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Saturday, October 01, 2005 the first serious entry of my blogtodae i realised something very important.1. Never trust anyone i'm not gonna talk about a funny incident or anything. wadeva happened todae reali hurt me. i cant believe that someone could actually do such a thing, and give me such a stupid reason! the person whom i am talking about. if u read this, i cant be bothered to shit wad u think. this is my blog, i write wad i want, i write my fair of e story. my very first chem lab report was copied wholesale, word for word, punctuation for punctuation and grammer mistake for grammer mistake. i was so shocked i just didnt know wad to think. the worst part was, the person was trying to justify this absolute plaugerism, by saying that its ok cuz we discussed e lab report together. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DISCUSSION AND COPYING. its ok if u take e ideas from my paper, its ok even if u wanna use e same format. IT IS NOT OK TO JUST COPY AND PASTE WAD I WROTE. then wad da fuck is yr brain for? how on earth can it be ok to have 2 fuckin identical lab reports?? u think it is allowed? THIS IS NUS, NOT PRI SCHOOL. and i just hate e fact that that person tot it was alrite to do it, i mean pls, u got into NUS, i gave u better credit than this. and to think, in the end, i get a deduction of one grade while u haf to do it again. THIS IS FUCKIN UNFAIR. why on earth am i being punished for doing the only mistake of sending that person my copy to print just cuz my printer ran out of ink? wad da fuck. and that person gets to redo it, and who knows, get a better grade 2nd time round. i dun see any justice. do u? i tot i cld start uni with e fresh start, no more "retainee" written on my forehead. maybe if i study hard enuf, i can do my honours, but no, now all is gone. i haf a black mark. and not for any fault of my own, well maybe i shd haf had e brains to check yr lap report when it looked sneakishly e same. but no, i trusted u when u said u just copied e format, the headings, again, leading back to lesson learnt. i am deeply hurt, not just cuz my work was copied without my knowledge. but because the very principle of friendship i hold high, the very principle i life my live, has been broken. "NEVER get yr frens into trouble i do not want to have anything to do with this person again. albeit yes it might just be a matter of a grade, but to me, its a matter of honour, integrity, principles and trust. everything has been broken and it is difficult to mend. it mite be difficult, seeing we take quite a no of modules together, but i have other frens, frens who i hopefully, can trust. rite now, i am so apprehensive of trusting again. one thing i got to thank that person, i haf begun to view my friendships in a new light. really grateful for people like sunitha, vj, hema, meenal, miruna, jo, gra, hua, pearl, logais, yoges, malz, vik, my family, who in the long time ive known them, have not broken my trust. and i have begun to be cynical of new friendships. from now on, only when i know e person very well, will i trust. ? but then again, i tot i knew that person well. i am so dissapointed, hurt, angry, confused and just plain sad.
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