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Sunday, April 29, 2007 one more paper left! wheeeeeedance performance on sat went GREAT! i am soooooo relieved its over and am soooo glad it went well!!! ppl actually came up to me, took my hand and congratulated me for a job well done!!! people i DUN KNOW!!!!!! EVEN THE TEACHERS OF NAS!!!!!! ppl actually said i did a great job!!!!! random members of the audience!!!!! i am allowed to brag k. its my blog. i am so so so so happy that i completed the dance, even with a blocked nose and random sneezes...i am so so so glad it went well with abundance of energy and applause and great costumes that made me look fat. now just one more hurdle. 2104 tmr. HAIKS. URGH. i love love love dancing!!!!! (1) comments Sunday, April 22, 2007 ok im sure every one of you know how crazy i am over CAPTAIN PLANET. for those who dunno, i LOVE to sing the theme song again and again, much to the dismay of people who have to be stuck with me for long periods of time... so...i naturally loved this cartoon i found on some random person's blog... enjoy! . .. ... .... ..... ...... captain planet..he's the hero... gonna take pollution down to zero! lalala.. we're the planeteers and u can be one too! cuz savin the world is the thing to do! looting and polluting is not the way! here's what captain planet has to say! bellows : THE POWER IS YOURS!3> EARTH WIND WATER FIRE HEART goooooOOOOOOoooOOOOO PLANET!!! *pls dun forget ABUU the monkey* ![]() HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. SO who's your favourite planeteer? (1) comments Saturday, April 21, 2007 guess what guess what guess what guess what guess what guess what!!! i'm alone at home!!!!!! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee well the reason is quite pathethic...everyone in my family has gone to bhajan's at N's place and i voluntered/was forced to stay at home to study for the wretched BIG E'S...sob. i'm so sick of studying. study study study. thank god i only have 3 papers this sem. else i would have just died by now. 3 mods alreadi i cant handle. how would i have handled 5? how did i ever handle 5 before? well its back to 5 next sem aniweis...sighs... i'm suffering major withdrawal symptoms from Grey's, Ugly Betty, Heroes and CSI. Grey's and Heroes i have alreadi watched whatever that is out there and the other 2 i just haven had time to go find. sigh.. dance performance is next week..really major stressing..have a rehearsal TMR and also on THURS and SAT is the big day..sigh.. i've been neglecting alot of things for this performance and it better pay off! grrr... alrite people, here's the deal..i've been too exhausted to go around asking people to COME for my performance but i would really love it if u guys can come cuz i'm doing sth really different and big this time round. so i would really loveee for you guys to come. normally i would get the tickets for ya'll but i'm so really broke this time... SOOO if u guys need tickets ($10 each) please call Nritralaya Aesthetics Society at 6336-6537. i heard from my dance teacher that the tickets are being sold out really fast so i would suggest you guys hurry if u want to come... oh and my dance is the ultimte finale and it IS a pretty long show and fully classical. so for those of you for whom Bharatanatiyam is not really yr cuppa, i would suggest comming in pretty late. but then again, it would be quite waste of $ cuz ure actually payin for the whole show. so i dunno. up to u guys. aniweis that's about it. i better get back to Pricing the Product. :( (0) comments Saturday, April 14, 2007 Puthandu Vazthukal!HAPPY new year my fellow tamilans!! wad a faboulous start to my new year, sitting at (my uncle's) home, tryin to be as much help as possible for my cousin, who's doing my assignment for me. LOL. aiiiiiightttttttttts. im off. many things to do todae. hopefully can achieve some studying. sighs. (0) comments Wednesday, April 11, 2007 actually i dunno why im blogging...its preventing me from doing sth i am currentlly very much in need of...S.L.E.E.P!! i can't believe i have slept for a total of 1.5 hours in 2 days. yes that's how much i love LSM 2202. lol. ahhh had slumber party with dal and ang. ahahahahaha.. but it was fun man! doin e report thru e nite..passing by the restriction point..going into S phase..irreversible alreadi..lol..okok private joke.. i think after 4 am we were just determined to eat our Macs Breakfast! and that's wad we did..at like 9 am. hahahha. the guy who delievered it to my place seemed so shocked to see 3 zombies. lol. it was fun babes, and really useful! we should do it again. lol aaaaaaannnnnnnd......NO MORE LSM 2202!!!!!! wooohooooooooooooooo the final lab report was done and now i'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..wooohoo!!!! yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy but im gonna miss 2202..it was fun man..the stupid pracs which ends earli.. suguna and her wonderful hair and always-threaded eyebrows...and she's hot man! lol. oh and pipettes and our great plan to form a LIFE-SCI dance group with pipetting and centrifuging moves... spraying each other with the distilled water and shooting pipettes sticks at each other from across e table..HARHARHAHR yes that's e life of us SCIENCIES.lol and after sat, no more PC1327 either! well that one doesn't make much of a diff cuz i dun go for e lects aniweis. lol. Met arunan and niran todae for a while.. wahahaha my whole hand is brusied mr ARUNAN! i will never trust u with my life u will just end up killing me!!!!! AND RAJI IF U ARE READING THIS, HE ATE MY ALOCHOL ICE-CREAM!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahaha. oh and ya, make sure he gives u the tissue paper. LOL. ok i'm so gonna get murdered by him. and niran, thanks for making me walk ALLL e way when i was alreadi about to die and sleep at the same time..lol.. oh u know wad happeneded todaeeeee.. took 106 back home after meeting the guys...then rite i was TRYING to sleep but couldnt la cuz i snore quite a bit and din want the whole bus to stare at me. then the bus suddenly stopped at the filter-lane going towards holland v. u know the lane at the entrance of HV, at the ESSO there...and it was only abt 8pm rite, and they were like re-modelling the road la!!! and they had opened up this tiny section for cars to go thru but buses cant go thru cuz its too small..i dunno who on earth approves all this things...eallly no brain!! everyone started alighting from e bus at like e middle of e road, cuz it was quite frustratingbut i used COINS to pay for my ride and din have enuf COINS to take another bus. and aniweis i paid the full fare so no way was i going to pay money for another ride..so i was stuck in the bus for like 20 mins before all (6) of us remaining on the bus decides that we should take an alternate route and miss a few stops by going via the civil-service college way...but its just so inconsiderate la! but quite dramatic la..kept me awake...lol.. well ok the next time i blog with a more awake mind, i will post pics of aloooooot of things...including sat's night out at ASOKA..wahhahahaha..yes i went there...due to internal pressure..lol... oh man i just realised i've been having major sleep deprivation since fri..like less than 5 hours each day..and todae is not even 1 hr. great. sighs..ok i'm about to collapse on my laptop now. my eyes and fingers are not co-ordinating... *hit.publish.button* (0) comments Wednesday, April 04, 2007 well i'm not really in a mood to blog. ah fuck stupid projects. next week is hell week! ahhhhhhhbut in order to try to relax i shall do this cuz malz asked me to do so.... 7 Random Facts About Me 1. I cannot sleep without washing my legs 2. CSI, Greys' Anatomy, Heroes and Ugly Betty help me survive 3. i have earrings fetish. have about 90 of them now.i think everyone knows that. 4. I ALWAYS oversleep. 5. I am the one my family goes to for solutions. heh. stress much? 6. I am REALLY stubborn but not many people know this 7. I smile alot when i am nervous, especially if i'm nervous. 7 Things I Am Afraid Of 1. R.A.T.S 2. financial insecurity 3. BILLS! 4. going to HELL for all the shit i do 5. not getting a job after graduation 6. not living up to my own expectaions 7. bad fashion sense 7 Random Songs 1. Dream a little dream of me - Bette Midler 2. Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol 3. Paras Thillana - ??? hahaha my performance piece 4. Wonderful Tonight - Damage 5. Kajra Re - from Bluff Master 6. Ironic - Alanis Morrisette 7. Sweet Child O Mine - Guns N Roses 7 Things I Love 1. My Family. utmost. anytime. love love love. including my nieces!!! 2. My Friends -THOSE who know i love them MUACKS. This includes VIK. :) 3. My darling iBook. 4. My darling handphone 5. Being at home alone. sigh. when will it happen? 6. My BED!! 7. SHAH RUKH KHAN 7 Things I Say Most 1. "Don't be an idiot!" 2. "Realllyyy" 3. "Eh guess what!" 4. "i;m so damn tired" 5. "oh shit i forgot" 6. "so any idea where to go" 7. "eh anybody got coins" (HARHARHAHRHAR) 7 People To Do This 1. Jo 2. Rae 3. Shanker (if u ever DO come by here) 4. Katini 5. Preya 6. Thinesh 7. Shah Rukh Khan. sighh.. (0) comments Monday, April 02, 2007 i'm baaaaackHAHAHAHAHA *Eveil laughter* my darling's back!!! oh i missed her so much i almost went to sleep hugging her but din want her to break so yar. haiks now i feel complete again!!! well besides being technologically competent now, i am super busy with LIFE. seems like its just one thing after another. i dunno when i'll get to rest. i'm not really complaining cuz i think it helps me FOCUS on what i'm doing in life, but yar, i just feel like a breather once in a while would be nice.. school's really heating up. projects projects projects projects!! ahh ruining any chance of having a life. meetings everyday in school till 9plus pm is a norm. and yar, overnights are somewhere in my very near future. however, i am SO GLAD a particular module's report and presentation is finally over! those (besides a particular darling tho) were the worst project mates one could ever get! ahh GOD! what did i do to deserve them. some really pathetic enemy must have wished them upon me cuz even I woudn't want anyone to suffer with them. well there are a few....but...oh wells! ah! spoilt rotten ppl, lazy asses, cheaterbugs, liars, no guiltyness wadsoever, marks-stealers, ah!!! so so so so glad its over. although i recieved the worst end of the deal, and was kinda misunderstood by mr.charming, i am just GLAD i dun have to see them week after week. aahhhhh. *relief* but on e other hand. for my core modules, ive got GREAT project mates. prjt meetings are a blast, so much so i dun mind it. its really fun and at least we're all helping each other out and being FRIENDS. wohooooooo...lab's not too bad too, besides the deary hours and horrendous lab reports. hopefully this sem turns out ok. needa start crammin for exams. they're in just 3 weeks time! ahhhhhhhh well besides sch, dance has been sucking my time as well. performance on the 28th! yah i know, right smack in the middle of my EXAMS! i'm just hoping God gives me the strength and focus to channel my energy and time properly. playing quite a tiring role in this production, playing a monkey is no easy feat alrite! ah and a horrendous thillana to boot at the end. oh wells, its a chance to progress upwards so no complains. yup. had first combined rehearsal on sat and got quite a few compliments for our roles (mine + sangithah's). hopefully it continues. it feels real good to be complimented rather than railed at. really motivates me to do more and prove myself to them. was so shocked when aunty padmini and aunty bhasker ACTUALLY SAID WE DID WELL! wow. never thought i'd live to see that dae. hahahaha. but i really do miss yoges oh so much. dance class is never the same. we used to have so much fun even though we'd be dead tired. i'd kind of dread yet look forward to sundaes cuz it meant meeting her. our routine going-to-class and routine -travel-back-home. sigh. now class is so routine. practising the dance drama again and again and there's no yoges. sigh babe i hope u come back soon! miss u so much in class!! besides dance, sitar is starting to worry me quite a bit. frankly, with school, dance, tuition and family, i rarely have time left for sitar and i really have been neglecting it quite a bit. quite a lot actually. and my teachers have started to notice that and have been giving me quite a few warnings. i really do need to buck up or i think i would be asked to move down to a beginner standard class. its already a miracle that we're in intermediate class. well its a miracle that i'm there actually. i dunno why but i dun feel as motivated for sitar as i do for dance. maybe its cuz i have no natural rhytmn or flair. it doesnt come to me naturally. unlike dance. dance even if i dun practise and go for class, at the most i'll forget some steps but i'll soon get the hang of things as the rhytmn goes into me and i can usually end up doin alrite and go with the flow and quite enjot it. however for sitar, even with practise i'm just at an "alright" phase. i dun get it. i just dun. it does NOT come to me naturally, unlike for rathi and sunitha. so its really difficult for me. many times i've thought of giving it up. i mean there are def more pros than cons for that. more time, no needa pay fees every mth, less scolding, less pressure etc. however, i dun like to quit. i mean, i like playing the sitar, its just not something i CAN do, but i like it. and the feeling of actually being a tat bit musical appeals to me. i mean at least now i know the meaning of raaga, taala, shruthi, taats, paltas, sa re ga ma pa da ni sa, etc etc. and not to mention the $750 i spent on my sitar which is sitting at home collecting dust. sigh. oh wells. i really do have to start practising i guess. NO QUITING! no i cant. i just have to prioritise and do well. aniweis i promised kumar and ms viji i'd do just that so i better. sigh. it's really quite dampening though, getting scolded every lesson, and poor sunitha and rathi know their stuff and just have to sit there while i'm getting private tutoring. sigh. wasting their money and time as well. i'm so lucky they're nice else they'll alr start bitching abt me! hehe. well looks like i have to buck up not only for me, but also for their sakes. well there's also other stuff like tuition and so many many 21sts coming up. plus new baby niece as well. oh yes her name is Ranya. it means pleasant. nice rite? i helped to pick it! hahaha aniweis so have more errands to run for sis and mum. have to go over quite a bit to sister's place to help out and take care of the kids. mainly take care of navina and babysit her. mum's been staying alternate days at sis's place to help out so i rarely see her. haiks. miss her quite a bit. noone to make milo for me at night :( i have kind of no life these days. hahaha well actually i just went clubbin on wed but i think i really needed to get it out of my system and it was good! really enjoyed myself n realised how much i missed ebie darlings. ah i miss them so! sobsob. and my nerd darlings,. met up with jo gra and minah and minah's place on sat night and we just sat there and chilled out. was good. but sadly i was really sick so we left early. i'm still nursing a few ails. blocked nose, feel like i swallowed glass and havin a bit of a fever. i think i'm too old to club animore. WAHAHAHHAH. right. well its gonna be a busy sem. but i'm going to try to be a better person and hopefully come out of it learning sth new and being more COMPLETE! yup my mantra for this year : to be complete. i just feel so empty half the time though i have everything ppl think they need to be complete : a wonderful fantabulous family, a loving bf who would do just abt anything for me, friends that people would actually kill for, a chance to pursue higher education in the field i desire and good health. so i dunno what it really is that i seem to be searching for. hopefully i get the answer soon, maybe all i need it a balanced life of work + play + culture. and hopefully i learn how to balance it this year. well long long post people. will update more with pics next time. love all. muacks. p.s coming up next : pics of momo clubbin@28th mar, random pics with new camera, pics of ranya and navina, pics of sa's bdae party and more. (0) comments |
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