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Friday, September 29, 2006 did i mention i love saravanan alia surya alias mr. jyothika alias mr gawtham.go watch sillendru oru kaadhal!!!!!!!!!!!!! the only bad point is, any guy u are with now will, never live up to him. yoges, umaka and i were lamenting about our bfs/husband. lol. will blog more about the movie another timee..i need to go study! test on monday and im not even HALFWAY thru.. SIGH. (0) comments Thursday, September 28, 2006 so today i was all alone in funan's tcc...why? i was supposedly studying. well fine i REALLY was studying...finished 3.5 chapters in like..erm..4 hr 45 mins. lol. at this rate, i will finish my revision in time for my 21st birthday...sigh...my aim was to finish 5 chapters by todae. sigh. like that's ever gonna happen..esp since im busy blogging away..such distractions studying is. hehehe.anyway went temple at chinatown this morning (yes i know, my sister was too shocked to reply when i said i was in the temple, alone, for no particular special reason) and after that i wanted to go somewhere nearer home to study but my sister called n asked me to go tekka (again) with her later so i decided to just stay put in this area instead of walking up n down. and guess what? she called to tell me she is not going to tekka anymore cuz she's tired!!! sigh... im getting very depressed by technology. it seems as if nth will ever be enuf.. here i was walking ard funan (sharrrttt breakkk), and wanted to enquire the price of repairing my mp3 as my darling pink ipod mini's lcd screen is cracked...and all these ppl are telling me to get new mp3s cuz its going to cost more to repair..and also because newer better models are coming up..arghhh i almost had to sell a leg to get this!!!!! and now, i have to sell another leg to get a not-as-good one..SIGH. as if that wasn't enuf..i was looking for a place to so-call "polish" my ibook baby..and they are all telling me this is an OLD MODEL. OLD MODEL?!?@?!?!?!? I JUST BOUGHT IT A YEAR AGO!!!!!! AND IT STILL WORKS SO DAMN WELL!!! just because it looks old doesnt mean it has to FEEL old..all it needs is a little shine, cleaning and polishing and it will look as good as the yuppie mac books. HMPH. so i tot, sigh, all my darlings are being insulted and i walked into a camera shop..and i saw such a prettyyy pink casing..and i asked "can this fit a canon ixus 500?" and the woman said "no la, such an old model where got such new casings all..that sort of old camera must buy the plain black leather one alredi" . . . WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?! MY 5 MEGAPIXEL, 12X OPTICAL ZOOM AND 6X DIGITAL ZOOM SWEETHEART IS old?!?!?!?! like wad da hell!!!!! its only been 2 years!!!! do ppl really replace all their gadgets that fast..like every 6 mths..sigh.. i feel old for my gadgets. and they said the HUMAN WORLD is favouring inexperienced youths over experienced wiser older workers. its the same bloody thing in the technology world!!!!!! (0) comments i realised i forgot to blog abt my performance!! well it went well, i think..i didn't play any notes wrongly, but missed a few and for a few notes, kept striking the understrings, which gave a very harsh, un-gentle ugly sound...sighhh.. aniweis after e performance, went to see the ratham at west coast and saw malini dearest there...haven seen her in aggggessssss...which made it all e better..and she pointed out her new favourite volunteer to me..hehehehehehehe.. sigh curcuit driving today was horrendous..the disadvantage of taking driving privately.sigh. even if i pass my routes, my circuit will drag me down..am so worried that im signing up for more circuit lessons, but is it enuf..just 3 more circuits left for me till my test! argh! i hate driving in first gear, let alone half-gear! "step down yr clutch!! step down yr clutch!! dun accelerate!! keep the car moving" he yells. HELLO THEN HOW TO MOVE THE BLOODY CAR!!! argh was so stressed during today's lesson..sigh..i hate circuit.. the roads seem so small.. the turnings so sharp.. the slopes so high.. the curves so curvy.. the cars so slow.. the driving sch instructors giving u a look like as if u are dirt.. yr instructor getting pissed cuz ure humilating him with yr terrific driving skills.. u panicking cuz u feel ure going to knock into every single car there.. the s-course and crank-course taunting u... the parking poles jeering at u..tempting "make me fall..make me fall".. arghh its ACJC all over again!!!! oh wells. if its fated for me to pass, i will...if not, here's to more taxi rides, night-riders, peak-hour packs on buses, mrt rides with ppl who bathe once a month and of course, "hello appa, can fetch me back?" (0) comments Tuesday, September 26, 2006 alrites..been ages...just been so busy!!!basically life's kinda hellish now that sch work is piling up..and deepavali is ard the corner, which means im too distracted with shopping n decoration n excitement to STUDY..also, in about 2 weeks, i'll be sitting for my driving practical test. arggh. too much, too little. had a weird dream ydae. dreamt about him. him the one whom i haven thought about in ages. wonder how's he doing now. he who wrote a poem for me. hahahaha. those were the times.. well tmrw my sc2215 grp mates are coming over to cook a meal...im just hoping we dun burn my kitchen down. 13 days, 8 hours and 50 mins to go. (0) comments Tuesday, September 19, 2006 did u know that surya's real name is Saravanan and Vikram's real name is John Kennedy and Sada's real name is Sadef Syed?so i shall change my status to --> "i love Saravanan". thanks to keling Killah for the extrememly essential information. i could have printed e wedding invitations wrongly! *gasp!* (0) comments Monday, September 18, 2006 Khalid : eh kala, " ******* is going to the bomoh to curse *****" --> this is why i loved working at ebie.. hahahahahahaha hilarious lar the people there.. aniweis malz, glad to hear about the progress in yr love life(s). WAHAHAHAHAHA. i mish u babe, shd meet up soon k, when we all get more settled.. aniweis im still depressed that surya's gotten married. he's probably somewhere in europe now, having all night romps with jyothika. SIGH. btw, my mummy got us a new hi-fi set and washing machine n bed(for grandma) and....and....and...a FREE GIFT OF CHOCOLATE FONDUE MOUNTAIN!!!! WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! as u can see, im more excited about my free gift than the purchases..sigh...finally sunitha and i can fulfill our dream of chocolate-dipped veggies. im really falling behind in school..its alreadi week 5 on to week 6! i really need to buckle up. my revision's like somewhere between week 1 to 2. INTENSIVE STUDYING FOR NEXT FEW WEEKS! *tries to get psyched* so sat was miruna darl's bdae dinner..i enjoyed it quite a bit..went to this restaurant called pivdofr..the food (esp the seafood items) was good and cheap ( i paid like 19 for a whole set includin soup, bread, salad, main and extra dessert) but e service sux big time. the lady boss is forever black faced, and the poor waiters there are like so blur, cant blame them, if i was them i'd be too scared of offendin the dragon lady. but its a nice place, with nice ambience. like the cosy cosy sort where can go for lomantic dinner..and its gentle on e pocket too..so ya, shd go try it out.. aniweis i was glad to meet e girls, all of us..just talked cok..joked and caught up..i just love those girls..6 years together and we still dun run out of things to say.. aniweis now im officially broke..my savings has dwindled to a double-digit number. ARGH. and the fact that my tuiton kids exams are ending soon, and so i'll be outta jobs soon is hitting me slowly but surely. i am just going to DIE in november. exams for ME so i cant work, and no tuition also..argh *envisions myself licking my hand dry* learning a new item in dance..varnam which is supposedly 40 mins long (she just enjoys torturing us). we learned like the first ONE minute. and i almost died of a heart attack. ITS SO DAMN FAST LAR, i dun even have time to remember to breathe, much less remember the steps..argh..its X5 the speed of my thilana..and to think i was complaining abt that..arggh *digs hole for myself* okies next week is gonna be jam-packed. gotta go book my venue for my bdae, give tuition, catch up MAJORLY on sch work, test on fri, got to go watch suni nair's performance on sat nite, dinner with the girls on fri, driving somewhere in btw, and dance AND my bloody sitar performance on sun (yesh it got pushed forward) and extra sitar classes in btw. haaaaaaaiks. no rest. cant even dream of resting. cuz i wun have time to dream. niteeeeeeeeeee. (0) comments Saturday, September 16, 2006 soooo its been a long time..well school's better...socially...NOT ACADEMICALLY! that's just going down the drain...u know why...cuz we haven had much nerd gatherings!!!! needa start back sooooon.. many birthdays passed and went..im so glad we had that talk..i really hope its not for nothing and things actually improve..am so looking forward to our once-a-month wednesdays! happpppieee 21st flower girl! we love u sooo much, never doubt that yar? MUAHHHHHHHHH and miruna darling, awww my baby girl is ALL GROWN UP! dear miruna darling, thanks for being ard when i needed ya, we're not the typical BFF (hehe), where we call each other every nite, giggle on e phone, go shoppin everydae and gossip everydae (that part still can..hehe). but we're the sort who are comfortable with each other no matter how long it had been since we last met, the sort who can sense when one of us wants to talk and when we just dun want to talk about it, the sort who know what one of us is going thru without having to spell it out, the sort whom u just feel compelled to pour everything out to, knowing yr deepest darkest secrets is safe, the sort where the little gestures mean the most, the sort where we know everythin about each other not thru quizzes, emails, questionaires and surveys, but through spendin time, growin together and just being the best of friends. thanks for being the best friend of mine..i love you and hope u had a greaaaatt 21st bdae! *MUACKX* LLOOGGIIII BOYYY...happy 22nd birthday! tho we're not exactly on e closest of terms now, im glad i still have u as a friend. we may have drifted apart and what we have now can never compare to our friendship 4 years ago, but im just happy that we're STILL friends..hope everythin works out fine with yr gf.. :) gannnnn darl, happy 23rd!! *ruffles yr hair back* hehehe thanks for being my late-night gossip pal..and for curing my comp of ghosts..lol..and we're supposed to have our study session soon ok! lol aniweis im in love with the clementi mee goreng shop's cook's.........HAIR! oh my god its so lovely..he grew it long and its so soft n smooth n wavy and nice!!! my heart just melted upon seein that scene..his hairband was nice enuf to hold it back while a few wavy curls cascaded across his face.. i think its so healthy, cuz of e sprays of oil from e frying wok..its just beautiful!!! and his skin too, its like soft n smooth n pimple free!!! maybe all e spices act as a natural mask..i mean i ws waiting in queeue and was pespiring like shite, and he was cookin over e HOT wok and seemed like he was in an air-conditioned room, sipping a margarita..like totally oil-less, sweat-less, powdered and foundation-ised face...sigh.. in LAUS..just with e hair and skin ok!! aniweis he seemed quite out of place in a mee goreng shop..totally NOT appropriately dressed..was wearin a black adidas jersey and baggy jeans..looked more like he belonged in town rather than over a hot wok of mee goreng/nasi goreng/mee hoon goreng/kambeng soup. but e food is good lar, been gettin food from there since i was v. young, but only noticed mr young chef now, he like throws all e ingredients in as if he's acting on e jamie oliver show..hmmm..but he speaks like a typical tamileh la, was complaining abt dunno someone gettin more money than he deserves..maybe he OWNS e shop and prob 100000000X richer than me. so can afford SK for his skin. LOL. ooooooooooh wellllllllllls.....im going to get more studyin done (yar suprising rite) then sleep..tmrw got sitar!!! oh yar, im performing on e 25th of september..dunno wad possessed my sitar teacher to ask us to perform..im sure she's regrettin every breadth of it..so yar, pls come down n make some noise so tt it will over-power my sitar sound. thanks! (0) comments Sunday, September 10, 2006 ah yes. sunday is here again. where does the rest of e week fly away to?aniweis skipped dance todae cuz of horrible monstrous tears-inducing cramps. yes it was that bad. exactly one more month to go to for my TP test. will i make it? well according to my darling sweetheart of cuzins who allowed me to drive their carS at the family gatherin ydae, i will...but they're my darling sweethearts of cuzins after all. i dun think they have e heart to tell me i will fail... but i laus them all e same..i just love my family..am truly blessed to get such a great family from my mum's side..maybe to make up for my dad's side. hehe so many birthdaes coming up. so much complications. arhj. i just wish. for my bdae, noone undergoes this sorta stress. i would not want to wish such unhappiness onto ANYONE i love. tmr is my darling suria's wedding. sobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsob. here goes the ONE REMAINING UNMARRIED HANDSOME bachelor of tamil cinema industry...SIGH. well at least he's marryin jothika..so not too bad..i like her. im BROKE. BROKE. BROKE. broke beyond DOUBT. STOP TELLING ME THAT I TEACH TUITION SO I SHOULD HAVE MONEY CUZ MY TUITION FEES GOES STRAIGHT TO MY MUMMY TO HELP HER. OK?~? just getting that cleared up...okies i needa do my stats tut. sobsob. (0) comments Tuesday, September 05, 2006 the people who make up my life![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (0) comments Sunday, September 03, 2006 well well miracles do happen..auntie padmini fell sick and guess which mr. charming took our class AGAIN?yes. i yam a happy girl. aniweis im watching miss vasantham now (first time since i saw e first auditionh rounds) and i got say, im just dissapointed. its like, to think i was criticising the girls from 2 years back..wow ccompared to these ppl, they're like goddesses! its just..sigh..all my pretty friends are not joining!!! sunitha, vj, reshma, meena, miruna, lekshmi-akka, gayathri-akka, rathi..these are e real indian women!! and these are just ppl who i KNOW WELL..sigh. oh wells, besides that, WHO DRESSES UP THE JUDGES MAN?!?!? like wtf, rafi is wearijn some ugly purple top with SUNGLASSES inside e studio..as it is he's so dark...and the purple just makes him darker!! rafi darling, dark beauties are possible...but only with the right colour-ed shirt... and najip, no offense dear, but its a VASANTHAM central show not SURIA..i have no idea why they have a malay judge..i mean, there's ppl like kumar, anita aiyavoo (tho i dun realli like her), that indian manhunt guy, ex-beauty queens like vasanthi and hema malini. then why choose no connection ppl like NAJIP ALI, MOHD RAFI AND ELAMARAN?!? just because they're famous doesnt mean they're suitable to judge..sigh.. one more thing, why are there non-indian participants?!?! i tot e pre-requisite was to be indian? wasnt that the ONLY pre-requisite..i mean they let ppl of all sizes, heights, and disfigurities join...guess now the only pre-requisiste is to be a human..that too im not very sure all of them are just that... well i know its easy to sit here n point out all e bad stuff but i did point out how they can improve k..not all one sided.. aniweis class gatherin ydae was fun fun fun..tho i was sick, i laughed n laughed till my sore throat became even more sore..and those idiots din even allow me to eat finish properly..i was so scared that i would just spit out my soup or food..lol..and we made soooo much noise ydae..as usual..that the guys at al-ameen gave us a 7 bucks discount just to clear us out asap and renting was sooo happpy to get rid of us that he was smilin. 03s54 really made JC life worthwhile..sigh i miss those guys...miss them so so so so much...shall try to keep meetin us..esp since ganesh will be my chauffeur...eheheheh... ok i'll upload photos another time.. gtg do stats tutorial. love ya'll MUACKS! (0) comments i am sick. ( as in physically not mentally.) and i still have to go for dance class in a while. argh. sucks. (0) comments |
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