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Tuesday, June 22, 2004 ![]() ![]() ![]() just to let u guys see my room..hah..in times of exam..lol..as u can see..i dun bother to keep it clean when im studying..hahahha.. hmm..i juz uploaded pics from ma fone to ma comp todae..haha..yay! more pics comin soon ya..ah well.. gotta go back n mug.argh.bye peeps. oh btw.got new section.lol.i came across my old pic gallery.hah.haf fun! (0) comments Saturday, June 19, 2004 hmm..juz came back..met sunitha, hema, vj and naz juz now..to "celebrate" naz's bdae..it wasnt much of a celebration..the 3 of us minus naz met earlier to go get her prez then naz came..we gave the prez plus a card to her..hugged her n wished her..then we went to eat.bleagh.rite? sighz.felt so weird...hmm well it was mostly hema n vj toking to each other n then me nair n naz toking to each other..heh..but we let them be..cuz hema's gg to leave fer tazmania soon..so let e best frens spend as much time togetha as posb i guess..the outing was pretty orite la..sighz..quite sianz..like..hmm..the chemistry is gone..well cept wif me n nair i guess..sighz... then i met him fer juz a bit then he had to go off fer some family function n here i am back home..bleagh.need to go mug later.sigh.hopefully all e mugging pays off. everyone's juz gg off somewhere..hema's gg tazmania, vj's gg to e states, nair, naz, jo, hua all gg NUS..gracia, meena, thash all gg ntu..plus lots of my other frens..pearl wld most prob go overseas if her appeal doesnt get thru..sigh..i juz hope i'll be able to make it to a U..local U..dun haf money to fly elsewhere..less im sponsered..heh.. gettin real freaked abt the future now..its juz so near..i mean, after the As..its kinda like decidin wad ure gonna do fer e rest of yr life..its a rude wake up call from yrs of kiddin ard..i juz realised todae..well not juz todae..but recently..how fast time flies..reali..i feel as if im still in sec school..its juz hard to accept that soon we'll be out there..in the U (hopefully) n then we'll enter e work field..friends will start gettin married etc etc..ahr..i onli haf one yr of my teenhood left! arggh! i dunno if im ready fer such responsibility.sighz. on one hand, i reali wanna move on from this uniform-clad, school rules, pre-u life..and move on.anywhere.i juz feel as if im stuck in a rut..fer 3 damn yrs..and i reali reali wanna get to e next stage of my life..but im juz quite aprehensive abt wad's waiting fer me out there..am i ready to handle it? i dunno..i guess i never will till i actually START handling such responsibility.argh. well enuf of serious talk.bleagh. saw a pretty pink dress at Zara! woo i reali love it.its kinda retro yet spunky n nice..its a tube dress..knee-length n checkered..i reali love it..gonna get it soon..cuzin's bdae party comin up..but it costs 59.90 and im so scared that by e time i scrimp n save fer it, it'd be gone.NOOOOO.so muz start saving now! sigh.the stupid real player is taking so long to download.and my contacts are hurting my eyes. i cant wait to get back to sch.no, seriously.not as if im DYING to go write ma exams.i juz mean school.i think, once term3 starts, everything's gonna go real fast and soon it'd be over..that's why i cant wait! hmm as scary as it seems, i guess the sooner the better eh..yup.juz cant wait.onli 5 mths n 6 daes more to e END of my A's. woah. (0) comments Friday, June 18, 2004 ahhhhhh..i hate studying. arghhhhhhhh(0) comments Thursday, June 17, 2004 sighz..so tired of studying..study study study..but i need to..dun want to end up my whole life hesitating to buy even a pair of cheap shoes if fear that i wun haf enuf money left to pary da bills.yup.enuf of that life.i dun want it anymore.need to study hard, do well, work hard n earn enuf fer me to be satisfied. :)and i'll start all that abt half an hour later..heeeeeee... hmm well portugal won last night! woohoo! 2-0 was quite aweseome..7th min alreadi got goal..woohoo..and the last min one was great too..quite unexpected..was expecting the match to end at 1-0. hehe..euro2004's good. nice soccer fun. and keeps me company thru e nite while i mug away..haaaikkx...but da testestorone's abit distracting eh..deco's cute..like an adorable lil boy..so huggable..n too bad ronaldo onli came in fer e last 10 mins..cld haf done wif him earlier..hehe.. supposed to go run todae but not feeling too good..hmm..hopefully gets orite soon..cant afford to get sick when i still haf more than half ma sylllabus to go..sigh.. time flies real fast..its alreadi mid june..wait, its PAST mid june..soon the exams will be over..YAY. then it'd be july and ABIT of rest..then after a mth or so..my niece/nephew wld be born n i wld soon be sitting fer ma prelims..then before i know it..the As will be heerree...ARFGGGGGGGGGG.. my social life is reali on da rocks these days.no i take that back..its gone past the rock, crashed, burned and is lying there, helpless and shrivelled..sigh.. sighz.sighz.im depressed.sighz. suddenly his family seems to be taking an immense interest in me.scary.his auntie asked him to bring me over tto her place..scaaaary..argh..i wldnt mind if my mum knew abt him..but u know..indian community..so small..wad if his auntie turns out to be.. *gasp* my mum's fren?!@?!@? sigh.dangerous.and scary. IM ONLI 19!!!! i think his family expects him to get married next yr or sth.arghhhhhhh. so stressed. (0) comments Wednesday, June 16, 2004 im back! woohoo! and u know why...cyuz my comp is FINALLY repaired! woohoo!well there's soo much to say that im not gonna say anythiing..hahaha..makes things easier fer everyone..i wun haf to type so much n u wun haf to read so much.. well its "holz" now..i hate As.hurry go away.sigh.5 more mths ++ to go. :/ sigghzzz...hmm wad else..my sis's gonna give birth in abt 2 mths time..woohooo! and me n vik haf been togetha fer abt 13 mths + now..hmm..annndddd i haf been so busy wif God-knoes-what that i haf lost so many frens..so many dear frens..my life is such a vaccum..all ma frens haf been sucked outta it..sigh. all ma dear frens.i miss u. :/ (0) comments |
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