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Wednesday, April 11, 2007 actually i dunno why im blogging...its preventing me from doing sth i am currentlly very much in need of...S.L.E.E.P!! i can't believe i have slept for a total of 1.5 hours in 2 days. yes that's how much i love LSM 2202. lol. ahhh had slumber party with dal and ang. ahahahahaha.. but it was fun man! doin e report thru e nite..passing by the restriction point..going into S phase..irreversible alreadi..lol..okok private joke.. i think after 4 am we were just determined to eat our Macs Breakfast! and that's wad we did..at like 9 am. hahahha. the guy who delievered it to my place seemed so shocked to see 3 zombies. lol. it was fun babes, and really useful! we should do it again. lol aaaaaaannnnnnnd......NO MORE LSM 2202!!!!!! wooohooooooooooooooo the final lab report was done and now i'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..wooohoo!!!! yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy but im gonna miss 2202..it was fun man..the stupid pracs which ends earli.. suguna and her wonderful hair and always-threaded eyebrows...and she's hot man! lol. oh and pipettes and our great plan to form a LIFE-SCI dance group with pipetting and centrifuging moves... spraying each other with the distilled water and shooting pipettes sticks at each other from across e table..HARHARHAHR yes that's e life of us SCIENCIES.lol and after sat, no more PC1327 either! well that one doesn't make much of a diff cuz i dun go for e lects aniweis. lol. Met arunan and niran todae for a while.. wahahaha my whole hand is brusied mr ARUNAN! i will never trust u with my life u will just end up killing me!!!!! AND RAJI IF U ARE READING THIS, HE ATE MY ALOCHOL ICE-CREAM!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahaha. oh and ya, make sure he gives u the tissue paper. LOL. ok i'm so gonna get murdered by him. and niran, thanks for making me walk ALLL e way when i was alreadi about to die and sleep at the same time..lol.. oh u know wad happeneded todaeeeee.. took 106 back home after meeting the guys...then rite i was TRYING to sleep but couldnt la cuz i snore quite a bit and din want the whole bus to stare at me. then the bus suddenly stopped at the filter-lane going towards holland v. u know the lane at the entrance of HV, at the ESSO there...and it was only abt 8pm rite, and they were like re-modelling the road la!!! and they had opened up this tiny section for cars to go thru but buses cant go thru cuz its too small..i dunno who on earth approves all this things...eallly no brain!! everyone started alighting from e bus at like e middle of e road, cuz it was quite frustratingbut i used COINS to pay for my ride and din have enuf COINS to take another bus. and aniweis i paid the full fare so no way was i going to pay money for another ride..so i was stuck in the bus for like 20 mins before all (6) of us remaining on the bus decides that we should take an alternate route and miss a few stops by going via the civil-service college way...but its just so inconsiderate la! but quite dramatic la..kept me awake...lol.. well ok the next time i blog with a more awake mind, i will post pics of aloooooot of things...including sat's night out at ASOKA..wahhahahaha..yes i went there...due to internal pressure..lol... oh man i just realised i've been having major sleep deprivation since fri..like less than 5 hours each day..and todae is not even 1 hr. great. sighs..ok i'm about to collapse on my laptop now. my eyes and fingers are not co-ordinating... *hit.publish.button*
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