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Wednesday, December 14, 2005 i simply must blog, even tho the stupid fuckin system took so long just to come to this page!aniwei clubbin on sat was FUN FUN FUN!!!! WOOHOOO. like mini thaipusam cum mini theemathi cum mini tekka@deepavali all rolled into one. SO MANY INDIANS IN A NON-TAMILAN CLUB!!! n for once, they played R&B ALL THE WAY TO THE END AND I HAD TO LEAVE AT 3!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. aniwei my dear vanithaka n her bf came down to see me. n her bf bought me a jug of whiskey dry. aaaaaaaw. and i saw miruna's bf there. big drama sia. aniwei saw lots of ppl there i haven seen in years! jeremiah, anand, vasanth, shafiq, shoba etc etc. reunion. nobody go zouk out is it? was so fuckin crowded la! cant even dance freely. hahaha. i think indians dun like zouk. was SOOOOOOOOO crowded i haf NEVER seen o bar so crowded before! but was fun la. dance drank n be merry! my life mantra for this december. lol next dae din get enuf sleep la. had to wake up at 8 to go for dance workshop. dunno how i managed that. din even get time to wash my hair. so i went there wif smoke-smelling hair. when i untied it n let yoges smell it she almost fainted. hahahahah but e workshop was fun, we learnt abt dance music, n i gotta say ghaana annai is very funny, hahaha so cute. n i just absolutely love flute music. everytime i hear it i get mesmerized. i just wish vik could learn a musical instrument. it wld be so LOMANTIC! then gayatri teacher n bhaktan sir taught us some movements. me n yoges were made to stand in front cuz we are the so-called seniors in our class n e junior girls "needed to follow wad we do". so stressful!! but it was a good workout. sweat alot. this i like, n e kaali gautuvam we did last week. i loveeeee e gautuvam. so strong n fierce. like, so powerful! i love e steps, so full of, strength n anger, stamp my foot n did poses n lifted my leg till i lost my balance. again we were e supposed senior ones so need to save face. haha. ANIWEI flute music always reminds me of dear logais. sigh i miss him. we always never get to reali talk when he gets attached. then when he breaks up wif em, suddenly we're talking everydae n meetin up. aniwei i hope evberything goes well for him with this girl. dun wan him to break up wif her just cuz i wanna speak wif him. sigh. i miss those times when we'll talk thru e nite till 7 am in e mornin, when our parents wake up. i miss those times when he'd play e flute for me over e fone, esp his favourite krishna tune. i miss those times when we meet up to study at wdls lib. i miss those times where, when im bored i can just call him n he'd meet me for shopping n so much fun! i miss those times where we'd gossip abt everyone n everything. i miss those times where we'd meet n go for dance/flute class together. i miss those times when we club together (i do NOT miss him gettin drunk tho). i miss those times where we wld joke abt bobby n me gettin married. (bobby is his dog). i just miss him. we haf so much history between us. its hard to just let go.... sigh aniweiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii AFTER dance workshop, i came back home, n the gang had just came back from india! sigh there goes my 2 weeks of own-room. hahaha oh well they're back. seems they had a great time there, only thing is tt is was tooooo cold. 1 degrees i think. they saw snow!!!! im so envious. i haf never seen snow up close n personal. only from far, saw mt everest from darjeeling (which by iteself is a beauuuuuutiful experience!). aniwei sangithah bought for me a boho long skirt n shawl and a pretty wooden ethnic bracelt n some earrings (MY FAVOURITES!!~!!!) to share. yay im so happy!! then my sis n brother-in-law came over to pick navina, who had been stayin over since sat. after everything, was alreadi 3 plus. when i was just gonna sleep, dad asked me to help him wif some stuff for his work, computer stuff. so as i was finishin up alreadi 5 15. then ah bee called me n asked me to work that nite! as im seriously broke, i decided to go. need all e hours i can get. so went down to work at 6 30 n worked till 1030. work was fun cuz ethan was there n he was supper funny! hahaha aniwei came back home n finallu slepptttt. but had work at 12 e next dae. aniwei ydae nite i stayed over at umaka's place bcuz of their pleadin. n raj maama upon haerin im stayin over, immedaitely gave me gin to drink. lol. BUT it was nice! i dun usually like gin. but this one was nice, had a bitter sweet taste. from seng siong, only 3 bucks!!! i shall buy more n stock up. umaka was sayin that raj mamma is spoiling me, but both of us cldnt be bothered. he was drinkin his heineken i was drinkin my gin. lol. umaka went to sleep at 12 cuz she has work todae. me n him stayed up till 1 plus watchin cookin shows. hahahahahahaha aniwei todae once i woke up, was playin wif navina. aiyah she's so adorable la. she's learnin new stuff everydae n its so cute when she impersonates us. im kinda closer to her now cuz im over there alot due to e fact i haf to get job applications n stuff from my brother in law. so now she recognises me n plays wif me more. yay! if u ask "sinnaamma where?" she will immed point to me! (sinnamma=small mother, which is wad we call our mum's younger sisters.) she is soooooo adorable. but spoilt. if she doesnt get her way, she will def whine.but my sis n rajmaama have started scoldin her, n she is NOT happy. hahahahaha so cute so aniwei i was flippin thru todae's newspapers. and saw an advert for high-payin waitressin job at pasir panjang village. its quite near nus AND home, so i decided to just go down there before work. and i got e job! they called me just now while i was workin@essential n said i got it! wooohoooooooo i start tmrw. n guess wad, e startin pay there is the SAME as wad i get at essential NOW. hahahahahahahahahahaha. aniwei hope it goes well later. *prays* ok gotta wake up earlie tmrw. meetin meenal n naz at town to get a present for indhu for her 21st bdae this sat. SO MANY 21ST BDAES!!!. then im gg for my first driving lesson in months!!! woohoooo hope it goes well. i reali dun wanna start from e beginning again. then only im gg for my first dae at e new place. oh ya, the restaurant is called "west-end"-sells western n local food. but its a fine dinin cum al fresco restaurant. ok haf blogged too much, hmm just realised i haven blog abt sth tt happened at e club, regardin praba, shall blog another time. tired. yawn. nite peeps, muackx.
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