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Friday, December 23, 2005 i passed my exams!!!1 yipeeeee yay!!!well i almost failed one module, but i didn't n im thankful for that. but my cap score is realli atrocious. i MUST work hard next sem n pull it up like hell. realli must work hard! yes jo, we must study together almost every day ok!!! aniwei i promised u guys my wish list and here it is... WAHAHAHHA 1. someone/ppl to sponser my hair dying, -$120 bucks only!!! hehehe 2. pretty pink bling bling watch! my fav is guess. but ya, any no-brand would be fine yar. as long as its bling bling, prettty n pink(optional). 3. lots of clothes! incl razor back tank tops in multi-colours. 4. jeans! 599 levis! and any no brand tight fitting straight cut dark indigo coloured jeans. 5. a full manicure and pedicure set. wehehehe. 6. EARRINGS. enuf said. 7. shoes! shiny bling bling gold/silver round end ballet pumps. size 6 pls. thanks. 8. nice pretty flip flops i can wear to school. refer to no7 for size. 9. pretty tees i can wear to school. due to my ahem, chest, XL would be preferred. LOL. 10. pretty skirts, short ones but not mini. im into this bubble skirt craze. and i need a denim mini. size 30 pls. thanks. :) 11. escada perfume! anything! i just lovvveeee their scents! 12. lotsa $$$$$$$$$$ 13. A SUPRISE PARRTYY! how great it would be? with all my frens AND relatives! so cool! sigh..... and lastly....... 13. jobs for vik and my brother-in-law. pls approach me for resumes. :) ok ppl that's it. take a number yar. hahahahhahah ok going for e bbq soon. speaking of which. me jo n gra had such a great time just catching up ydae. i just love them la. hrs just flew past like that when i was wif em. i realli miss e old times where we'd always meet up at 4b1/3b1 classroom n yak the whole dae away. sigh. after that i went to watch THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA with some ebrew ppl at ard 9 plus@marina. WOW its DAMN GOOD! u guys shd allllllll go catch it. its one of e best pictures tt i haf watched in a loooooooooong time!!! and the elder son is quite cute. hehehehe. aniwei ya, lazy to blog more. bye peeps! remember e list! muackx! (0) comments Tuesday, December 20, 2005 hmmm busy busy busy BUT seriously fun past few days. im so lazy to blog it all but here's a quick summary..sat went to indhu's 21st bdae party, was pretty ok lar, food not so great-kerala cuisine, but alrite, then last min decided to catch midnite movie. me, vik, vishnu, ram, anand, vinoth, murali, sutha, malek and hassan. murali n sutha came last min n left to go pao toh half way so as usual, i was e lone "thorn among e roses" as stated by my vanithaka. watched Aaru and A B C D. Aaru was not too bad cuz darl surya was acting, but A B C D, hmm not very good, not worth it to watch in e theatre. aniwei i saw THASH THERE!!!!! accidentally met him before e first movie was abt to start and we ended up hanging out together e whole nite (and mornin). gosh i forgot how it was to talk to him, so nice. well we were talkin abt some pretty serious stuff, aniwei i hope he sorts it out soon. sigh. aniwei it was quite funny, sitting outside yishun theatre at 3 am like a couple of anjacks, talkin for an hour. aniwei everythin ended abt 6 pls? then i took a cab home, reached home abt 6 45 n went to bed. yawn. next dae i woke up at like 2pm!!! hehehe dad just stared at me, was kinda scared he was gonna blow up for comin back at such absurb hours. bt he din. he warmed up in a while. well, i DID TELL amma that i'll be back in e mornin after watchin e 2 movies. sundae nite went for Sahira's sister's weddin at Khalsa. boy was it grand! wow, vishnu said they are normal family, but seemed like e sultan's family's wedding. damn extravagant i tell u. and all e sisters all look alike. but its not a typical muslim wedding. all sisters, incl e bride, all wearin tube tops or spags or halters etc etc. lol. aniwei as usual, thorn among roses situation, this time not even with sutha. sigh. they were checkin out all e girls n askin me for comments somemore la. cannot make it. oh ya, my official post in Club by e Bay is now Medical Officer (MO). as per their definition, only after i chop n say "pass" only then will they accept a girl. YEAH RITE! lol. HAHAHA but vishnu is realli doing tt la. lol. cant believe they haf so much respect for me, *sobsob* however, thing to note, when i was commentin durin e wedding dinner that they din seem to remember a girl was sitting at e table, the way they were describing e girls, they all said "we dun treat u like a girl wad, ure one of e guys!!". ohmygosh.major heart attack. sigh. wad a state im reduced to. aniwei came back home at llike 1 30 am. was lucky i was not murdered. next dae (ydae) i worked an 11 hr shift!!! but suprisingly was not so tiring, cuz it was a damn slack day, just that a stupid customer decided to come at 1040 when we took last orders at 1030, and only got her food at 1050 cuz wadeva she ordered (desserts fries AND drinks) happen to suay suay not available. and i was e runner so i was busy runnin up n down preparin e desserrts. sigh by e time they left it was 1140, n we supposedly close at 11. *&%#$%%$%* aniwei after that went to clementi for "supper" with jingyi n xiaojie. then evan n crane joined us. we were just gossipin, bitchin, laffin n jokin. fun man, and before i knew it, it was alrweadi 130! i quick;y left n came home. luckly my dad haven come back n my mum alr went to sleep. im damn lucky la, come back 4 days in a row so late and never kanna castratted. which is why i made it a point to return home earli todae. lol. aniwei todae was reali fun too, met nair n naz t jurong point n we did a whole afternoon of shopping, eating and gossiping!!!! i was so tempted to buy so many things, and so were they. sighhhh. in e end, i controlled myself and just bought the presents for e gift exchange at essential, and my colour ink refill for my printer (not original one lar). then met my bro-in-law (BIL) and sis there. i bought a drum set for navina!!!! hahaha shd haf seen her face when she saw it. lol, when i left e housse, she was still banging on e drums. oh wait, my sis had pulled navina. my BIL was banging on it instead. sigh. kids. lol aniwei got back abt half an hour ago. lol. early ah? hehehe. ok aniwei someone's bdaecomin soon ah, 8 days ah!!!! hahahah aniwei im sick of ppl askin me wad i want. so i haf compiled a list of my bdae/christmas wishes. shall put it up tmr so u guys can just pick n choose from there ok? hehehehehehe till then, MUACKX! (0) comments Saturday, December 17, 2005 so im bored.so im tired, oh so tired. came back home ydae at 4 30am. no i did not club. i was actually, workin. yes sad case. was so fucking busy!!!!!! i almost died man, lucky e ppl workin ydae were fun. and hua, jo, pearl, rae n minah came over to visit me. awwwwwwww. too bad they had to leave earlie. aniweiz, after work the guys at essential and me went over to al-ameen at bukit timah for supper. was quite fun la, cept that wendy who kept irritating everyone wif her non-stop talking. was so funny la, xiaojie was tryin to learn tamil from me n speak to e ppl there.lol. my maanam poochu (honour go away literally). hhahaha by e time we left e place, was 4 plus am. came home, said hi to my dad who was watchin tv, then went to sleep. sigh. quite a stark difference to just a few months ago, where i wld haf been skinned alive for comin back after 1. lol. todae is indhu's bdae. im so lazy to go la, and sunitha's tired too. but we alr bought e present, and promised indhu we'll go so i guess just pop in n go. mite go clubbin after tt. mite not. im kinda broke u see. maybe just hang out wif e guys. aiyoh so bored man. its alr 4. im supposed to meet sunitha at 7. and supposed to go out earlier to get present for sahira's sister's wedding tmrw. but im so L.A.Z.Y to start dressin up tho im bored. sigh. ok bye, (0) comments Friday, December 16, 2005 ahhhhhh tired~!!!!!aniwei i joined in my first dae of work ydae at the west end/hoo ha. it is realli nice but its not for me. i know i sound like an old hag at e risk of saying this, but, i missed essential!!!! hahahaha all e while i was lookin for a better job so tt i can quit essential, but when i DID find a better job, i just couldn't stop thinkin of essential. it was as if i was having an affair wif the west-end, while going steady with essential. sigh im hopeless. ANIWEI i quit. hahahaha. but it qwas a nice experience. and it is REALLI a nice place to eat n hang out. shall go there n eat one dae. looks cool, and the food smelled realllllliiii good, and its a BIG serving. but still, essential rocks my pants!!! aniwei i wanna take salsa classes!!!!!!! who wants to take with me!!!!!!!!!!?????!!!!! oh n drivin has been fun, tho i almost knocked down a bike todae.oopsie. and i was imagining sth reali funny while drivin. u see, my instructor gave out this reali loud burp that sounded more like he was havin a heart attack. and i freaked for a split second! then i was thinkin, if yr driving instructor has a heart attack while ure at e wheel, is it illegal to drive him to e hospital, tho legally, he is there beside u at e front seat? hmmmmmmmmmm. aniwei he told me tmrw he'll teach me abt blind spot and erm, erm, cant remember wad else. i like driving, esp at 4th gear. shiok man! im glad im taking manual. lalalala. ok my dear lappie batt dying and im lazy to find e charger n recharge it n blablablabla. nite peeps! (0) comments Wednesday, December 14, 2005 i simply must blog, even tho the stupid fuckin system took so long just to come to this page!aniwei clubbin on sat was FUN FUN FUN!!!! WOOHOOO. like mini thaipusam cum mini theemathi cum mini tekka@deepavali all rolled into one. SO MANY INDIANS IN A NON-TAMILAN CLUB!!! n for once, they played R&B ALL THE WAY TO THE END AND I HAD TO LEAVE AT 3!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. aniwei my dear vanithaka n her bf came down to see me. n her bf bought me a jug of whiskey dry. aaaaaaaw. and i saw miruna's bf there. big drama sia. aniwei saw lots of ppl there i haven seen in years! jeremiah, anand, vasanth, shafiq, shoba etc etc. reunion. nobody go zouk out is it? was so fuckin crowded la! cant even dance freely. hahaha. i think indians dun like zouk. was SOOOOOOOOO crowded i haf NEVER seen o bar so crowded before! but was fun la. dance drank n be merry! my life mantra for this december. lol next dae din get enuf sleep la. had to wake up at 8 to go for dance workshop. dunno how i managed that. din even get time to wash my hair. so i went there wif smoke-smelling hair. when i untied it n let yoges smell it she almost fainted. hahahahah but e workshop was fun, we learnt abt dance music, n i gotta say ghaana annai is very funny, hahaha so cute. n i just absolutely love flute music. everytime i hear it i get mesmerized. i just wish vik could learn a musical instrument. it wld be so LOMANTIC! then gayatri teacher n bhaktan sir taught us some movements. me n yoges were made to stand in front cuz we are the so-called seniors in our class n e junior girls "needed to follow wad we do". so stressful!! but it was a good workout. sweat alot. this i like, n e kaali gautuvam we did last week. i loveeeee e gautuvam. so strong n fierce. like, so powerful! i love e steps, so full of, strength n anger, stamp my foot n did poses n lifted my leg till i lost my balance. again we were e supposed senior ones so need to save face. haha. ANIWEI flute music always reminds me of dear logais. sigh i miss him. we always never get to reali talk when he gets attached. then when he breaks up wif em, suddenly we're talking everydae n meetin up. aniwei i hope evberything goes well for him with this girl. dun wan him to break up wif her just cuz i wanna speak wif him. sigh. i miss those times when we'll talk thru e nite till 7 am in e mornin, when our parents wake up. i miss those times when he'd play e flute for me over e fone, esp his favourite krishna tune. i miss those times when we meet up to study at wdls lib. i miss those times where, when im bored i can just call him n he'd meet me for shopping n so much fun! i miss those times where we'd gossip abt everyone n everything. i miss those times where we'd meet n go for dance/flute class together. i miss those times when we club together (i do NOT miss him gettin drunk tho). i miss those times where we wld joke abt bobby n me gettin married. (bobby is his dog). i just miss him. we haf so much history between us. its hard to just let go.... sigh aniweiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii AFTER dance workshop, i came back home, n the gang had just came back from india! sigh there goes my 2 weeks of own-room. hahaha oh well they're back. seems they had a great time there, only thing is tt is was tooooo cold. 1 degrees i think. they saw snow!!!! im so envious. i haf never seen snow up close n personal. only from far, saw mt everest from darjeeling (which by iteself is a beauuuuuutiful experience!). aniwei sangithah bought for me a boho long skirt n shawl and a pretty wooden ethnic bracelt n some earrings (MY FAVOURITES!!~!!!) to share. yay im so happy!! then my sis n brother-in-law came over to pick navina, who had been stayin over since sat. after everything, was alreadi 3 plus. when i was just gonna sleep, dad asked me to help him wif some stuff for his work, computer stuff. so as i was finishin up alreadi 5 15. then ah bee called me n asked me to work that nite! as im seriously broke, i decided to go. need all e hours i can get. so went down to work at 6 30 n worked till 1030. work was fun cuz ethan was there n he was supper funny! hahaha aniwei came back home n finallu slepptttt. but had work at 12 e next dae. aniwei ydae nite i stayed over at umaka's place bcuz of their pleadin. n raj maama upon haerin im stayin over, immedaitely gave me gin to drink. lol. BUT it was nice! i dun usually like gin. but this one was nice, had a bitter sweet taste. from seng siong, only 3 bucks!!! i shall buy more n stock up. umaka was sayin that raj mamma is spoiling me, but both of us cldnt be bothered. he was drinkin his heineken i was drinkin my gin. lol. umaka went to sleep at 12 cuz she has work todae. me n him stayed up till 1 plus watchin cookin shows. hahahahahahaha aniwei todae once i woke up, was playin wif navina. aiyah she's so adorable la. she's learnin new stuff everydae n its so cute when she impersonates us. im kinda closer to her now cuz im over there alot due to e fact i haf to get job applications n stuff from my brother in law. so now she recognises me n plays wif me more. yay! if u ask "sinnaamma where?" she will immed point to me! (sinnamma=small mother, which is wad we call our mum's younger sisters.) she is soooooo adorable. but spoilt. if she doesnt get her way, she will def whine.but my sis n rajmaama have started scoldin her, n she is NOT happy. hahahahaha so cute so aniwei i was flippin thru todae's newspapers. and saw an advert for high-payin waitressin job at pasir panjang village. its quite near nus AND home, so i decided to just go down there before work. and i got e job! they called me just now while i was workin@essential n said i got it! wooohoooooooo i start tmrw. n guess wad, e startin pay there is the SAME as wad i get at essential NOW. hahahahahahahahahahaha. aniwei hope it goes well later. *prays* ok gotta wake up earlie tmrw. meetin meenal n naz at town to get a present for indhu for her 21st bdae this sat. SO MANY 21ST BDAES!!!. then im gg for my first driving lesson in months!!! woohoooo hope it goes well. i reali dun wanna start from e beginning again. then only im gg for my first dae at e new place. oh ya, the restaurant is called "west-end"-sells western n local food. but its a fine dinin cum al fresco restaurant. ok haf blogged too much, hmm just realised i haven blog abt sth tt happened at e club, regardin praba, shall blog another time. tired. yawn. nite peeps, muackx. (0) comments Saturday, December 10, 2005 just came back home from mustaffa after shopping with my brother-in-law n sister. wow tt place is happenin in this time man. its more crowded than clementi at weekdays. hmmmm, maybe shd go there often if i cant sleep. IF i manage to sneak outta e house.aniwei e stuff there's reallllll cheap. shall start shopping there more often, and e perfume's real cheap!!!!! aniwei my brother-in-law n sister might drop by o-bar tmrw nite. ahaha happening family ah. LOL. im sleepy but cant sleep. just lying here in bed n typing this. lalalalalaaaa tode (1oth dec) is my daddy's bdae! bought a pair of jeans for him from mustaffa. lalala. hope he likes it. 53 yrs old. hehe just realised, this time a year ago i had just started out on my journy in india. that was certainly a life changing journey. i will never regret a single second taking up tt task. learnt so much, made so many new frens, and enjoyed myself to e max. n realli knew, wad i shd be grateful for, n not to take things for granted, tat there's always a bright side to life. i seriously encourage everyone to go on at least one volunteer trip in their life. but pls, those who are doing tt just for e chance for a cheap holidae, buzz off. u can always go on a holidae, but e experiences u get n e self-fulfilment u get from such a trip can never be bought, not even wif mastercard. hehe on a more serious note, i reali learnt to appreciate my life more after tt trip. i haf so much those kids i helped, did not. yet they were not e ones complainin or whinin tt they were born to prostitutes or tt they are so poor they cant afford sch shoes or tt they're so hungry they skip meals for days in a row. in fact, they were e ones who were studyin hard to do well to try to do their parents (or social workers) proud, they were e ones taking n learnin any skills they can in order to earn money to get their mums out of e trade, they are e ones bringing u proudly to their homes to show their new "friends" to their family, they are e ones who, when hungry, share their biscuits with u, cuz they want to n not cuz they haf to. they are e ones, tho we offered to buy things when shopping, bought little souveniers for us with their hard-saved money cuz they wanted us to rememebr them by. they are e ones who hold n swing our hands down e street, buying cool drinks n sharing with u. they are e ones who truly know e value of life. i miss those kids, ajit the handsome one my dear fren who loved my hair, sunil the romeo in love wif baby, but refusing to give in to her, abhijeet the clever geeky but sooo niceee n cute guy, mani the naughty one. n so much more. i miss the social workers there, souvik the loved one, sutopa his love, our "saree" looker, angahuman the shy one who turned out to be gaya's love! miss e times we hung out n talked crap, shopped n painted e house together. miss my frens i mde there, esp gaya shireen raabiya paran uma priya n all. all e laughter we shared coookin maggii mee in e middle of e nite, going shopping like C-R-A-Z-Y, esp gaya n shireen my shopping partners!, checking out cute "sarees" esp e black saree at e cafe, watching movies, esp swades n sharukh khan!, painting e place when there's no light, using our handphones as light, decorating the library n going shopping for e books to put in e library, scrapin e walls till we all looked like dustmites, paintin e outside of e house till even strangers pitched in to help, doin up e mural, checking out e "cute guy" next door, celebrating e birthdaes, laughing wif e kids n bringin em out, e bumpy bus rides all cramped up,gettin on e public bus was a daily challenge, where i almost fell off, the morning showers in cold water, the "clubbin" session we had wif our "nalgene water bottles" n bouncers, laughing wif e kids despite e language barrier, teachin em simple english n havin our hearts swell wif happiness when they remember it, being able to make em laff n call us "didi" n "dada" in just a few hours, them clammering for our attention n just wantin to be held n talked to, the little kids climbin all over us n laughin n pulling our hair,the opening ceromony of e shelther, the dances songs n e phototaking, playin cricket wif e kids tho 3/4 of us din know how to, singing sharkuh khan's songs, them bringing us to e festival where we played e scariest roller coaster ever n they laffed at us for being scared, sharing our food, them puttin henna for us, the tears in their eyes when we left, the tears in our eyes when we hugged goodbyes, the emotional farewell wif e neverending hugs for e didi's n dada's n promises of letters n returns. the book signing session, the presents we gave n got, the cold at darjeeling n how we got over tt, the delcious food n crazy temperature n e thousands of layers of clothes we wore, the chats we had till late at nite, the emotional goodbye at e airport, suthopa crying , makin us cry, n e silent journey back home, where we felt like we were leavin home, the happiness on being back to s'pore, but sad for leavin india, leavin our new frens, our new family. akirti, i miss u, i love u. happy 1st anniversary project akriti.... ok now i haf tears in my eyes thinkin back...sigh..time to sleep...nite peeps.. (0) comments Thursday, December 08, 2005 momomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomo momomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomo momomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomo momomomomomomomomomomomomo WAS FUN!WOoOOOHOOOOOOO. think im still abit high, haf not totally slept off the alcohol. hahahahahhahahahaha well it was damn gooooooooood, the company was good, ESSENTIAL BREW GIRLS REALLI KNOW HOW TO PARTY!!! they can DANCE and DRINK and ENJOY! i tell u, these girls are my new clubbing partners! and i DID see n dance wif some cute guys, hahaha but yes i haf a darling as a bf. lol. im watching opERA NOW and am crying. sigh. opera is such a giving person. my dream is to be her. she is my idol! i mean, she;s powerful n inflential, but uses it to a great cause, telling ppl e right stuff, using her power to make e world a better place... and the designer nate is oh-so-cute. hehehe aniweiz back to clubbing, drank abt 8 glasses i think. ladies nite mah, ok la was not drunk but was a lil high as i did not eat much before that. music was goooooooood r&b my alllll-time fav! just the techno in btw spoiled it abit, ah wells, they went back to r&b in abt 45 mins so not too bad.the reason i said tthe girls are happening cuz even tho they played techno and i HATE techno, they were so high n happy n dancing so silly they made me dance n enjoy myself, whiich usually never happens!!! hahahaha came back at abt 4? hmmm suprised im up so earli. hahaha next is sat at o bar, oh my oh my, party animal in kala is coming ouuuuuuuut. watch out! dear sahira is admitted in hosp for unkown causes, got lumps in her throat. so me n vishnu, n maybe vik n rishi will be gg down to visit her. was just talkin to vishnu n he was makin fun of my "sexy" mornin voice. hahahah well cant help it ma. drank n shoutted. so we shd be meetin later, abt 7 plus i think..lalalalla need to go get stuff for my sister later, her weddin anniv later. maybe i'll go visit navinaaaaaaaaa my cutie pie! i'll try to upload some pics of her here if i ccan. i love her! aniwei guys, just to let u know, its another 20 days more to SOMEONE's b-daeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! *hint*hint*hint*hint*hint*hint*major-hint*hint*hint*hint*hint* (0) comments Wednesday, December 07, 2005 I AM BORED!well actually i haf alot of things to do, but i dunno where to start, and all my frens are either busy working or studying tt they cant come out wif me! wad happened to the good ol holidays, where ppl SLACK during holidays instead of WORKING their asses out?!@ sigh going momo tonite, but not wif e babes, but wif e essential gurls. long story....but at least i can go clubbin in e end. hee he he i am so boreeeeeeeeeeedddddd. i wanna go outttttttttt. ok i shall go rot my brains out. (0) comments Sunday, December 04, 2005 im baccccccck. baccccck again, lollife's been a big blur this week with so many things to do rite after exams. work, meena's bdae, the preperations for that, sitar, dance etc etc, oh i bought a sitar todae! its so pretty!!! siiiigghhhh went over to vishnu's n vinoth's place todae for a fuction wif e sitar, and as usual, was made fun of. sigh. vj's comin back on e 28th! woohoo on SOMEONE'S BDAE LA. lol. i cant wait for her to come back. feel tat she's nicer nowadays, dunno why la just feel like tt. besides, vishnu;s been askin abt her. lol. hema's not comin back tho. sigh sigh. they showin kal ho na ho tonite!!! main reason im not gg out tonite, tissues here i come! wah tt movie never ever ever fails to makle me cry. cuz. cuz. cuz. MY DARLING SHARUKH DIES IN TT MOVIE!!!!! (NOT FOR REAL LA!) and also it has greaaaaaat songs n its quite funny. ok la im so exciting abt wed n sat. going clubbing! woooooooHOOOOOO! like FINALLY!!!!!! ok la im going to go eat dinner n wait for 9 30 to arrive so i can watch "WHO KNOWS ABT TMRW?"=KAL HO NA HO. i just love that movie! (0) comments |
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