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Sunday, July 30, 2006 so i went to the ndp preview. and fell down and have ultra big hips (one side only..so hip?) because of e swell..argh pain! i cant even lie down...atgh..my mum is scared sth happened to my kidneys so she keeps making me go pee..i dun see e connection. but oh wells..speakin of e preview, i saw handsome vinoth in his handsome no1 uniform..wah handsome seh..lol. overuse of a particular word i see.. e parade was great..i was kinda nostalgic cuz its e last one at e stadium..i love e stadium..many memories for me...sigh..aniweis mr "hip-hop-im-so-cool-slammin-my-hand" shabir sang..nth great..but e fireworks seemed to be so much more beautiful, and the part where they sing all e old national day songs..oooooh my fav i was prac screamin and waving my nokia 3230 torchlight and flag and wearing my blinking-flag hat (yes the hat has light!)..i also had balloons made for mee..yay! i love ndp! tmrw no dance..yay! even if there was, i dunno how i would dance with this back of mine..but i have work..my last dae..sobsob. sadness..thank god renting n khalid are workin..at least got ppl i like. did i mention i went k-boxing with them on thurs? was damn fun la..even tho they were singing chinese songs 4/5th of e time..they allowed me to sing e english words in e chinese songs..and i knew like 3 chinese characters, so i kept shouting wheneva i saw them..hilarious..of course all my fav ppl were there..so yes, i was a happy indian girl at a chinese karaoke session. also celebrated in advance my darling xiaojie's 33rd bdae..who was tryin to convince me to stay on as he sent me home..aww..sigh..nope have to move on. driving is becoming more and more strenous..going on all e test-routes now..so far, i am not doing well. at all. arghhh.. going into e circuit on tues. hopefully i can get all e crank course/s-course/parking/slope wadeva shit they have inside, right. argh navina is growing up so fast..but she just refuses to call me sinnama..just keeps calling me "dah". im hoping its short for "darling favourite sinnama". lol. aniweis i have some exciting news..are u prepared? *drumroll* sorrie cant tell u'll. wahahahahhaa. and shanker, u can try to stop findin out who's absence we';re basking in..but im missin him so much. (no its not vik) okies i shall go to sleep now. or at least try to sleep sitting up. as i told thash, i have loadsa practise doing tt durin lectures..so hopefully shdnt be a problem. hahaha..
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