comes n tell u im gonna fail then score A's n then laff abt it n say "ah well it wasn't THAAAT hard". im da sort who punches those ppl.i couldnt do half e shit ass questions..and the other half.. well i still couldnt do..but mcq wasn't that bad..im hoping that will allow me to pass..bt im not entirely sure that 15 marks would mke me pass.tmrw's chem..im ABIT more confident for that..but i juz realised that i still dunno lotsa shit.sigh.life's NEVER FAIR!ARGH!haikz cant wait fer wed.actually i juz cant wait fer tmrw. maths is less...stressful..yeah..i dun haf to learn n memorise n memorise..its.easy.yup. i rather do maths then science.ANYTYM.so i juz cant wait fer tmrw.act i juz cant wait fer 1030am tmrw.when i hand in my chem paper.argh. maybe i shd go cut my wrist n get admitted in hospital or sth. (0) comments Friday, October 03, 2003 ![]() (0) comments my dance teacher is out to KILL me! class ended abt an hour n a half ago n my legs are still burning n im still limping everywhere..sigh..sadness..this is wad u get when u dun exercise fer 3 weeks..bleagh i went to watch movie todae.im a bad gurl.got papers from mon to wed but i watched movie.aiayh cant blame me la..im sick of studying..sigh..oh i watched italian job! quite kewl la..but im gettin sick of all these heist heist movies..plan this plan that..at first quite exciting..but u know in da end the hero's gonna win aniiiiiiweis..but the movie was not too bad..the napster stuff was shit funny..gurl's pretty..guy's not that cute..I NEED MORE CUTE TESTESTORONE-YS! tmrw's malz bdae..hmm..dunno wad to get her..sigh..dun think i'll meet her tmrw cuz i'll be studying(YES!)..maybe after my papers..next weekend meet all the bdae babies n give them their presents..needa get sth fer malz..fer thash though his bdae is alreadi quite belated..need to get fer daljit..n yixian..sigh..i hate october..sobsob..i see ma money flying away..AS IF I EVA HAD LYK THAT! oh anyone needs tuition? as in seriously..i know some pretty good tutors..fer sciences i think..up till jc level..they're freakin qualified..chem engineers to be..let me know ya.. give me a call or sth..let me know asap k..need fer next yr also nvm..neva too late/early to start! sigh i think everyone's beginnin to get stressed fer promos..juz read one of my fren's blogs..she said exactly wad i was feeling..wad if..this tym rouund..i still cant..sigh.. i dun dare type it out. I HAF FREAKIN 5 MORE DAYS! I CAN DO IT! I CAN CRAM N SURVIVE! YES! (0) comments Thursday, October 02, 2003 todae was quite a nice dae! yes! i shall be optimistic! hehe..well i slept lyk a pig n onli woke up ard 12..lazed ard at home n went to meet jo n hua to study at holland v ard 3..miruna joined us abit later n pearl came down ard 6 plus..saw senthil at burger king..fer some reasons his frens kept shouting my name..but im rather good at pretendin to be deaf :P studied quite a bit todae..did e whole chapter of cells n shit..hmm..but quite tired now.. carrying that HUGEEE LOADDDDD of campbell bio text ard is damn tiring man..and i juz came back abt 15 mins ago..sigh poor hands n legs..met miruna n hua after a looongg tym...missed em..missed havin fun wif da gurls.. :P i luv them. muackx i am soooooo tiredddddddddddddd...tired tired tired tired tireddddddd...i wanna stop studyinggggggggggg...6 more daes..i can do it..actually..its juz 5 more days..sigh..scary n relievin at da same tym..argh.. why isnt anyone online?! aniwei..any of u guys know how to repair md? or know a cheap place to do so? or know any place good to trade in/buy md? helpin a fren ya.. let me know..TAG TAG! k im tired.(duh) oh before i forget.. happy birthdae mr mahatma mohandas gandhi! wish u were still ard..the world rite now could use ya.. (0) comments Wednesday, October 01, 2003 i cant wait fer exams to be over! so i wont get overly stressed n petty n upset cuz of this insaneeeeee studying marathon going on.i can do it.onli 7 more daes. (0) comments wow i should so become a fortune teller..waddya know~ its REALI that tym of da mth fer me..hahaha..ok im in a betta mood now cuz i realised....I CAN DO MATHS! whee! *claps* been doin past yr papers fer abt 2 hours and i can actually solve them! even da hard ones! wow..ok shall not get tooo big headed..scarely paper come cannnot do 1 shit also ah..but the sad thing is..i lost my calculator..sobosb..i think i left it at meema's place but she said not thereee..so im waiting fer tt little devil to come home from school so tht i can steal her calculator..or knowin that witch she prob took it! (my younger sis..not meema..hehe) so a certain fren (i wont mention names ahem maran ahem) told me ydae that pms aint a reason good enuf fer us osterogen-es to start acting all bitchy n whiny n blabla-ey. but it reali sux ok! the hormones do it! not us..budden wad he said also got pont la.. so from now on..when i know im abt to pms..i will staple my mouth so as to prevent myself from being tooo whiny..serious..my stapler quite big hor.. but seriously..its true la..we shdnt act all so pathetic juz cux we SUFFER HORRIBLY n go thru TERRIBLE PAIN fer that WHOLE ONE WEEK.yeah? why shd we? females are better at controllin pain aniwei..its PART OF OUR LIFE..so we shall take it in our stride n be HAPPY that we're being given a chance to excercise our pain controlling genes..wheee.. ok back to maths.ciao (0) comments |
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