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Saturday, September 25, 2004 i think God was reading my blog ydae. seriously.firstly, i was complainin tt my guy best friend MAY have gotten attached w/o telling me rite? well, todae i met vik at causeway pt abt 2+ to go shop fer navina's dress.then we went down to e basement to sdecide wad to eat. causeway pt is like e food haven! n so is toapayoh la..but casuseway pt got pasta mania! but both got no SUBWAY. :(. ANYWAYYYYY..as i was saying..we were walking ard then logz calls me..n he said he's bored waiting fer THAT GIRL so he was tellin me tt the past few days he neh call me cuz his flute teacher's mum passed away. :/ and the teacher n him very close..almost like brothers..cuz tt teacher quite young la..but waoh damn talented..got e youth atriste award in singapore thingee..ANIWEI so he informed me abt it (cuz i know e teach as me n logz are from e same aesthetic school) n said..funeral was ydae..tt's y no time to tok to me..then i asked him la..if he's attached..n he LAFFED FER LIKE SO DAMN LONG..n said "kala..wouldnt i tell u if i was??" HEHE i felt kinda silly then..yah then he said e testimonial thingee was a joke la..by some STUPID GIRL..yay! so tt matter is clearedd!!! thhhhhhhen we decide to go buy e dress first then eat cuz we were still undecided abt where to eat..hahaha..then we walked past the singtel shopppppp..and i sawwwwww that e fone ive been wantingggg...is down by 70 bucks!!! so i can actually afford it!!! wooohoo! so muz save like crazy this week n buy e fone by fridae! yayy!! thennnnnnn after buying a BEAUTIFUL dress n CUTE shoes n ADORABLE headband from kiddy palace, we went down e escalator..and i went into courts..to check out the digi cams..wif no intention of buying la..duh.im broke.cant even afford one button on the cam..then looking looking..suddenly i realise, "HEY ITS COURTS! GOT INSTALMENT PLAN! AND I CAN AFFORD THOSE INSTALMENTS!!!" woohooo!! then i hurry hurry call ma mummie n explain to herrrrrr...(e fact tt there;s a free rice steamer cuz got promotion now, reali helped) hahaha..then she said, ask yr father..then i quite happy..cuz appa has soft spot for me! hehehe..now its like 90% confirmed im getting it tmrw la..left talk to my dad onli..mum's like OK wif it..yaaaaayyy.. see.God WAS reading my blog. anwiei my elder sis rebonded her hair todae..wahaha..she juz gave birth one month ago la, n she's talking abt piercing second ear hole n navel ring and ONE MORE tattoo on her leg (she's got one on her hips alreadi). kewl mum huh. hehehe..navina's so cute..im gonna post pics of her once i get my digi cam k? (IF i get...) cuz e current phontos i have are using my stupid useless camera in my phone which is so ultra blur..so cannot see properly.. hehe juz saw my ex-college mate on this tamil show on central..abt keeping fit..lol..his whole family was like shown excercising..lol..n he was wearing his OCS shirt..wah go OCS action la..hehehehe..ah well, BALA's a toot..lol.. hmm ok, im gg to watch this tamil drama on central now..a family show..sad lohz..abt this guy who listen to his evil wife n desert his poor mummy suffering from kidney failure..then the guy's sister bring e mummy back to her house but to pay fer e dialysis e husband muz drive more (taxi driver) then he get sick n all..sad sad..ok todae last episode..go watch now..see ya..muackx
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