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Thursday, June 17, 2004 sighz..so tired of studying..study study study..but i need to..dun want to end up my whole life hesitating to buy even a pair of cheap shoes if fear that i wun haf enuf money left to pary da bills.yup.enuf of that life.i dun want it anymore.need to study hard, do well, work hard n earn enuf fer me to be satisfied. :)and i'll start all that abt half an hour later..heeeeeee... hmm well portugal won last night! woohoo! 2-0 was quite aweseome..7th min alreadi got goal..woohoo..and the last min one was great too..quite unexpected..was expecting the match to end at 1-0. hehe..euro2004's good. nice soccer fun. and keeps me company thru e nite while i mug away..haaaikkx...but da testestorone's abit distracting eh..deco's cute..like an adorable lil boy..so huggable..n too bad ronaldo onli came in fer e last 10 mins..cld haf done wif him earlier..hehe.. supposed to go run todae but not feeling too good..hmm..hopefully gets orite soon..cant afford to get sick when i still haf more than half ma sylllabus to go..sigh.. time flies real fast..its alreadi mid june..wait, its PAST mid june..soon the exams will be over..YAY. then it'd be july and ABIT of rest..then after a mth or so..my niece/nephew wld be born n i wld soon be sitting fer ma prelims..then before i know it..the As will be heerree...ARFGGGGGGGGGG.. my social life is reali on da rocks these days.no i take that back..its gone past the rock, crashed, burned and is lying there, helpless and shrivelled..sigh.. sighz.sighz.im depressed.sighz. suddenly his family seems to be taking an immense interest in me.scary.his auntie asked him to bring me over tto her place..scaaaary..argh..i wldnt mind if my mum knew abt him..but u know..indian community..so small..wad if his auntie turns out to be.. *gasp* my mum's fren?!@?!@? sigh.dangerous.and scary. IM ONLI 19!!!! i think his family expects him to get married next yr or sth.arghhhhhhh. so stressed.
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