Tuesday, October 31, 2006

here's a list of things that piss me off.

1. not keeping your appointment, or worse, cancelling last minute

2. telling me that im fat when i'm eating. then asking me why i stopped eating.

3. not wanting to confirm the guest list/food/everything else then scold me, saying i'm not being involved.

4. calling me on the phone, while u talk to someone else in person, like i don't have better things to do than hear your conversation?

5. walking around school like u own e damn place with yr "bodyguards"

6. lamenting that everyone gossips about u, when u give them things to gossip about.

7. swearing that u didn't study/don't know anything, then pretending to be modest when u get an A.

8. forgetting me e whole year, then calling me and acting sweet to get a favour done.

9. being included in birthday celebrations just so to contribute to the present.

10. trying to think of things that piss me off.

KaLa Had Some Curry @ 9:46 PM |

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