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Friday, January 12, 2007 a better time to come...hopefully.aaah so the first week of school is almost over, and lets just say that im tryin real real hard to be a nerd. ppl like mian will vouch for that. i think im irritating him by copyin down so many things. harharhar.modules this sem are not too bad. at first i thought i made a HUGE mistake by takin sci of music cuz e first lecture was realli boring and he was going on and on abt musical geniuses and so many chiminology musical terms. i was DOOMED (haha private joke). but then todae's second lecture was not that bad..i actually understood most of e terms (thanks sitar class!) and since its non-examinable, i just gotta work my ass of for the essay and enlist e help of musically inclined ppl. hahahha. besides that, my 3 sci modules seem ok.....SO FAR. friends have warned me abt the bioinformatics module, so i guess i really gotta pour my heart and soul into that...experimental seems taxing, but i know that if i really want to, i can do it. :) cell biology seems alrite, organelles etc..not too bad todae i had marketing lecture, its really interesting. its times like these that i kinda regret not going into biz fac. well not as if i could make it in e first plac. hahaha. but lecture was fun and the lecturer seemed fun too.. speaking of lecturers, Prof Anandah Rajah passed away and he taught dal, jo and miruna. i never got a chance to take a module under him (the one sociology module i took was taught by Dr Vineetha Sinha), but i've heard that he's a very good lecturer (even before he passed). it's really shocking and sudden, imagine what it would feel like for the poor student who was talking to him when he just suddenly collapsed. and his children are so young! 12 and 14! sigh. well, maybe he was just needed up there. sigh sadness. so some of his modules are cancelled, a few of my friends are affected. gosh i think i will get major headache. trying to find a module in this short period when almost everything is alr snapped up and the bid points are super high. oh well but i dun think many ppl will complain. after all, there's a proper and good enough reason. todae i met thinesh darl, after like EONS (excl my bdae). we were soooo out-of-touch, and after meeting him at my party, and many other long-lost friends, i realised what i've been missing out on now. ai im so lazy la. even this meetin was initaited by him, if not we will only meet prob at another bdae party. hahha. had a good time eating some weirdo kaya toast with milo while we jus yakked and caught up. who's doing what. why. what are we doing etc etc. it was a much needed recollection of memories. after that we went lib where i had to practically drag him in, and i borrowed 2 books! wheee. aniweis my conversation with him really made me think. do i really want a career in life science? do i really want to work in a lab my whole life? do i really want to be surrounded by chemicals and instruments? do i really want to do research? most importantly, can i? sigh i really dunno. it all seemed very appealing before i entered nus. and entering life science seemed to be the correct and right thing to do. it was the up-and-coming market, it was difficult to get into so i shdn't just throw it away and i was interested in it. now, almost 2 years later, the story's a little different. the market is going downhill. i'm interested but totally not understanding the syllabus. im lagging behind in class, and to have a proper career, u gotta be at least in the top 30%. and i wonder. sigh. but for now, i'll just work super hard and see, if maybe i do well enough, i might understand what im studying, do reasonably well, and maybe, just maybe, there'll be room for me. oh well, sorrie for e total depressing entry. its just e start of 2007, i'm still supposed to be feeling very 21, but talks of graduation, commendation ceremony, honours, working, where to work, loans, repaying of the loans, marriage and the very near future that contains all of the above, is already pushing me towards 22 years and beyond. this is all going too fast. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. ok amazin race asia gonna start! woohoooo. nitey nite all :)
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