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Saturday, September 16, 2006 soooo its been a long time..well school's better...socially...NOT ACADEMICALLY! that's just going down the drain...u know why...cuz we haven had much nerd gatherings!!!! needa start back sooooon.. many birthdays passed and went..im so glad we had that talk..i really hope its not for nothing and things actually improve..am so looking forward to our once-a-month wednesdays! happpppieee 21st flower girl! we love u sooo much, never doubt that yar? MUAHHHHHHHHH and miruna darling, awww my baby girl is ALL GROWN UP! dear miruna darling, thanks for being ard when i needed ya, we're not the typical BFF (hehe), where we call each other every nite, giggle on e phone, go shoppin everydae and gossip everydae (that part still can..hehe). but we're the sort who are comfortable with each other no matter how long it had been since we last met, the sort who can sense when one of us wants to talk and when we just dun want to talk about it, the sort who know what one of us is going thru without having to spell it out, the sort whom u just feel compelled to pour everything out to, knowing yr deepest darkest secrets is safe, the sort where the little gestures mean the most, the sort where we know everythin about each other not thru quizzes, emails, questionaires and surveys, but through spendin time, growin together and just being the best of friends. thanks for being the best friend of mine..i love you and hope u had a greaaaatt 21st bdae! *MUACKX* LLOOGGIIII BOYYY...happy 22nd birthday! tho we're not exactly on e closest of terms now, im glad i still have u as a friend. we may have drifted apart and what we have now can never compare to our friendship 4 years ago, but im just happy that we're STILL friends..hope everythin works out fine with yr gf.. :) gannnnn darl, happy 23rd!! *ruffles yr hair back* hehehe thanks for being my late-night gossip pal..and for curing my comp of ghosts..lol..and we're supposed to have our study session soon ok! lol aniweis im in love with the clementi mee goreng shop's cook's.........HAIR! oh my god its so lovely..he grew it long and its so soft n smooth n wavy and nice!!! my heart just melted upon seein that scene..his hairband was nice enuf to hold it back while a few wavy curls cascaded across his face.. i think its so healthy, cuz of e sprays of oil from e frying wok..its just beautiful!!! and his skin too, its like soft n smooth n pimple free!!! maybe all e spices act as a natural mask..i mean i ws waiting in queeue and was pespiring like shite, and he was cookin over e HOT wok and seemed like he was in an air-conditioned room, sipping a margarita..like totally oil-less, sweat-less, powdered and foundation-ised face...sigh.. in LAUS..just with e hair and skin ok!! aniweis he seemed quite out of place in a mee goreng shop..totally NOT appropriately dressed..was wearin a black adidas jersey and baggy jeans..looked more like he belonged in town rather than over a hot wok of mee goreng/nasi goreng/mee hoon goreng/kambeng soup. but e food is good lar, been gettin food from there since i was v. young, but only noticed mr young chef now, he like throws all e ingredients in as if he's acting on e jamie oliver show..hmmm..but he speaks like a typical tamileh la, was complaining abt dunno someone gettin more money than he deserves..maybe he OWNS e shop and prob 100000000X richer than me. so can afford SK for his skin. LOL. ooooooooooh wellllllllllls.....im going to get more studyin done (yar suprising rite) then sleep..tmrw got sitar!!! oh yar, im performing on e 25th of september..dunno wad possessed my sitar teacher to ask us to perform..im sure she's regrettin every breadth of it..so yar, pls come down n make some noise so tt it will over-power my sitar sound. thanks!
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