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Monday, July 31, 2006 i just two things to say..i have a hot date on tues...grrrr... and im going shoppin with ebie peeps after pay-dae! yipeee yay! (0) comments Sunday, July 30, 2006 so i went to the ndp preview. and fell down and have ultra big hips (one side only..so hip?) because of e swell..argh pain! i cant even lie down...atgh..my mum is scared sth happened to my kidneys so she keeps making me go pee..i dun see e connection. but oh wells..speakin of e preview, i saw handsome vinoth in his handsome no1 uniform..wah handsome seh..lol. overuse of a particular word i see.. e parade was great..i was kinda nostalgic cuz its e last one at e stadium..i love e stadium..many memories for me...sigh..aniweis mr "hip-hop-im-so-cool-slammin-my-hand" shabir sang..nth great..but e fireworks seemed to be so much more beautiful, and the part where they sing all e old national day songs..oooooh my fav i was prac screamin and waving my nokia 3230 torchlight and flag and wearing my blinking-flag hat (yes the hat has light!)..i also had balloons made for mee..yay! i love ndp! tmrw no dance..yay! even if there was, i dunno how i would dance with this back of mine..but i have work..my last dae..sobsob. sadness..thank god renting n khalid are workin..at least got ppl i like. did i mention i went k-boxing with them on thurs? was damn fun la..even tho they were singing chinese songs 4/5th of e time..they allowed me to sing e english words in e chinese songs..and i knew like 3 chinese characters, so i kept shouting wheneva i saw them..hilarious..of course all my fav ppl were there..so yes, i was a happy indian girl at a chinese karaoke session. also celebrated in advance my darling xiaojie's 33rd bdae..who was tryin to convince me to stay on as he sent me home..aww..sigh..nope have to move on. driving is becoming more and more strenous..going on all e test-routes now..so far, i am not doing well. at all. arghhh.. going into e circuit on tues. hopefully i can get all e crank course/s-course/parking/slope wadeva shit they have inside, right. argh navina is growing up so fast..but she just refuses to call me sinnama..just keeps calling me "dah". im hoping its short for "darling favourite sinnama". lol. aniweis i have some exciting news..are u prepared? *drumroll* sorrie cant tell u'll. wahahahahhaa. and shanker, u can try to stop findin out who's absence we';re basking in..but im missin him so much. (no its not vik) okies i shall go to sleep now. or at least try to sleep sitting up. as i told thash, i have loadsa practise doing tt durin lectures..so hopefully shdnt be a problem. hahaha.. (0) comments Wednesday, July 26, 2006 last week at work...hmmm..uber lazy to blog though many interesting things have happened..hahahaha.. had my virgin visit to Balcony bar..its a nice place with nice sofas and cute (gay) indian waiters..quite sad..i mean the gay part..mr idli and mohammed..hahahha..aniweis i kinda cost them a pillow..i wonder if they found it..i mean, its not my fault they have no walls!!! im just thankful my handbag didint drop..wonderin wad e poor person must have experienced when the pillow plopped onto his head..as we were saying, we really hope he wasnt doin sth like proposing or kissing..hahahahha.. as malini said.. "this sorta thing only happens to kala.." aniweis i had e drink "graveyard"..dunno why e rest made such a big fuss abt it..its not THHAAATTT strong..i was expectin to get drunk..and it didint even get me high..well i only drank one..so maybe..but hmm..the expression and gasps that came out when i ordered my drink..drama mammas la.. work has been busy-busy-busy but fun these days..i dunno why but i always seem to be working on tues/thurs/sat/sun these past few weeks with the exception of a few fridays..and cept for fridaes e rest of e days are avian-flu free days..ahahahaha..so its been pretty fun..going k-boxing (i still dunno how they managed to convince me) this thurs with my darling ebians..i hope they have some english songs or im just going to stare into outerspace with khalid, my fellow non-chinese ebian..lol aniewis for real this time, sun is my last day of work..2 weeks before sch starts..ahhh sadness..sigh..i will miss that place and all e nonsense we do there..its really a fun (altho fuckin tiring) place to work at..and its only cuz of e fun ppl there..all e gossip sessions..i tell u, we gossip more than we work..hahahhaa..and all e ice-cream eating and making our own drinks and pesterin e kitchen staff and washing of e dishes and late-night suppers and monthly clubbin sessions (where else but momo)..oh ebie..u stole my heart..never imagined id be workin there for 1.5 years when i only planned to do so for 3 months.. got more tuiton assignments now, which is good..cept one boy is KILLING me..oh wells there always has to be one.. im kinda addicted to one-tree hill...after sangithah explained e whole first season in 15 mins to me..ah e wonders of summarising.. went for e Nus tls roadshow on sundae..argh typical ics show..once again, i was asked many times why i was not dancing..just cuz im Indian does not mean i HAVE to be in some sorta indian org in Nus..aniweis i had enuf of ics in JC..just wanna lay back and rest..and i have enuf of dancinggggg... saw loooadsa ppl i know there..some i didnt wish to see..but still sadly saw..saw some friends i din see in ages/years..saw ppl i never expected to see at an indian show.. shanker darl sat with me awhile after nair left..he was pointing out half e ppl on stage he knew and i was pointing out the other half that i knew..hahah earlier me and nair were commenting that we were there mostly to gossip abt those that we know there rather than to watch e show..wahahhaha.. im quite sad about my sitar class cuz e new charming teacher is going off/..sobsobsosbo..my original teacher is coming back..sigh...not thaat i dun like her..but we're all falling in love with e new teacher..hahahaha..i even practised twice a week just for him..ahahahaha i didnt even practise once before..he;s just wonderful la..once he starts singing for us, we all just melt and start smiling together..he prob thinks we resemble some chesire cats..aniweis i actually learned a raag!!! wow we were calculating that it would approx take us +/- 10 years to learn a raag and we learnt it in about a year!!! hahaha but if we were under our original teacher, we prob wouldnt have learnt it..cuz she just goes thru every single thing with us, while he TRUSTS that we know our work..we played like so super horribly and he kept shakin his head saying"good good". sunitha and i concluded that its because he was also playin with us and prob only heard himself..as half e time, e tempo is so fast we're not even playin cuz we cant catch up..hhahahaha...good theory rite? oh im going to miss my hummer..lol oh wells i shall go off nowwwwwwwwwwww..wanna go sleep..my clock is warped..im like sleepin at 3 am everydae and gettin up ard 1..argh.. (0) comments Monday, July 17, 2006 shalalalala...waiting for sitar class at 6..i should really go practise..im HORRIBLE..and the new teacher that we have (just for 2 more weeks..sob) is so charming..really wanna impress him..hahaha but alas, laziness takes me over..driving todae was OKAY except e last part where i ACCIDENTALLY (READ:was daydreaming) pressed e accelerator instead of e brake while u-turning..BAD mistake i tell u. lol. oh well it woke up my sleeping instructor. HE REALLY WAS SLEEPING OK! wah i was kinda pissed with him, cuz i mean, harlow, im driving a bloody car. but i realised its a pretty boring job i guess, go e same routes again and again..unless all his students are like me, mistaking e pedals and stalling e engine every 5 mins. aniweis sat was anand's bdae party at his house..was alrite..was missing malz darling alot..so much drama we could have laughed about but i was just laughing to myself..after that went to asoka..im still asking myself why i went..EVERYONE was there for once..i din really dance much..not my kind of music..but i mananged to have many HART-TO-HART chats with some of e guys there that i dun usually talk to..hahahahaha..wad a place to have such conversations rite? lol maybe its e alcohol but one guy talked to me abt sth that he usually wouldnt talk abt..hahahah..but he din seem drunk..hmmmm..aniweis it was not too bad..left abt 3 together with vinoth and shamini..i like her, she's nice..she's one S tt i like..lol.. for those who dunno, im kinda related to anand..his father's sister is my dad's cuzin's wife. geddit? aniweis it seems distant but we're rather close to my dad's cuzin's wife..she's real funny..guess it runs in e family..hurhurhur. but still i rarely saw anand at any family function, only his parents and sis..i din even realise they had a boy in e family!! hahahaha..so it was quite a shock to find my long-lost cuzin..aniweis that nite was also e 8tth day funeral prayers for one of our relatives so my mum had met anand;s parents in e temple..and when anand's parents came back they were like 'oh we saw yr mum in e temple..she said u were coming..blablabla" kinda funny cuz i think even anand's parents had no clue who i was till my mum so nicely went to introduce me (while i was not there..) aniweis i need to thank God (myself in disguise) cuz i recently got a string of tuition assignments back..yay! now i just have to learn how to manage my time..one in boon lay..2 in bukit batok and 1 in cck. thank ME (i.e God) that 2 of e assignments are once-a-week affairs or i'll be dead..i think if i plan stuff correctly i shd be able to teach in just 2 days..if not at e most, 3.. *hopefully* aniweis long-lost ganni boy aka ganesh msged me abt his bdae party on e Aug 12th. sigh i think im gg to die..its just birthdays after birthdays..but obviously i will have to go for this one..ganster was such an important part of my jc life..really made my life there...interesting..hahah colourful character that one..dun think i will EVER forget him..and all e embarrassments/happiness he caused me..haha..still remember him SHOUTING over e canteen "KAALSSTERRRR" and jumpin on my back cuz i supposedly reminded him of a tortoise (while i was climbin e stairs nevertherless) and all those crazy studyin sessions at wdls lib/harbourfront/je lib (where we caught a thief!!) and all his "aiyoh slow down kids, im getting old" and cheerin for me (and blackmailing me with a photo he took) while i was sent to clear rubbish ard e track cuz i forgot to bring my p.e tee, coming for my dance performances, tamil classes!!! (will NEVER forget that), lab sessions where we sprayed water pretending we were superheros using e distilled water bottles(i was unluckily seated RIGHT in front of him) and his "making-out-sessions" with joey and embarrasing me in lectures by raising my hand for me to volunteer for answers and his crazy ten-yr-series crush and how he'd buy m&ms but only eat e browns ones cuz he said he pitied them and how he'd bully me so much but still make me laugh..sigh..such priceless memories..hahahaha..yes, i will definately go for his party.. sense of nostalgia overwhelming me..oh well, joester and i have made plans to meet up soon, together with ganster, wood and e rest of e gang..sigh..i miss thash, reshma, meena, sameema, naveen, pragalath, sue, jaslyn..i miss winnie, mj, jasmine, liting, julia, shieh li..i miss sajc..yes i cant believe i said that..but i do..but even if i go back it will never be the same as they've moved to a new place..and my memories are in e lovable albeit broken-down old campus. that campus has character, memories and so much more..so what if we had frequent power cuts, so what if we had no lifts or fancy stuff, so what if our toilets had not been renovated since singapore attained independance? so what if we were small? so what if our track was falling apart? we had the best canteen food, the cutest p.e teacher (mr ong, my hearthrob!), the bestest uniform (i think it rocks, WITH e tie), the funniest and craziest teachers (miss k anyone?), the best haunted tunnel, the best spots for ahem-ahem, the nicest jackfruit tree, the oldest security guards, the nicest attendants who helped us escape sch, the darkest alley of sci labs where we laughed till we cried the best audi to sleep in and escape through e back, and the best of friends.. once a saint, always a saint.. (0) comments Thursday, July 13, 2006 boredom vs brokedom. which will prevail?sigh. im so bored. im contemplating going to bed now. nth on tv tonight that's interesting meeee..however, i yam not sleepy.SIGH. todae i bought 2 lovely tops from F.O.S. just went there to have a look after work, i like shopping alone, kinda. dun have to worry about making others wait..can take yr own sweet time walking ard..the only minus side is that noone is there to see the clothes i tried on, so i din know if it really looked good on me or whether im just delirious from e smell of new clothes. aniweis i bought 2 nice tops..another 2 more i like, but those will have to wait in regards to my embarrasing financial situation. i cld have afforded one more top..but din wanna risk not having enuf money to take e bus home.. sigh this is not a good month. last month either. so many zillion birthdays..arfhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. im spending OH-TOO-MUCH on bdaes..i BETTER, BETTER get that much back on mine..grrr.. going shopping tmrw for yet ANOTHER bdae present..arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. maybe i shd just go sleep. thinking of my lack of finances is giving me a headache. (0) comments Tuesday, July 11, 2006 im.so.sick.and.tired.of.being.perpetually.broke.i swear, im gonna work so hard and be a rich happenin woman, but make sure my children know e value of money. ARGH!!! aniweis there's exactly 2 months AND 28 more days to my practical test.-sigh- no where near passing it, unless giving me instructor a heart-attack and knockin down ppl+cars is part of passin. sigh. riteeeee im bored. oh so bored. shall go to bed. but before that, italy won and im not very happy cuz im so sad for zidaneeeeeeeee...sobsob..oh wells but e azzuris are oh-so-cute, and i REALLY need to find out wad conditioner+shampoo they use..hair is so long and soft and beautiful!!!!!!!!!..i likeee...esp the pirlo's hair. wow so prettyyyy!!!! and most of e frenchies are bald...bad environment for growing hair in maybe... vik says im prob e only person who watches soccer and gives fashion advice. i think not rite? but aniweis i almost fell asleep during e first half of e extra time..but i think zidane heard me saying that, so he decided to do sth to wake me up. lol. boy was i awake..im contemplating wad e italian would have said to him..maybe ask him to change his shampoo... well 2008 would be in south africa..perfect cuz i would have just graduated from uni (if i do my honours hopefully) and would have saved enuf..always wanted to go africca..seems so beautiful..not as beautiful as SINGAPORE though!!! woohooo national day coming~!!!! less than a month!!!!!!!! aren't u guys excited?!@?!@?!2!? i LOVE national day time..so many flags, songs, cheers, excitement..wheeeeeeeeee... a common trait of capricorns is patriotism by e way. okies im going to go to bed NOW. (0) comments Monday, July 10, 2006 well for those who are bored and have nothing to do, u shd have figured out that since there have been no updates, i am no longer with sinda..hahahaha..oh wells im lazy to explain why. lolaniweiiisss todae has been sob/romance-movie day man..first it was alaipayuthey with my darling then-handsome madhavan, then patch adams.wow tears flowing freely.then i watched love actually. i loved e movie. i actually think hugh grant is cute, regardless of wad e world says. he turns me on. and next is bridget jones..hugh grant again.. grrrrr.. aniweis i had a great time ydae..although i woke up todae feeling like a truck ran over me..firstly i had work at ebie *yes i went back, talk abt tt another time..* where i mopped e floors..argh fri was busy as hell, i was lucky i managed to leave at 12..but they left e place in a mess...and i had to clean..gosh..i haven cleaned my house that much! and tho i was supposed to leave at 3 yesterdae, i only managed to do so at about 5 30..rushed home..managed to play with navina for about 20 mins, and rushed down to malz place..we dillied a lil here and there waiting for her bro..and then 3 of us went down to towner to pick mr diva/vik up.. *secret laugh with malz* went over to sharmi's (huge) place for her party. i met so many old frens there..esp....HEMA!!!! aiyoh i haven seen her in years!!!! actually in about 1.2 years..i din even know she was back! well we managed to catch up, and had a good time..she looks lovely..sigh..then e 4 of us rushed over to vik's place for RISHI darling's bdae..where..hmm i was insulted. wahahahahahahahhahahaha...well it was good la..and i hope rishi, u loved yr prezzies and had a great time!! left and went home n watched..MOUNA RAAGAM! my fav movie! i remember swooning about that movie before so i'll just link you'll to that entry so u can relive that.. HUGH GRANT ON TV HUGH GRANT ON TV HUGH GRANT ON TV HUGH GRANT ON TV HUGH GRANT ON TV HUGH GRANT ON TV niweis im just waiting for e match to start..im personally not interested who wins or not cuz all my teams are out ( a sign that this world cup is being bomoh-ed)..but since vik suports france, i hope they lose. :) oh yes i was supposed to state why i went back to ebie.. ---> i yam broke. so i will be working there will i have enuf money such that i dun have to resort to staying home to save money. im going to watch HUGH GRANT HUGH GRANT HUGH GRANT HUGH GRANT!!! byeeeeeeeee p.s i cant seem to find e mouna raagam post so too bad. (0) comments Wednesday, July 05, 2006 im back at office! hahahawell today its not so bad..i ACTUALLY have work to do..but ive done most of it already..just left calling about, oh only ABOUT 85 MORE schools to call..oh wells, at least i have already called more than half..so yay!! everyone's gone off to a meeting..yay!! i love it when they go for meetings, leave e whole office to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. aniweis im under depression that brazil lost. it is so not fair. world cup is not exciting anymore. WAD IS SOCCER WITHOUT E SAMBA?!?@? the world is ending..sigh..oh wells at least portugal is still in..i can still drool at my Luis Figo.. *swoon* speaking of which, as most of u know by now..im into older men. READ : NOT OLD MEN. but OLDER. as in 35 and above.. Richard Gere, Luis Figo, Dennis Quaid, Micheal Keaton, Grisshom from CSI (HOT!), Germany's coach, etc etc..ooh these guys are so handsome..and so much more refined in character and so sleeek and smoooth..sigh..yumyumyum.. but contrary to popular belief, im not into OLD AH-PEKS. so stop pointing out erikkson to me!!!! or scholari!!!! (is tt how u spell it??) aniweis the gurls and i went to watch e england-portugal match in this bar in holland v..its called BARDEN bar. and unless u people wanna get insulted, cheated of yr money and get "served" by extrememly rude service staff AND management, pls dun ever go there. worst service ive encountered!! and since im also a service staff, i usually give leeway to service staff as stms they're relly short-staffed and have to take in lots of shit from customers. but it was not like that at this place!!! they didn't explain their rules to us and expected us to know wad's going on, and talked so condecendingly, including the rudest mananger, and treated us like a bunch of kids la! argh just thinkin of tt place pisses me off.. aniweis its a great place to bring yr enemies to, and a great place to get cheated of yr money (in case u have too much), and just in case u feel like gettin insulted, go ahead and go there yar! see i can be nice if i want to.. aniweis i have noticed LOTS of pregnant indian women these days. so i asked my mum if some auspicious mth is comin up where children born in that month would be damn successful (ahem decemeber), and she said no..just that Aadhi maasam is comin..and this one i know cuz 3/4 of e adverts on Sun tv now are about Aadhi maasam sales! and that durin this month, the parents of e newly-wed bride (i.e less than a year) will bring back their daughter to spent the month at her birth house..i really dunno wad's e reason behind it but i heard its because if children are consumated in this month, they will prob be born during the months of April or May which is quite unauspicious for child-birth..not bad, sure-will-work contraceptives..lol..oh wells i find all this very interesting so just decided to post it. no apparent reason. hahahahahhaha sighhh noone wants to go out with me todaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY bye. (0) comments Tuesday, July 04, 2006 so i don't have work todae..nor ydae..Sinda's having some sorta seminar thing..YAY! but they did extend me though.to do what, i have no idea. prob wipe e dust off myself. sigh..ydae was a good dae..at FIRST..had tuiton, took a trip to a potential-ly new tuition place to talk to e mum, went tekka to buy some ULU PAVADAI for my auntie, met rishi darrllliinnnggg..went down to town, met malini darlinggg and sharmilaaaa there..vik came down too..and so did preya..wow such a long time since we had a gathering! hehehe sigh i miss those days.. aniweis i had a great time with e darls..too bad sharmilaa left early..the poor girl had some allergic reaction going on..and preya stayed with us till we were done with dinner..then she left toooo :( the remaining 4 of us went for a DOUBLE0-DATE to watch SUPERMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND i happened to see my dad there!!! hehehehehe so funny..lol. he told me not to telll my mummy i saw him there..*HE WAS ALONE OK!* but in e end he told her himself..lol..boy she was mad at first..then she started sulking...lol... aniweis abt e movie, it was VUNDERFUL!! i lous superman..he's just e epitome of wad we all want. and stupid lois lane is so stupid. sigh actually i wouldntt blame her..if i had to choose btw cyclops hunk james marsden and superman hero brandon routh i'll go mad too.. aniweis superman is just too cute la..actually not cute, he's handsome! argh stole my heart away that one..sigh..and the movie is kinda sad..depressing..me and malz didnt wanna watch it anymore at one point cuz it was too heartbreaking..but till e end, i dun even know if that is a happy ending..oh well i hope superman will return again.. aniweis i had lotsa fun during e movie, making it into a tamilan movie and anticipatin what will happen next..i think rishi is kinda scared now..vik's used to it alreadi..lol..poor guy.. i have come to a realisation why so many ppl are in love with superman or spiderman (not for me) or batman (yummm) or any other macho macho movie guy. i.e gajini's suria, samy's vikram etc.. *drumroll* i THINK it is e idea of e whole world (almost) or e vicinity or wadeva being scared/in awe/in love with this guy cuz of all the wonderful strong stuff he does, the idea of him being almost undefeatable, the idea of him being able to fight of anything and the fact that he will stop doing all that, or at least be vulnerable enough..for YOU. sighhhhhhh..who wouldn't want that rite? imagine, if superman would give up his powers just so that he can be with u. lucky lana bitch. 0r imagine if batman, the most serious superhero i know, cries for u. sighhhhhhh okies ENUF. i needa snap out of it!! aniweis i dun need no superman. clark kent's enuf for me. :) off to tuition ppl..bye all..muackx. oh wait i haven told ppl e horrible part of ydae..my camera is spoilt!!!! argh!!! my sister borrowed it for some gatherin and her fren poured lime juice onto it!!! i was sooooo angry with her but no use la cuz she alreadi feels horrible aniweis. arghh!!! i really hope e repair changes doesnt come up to too much cuz my supposed potential tution assignment doesnt want me anymoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( sooooo sadddddddd..sobsobsob. bye. 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