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Saturday, October 29, 2005 I AM SO PISSED!!!!!!ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well let me calm down. *breathe* ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH@@@!!!!! for those of u who know me well, u guys will know tt i haf recently taken to shoppin online quite alot. so far, ive been happy wif my purchases, cuz they;re unique cheap n convenient! BUT NOW~!!!! this STUPID FUCKING WOMAN from whom i bought a bag for is so pissing me off@@@!!! usually i reply immediately after e sale is closed but this time i took abit longer cuz of tests, projects n school work. but however on wed i replied her appologizing for e late reply n immed transferred e cash. but NOWW! JIUST TODAE!!@ SHE RATED ME BAD AND CALLED ME AN IRRESPONSIBLE AND DEAD BUYER WHO DID NOT RESPOND THO SHE, NOTE, SHE!!! EMAILED ME. CRAP LA WAH FUCK SIA IM SO PISSED. I TRANSFERRED E CASH LOH! then to ensure that i wasnt dreaming in my sleep that i transferred, i just went to check my transaction history online and its TRUE, I DID TRANSFER!!!!!! WAH IM SO PISSEEEDDDDDDDD!!!!!!! gr, spoil my very good mood. now i no mood to blog abt anything else. AHHHHHRHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! (0) comments Thursday, October 27, 2005 i got a new layout!!!nice notttt? i suddenly got craving for cookie, and TA-DA, I FOUND IT! aniwei i very tired liao. after school went shopping for dad, then went down to my periyamma's house for deepavali padaiyal prayers, got back home, did some sn essay (1/2 done! woohoo!) and then did this blog layout. damn tired sia! got lect at 8 am tmrw. nitey nite ppl. muack!!! p.s pls do let me know if u like this layout. if dun like, see my mood la, maybe i'll change it! hehehe niteeeeeeeeeeee... (0) comments Thursday, October 20, 2005 i passed my stats test!!! woooohooo!! its actually quite a horrible, pass by luck by very little kinda pass, but i passed!!orite! wooohoo! well i just came to blog this cuz im so suprised. ahhahaha. treasure e moment. nitez peeps! muackx! (0) comments Wednesday, October 19, 2005 i love csi!i think im gonna form a singapore CSI fan club. sighz just love it man, but only e original and miami. NO NEW YORK!ANNYWAYYYYYYS, good news! my deadline for my south asian essay has been extended! whieeepsseeeeerrieee! im soooo glad i chose hinduism as my topic, cuz only a selected few topics got extended dateline due to e fact that those topics haf yet to be covered in lecture! LOL but being e good girl that i am *gags* i wanna finish up by e weekend so tt i dun haf to worrie. longer deadline=longer slacking=bigger trouble. sighz. and so ya, i cant possibly be blogging from a club...erm can i? so which mean, no clubbing tonite! aiyah complicated la these ppl. first i was so on to go, dunno why just prepped myself up. at my climax, that jingyi girl messaged me n said ahbee haven come back from thailand, so wanna wait till she comes back? so julz msg me, say she also dun wanna go todae cuz got lotsa stuff to do, lets go next week after bee comes back. mil also msg, say orite la dun go tonite cuz she got test tmrw. orite so i decided dun go, cuz got lotsa work n wanted to work on e essay (as then i still dunno abt e deadline extention). so settled RITE? THEN that miss jingyi msg me again n say she IS going, together wif steven and roy,alvin and daniel (kitchen peeps). ask me to come. BUT julz n mil not gg! and i think only hazel is going wif them. sigh then i was so lookin forward to starting work on my essay (i am REALLLYYY far behind!). sighz. aniweiz im broke, no cab money, n wed no niterider rite? and i still haven told my mum i'd be back late. i think if i come back at 4 am in e mornin on a wed nite w/o warnin, i will get murdered. seriously. SO. I NEVER GO. sigh. but nooooo, am not regretting! outline of essay is all done, and got almost most of e info i need, finised up my introduction AND started on e second para. weheeeet! goo KALA! well aniweiz, vinod is comin back from brunei tmrw mornin n i was just talkin to vishnu just now (ya la taking a breather from essay-ness) and he was saying tt they gonna go clubbin on fri nite. asked me to come. wahhh im so sick of being e only gurl among them. i HAVE to find a gf for one of em. but i dun wanna go tamilan club. damn HIGH risk of seein family peeps. nono, dun want that. but that guys la, only like tamilan club. oh wellz, im not working this fridae, LIKE FINALLY, and so i got a chance to club. wheeeetserrrrie! wooooo they just found a dead body in e fridge!! wooo cool. gosh im such a nerd. aniweiz i wanna change my blog layout. sth....i dunno, representing ME. did i mention i got new specs? thick RED geek glasses. i like it la. lol. ANIWEI JJO, WHEN U WANNA GO FREEZE OUR BUTTS AKA ICE-SKATE? i very bz woman leh. must make appointment in advance! ok la mum's bugging me to go write deepavali cards. i better do so before she goes ballastic. nites peepssss.. i love csi! *muackx!* oh wait, i realised i haven gushed abt e stuff i bought for deepavali shopping! hmm shall do tt next time. e cards are calling out to me. out! (0) comments Tuesday, October 18, 2005 i got my id at work todae!~ whiepppeeeee.. now i can officially enter orders, settle bills and edit stuff! yay!!!!so hopefully my hrly pay will go up as well.. heh heh sigh im so sick of doing assignments! still haf my south asian essay to complete, then i haf stats assignment! in between i gotta do tutorials AND study for e fuckin exams. sigh. exams are barely a month away by e way.... im so dead. hmmm im getting realli irritated by e tagger. maybe i shd change my blog add. just realised that ive been having this add for almost 2 yyrs now..heheheh..loooong eh.. SURIA IS SO HOT!!!!!!!!! I TELL U GAJINI ROX!!!!!! jyothika is so lucky!!!!!!!!! the movie is good too!!!!! asin is rather pretty. i din haf to tell the 5 guys surrounding me that, as they were alreadi sallivating. lol. i was e only one mourining n sighin whenever his face filled e screen. he is realliiiiiiiiiii kewl. and his dressing rox! spore guys, go look at e movie n dress that way! after e movie we all went to eat supper at chompang there. just laughing wif e guys n teasing them, they teasing me, jokin ard. i left there ard 2 plus, got home at 2 30. am rather suprised my mum didnt scold me for comin home tt late unwarned. hahahaha, think she cant be bothered la. lol. aniweis she knew i was out wif vik n all, n she knows them, so i guess it was ok.... im supposed to go clubbin wif e essential girls tmrw but as of yet noone has confirmed anything, and im alr sooo tired. sighs. but if i dun go they will seriously murder me cuz jingyi me n ahbee were e plannin co-ordinators for thisl. lol. i realised work at essential is really fun, IF NOT for the mamangers. cant stand them @ times la, so unreasonable. esp someone in particular. grrrr i think of tt person alreadi high blood pressure. so high blood that i realli feel like quitting. then i think, realli diff to find a place like this, close to home, where ive alr worked for half a year plus, and close to the other service staff AND EVEN the kitchen staff. reallii realliii difficult, cuz many places i know, kitchen n service staff dun realli mix, here is e complete opposite. sighhhhh.. also got one service staff bugging me laaaaa...aiyoh she n tt stupid manager person gang up ah, realli feel like pushing their heads towards e hot water machine or the hot oil. ooohmmmmmmmm.... *meditates* did i mention my south asian essay is on hinduism? lol. i tot it'd be easy if i choose that, boy was i wrong.....grrr.. k i betta get back to it. see ya! *muackx* oh ya, logias, congrats! :) hope it lasts fereva *muackx n huggiesss* (am i still allowed to do this? hahaha) (0) comments Wednesday, October 12, 2005 aiyoh i hate school!!! sigh got a stupid test tmrw. been mugging like hell but i still dun understand anything. aiyoh so idotic la. i think im so not suited for uni life. shd haf just gone to work or sth.on a brighter note, ive been increasingly relaxed this week. cuz ive got NO MORE TUTION!!! wooooohoooooo!!!!! and just as i was enjoying my free nite ydae, shanker asked me if i want to teach english for O level as a crash course. hahahaha. ah wells, being the greedy money minded pig, i said ya sure. lol. but then again, not sure if there is still any left since he told me LAST!!! i wanna go deepavali shopping!! ive alr planned wad i wanna buy..lol..yes ive been doing that during lectures/when im supposed to study/even at work. lol now if only i haf all e money i need.sighs. aniweiz not gonna be much of a celebration at my place this yr cuz of e financial situation. sighz. oh wells hopefully i visit some reali generous ppl who give me realli nice packets of mula and then i can help my mum out. give her some cash. not to brag or anything, i think im a reali nice daughter! i work part time so tt i dun needa ask my parents for extra cash, and i give some cash to my mums and dads to help em out. im so niceeeeee rite. sigh who am i kidding. i club w/o their knowledge, shake my head like a lil doll when they go on abt girls ruinin their lifes by partyin/drinking. i swear, i lie at times abt my whereabouts and i dun study as hard as they would want me to. I AM A BAD DAUGHTER! amazing how my mindset can change in a matter of seconds. oh ya, another piece of good news. my dad got a job!!! yay!! its not a perm job la, just a yr contract. but wells, better than nothing. but i haf a feelin the pay is stinking low. sighz. aniweiz as i said, better than nothing. anyone of u e sort of person who will not take a job unless u get paid a certain amt? im def not like that. i haf a principle, better than nothing. haha., i think its gonna be my mantra. seriously wad, i mean imagine one whole month with no income, being bored out of yr mind, no money so no social life, locked at home, unpaid bills, reminders, then everything gets cut off one by one by one by one. then imagine, tho it mite not be a job u love, at least ure doing sth, not going crazy out of boredom (trust me, no matter how much i complain, i rather be busy then bored to death!), having money to go out, pay my bills, haf a life, keep some aside for saving. so ya, as long as im not being paid child labour or slave money, i;ll gladly take a job if it comes my way. i wanna watch GAJINI!!!! suria is sooooo handsome, and i think he n jothika make a good match. she's so cute n bubbly and he kinda complements her by being down to earth. aiyoh i wanna be in jyothika's place. then i can also act in that saree advert. i love that advert! she's so cute, esp when she's impersonating the doll. hehe aniweiz im gonna watch gajini this sat, with vik, vishnu, rishi, ramboy, hassan and whoeva who wants to come. I DUN WANNA BE THE ONLY GIRL. WHO WANTS TO COME??!!! todae is act vijayadasimi. but since i haf e stupid test tmrw, i couldnt go down to NAS. and yoges has class todae and marian had tution and etc etc etc. so i guess we'll be giving her e stuff on sun, oh sheit i forgot abt sitar. ahhhh haf to get for her stuff also. sighhhhhhhhhh... ok la i shall go back to my stupid statistics. sighs. bye peeepsss..muackx! (0) comments Thursday, October 06, 2005 hmmmm im backkk....i cant wAITT for this week to end. i know i know, i say this every week but im seriously waiting for sat to come. (fri=end of week for me as sat=no school!!). aniweiz its not cuz of school that im so anxious, cuzzzz *drum roll* I WILL BE TEACHING MY VERY LAST TUITON ON SUNDAE!!!!!!! *CLAPS* so happy!!!!! actually im rather happy now itself, cuz monster/devil boy's tution is over!!!! woohooo. ydae i tot him my final tution and im soooooo glad its overr.. BUT, as usual there is a but, I HAVEN GOT MY FEES!!! grrrrrrrrrrrr..aniwei the mother told me that she will send her husband down to give me e money on saturdae. so im gonna MAKE SURE he comes all e way to my block. hmph. todae will be my last tuiton for kathiyayini. i dun mind teaching her la, at least she makes an effort to learn, i realli hope she can make it thru e Ns. reali want her to do well, she can too. IF NOT for her realiiii careless mistakes. saturdae and sundae will be my last 2 days for e toa payoh kid, i haf a good job teaching her cuz she gets A in maths. lol. BECAUSE OF ME OK!!!! she used to get b4 leh. lol. i used to teach her in june. then stopped. then they requested me to come back for another 10 lessons. then i stopped. then they asked me to come back now. for 5 lessons. hahha. im a very waNTED tution teacher eh? im soooo happy. ive alr planned when and wad to study for next week. ya i know, nerd. but who cares. i reali wanna do well, hopefully do honours. ok speaking of doing well, im in biodiversity lect now. break's over. i betta go back. lol. byeee peeps. oh ya imposter, get off my back!!! AND, happy belated bdae malz darling! muackx! (0) comments Saturday, October 01, 2005 the first serious entry of my blogtodae i realised something very important.1. Never trust anyone i'm not gonna talk about a funny incident or anything. wadeva happened todae reali hurt me. i cant believe that someone could actually do such a thing, and give me such a stupid reason! the person whom i am talking about. if u read this, i cant be bothered to shit wad u think. this is my blog, i write wad i want, i write my fair of e story. my very first chem lab report was copied wholesale, word for word, punctuation for punctuation and grammer mistake for grammer mistake. i was so shocked i just didnt know wad to think. the worst part was, the person was trying to justify this absolute plaugerism, by saying that its ok cuz we discussed e lab report together. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DISCUSSION AND COPYING. its ok if u take e ideas from my paper, its ok even if u wanna use e same format. IT IS NOT OK TO JUST COPY AND PASTE WAD I WROTE. then wad da fuck is yr brain for? how on earth can it be ok to have 2 fuckin identical lab reports?? u think it is allowed? THIS IS NUS, NOT PRI SCHOOL. and i just hate e fact that that person tot it was alrite to do it, i mean pls, u got into NUS, i gave u better credit than this. and to think, in the end, i get a deduction of one grade while u haf to do it again. THIS IS FUCKIN UNFAIR. why on earth am i being punished for doing the only mistake of sending that person my copy to print just cuz my printer ran out of ink? wad da fuck. and that person gets to redo it, and who knows, get a better grade 2nd time round. i dun see any justice. do u? i tot i cld start uni with e fresh start, no more "retainee" written on my forehead. maybe if i study hard enuf, i can do my honours, but no, now all is gone. i haf a black mark. and not for any fault of my own, well maybe i shd haf had e brains to check yr lap report when it looked sneakishly e same. but no, i trusted u when u said u just copied e format, the headings, again, leading back to lesson learnt. i am deeply hurt, not just cuz my work was copied without my knowledge. but because the very principle of friendship i hold high, the very principle i life my live, has been broken. "NEVER get yr frens into trouble i do not want to have anything to do with this person again. albeit yes it might just be a matter of a grade, but to me, its a matter of honour, integrity, principles and trust. everything has been broken and it is difficult to mend. it mite be difficult, seeing we take quite a no of modules together, but i have other frens, frens who i hopefully, can trust. rite now, i am so apprehensive of trusting again. one thing i got to thank that person, i haf begun to view my friendships in a new light. really grateful for people like sunitha, vj, hema, meenal, miruna, jo, gra, hua, pearl, logais, yoges, malz, vik, my family, who in the long time ive known them, have not broken my trust. and i have begun to be cynical of new friendships. from now on, only when i know e person very well, will i trust. ? but then again, i tot i knew that person well. i am so dissapointed, hurt, angry, confused and just plain sad. (0) comments |
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