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Saturday, September 25, 2004 i think God was reading my blog ydae. seriously.firstly, i was complainin tt my guy best friend MAY have gotten attached w/o telling me rite? well, todae i met vik at causeway pt abt 2+ to go shop fer navina's dress.then we went down to e basement to sdecide wad to eat. causeway pt is like e food haven! n so is toapayoh la..but casuseway pt got pasta mania! but both got no SUBWAY. :(. ANYWAYYYYY..as i was saying..we were walking ard then logz calls me..n he said he's bored waiting fer THAT GIRL so he was tellin me tt the past few days he neh call me cuz his flute teacher's mum passed away. :/ and the teacher n him very close..almost like brothers..cuz tt teacher quite young la..but waoh damn talented..got e youth atriste award in singapore thingee..ANIWEI so he informed me abt it (cuz i know e teach as me n logz are from e same aesthetic school) n said..funeral was ydae..tt's y no time to tok to me..then i asked him la..if he's attached..n he LAFFED FER LIKE SO DAMN LONG..n said "kala..wouldnt i tell u if i was??" HEHE i felt kinda silly then..yah then he said e testimonial thingee was a joke la..by some STUPID GIRL..yay! so tt matter is clearedd!!! thhhhhhhen we decide to go buy e dress first then eat cuz we were still undecided abt where to eat..hahaha..then we walked past the singtel shopppppp..and i sawwwwww that e fone ive been wantingggg...is down by 70 bucks!!! so i can actually afford it!!! wooohoo! so muz save like crazy this week n buy e fone by fridae! yayy!! thennnnnnn after buying a BEAUTIFUL dress n CUTE shoes n ADORABLE headband from kiddy palace, we went down e escalator..and i went into courts..to check out the digi cams..wif no intention of buying la..duh.im broke.cant even afford one button on the cam..then looking looking..suddenly i realise, "HEY ITS COURTS! GOT INSTALMENT PLAN! AND I CAN AFFORD THOSE INSTALMENTS!!!" woohooo!! then i hurry hurry call ma mummie n explain to herrrrrr...(e fact tt there;s a free rice steamer cuz got promotion now, reali helped) hahaha..then she said, ask yr father..then i quite happy..cuz appa has soft spot for me! hehehe..now its like 90% confirmed im getting it tmrw la..left talk to my dad onli..mum's like OK wif it..yaaaaayyy.. see.God WAS reading my blog. anwiei my elder sis rebonded her hair todae..wahaha..she juz gave birth one month ago la, n she's talking abt piercing second ear hole n navel ring and ONE MORE tattoo on her leg (she's got one on her hips alreadi). kewl mum huh. hehehe..navina's so cute..im gonna post pics of her once i get my digi cam k? (IF i get...) cuz e current phontos i have are using my stupid useless camera in my phone which is so ultra blur..so cannot see properly.. hehe juz saw my ex-college mate on this tamil show on central..abt keeping fit..lol..his whole family was like shown excercising..lol..n he was wearing his OCS shirt..wah go OCS action la..hehehehe..ah well, BALA's a toot..lol.. hmm ok, im gg to watch this tamil drama on central now..a family show..sad lohz..abt this guy who listen to his evil wife n desert his poor mummy suffering from kidney failure..then the guy's sister bring e mummy back to her house but to pay fer e dialysis e husband muz drive more (taxi driver) then he get sick n all..sad sad..ok todae last episode..go watch now..see ya..muackx (0) comments Friday, September 24, 2004 hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm wad to writeeeeeeeeeeee...steamboat tt dae was fun! hahah tho at first i was in a bad mood..lol..but after tt was fun..reached home at like 12+ n kanna screamin from elder sis..who's like gg on n on abt how i shdnt come back so late cuz got small baby at home..at that time, i was like "argh hurry go home so tt i can come back late as before and NOT get scolded" . she went back ydae. sigh i miss em so mucccccccchhh..now i dun mind even if i haf to come back at like 7pm or anything. sigh. i miss my sister. i miss my niece. :/ todae i met up wif meena..e last time i met her was also at jurong point! hahaha but tt was long time ago, like during june holz or juz after bt2. i think we onli happen to meet like after some major exam. gosh. i hope e next time i meet her is not till AFTER A's or sth..heh..we went eat eat n went "shopping" w/o money..not reali window shoppin cuz we actually went in n tried stuff juz never buy..lol..poor ppl..well she bought a few tee shirts..but im poor. was good catching up wif her..but quite sad..to see everybody moved on..and im like stuck in my yellowing jc uniform which is gettin too tight fer me( oh no!). wonder if they feel embarrased to be seen wif some1 still in uniform. heh. suddenly "U" seems like some far-away instuitition..arrrrrrrrrrrrrr... tmrw mornin muz go sis house help her look after navina..cuz her mummy-in-law n hubby all working..n her sis-in-law, er well..lets juz say my sis asked me to come la..then noon gg to meet vik n buy e dress fer navina tt she;s gg to wear durin e 30th dae celebration..evenin muz come back studyyyyyy till late nite nite.. sundae akiriti peeps meeting to collect recycled materials from houses/flats in admiralty..me n joey(who's so super nice as to accompany me alllllll e way there after school n help me FOR NOTHING IN RETURN) went to like distribute flyers informin e residents of this collection (DOOR TO DOOR OK! FOR LIKE 3 BLOCKS!) on wednesdae..i dun feel like gg on sundae..got dance in e afternoon..and id be tiring myself out..furthermore, i told myself muz at least study 4 hrs per dae..n since i usually got no energy n mood to study after dance class, mornin is e onli time i can study..hmm..shd i sacrifice my studying fer goodwill? or can goodwill wait? after all, ive been doin goodwill since ;like MAY and i'll be continuin doin till END OF DEC..one dae less wun harm ritee..hmm..shall see if they haf sufficient manpower or not la.. hmm juz found out ydae tt my supposedly guy best fren is attached. and not even thru him la..its thru some friendster testimonial..argh.reali hope its not true.was kinda hurt.i always tell him everything.well except during my prelims tt time, but nth was happening ANYWAYS. tried calling him but he neh answer.am i being avoided? sigh.logz logz ure such a loser if e rumour is true! grrr..ah well..maybe he's not attached. i mean, i know who the girl is cuz he got tell me abt her..but like 1 week ago, they were still like GOOD FRENS. SO FAST TOGETHER MEH. sigh the world is changing. LOGZ ANSWER YR FONE! i wanna change my blog layout. but all e templates no nice. lalal got so many things to buy. so little money. need to save money fer e trip, wanna buy digi cam, wanna buy new fone, new clothes, all my prom stuff and i wanna go fer slimmingh!!! hahaha was kiddin abt e last one...OR AM I? hehehehehehehehe..i know all are like luxuries cept e first one..but ive been wanting them fer like DAMN LONG. so ppl who are rich n love me, pls buy fer me one of e above. u may sms me to find out wich model i want.lol.why dun i juz tell u now. i awnt mitusbishi m720/m750 fone n any digi cam which is slim, got colour, pretty and has at least 4.5megapixel will do.lol. pls la.am reali broke now.puhleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..i'll pay half k. im such a loser. but its my blog so i'll do wadeva i want. HAH! ok its past 9! i wanna watch "MY WIFE N KIDS" on disney channel..its damn funny la..after tt muz study till midnite AT LEAST.meena gave me some study tips todae.shall incorprate it todae n see if it works. toodles RICH N NICE PPL! *MUACKX* (0) comments Friday, September 17, 2004 finally..i feel like i have time to do sth else rather than rush.yes finalllllly. prelims are over. phew. but strangely, i dun feel tt huge sense of relief i usually feel when e tutor said "ok time's up, put yr pens down" at e end of e paper todae..instead i felt, worried..thinking, i'd reali haf to start crammin big time for e As if i wanna make it to e U, if i wanna make it ANYWHERE..and then i started plannin my study schedule in my mind n plannin how many hrs of sleep i can spare a nite.yes.As reali make u do weird stuff. aniwei then i snapped back to "reality" or actually, wad i was making to be reality, and told myself NOT to bother abt As for e next 3 daes..well not till mondae aniweiz, when i get back my papers. a short, ignorant bliss weekend is betta than nothing. :P hmm it feels kinda weird not studying. shall relish it. or at least try to. i actually want to go on and on abt my niece but its ok.brag too much not good also. watched e movie THE GHOST todae wif wood n joey..frankly e movie was rather scary..but not so scary tt i'd remember it after a few weeks..wad's scarier is wood screamin into my ears. :O ahahaha.. got so many things to do tmrw..gotta go get last min supplies for e carnival, go down to e carnival n drop them off, meet some frens, go back to e carnival for my duty then go down to marina for dinner..sigh oh yes.wad carnival? well im actually involved wif this volunteer project called prjt akriti..it involves gg down to india during e mth of DEC and helping ex-prostitutes and/or dotters of prostitutes in Kolkata regain back normal life by activites such as non-formal education, counselling, creating of thematic classrooms etc etc..its sth i always wanted to do..and since im finally free from school by then, tot of giving my bit back to this society..well aniwei, this carnival is to raise funds for e trip as we need to buy for them clothes,computers,classroom facilities etc etc..its at Singapore River, near the OUB building..so if u guys do have time..pls come by n support ya? hmm well, i'll be leaving on e 8th of Dec n onli returnin on my BIRTHDAE, the 28th of december..so pls, get ready yr presents ok? once im back, can give me. :) im kinda excited for prom.hahah tho As haven even started yet..i juz cant wait..its at the Grand Copthorne Hotel..on the 3rd of december..yay..and i reali oh so do miss clubbing very very much..was plannin to go this weekend, but got too many things to do, too many places to go.. am DEFINITELY gg to go after As, and DEFINITELY after my prom, and as many times as possible before the india trip..maybe i'd sneak one time in before my As.haha. eh ive kept my promise tt i wun go clubbin till after my prelims ok!! oh wait, was tt after prelims or As? haha wadeva it is, ive been a very good girl this yr ok..never came home past 1230, tell my mum whereva i go, no clubbin at ALL (SOB), no late nite parties, no alcohol (ok fine..there was..BUT NOT TILL I GOT DRUNK! juz a few bottles kkkk) and ive been listenin to my mummy more ok! argh wad happened to me. ah well its ok, im proud of myself! muz set good example to Navina wad! hahahaha..hmm i think, if i do well for prelims (meaning more than Fs, Os, Es and Ds) i will treat myself. im not sure to wad..shd it beee...clubbing? intense shopping? overnite marathon movie watching?haven done tt in a while...) well..shall not get too excited..i haf a feelin i will not "qualify" to treat myself. argh. hmm ok la..im gg to go offfff..and RELAX. something i haven done in a long time..watch some tv...yak on e phone..maybe even..GASP..sleep earli...woohooo i juz CANT wait till this relaxing thing becomes a permanent thing in my life..NOV 25TH..here i come... (0) comments Friday, September 10, 2004 having prelims now. they suck big time..but all will be over in 7 daes time...good news..sister gave birth..abt 2 1/2 weeks ago..to a beauuuuuuutiful baby girl named navina..she's so damn adorable..will post pics of her once im free..i loveeeeeeeee her! fell sick todae..had fever, flu, cough, sore throat n all..mum tot i mite be havin dengue fever..argh..but my fever's gone now..the rest are still here..arghhh...throat sooo sore! hmm wad else to write...i love navina. and i hate As! (0) comments |
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