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Wednesday, October 19, 2005 i love csi!i think im gonna form a singapore CSI fan club. sighz just love it man, but only e original and miami. NO NEW YORK!ANNYWAYYYYYYS, good news! my deadline for my south asian essay has been extended! whieeepsseeeeerrieee! im soooo glad i chose hinduism as my topic, cuz only a selected few topics got extended dateline due to e fact that those topics haf yet to be covered in lecture! LOL but being e good girl that i am *gags* i wanna finish up by e weekend so tt i dun haf to worrie. longer deadline=longer slacking=bigger trouble. sighz. and so ya, i cant possibly be blogging from a club...erm can i? so which mean, no clubbing tonite! aiyah complicated la these ppl. first i was so on to go, dunno why just prepped myself up. at my climax, that jingyi girl messaged me n said ahbee haven come back from thailand, so wanna wait till she comes back? so julz msg me, say she also dun wanna go todae cuz got lotsa stuff to do, lets go next week after bee comes back. mil also msg, say orite la dun go tonite cuz she got test tmrw. orite so i decided dun go, cuz got lotsa work n wanted to work on e essay (as then i still dunno abt e deadline extention). so settled RITE? THEN that miss jingyi msg me again n say she IS going, together wif steven and roy,alvin and daniel (kitchen peeps). ask me to come. BUT julz n mil not gg! and i think only hazel is going wif them. sigh then i was so lookin forward to starting work on my essay (i am REALLLYYY far behind!). sighz. aniweiz im broke, no cab money, n wed no niterider rite? and i still haven told my mum i'd be back late. i think if i come back at 4 am in e mornin on a wed nite w/o warnin, i will get murdered. seriously. SO. I NEVER GO. sigh. but nooooo, am not regretting! outline of essay is all done, and got almost most of e info i need, finised up my introduction AND started on e second para. weheeeet! goo KALA! well aniweiz, vinod is comin back from brunei tmrw mornin n i was just talkin to vishnu just now (ya la taking a breather from essay-ness) and he was saying tt they gonna go clubbin on fri nite. asked me to come. wahhh im so sick of being e only gurl among them. i HAVE to find a gf for one of em. but i dun wanna go tamilan club. damn HIGH risk of seein family peeps. nono, dun want that. but that guys la, only like tamilan club. oh wellz, im not working this fridae, LIKE FINALLY, and so i got a chance to club. wheeeetserrrrie! wooooo they just found a dead body in e fridge!! wooo cool. gosh im such a nerd. aniweiz i wanna change my blog layout. sth....i dunno, representing ME. did i mention i got new specs? thick RED geek glasses. i like it la. lol. ANIWEI JJO, WHEN U WANNA GO FREEZE OUR BUTTS AKA ICE-SKATE? i very bz woman leh. must make appointment in advance! ok la mum's bugging me to go write deepavali cards. i better do so before she goes ballastic. nites peepssss.. i love csi! *muackx!* oh wait, i realised i haven gushed abt e stuff i bought for deepavali shopping! hmm shall do tt next time. e cards are calling out to me. out!
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