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Friday, January 26, 2007 i love singapore ok.aiyoh i'm so brain dead la. just finished my marketing webcast n im so glad its over!! webcasts are really draining man! at least at normal lectures can gossip with friends, be distracted a lil n stuff..but webcasts, its like, i feel so guilty if i switch off, CUZ ITS RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF MEEEE. ok really brain dead. cant think of anything to blog though i had lots of stuff i wanted to blog about... previous 2 posts problem K-I-N-D-A resolved for now, though still a lil uncomfortable..i've come to realise well, u can't expect everything to be ok all the time, but doesnt mean everything will be screwed up all the way.. wow, what thattuvams. lol. i'm so insulted, my uncle called me while jo minah and i were shopping at sheng siong, and said that there's someone on tv who looked exactly like me!!! and knowing my uncle, its not aishwaraya rai lar. and so he made me promise him that i'll go home n watch e repeat telecast and even gave me the contestant number (this is a 50+++ year old lawyer cum businessman studying for his masters in entrepreneurial studies) and so i dutifully come and watch and am so HORRIFIED!!!! IF I LOOK ANYTHING LIKE THAT!!!!!!!! *FAINTS!!!!* i mean not to be offensive or anything lar, but i think i look *100 times better lar!!!!! i mean harlow, i got naturally straight teeth and am DEFINATELY SLIMMER OK!!!!!!!!!!!! p.s for those who watched e show, its the girl who was super energetic and laughing all the time n at first sang a damn energetic song but din get it cuz her pitch was damn off when she sang the selena song, then she kept asking them wad's wrong with her, wad do they mean by off pitch etc etc then she cried and cried n cried. contestant 8312. sigh depression depression. NEEDA PROVE THEM ALL WRONG LAR. i better be compared to carmen electra at the end of this sem i tell u. not realistic? fine fine. aishwaraya rai it is then... okies am inching closer to try to get an approval from my mum for my tatt. she has mellowed from a "NO, I WILL DISOWN YOU IF U EVEN MENTION THE "T" WORD" to -------------> "NO, not untill after you're married, like what umaka did" to -------------> "no la, wait till u finish your studies first" woooooohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo alriteeeeeee, maybe soon it'd be "no la, wait till u finish yr 2nd year" wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! I'm REALLY serious about getting a tatt.i actually mentioned it in one of e earlier posts rite? i think the first new post of the year? yahhh dun belief me riteeee..think i bedeh riteeee... i've alreadi pretty much chosen the design, its gonna be a small n pretty one, probably a letter k in sanskrit lettering with some design around. ![]() ![]() haven decided where to put it though. my mum asked me where i was planning to put it (yes i know, i almost pinched myself to check if i was dreaming) and she seemed relieved when i said it'd be somewhere that can't be seen when i wear normal clothes. lol maybe my hip area? or my back? i've always had a fetish for tattoos on ankles...but yah, if i put it there i'll get castrated by my mum. she'll go all "imagine yr wedding, u putting yr leg out to put the inji, and all ppl can see is yr tattoo!!!" sigh. pray for me people. pray for my tatt. oh yes, this is for miruna and joanna -> SINGAPORE RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dun understand why noone wanna go support the singapore lions this saturdae!!! *stares at miruna and jo* i mean, granted, they're not as good as THE dream team back in the earli 90s but still, they've come so far!! and after so long!!! and they're rather good actually!!!! AND ITS SINGAPORE TEAM. HARLOW WE ARE SINGAPOREANS!!!! and after being treated the way they were last week, we should show them that SINGAPORE IS BEHIND THEM!!! so people, get off yr lazy butts, go get yr tix and go support singapore this saturday at the kallang stadium for the ASEAN FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS!!! i'm DEFINATELY going if i can get my hands on the tickets --looks at niran-- so miss-i-dun-care-about-singapores, PLS DUN BE ASSES. singapore rules ok!!! i laus singapore. alrite, with this patriotic feeling in my heart, *thumps heart* im going off to watch amazing race asia (in which, my darling singapore came halfway till and then got sadly terminated.sigh.) then go concuss... nitey nite ppl...
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