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Saturday, September 24, 2005 woweeeee busy week. wow wad a suprise rite?well i left off on saturdae, sundae i finallyyyyyyyy met vik. went to watch "the longest yarD". its a greaaaaaaaaaaaat movie!!!!! i love it! and my nelly is acting in it! wooohoooo drroooolllsssoommeeeeeeeee... but its damn funny and damn nice la. ok overuse of word damn. sadly next dae i kanna food poisoning! wah terrible i tell u. vomit + shit the whole day!!!! was so weak i even had to cancel work man. sigh losssss of $$$$! oh wells. i got my phone on that dae too! managed to get it. after i got it, vomiting got worse! sigh was home the whole day on monday. one dae of holidae wasted. i reali tried to study but each time i started concentrating, my shit would start concentrating itself out too. sigh think i lost all my weight that dae. lol. food posioning is terrible man! i just felt all e energy in me get sucked out. horrible horrible feeling. before this, i was contemplating. if i reali ccant lose weight, cant just drink laxatives then sit in e whole toilet e whole dae. serious, my fren did that once. but after mondae, NO WAY I RATHER EXCERCISE! thats how bad it was. tues, 2nd dae of hols. met up wif e girls to study. well thats actually an OVERSTATEMENT. i was pretty pissed wif some ppl la. sigh long story. dun keep to promises, dun think of e inconveniences, dun think of e fact that i fuckin hell arranged it on tues so that u can make it!!!! ah well. wadeva its over. i had a great time wif pearl n jo, making our lists of "donts". lol. girls must study!no more slacking!!! love ya muackx!~!! and yes jo, i wish we were still back in crescent, where (in yr words) "it wasnt such an obligation to meet, back when we were in crescent" sigh i so agree babe i so agree , wed, i had work from 12 to 6. then i tot tution after that. thurs i tot 3 tuition. in between i attempted to study la. stats i understand much better now. the rest pretty much e same. whahaha fri school started. so pathetic la, 4 freakin days of hols. my longest dae of e week and they decide to start sch on tt dae. sigh. aniweis i had 2 tests that dae!!1 and 2 pracs!!! by e time i went to work i was so zombified. work was a killer cuz i was handling outside on my own most of e time cuz wendy was washin dishes cuz she was tired, din wanna do service. ah well at least kept my mind busy. todaeeee i tot tuitioon then i met yoges at jurong point! first social outing wif frens in a loooooooong time! walked ard, ate then we decided to watch a movie. yoges bf and logais came down to join us, we watched "the brothers grimm". wow nice movie again! quite scary i think, all e witches n all. look so scary sia! but e movie was freakin long, almost like tamil padam, but no interval!! butt pain, and bladder bursting! but good movie. after that logais dropped me off at my sis's place. reached there abt 9 plus. NAVINA CAN WALK!!! she's just so adorable la..she was trying to show off that she can walk. lol that one born performer/attention-grabber. hahahahahaha i just lous her, just came back just now abt 11 plus. once, im not tired. just statisfied that i had a non-rushing dae. if not for tuition, it would haf been a peeeeeeerfect dae! oh ya i got new phone~!!!!! samsung e630c!!!! i love it! wooooohooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! ok thalapathi is on,. one of my fav actress shobana acting. so prettyyyyy.. nite! (0) comments Saturday, September 17, 2005 >if there is one guy in e world who never fails to make me cry, it is MANI RATNAM. i tell u, he's e best gift to e indian cinema world. i think he's e best! sigh. im so grateful to vasantham central for putting his movies this month. for ONCE, central did well.wheneva i think of mani ratnam, one guy immediately pops into my mind. siva anand. my ex-crush. boy did i haf it bad for him. i was so besotted wif him n i dun even remember why! lol. he was a major fan of mani ratnam. more like a cult follower. he was a student of film studies and mani ratnam was his sort of, idol? hmm wonder how he;s doing now, anand, not mani ratnam. sigh i used to be crazy over him. he alas, was crazy over one of my fren. eh, not unfamiliar to me. lol. sadly, it isnt. :/ well speaking of sad things, todae something bad happened. one of my uncles passed away in the morning. well, his family and my family haven been on good terms for about a year or so because of some conflict, but uncle krishnan has always been a gentleman, he was and still is one of my favourite uncles. he was humble, a gem of a guy and very down to earth. tho there was conflict between e families, he was not involved, and instead of acting all typical tamil picture-ish, he still kept in contact wif my dad, called to wish us well on occasions and never failed to inform us of happenings. he came down for my grandma's funeral last yr, wished me well when he found out i got into NUS and wished umaka when she gave birth. nice guy, uncle krishnan, i know ure in a better place now, cuz u deserve to be. you were one of the nicest uncles i know, and sadly, u left us too soon. however, i trust that yr suffering has ended and you're looking over us now. may u rest in peace. its quite sad that, or maybe even ironic, that the one person who was in contact wif us thru e conflict, when he left us, noone bothered to inform us. such tat we haf to find out from others. its a sad world. however, my family and i still went down, maybe albit thick skinned you might say, we dun care wad others say. we mite still haf an on-going conflict wif e rest of e family members, but we still went. cuz he was a great man. and he deserved that. sigh.oh well, im glad he's in a better place now. ii think im stone hearted. i cry for movies, i didnt cry when i saw him in the casket (they're christian). sigh, maybe its cuz, i heard he was sick, so im glad his suffering has ended. sigh. stone-hearted kala. in my defence, when i start crying, takes alot for me to stop. gosh im disgusting. WHY ARE YOU STILL READING THIS? GO AWAY! IM DISGUSTING, SAD AND PATHETIC. i need professional help.seriously. (0) comments Wednesday, September 14, 2005 HAPPY BRITHDAE LOGI BOY! I LOVEEE YOUUUUU... MUACKX!p.s u owe me a party. hehehehehehehehehe sigh im so tired! but i just recieved some good news. my bursary got approved! im sooooo happy! this is reali good news, seeing e current situation in my house. was reali worried wad im gonna do abt e impending expenses. i know alot of ppl out there are wondering why im working so much, tuitions + essential. well mainly cuz my dad lost his job, mum's pay isnt much and there's still grandma's medical fees to pay for. so ya, i try not to take pocket money from mummy unless im desp. so there is e need for me to work. now that ive got e bursary, i dun haf to work so much once tuition ends in a months time or so.. :) tuiton's ending in approx 3 weeks time. YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!! 3 more weeks till i dun haf to see devil pri6 kid nomore! no more devil kid!!!!~ oh wells im tired. *wow wad a suprise* goot nite! (0) comments Monday, September 12, 2005 ahhhhh as usual am bored, thus the blogging. well i wonder if anyone blogs when they;re busy. hmm. there's a tot!well todae miruna told me sth that hurt me real bad. like reali bad. but i guess i cldnt let her know, dun wanna dampen her happy mood. hmmm not like she meant to hurt me, we din haf a fite, god no. but hmm, how do i put it, it came across such that it seemed i was the B.I.T.C.H of her love life. sigh. its not that i dun WANT her to get attached to HIM, but well, she was so unhappy before. my best fren mechanism just went SHOOOOOOT up and i just felt like protecting her. guess i forgot to realise she got a mind of her own, up to her if she still wants to be together wif him. sigh. oh wells, i just feel so distant from her nowadays, tho we see each other more often now cuz of school and sn lectures. will our friendship survive this fragile state. seems like this is the most we haf been thru since 7 yrs of friendship. i just feel, she has kinda replaced me. not just wif him, but others. i dun wanna mention names la. but im sensitive in that way, abt frenships. but as long as she's happy, i'll be happy. i'll be here for u if u need me, always have been, always will. love u girl. sad to think u think of me that way, but i cant help how u see me. just that, i dun regret anything i did, but if it creates an opinon of me like that, then i guess all i can say is sorrie. love ya. happy birthdae. sigh such a depressing blog. gonna take a break. maybe bawl my eyes out. heh. (0) comments Sunday, September 11, 2005 hmmmm ydae was navina's 1st bdae party celebration. was pretty ok, cept that certain ppl spoilt it again. wah liao, reali feel like giving them a piece of my mind. but hmmm *meditates instead*well besides that, had my first ever project meeting on sat, prjt mates are pretty nice, so far, hmmm but we shall see wad comes after this.... just finished typing my final draft of my part of e project. *crosses fingers* todae is hua's bdae, happy birthday dear flower girl! as usual, busy week ahead, but its ok, mid-sem break comin up soon...shall catch up on studies then... ah so bored. how do i off the bold thing? im so bodoh. dun feel like blogging. ok bye. (0) comments Monday, September 05, 2005 i saw malini todae!!! malz u look so pretty!!! i miss yaaaaa..must go out one of these days ok??!!!! MUACKX!im so tired. finally finished ATTEMPTING to do my stats tutorial. did 3 out of 4 questions, then i officially gave up. HEY, at least i tried... my pri6 boy tuition kid is getting on my nerves!!!! he's always changing timing last min, reali feel like strangling him, and i haven got paid my fees and it was due almost 2 weeks ago!!! ahh, i also very paiseh to ask for e fees..sigh... got a new tuition kid todae, a malay sec3 girl. she's pretty orite. can see that she's willing to learn. i like teachin kids who are willing to learn. i HATE teaching kids who waste my time and waste theirs. ESP MY PRECIOUS TIME! grrrr. e.g that pri6 boy! got work tmrw evening. siAnz. but its ok, only for 5 hrs. lalalalaa.hope its not busy, then i can also study, tralalallala soooo many birthdaes this month! my two best frens miruna n logais's bdaes are like one dae after another. then got hua, shanker, navina's party. ahhhhhh im broke! haha this guy whom i gotta now thru nus, is having this live radio thing online. wah damn hilarious. lol maybe i shd do it too. prob will haf onli one listener. myself. WAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. i.wanna.go.clubbin.clubbin.wanna.club.now. i miss o bar/dbl o. essential brew ppl gg clubbin this wed. shd i gooo. think they gg club momo. ladies nite. FREEEEE. sigh but next dae got lect and 3 tution! dun think i can survive e dae. ahhhhhhhhhhh. the decisions, the decisions. tralalalal america's next top model was damn exciting man! esp e cat fight at e last part. tyra stylo sial. wahahhahaha e girls did some lingerie advert todae. wah sia, if i do, i;ll be too worried abt my boobs falling out man. WAHAHHA. oops sorrie gentlemen who find this crude, but its da truthhhh.. oh its alr 12! happy Bdae Shanker dearie! *hugz* sorrie i cldnt come down to cheekys, was workin la dei..next time inform me at least one dae in advance laaaa! wokayz am gonna go off. tired. and frankly, my life boring la, nth to blog. (0) comments |
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