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Thursday, December 08, 2005 momomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomo momomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomo momomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomo momomomomomomomomomomomomo WAS FUN!WOoOOOHOOOOOOO. think im still abit high, haf not totally slept off the alcohol. hahahahahhahahahaha well it was damn gooooooooood, the company was good, ESSENTIAL BREW GIRLS REALLI KNOW HOW TO PARTY!!! they can DANCE and DRINK and ENJOY! i tell u, these girls are my new clubbing partners! and i DID see n dance wif some cute guys, hahaha but yes i haf a darling as a bf. lol. im watching opERA NOW and am crying. sigh. opera is such a giving person. my dream is to be her. she is my idol! i mean, she;s powerful n inflential, but uses it to a great cause, telling ppl e right stuff, using her power to make e world a better place... and the designer nate is oh-so-cute. hehehe aniweiz back to clubbing, drank abt 8 glasses i think. ladies nite mah, ok la was not drunk but was a lil high as i did not eat much before that. music was goooooooood r&b my alllll-time fav! just the techno in btw spoiled it abit, ah wells, they went back to r&b in abt 45 mins so not too bad.the reason i said tthe girls are happening cuz even tho they played techno and i HATE techno, they were so high n happy n dancing so silly they made me dance n enjoy myself, whiich usually never happens!!! hahahaha came back at abt 4? hmmm suprised im up so earli. hahaha next is sat at o bar, oh my oh my, party animal in kala is coming ouuuuuuuut. watch out! dear sahira is admitted in hosp for unkown causes, got lumps in her throat. so me n vishnu, n maybe vik n rishi will be gg down to visit her. was just talkin to vishnu n he was makin fun of my "sexy" mornin voice. hahahah well cant help it ma. drank n shoutted. so we shd be meetin later, abt 7 plus i think..lalalalla need to go get stuff for my sister later, her weddin anniv later. maybe i'll go visit navinaaaaaaaaa my cutie pie! i'll try to upload some pics of her here if i ccan. i love her! aniwei guys, just to let u know, its another 20 days more to SOMEONE's b-daeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! *hint*hint*hint*hint*hint*hint*major-hint*hint*hint*hint*hint*
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