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Tuesday, October 31, 2006 here's a list of things that piss me off.1. not keeping your appointment, or worse, cancelling last minute 2. telling me that im fat when i'm eating. then asking me why i stopped eating. 3. not wanting to confirm the guest list/food/everything else then scold me, saying i'm not being involved. 4. calling me on the phone, while u talk to someone else in person, like i don't have better things to do than hear your conversation? 5. walking around school like u own e damn place with yr "bodyguards" 6. lamenting that everyone gossips about u, when u give them things to gossip about. 7. swearing that u didn't study/don't know anything, then pretending to be modest when u get an A. 8. forgetting me e whole year, then calling me and acting sweet to get a favour done. 9. being included in birthday celebrations just so to contribute to the present. 10. trying to think of things that piss me off. (0) comments Tuesday, October 24, 2006 wow its been long..very lazy to blog la..or rather too busy..past few weeks have just gone past like a F-L-A-S-H.oh yes, HAPPY DEEPAVALI AND SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!!! aniweis now its time to re-visit relatives that we see ONCE in a while, collect $$$, compare our collections then spend it all within a month's time..this year collection hasn't been too bad, better than last yr's actually...hahaha maybe because last yr i did't go much places. heh exams are coming coming. killing me i tell u. aight off to study. more ppl coming over later... (0) comments Wednesday, October 11, 2006 well well well, its been too long...actually i dun even feel like blogging now..but something has to be done to take my mind away from things..so yes..the much awaited -d- test day came and went. weeeeeellllll as im not jumping up and down and shrieking in joy, u can probably guess what happened..hmm...guess it just wasn't meant to be for me to pass on my first try.. but i learnt from my mistakes and so even though i've got my second test date already, im not going to tell it to anyone except maybe the few important people in my life.. i just dun want to go through another round of "so how did yr test go?" and me having to answer "ya i failed" and then having them coerce me to go into descriptions of WHY i miserably failed, something which i did not want to go into. i just wanted to forget it but it wasn't meant to be, as too many ppl already knew about it. so now, im wising up and not letting much ppl know, except for those to whom i dun mind explaining why i failed. SIGH. well besides that, deepavali is coming up..initially i was very excited, at the prospect of driving to my relatives' places for visiting, going to the temple with my driving etc etc..well too bad, now half the fun is taken out. sigh. its such a pain to even go out as everytime i see a car, i get reminded of what it could have been. i know many of u theere are rolling yr eyes thinking "aiyoh this girl is so drama maamma, its just a driving test!" but pls note ive been looking forward to this even before i was legal to drive..sigh...oh well another few more months to go..hopefully i won't get let down again..just going to try my best.. ANYWAYS enough of that..exams are creeping up and im so losT! nerdism this sem didn't work out so i gotta depend on myself to study..something which i readily admit that im not very good at..but i gotta just keep on trying..and trying.. my timetable's more relaxed now as most of my tuition kids have stopped tution after their exams..so which means, MY CASH FLOW is also very relaxed..meaning, its not even moving. too relaxed. S.I.G.H. such a bad timing, with all the expenses coming up aight better get some studying done..before i slip into depresion.. oh one more note, pls dun ask me how my driving test when if u see me face-to-face/online..i am very adamnant that i dun want to talk aboout it..unless of course, u have a better instructor to introduce to me..by better i mean sure-pass, and NOT school..nite people... (0) comments |
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