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Tuesday, October 07, 2003 ONE MORE DAE! WHEEEE!!! tmrw is maths then its over!!! yeahyeahyeah im gonna go practise my maths soon..*grumbles* ooooh i cant wait..in abt 15 hours tym i'll be FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!!! ive got soooooo many things to do! dun know where to start sia..maybe i shd start wif cleaning my room..sigh..but looking at da mess..i'd prob end in tym for A level preparation next yr and then it'd get ALL messy again so yeah who cares i'd leave it lyk that fer e tym being until i feel lyk transforming into maria.hmm daljit looked real down todae..she kinda broke down after chem paper..poor gurl.. she studied lyk freak fer chem..i know that fer a fact..guess it reali got to her when she couldnt do e qtns..i think she was feelin quite confident cuz she told me she cld do all e TYS qtns..well ppl there u haf it..TYS AINT GOD! but ya..i guess exam enviroments juz do it fer some ppl..i get real freaked out when i sit there in da exam hall and THAT'S THE ONLI TYM OF THE YEAR THAT TIME ACTUALLY GOES FAST! too fast to finish da damn papers! sigh..hope she gets betta..would be such a waste if she kept thinkin abt it n doesnt concentrate on her maths..sighh.. chem todae was quite a killer..i know i did quite a no of careless mistakes but i know i did my best..and i actually managed to finish the freakin paper lyk 2 seconds earli..so im quite happy wif that..now im juz gonna concentrate on maths.. u know im so excitied abt tmrw yet i haf NO IDEA where im gonna go n wad im gonna do tmrw..i think i'll meet ball fer a bit..he's working duty todae..sigh..so tmrw he's got no work but its his mum's bdae..so i told him to spend the evenin wif her...so i'd prob spend the dae wif him..UNLESS he decides to cook fer his mum or he's too tired or sth..then i'd juz come home n sleeeeep..then evenin i think my classmates and i are meetin fer a movie..wheeeeee cant wait! ok i shall focus..yes..maths rules..yes.. u know i haf e most embarrasing mum! sigh..todae rite her fren from her workplace came over to repair our toilet bowl (sth's wrong wif e water pipe or some shit) and fix the faulty fone..yes having yr mum work wif mechanics is quite a privilege..they do stuff fer u for freee..SO ANIWEI..there i was watching holland v and glued to e tv and eating my dinner..and my handful of rice was halfway thru my mouth n those 2 (my mum n her fren) burst out laffing..then ah my mum seems to think she's one teenager who's so hip n cool so i STARE at her tryin to tell her to u know..act her age while i catch up wif happenings of holland village..AND U KNOW WAD SHE SAYS!?! "KALA..he want to kidnap u n bring u back to india!" (the mechanix is a respectable indian national) i almoz fainted oon the spot..so while the guy was blushing n feverently trying to deny that i was u know..acting cool n going "ah rite do i care" sorta thing...aiyoh so EMBARRASING OK!! THEN my mum STILL had to go on abt how i'll never survive in india and wad he see's in me blablabla..I CANT BELIEVE MY MUM IS TRYING TO MATCHMAKE ME WIF HER INDIA MECHANIC FREN! WHO IS LYK 30 PLUS OR STH! AND SO NOT LOOKING LYK MADHAVAN OR SHARUKH KHAN! SIGH..and that irritant of a younger sister juz HAD to shout "wah so bad taste" .argh.so as he was leaving he said bye to everyone in da house n i suddenly became very bz wif analysing the dirt on the carpet..so my mum went "aiyah dun be sad la next tym u can come repair sth else n tok to her n see if u wanna bring her back" i almoz collapsed there..thank god i know my mum's juz joking ard..she is...rite?
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