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Tuesday, January 30, 2007 OK niran just informed me in ???? for those of you all who got the uber wrong (and way funny) impression like him, its not black la!! its legal ok! wah leows.. i'm so pissed my lappie is major screwing up la! no idea if its just my msn or my system...arghhh..the microsoft error reporting thing is popping up n major lagging the system. baaaaaaaaah 3>*growl*3> shit la, i thought i was all done with the system hanging thing. grrrrrr ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i'm so pissed! its making my OS so unstable!!!!! CANNOT SWEARRRRRRRRR SOMEMOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. *SCREAMS* sigh. tiredness. lab report on a pms-ing laptop is not a good combi. dal dun kill me, dun think can finish up todae! sighhh. wish me luck or we'll be stuck in school till at least 6 loh. sighs. okok im gg to sleep. no point working on my lap report when my microsoft word keeps shutting down by itself every 2 mins and i'm spending more time opening the programme rather than workin on my report. grrrr. (0) comments Sunday, January 28, 2007 need some moolahalrite sorrie for e previous angsty post. was just in a BAH mood.aniweis its time for some S.E.L.L.I.N.G selling the sony ericsson k610i handphone, BRAND NEW OK! still in packaging, haven even use. looking for buyers who're willing to buy it for $350. price IS negotiable..call/sms me at 92705685 for more info ![]() Dun ask me why i'm selling a new phone all, of course its for money lar! if u really die die need to know, cannot sleep if u dunno, sms me ok? spread the word around aight? puhlease pretty puhlease ok! (0) comments Saturday, January 27, 2007 i know i'm supposed to be fasting but i just feel like swearing now.what did i do in my former life (s) to be like this now? all you peopple who don't have to worry about where yr next day pocket money's gonna come from, or whether u can afford to eat this meal knowing you're sacrificing yr next, or worry about how to pay your hp/internet/home bills or fret each time u have a social outing cuz that just means u have to spend more....pls count your blessings... i just tured 21 but have been taking on adult responsibilities for 4 years now. paying my own way thru life, supporting myself by working to the bone, giving tuition so that i can have some extra to give to my parents.. and now, when all i want is a little more than the average, not even a luxury, just a notch more than miserly, i'm accused of not giving enough back, of not thinking of the situation, of not being aware of how lucky i am, of not being grateful. thanks. thanks very much, (0) comments Friday, January 26, 2007 i love singapore ok.aiyoh i'm so brain dead la. just finished my marketing webcast n im so glad its over!! webcasts are really draining man! at least at normal lectures can gossip with friends, be distracted a lil n stuff..but webcasts, its like, i feel so guilty if i switch off, CUZ ITS RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF MEEEE. ok really brain dead. cant think of anything to blog though i had lots of stuff i wanted to blog about... previous 2 posts problem K-I-N-D-A resolved for now, though still a lil uncomfortable..i've come to realise well, u can't expect everything to be ok all the time, but doesnt mean everything will be screwed up all the way.. wow, what thattuvams. lol. i'm so insulted, my uncle called me while jo minah and i were shopping at sheng siong, and said that there's someone on tv who looked exactly like me!!! and knowing my uncle, its not aishwaraya rai lar. and so he made me promise him that i'll go home n watch e repeat telecast and even gave me the contestant number (this is a 50+++ year old lawyer cum businessman studying for his masters in entrepreneurial studies) and so i dutifully come and watch and am so HORRIFIED!!!! IF I LOOK ANYTHING LIKE THAT!!!!!!!! *FAINTS!!!!* i mean not to be offensive or anything lar, but i think i look *100 times better lar!!!!! i mean harlow, i got naturally straight teeth and am DEFINATELY SLIMMER OK!!!!!!!!!!!! p.s for those who watched e show, its the girl who was super energetic and laughing all the time n at first sang a damn energetic song but din get it cuz her pitch was damn off when she sang the selena song, then she kept asking them wad's wrong with her, wad do they mean by off pitch etc etc then she cried and cried n cried. contestant 8312. sigh depression depression. NEEDA PROVE THEM ALL WRONG LAR. i better be compared to carmen electra at the end of this sem i tell u. not realistic? fine fine. aishwaraya rai it is then... okies am inching closer to try to get an approval from my mum for my tatt. she has mellowed from a "NO, I WILL DISOWN YOU IF U EVEN MENTION THE "T" WORD" to -------------> "NO, not untill after you're married, like what umaka did" to -------------> "no la, wait till u finish your studies first" woooooohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo alriteeeeeee, maybe soon it'd be "no la, wait till u finish yr 2nd year" wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! I'm REALLY serious about getting a tatt.i actually mentioned it in one of e earlier posts rite? i think the first new post of the year? yahhh dun belief me riteeee..think i bedeh riteeee... i've alreadi pretty much chosen the design, its gonna be a small n pretty one, probably a letter k in sanskrit lettering with some design around. ![]() ![]() haven decided where to put it though. my mum asked me where i was planning to put it (yes i know, i almost pinched myself to check if i was dreaming) and she seemed relieved when i said it'd be somewhere that can't be seen when i wear normal clothes. lol maybe my hip area? or my back? i've always had a fetish for tattoos on ankles...but yah, if i put it there i'll get castrated by my mum. she'll go all "imagine yr wedding, u putting yr leg out to put the inji, and all ppl can see is yr tattoo!!!" sigh. pray for me people. pray for my tatt. oh yes, this is for miruna and joanna -> SINGAPORE RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dun understand why noone wanna go support the singapore lions this saturdae!!! *stares at miruna and jo* i mean, granted, they're not as good as THE dream team back in the earli 90s but still, they've come so far!! and after so long!!! and they're rather good actually!!!! AND ITS SINGAPORE TEAM. HARLOW WE ARE SINGAPOREANS!!!! and after being treated the way they were last week, we should show them that SINGAPORE IS BEHIND THEM!!! so people, get off yr lazy butts, go get yr tix and go support singapore this saturday at the kallang stadium for the ASEAN FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS!!! i'm DEFINATELY going if i can get my hands on the tickets --looks at niran-- so miss-i-dun-care-about-singapores, PLS DUN BE ASSES. singapore rules ok!!! i laus singapore. alrite, with this patriotic feeling in my heart, *thumps heart* im going off to watch amazing race asia (in which, my darling singapore came halfway till and then got sadly terminated.sigh.) then go concuss... nitey nite ppl... (0) comments Thursday, January 25, 2007 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAH SO PISSED!! I WROTE A NICE LONG POST AND ITS ALL GONE CUZ MY STUPID INTERNET CONNECTION SCREWED UP JUST AS I WAS ABOUT TO PRESS PUBLISH POST.ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (0) comments Tuesday, January 23, 2007 why?why is it that i feel that my space has been invaded?why is it that i feel that everyone else seems to have taken priority over me? why is it that i feel that its not gonna be the same anymore? why is it that i feel that i'm becoming more and more like a 3rd party? why is it that i feel that u'll dun realli bother anyway? and worst of all, why is it that i feel that i'm wasting my emotions and should just stop feeling? (0) comments Friday, January 19, 2007 i need toothpicks.YES I NEED toothpicks. to pry my eyes open. argh. watching webcasts. although they are extremely useful, especially when the tempations of oversleeping and stayin at home overcomes me, they are AWFULLY BORING to watch. sigh a one-woman lecture. how interesting. *yawn* have a total of THREE bloody webcasts to watch. sigh sigh. and i JUST passed the halfway mark for the first webcast. on such wonderful topics such as bioinformatics and biological database. it has bloody 100 slides ok!?!? argh. help. its gonna be a looooong nite. have an interview on monday with sinda regardin tutorin the step programme. wish me lucckk! alrite back to protein, nucleotide sequences, databases, googling etc etc. even my fingers are falling asleep. sigh. nitey nite ppl :) (0) comments Wednesday, January 17, 2007 just another pointless ramble.just deleted a chunk of crap i wrote.well what's new in my life? -> my house has vijay tv now, -> i'm thinkin of subscribing to the MIO service -> gonna start thaipusam fasting soon -> have 2 new tuition assignments but i need one more to settle all my bills. sigh. i'm falling in love with madhavan all over again. saw his interview on Koffee with Anu (on my new vijay tv of course), and he is just soooo adorable! sigh. his dimples, his ear stud, his floppy hair, his beautiful laugh, his new trimmed body and great fashion sense. s.i.g.h. aniweis last sat, i went to watch "Kabul Express" with the IRC gang. lol. even though i was cheated, and led to believe we were going to watch the "Guru" show, i truly enjoyed it. its not a typical hindi movie. no romance (gasp!), no songs (double gasp!) and its only 1 hr 45 mins long (horror gasp shock!). but its really good. makes u think hard, and it tackles sensitive issues tactfully and shows a different side of things, a side u normally will not consider. it will try to change your mindset of all terrorists=bad. but still, the underlying meaning is terrorism is bad, but not all men who fight for them are fighting for the same thing, some don't have a choice, some are in it for different reasons, and some want to change the world to a better place but just need the right medium. very good movie. loads of comedy too! hahahaha. laughed and cried quite a big. kabul express. great movie. :) was watching the golden globes ydae. GREY'S ANATOMY WON!!!! WOOHOOOOOOO!!!! i wonder when's season 3 gonna come to singapore. oh wells. i alr watched 3/4 of the episodes anyways. this sem, i needa work double hard. need to have to. loads of talks about honours, masters etc etc this year. and its only the 17th day of the year. reality is hitting hard. my studyin time is about to end for good. no matter what i study after my degree, it won't be the same. i won't be doing any full-time studying anymore, most likely. even if i do, its not going to be with my age-grp, batch ppl etc etc, where i just go school, attend lectures and tutorials, then go out with my friends or go teach tuition and pay my own bills and not have to worry about responsibility, making a living,etc etc. everything's gonna change. and its really scary. i am really not prepared. i need at least another 3-4 years more! aaarrrgghhh. ok la im off, needa watch some webcasts. nitey nite ppl. :) (0) comments Friday, January 12, 2007 a better time to come...hopefully.aaah so the first week of school is almost over, and lets just say that im tryin real real hard to be a nerd. ppl like mian will vouch for that. i think im irritating him by copyin down so many things. harharhar.modules this sem are not too bad. at first i thought i made a HUGE mistake by takin sci of music cuz e first lecture was realli boring and he was going on and on abt musical geniuses and so many chiminology musical terms. i was DOOMED (haha private joke). but then todae's second lecture was not that bad..i actually understood most of e terms (thanks sitar class!) and since its non-examinable, i just gotta work my ass of for the essay and enlist e help of musically inclined ppl. hahahha. besides that, my 3 sci modules seem ok.....SO FAR. friends have warned me abt the bioinformatics module, so i guess i really gotta pour my heart and soul into that...experimental seems taxing, but i know that if i really want to, i can do it. :) cell biology seems alrite, organelles etc..not too bad todae i had marketing lecture, its really interesting. its times like these that i kinda regret not going into biz fac. well not as if i could make it in e first plac. hahaha. but lecture was fun and the lecturer seemed fun too.. speaking of lecturers, Prof Anandah Rajah passed away and he taught dal, jo and miruna. i never got a chance to take a module under him (the one sociology module i took was taught by Dr Vineetha Sinha), but i've heard that he's a very good lecturer (even before he passed). it's really shocking and sudden, imagine what it would feel like for the poor student who was talking to him when he just suddenly collapsed. and his children are so young! 12 and 14! sigh. well, maybe he was just needed up there. sigh sadness. so some of his modules are cancelled, a few of my friends are affected. gosh i think i will get major headache. trying to find a module in this short period when almost everything is alr snapped up and the bid points are super high. oh well but i dun think many ppl will complain. after all, there's a proper and good enough reason. todae i met thinesh darl, after like EONS (excl my bdae). we were soooo out-of-touch, and after meeting him at my party, and many other long-lost friends, i realised what i've been missing out on now. ai im so lazy la. even this meetin was initaited by him, if not we will only meet prob at another bdae party. hahha. had a good time eating some weirdo kaya toast with milo while we jus yakked and caught up. who's doing what. why. what are we doing etc etc. it was a much needed recollection of memories. after that we went lib where i had to practically drag him in, and i borrowed 2 books! wheee. aniweis my conversation with him really made me think. do i really want a career in life science? do i really want to work in a lab my whole life? do i really want to be surrounded by chemicals and instruments? do i really want to do research? most importantly, can i? sigh i really dunno. it all seemed very appealing before i entered nus. and entering life science seemed to be the correct and right thing to do. it was the up-and-coming market, it was difficult to get into so i shdn't just throw it away and i was interested in it. now, almost 2 years later, the story's a little different. the market is going downhill. i'm interested but totally not understanding the syllabus. im lagging behind in class, and to have a proper career, u gotta be at least in the top 30%. and i wonder. sigh. but for now, i'll just work super hard and see, if maybe i do well enough, i might understand what im studying, do reasonably well, and maybe, just maybe, there'll be room for me. oh well, sorrie for e total depressing entry. its just e start of 2007, i'm still supposed to be feeling very 21, but talks of graduation, commendation ceremony, honours, working, where to work, loans, repaying of the loans, marriage and the very near future that contains all of the above, is already pushing me towards 22 years and beyond. this is all going too fast. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. ok amazin race asia gonna start! woohoooo. nitey nite all :) (0) comments Sunday, January 07, 2007 warning. long long long long long post.hey there!well well so sorrie for e long absence..there's just been so much to do and so many things out there for me to complete before i start a new sem tmr *gasp* well im now 2-1. I JUST FEEL OLD. hahaha was watching dhool and they all look so young. sigh. there was a time where i was actually dancing in dhool. hahahahha. time for me to act responsibily. so my next aim -> get a tatoo. hahahaha. seriously. my actual birthday was ok. small and quiet and spent it with the people who matter. thanks for those who remembered my day. :) esp sunitha. who waited till 12mn and called all the way from aussie. had a good 20 min chat with her. miss that cow. and to 3 very special people who made my day. i was beginning to think nothing special was going to happen. and that sucked. esp since i have done so much for others.(ok so the expectations thing was going down the drain abit there). but u guys turned the day around and made me realise, i have just these few people who realli know what i want. and that's enough. well the much awaited PARTY came and went! it was realli good! this was the time i realli saw all those people i haven seen in ages. mp, yx, dar and wanrou. wow those guys realli, have been there the longest. hahahaha. im so glad we're trying to get in touch again. my crescent friends, my jc friends, my nus friends, my irc peeps, , ebians. the guys, everyone. it was just great seeing them that day. and you all looked damn good in yr RETRO do. hahahahaha. im just so touced that so many people out there sacrificed so much for MY BIRTHDAY! it was a much needed ego-boost. hahahhaha. thanks for everything guys seriously. thanks sangithah for sacrificing so much, for co-ordinating the dance, for everything, thanks miruna, for being the rock, for taking on so much though u were battling the stomach flu and had to divide your time among so many things, thanks niran, for being my chaffeur, for being my friend and cousin. thanks kathiyayini, for the dance, for all the help, the painting, shopping, planning, everything. thanks vanithaka and satish, for being there, for giving ur help, for helping yr favourite cousin :) thanks jo for constantly reassuring me that its gonna be ok and just caring, thanks vik, for understanding that i was just being plain drama and being there for me. thanks vishnu for giving so much and stealing the gala kambu. hahahahha. thanks rishi and kaarthik for coming over n doing up e BEAUTIFUL deco. thanks rajmamma and umaka for contributing and being involved so much! thanks amma and appa, for being you. :) thanks yoges, for all your support, advice, help and yr dress! hahaha thanks malz, for the "balls" and yr love care and concern. yr tlc. :) thanks meenal, for providing all e support, the timeless shopping, the constant smses asking if i needed help, helping me coordinate for praga n shafiq and all. thanks all of u who came, for sharing this special night with me. and thanks to all those who couldnt come, but wished me :) there was some sourness as well, but i really hope we work through that and come out as better people. it's just a shame to throw it away. noone's at fault. there's just tooooo many misunderstandings, lost conversations and assumptions. i admit, im hurt as well, cuz these are the people i consider to be one of the closest to my heart, and when they forget about yr 21st birthday, when they dun bother when i have done so much for their 21st, trying to make it special, it pricks. but life is not just about who remembers yr birthday and who celebrates it with you. its about who sticks with u and who remains there through the good and bad. they have. so yes, we all deserve another time. its time to throw away all the demons building up inside, its time to stop blaming, its time to confront all the anger and hurt and come out as better people and more importantly, better friends. my birthday photos just came by today, and by the time i scan them all in will be a million years. im trying to ask the photographer for a digital format but till then, i will try to upload whatever my friends have, by stealing from them. i loved my dress and punjabi suits, and so did many others judging from the many sms-es askin me where i got them [daniel yam for the short dress, v2 creation for the suit. HAPPY?!] BUT i was not too happy with the way i looked, cuz i thought i looked genourmous. then i realised, i didnt LOOK genourmous, i HAVE BECOME GENOURMOUS. sighh... but oh wells, ive decided STRICTLY, this is unhealthy, all the binge eating and only excercising once a week for one hour at dance. so yes, its time to turn health freak again. yes again. once upon a time, i was a health freak. i ran twice a week, went to the gym once, on top of dance, kept track of what i ate. and my running was long distance mind you. not those 3-4 Kms, but more like 6-8 Km. yes, there was a time i could run more than the distance from my house to the bus stop. i wasn't slim. i was still plum, but i was healthy. my weight was dropping, and if i had kept up with it, i probably will be very happy with my body size now. but the demons of laziness and excuses took over and i stopped. and once i stopped, it was so difficult to start over. but i AM going to start over. i NEED to. Navina pointed to my tummy, patted it and said "hello baby" which is what she says to my preganant sis's tummy. so i NEED to. after the party (it ended at 1 30am), i went home and yoges and her bf came over while i cleaned my house then unwrapped some of my presents. oh gosh, thanks guys for everything! i got almost everything on my list!!! hahaha except the handphone and digital camera though (arunan, im going to steal yr camera sooner or later kays.) yup everything else i got. thanks so much guys! much love, much appreciateed. especially those who bothered to find out what i want. :) the next dae, new years dae, my mother's side family and i (excluding my dad as he was not feeling well), rode down to malaysia to visit our relatives. i love going down to malaysia with my relatives, esp if my cuzins are coming along, as its bound to be fun. this time round was no exception. although it was a horrer getting up at 9am as i only slept at 5am, i somehow made it and climbed into my uncle's camry. and then it was a looooong 5 hour ride to seremban, ulu pedas with a lunch stop in between. this ride was more to make up for my lost sleep and that's wad i did. once we reached my grandaunt's house in seremban, it was all chaos from there. all 3 cars of relatives descended there and made so much noise i tell u. hahaha it was realli funny. in the evening, we made our way down to the kampong house where our other relatives were living. that was really fun, as we ate vadais (the most delicious i have EVER TASTED), drank milo and played games with our younger nephews and nieces. yes all my cousin's childrens. lol. we played stupid games like chopstick, arm wrestling, finger wrestling, slide scissors paper stone (this was e big hit where i almost tore my jeans), pepsi cola 1-2-3 and many more. it was a ride back to our childhood and it was realli good. we left the place after eating some good kampong food and with promises of returning soon to our malaysia counterparts. that night we went back to the bigger house uphill and stayed there. started playing bridge at 11pm and only stopped at 2 am. hahahhaha. in between our uncle tried to scare us with stupid stories of ghosts and even going one step further to walk ard the house and howl as one. we tried to scare him back but were too petrified to go out to the backyard. it's realli scary ok! hahahha. bridge was hillarious with all the leg rubbing and acting and cheating. lol. and just a note, i won all the games. wahrharhahra. after which we settled to watch the soccer match, man u vs newcastle. the guys i.e my uncles and my malaysia cousin were engrossed in the game while the rest of us were ordered to keep quiet. not a easy thing to do for 5 teenage ppl. and we were laughing over the stupidest of things and covering our mouths with towels to shut up our squeals. hahahahaha. soon we slept ard 3 am, me at the sofa nearest to the door. not a good idea as the cocks starting shouting at bloody 4 30 am. i grogiily woke up to my aunties shouting at the top of their voices. im NOT a morning person, the sofa was NOT comfortable as it was a 2 seater. at 7 am i gave up and drudged to one of e rooms with my pillow and blanket(niran's hammock) and wedged myself between my mother and anu auntie. as the oldies woke up, my cuzins followed my suit (we were all sleeping in e hall) and came to the room to continue sleeping. wrong idea. our overactive aunties and uncles who themselves return to their childhood at times, started squealing and jumping on our beds giving us no choice but to wake. its quite a hilarious sight actually. we had a very very hearty breakfast of roti canai, sambar, goreng pisang, and kuehs with kopi-o. after which we headed to a temple with a HUGE sleeping baby sivan statue, i had been there before and was amazed at the rate of the renovation, the temple is simply beautiful and so serene, being set in the middle of nowhere. the ride there was fun as we passed by many many cows. i just love cows. and being in the car with my uncle and 5 other cuzins squuezed inside the chevrolet, screaming to rock music. after that we returned and packed, and went over to another relatives place for a birthday lunch for one of my malaysia cousins. we went there, ate like pigs and slept. lol. hahahahah it was fun too, poking each other, forcing to stay awake and listening to my uncle's lame jokes and fake laughing. rain started pouring (it was pouring on our way there too), and we started on our drive home where i sat with krishna and sathya and just talking crap and sleeping. reached singapore arond 6, tired and yet refreshed. it was good, bathing in cold water, returning to yr roots, but i dun think i can survive there for long. there's no form of entertainment, the "city" is an hour's ride away and is seriously not much of a city, houses are secluded from each other and the tv is the only connection to the outside world. i will DIE. after the trip, next day was my family's obaiyum at the temple. the yearly one. i think this year's was extra special as it was actually raining heavily but stopped just nice for us to brings the Gods around the temple and regained raining once they were inside the shelther. such a blessing. it was so adorable seeing navina with her fake hair. hahaha. i had fake hair too! lol put a long plait with my deepavali saree and looked like a kudumba kuutuvillaku ( family light?) the whole wednesday was on the obaiyum as we had the morning prayers AND the evening one. had to wake up at 6 for the morning prayers so i spent my afternoon watching tv and sleeping. thurs and fri just flew by. thurs i spent 7 hours cleaning my room from the aftermath of the party. arranged my presents ( i have 78 pairs of earrings now!) and throwed out all notes, rearranged the ones i'll be needing and kept the ones i wanted to sell. cleaned the room from head to toe but it looks so clustered cuz i just have far too many things. sigh. i need a bigger room. fri i went for driving in the morning, spent the afternoon with umaka and navina and went to eat kenny rogers for dinner with yoges and sangithah. it was a much needed night out as we laughed, ate and gossiped. hahahahaha. sigh, thank god for dance class or i would never have met yoges. :) saturdae i went back to sitar after a month of holidays, ah forgot everything! had nice scolding from my teacher and im recharged and determined to stay on track. no more beginner got to buck up! went sister's place after that for her 8th month thingee where mum made food for her and all. came back with navina and brought her swimming!! weh its been 3 years since i last swam at a pool i think. hahahaha my swimming costume needs to be replaced. lol. swam with navina abit, then left her with my mum and did a few laps in the adult pool. but i kept bumping into ppl as there were many kids having lessons so i gave up after 20 mins and just lay by the side and enjoyed the cool water and cooler breeze. went home n got ready to go over to pearl's for hotplate. the food was good! sorrie i made u guys wait!! and it was a fun dinner where we just ate, cooked and caught up. its been SO LONG since we gathered just for the purpose for gathering and not for birthday or some event. but still, gra minah and jo were missed. they all went town for supper but i was tireed from the long day and went home. woke up at 8 for navina as she was screaming for high-5 and im the only one in the whole house who can operate the dvd ( or so my mum thinks). went back to sleep and woke up 3 hrs later, had a lazy lunch and then tada, my missing 3-mth painful friend came to find me. one way i was relieved, another way i was like "sheit why now, when i have dance!" sigh. but oh well. endured e cramps and went to class. was real tiring but i liked it, as i felt i achieved something. the aftermath was not good, as the cramps became worse. haiks. came home and my sis and brother-in-law were over to fetch navina. watched e dhool competition which sangithah is crazy over. haahha. and now im here, preparing for my day tmr, deciding which notes to print, what to print, and most importantly. WHAT TO WEAR. hahahaha. ok for those who survived reading till the end, WELL DONE!!! hhahahahahahaha. lets see if the new semester allows me to blog regularly, if not its more long posts. till then, its been a tough year, looking forward to a great one. (4) comments |
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