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Friday, April 28, 2006 i am going mad.22 hrs and 25 more mins to the end of my remaining 2 papers and i still have 2 papers left of which i have left 4 more topics to study. i am soooo dead.. and so mentally drained.. and so exhausted. and so in need of rest.. and so need to stop whining. so i shall blog to sorta "relax" eh.. i suddenly feel like im losing all my friends..besides e nerds that is..i mean i see those 2 EVERY SINGLE DAY..hahaha i still love u guys lots kies! aniweis as i was saying, i feel like im losing my friends..i am so freaking distant from them..argh...i need help. psychological help..HELP HELP HELP. ACTUALLY, i need new frens who will not drift away from me and make frens with my other friends then be more close to my other friends than me and then make me feel like im losing all of them. SIGH i am so NOT relaxed now. shall go back to mugging and bursting my head. (0) comments Monday, April 24, 2006 okies here i am in school, using free electricity, charging my hp my ipod n lappie..hmmmm i shd bring my camera here too huh..lol..hey for the 1K PER MONTH SCH FEES im paying, i deserve it. in fact, all u undergrads deserve it, bring yr stuff to sch to charge!! lets start a charging revolution!!! ANIWEIS GUESS WAD!!!! MY NEIGHBOURS HAVE INSTALLED A PASSWORD FOR THEIR WIRELESS!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIILLLLLLLLSSSSSSSSSSS..WHY WOULD THEY WANNA DO THIS TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.. IM SO SAD. dun u think they shd have AT LEAST ASKED MY OPINION before they decide to cut off my free access to their internet?!!@!?! im sooooooooo depressed!!!!! NO MORE FREE INTERNET!!!!!!!!!! sobsob. -wipes my tears-. aniweis i guess this means i gotta get a wireless modem, cuz my stupid 1960s stingray modem is not suited for my lappie. sob sob. no free internet and NO MY OWN PAID INTERNET TOOOO!! how could life be so cruel. ANIWEIS ydae i was FINALLY talking to vik and he told me, his auntie had asked how come i never seem to go over to his house...lol..i find tt question really amusing. i dunno, is it a rule of dating that u have to go over to yr bf/gf's place over e weekend?! cuz it seriously seems like it is..once couples get closer and get to know each other's famililes, that is wad seems to happen. im rather afraid of it actually. i never seem to act myself ard vik's parents. so far, they know me as a nice, good, quiet girl who just smiles and nods alot. WAHAHSAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA they're in for a rude shock. okies im just writing nonsense. aniweis the aim of this random useless ranting was 1. to procastinate from studying 2. to procastinate from going back to studying. muah all, back to translation of mRNA to form e amini acid tt makes up e polypeptide sequence of a structural protein.. ergh. (0) comments Sunday, April 23, 2006 i am up at this insane unGODLY hour of 3 37 am and am studying.ive either had tooo much cocaine or a rather late outburst of dilligence. well, hopefully its not too late. i think i shall head to bed now, maybe wake up early tmrw n continue this streak of being dilligent thing. btw i have lose all my 1. sense of humour 2. sense of fashion (or at least, sense of decent dressing tt i had) 3. sense of compassion for people complaining about their boring non-examinable lifes. 4. sense of timing 5. sense of enjoyment 5. any form of sense. till 3pm, 29th of April. why does it so much more longer this time round..sigh..age creeps up on u when u least expect it. i am not making any sense. i told u so. (0) comments Friday, April 21, 2006 so the first paper was horrendous beyond doubt. and to think i was confident of this one..flush flush flush my hopes and dreams of graduating. okies im gg to continue my babyblueing..lol. (0) comments in approximately 13.5 hours i will be sitting for my 1st paper..hmm e funny thing, i feel quite prepared for it. its my 2nd paper that i will DEFINATELY fail. sigh. 8 more days, i just cant waiiittt.. i was so excited, while studyin todae, i called up tony n guys n made an appointment to dye my hair on e 10th of march. LOL. EXCITING EXCITING! arghhh 4 days to study for a module tt i have abs no idea wads gg on, then another 4 days to study for 3 modules. ARGH! so singaporeans will be polling on e 6th of may. figures for e govt to give us a public holidae on a saturdae, a year after they announced the 5 day week change. hur hur. oh weels, for e poor souls who work saturdaes, yipeeeeee for u! if my plans do go acc to plan, i will be in sultan land for tt dae..but oh wells, we'll see how it goes.. mummy asked me to join her to help out durin nomination dae. she's so excited, cuz its e first time she's gettin roped in. RC MEMBER MAHHH. lol. too bad its on e 28th (or 27th?) april..EXAMS ARE STILL HERE. so no social life till then. speakin of family, i was so pissed just now! miru jo n myself were talkin in e afternoon abt how we shd form e "irritatin younger sisters club". argh so pissed offffff. i mean i have a bloody exam tmrw, my notes are in my lappie AND so it would make perfect sense if i say I NEED MY BLOODY LAPTOP rite?? but nooooooo, use my laptop for over an hour pls, it doesnt matter if i fail, as long as yr teacher marks yr "neat" 2nd draft proposal for yr project work. pls, let our parents side u, cuz obviously, younger siblings have it soooo hard nowadays, what with having to juggle school life AND their social life *gasp of shock* and YES, dun bother tt i am going to fail, dun bother that its close to 12 and i have not finished my revision. after all, if the youngest child doesnt get her way, then wad use is it to live in this world? and yes dear parents, side with her, though the LAPTOP IS MINE! and im alreadi being VERY NICE by agreein to loan it TO HER! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH disclaimer : i do not think all youngest siblings are spoiled. just mine and a few others. thanks. ok breatheeeeee...ooooh i love e song they're putting on suntv now..from mouna raagam one of my all time fav movies (mani ratnam waaaaaaaaaaaaad), chinnaaa chinnaaa vanna quyil, konjiii konjiiii quuvuthammaaa...lalalalalalalaaa im beginnin to get addicted to suntv. i know wad's happenin in malargal and selvi (cuz its e only ones i manage to catch when i come back from sch/work), i feel for e characters and feel sad for them, follow it avidly, and ask my maid (gasp yes, HER) on updates.. this.is.not.good. pls help me. (0) comments Thursday, April 20, 2006 newwwwwwwwww layouttt...cuz shanker informed me of this girl, who i dun like, who had e same blogskin as me... wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... OKIES IM OFF TO STUDY! yeah.rite. (0) comments Wednesday, April 19, 2006 i am just so sick of M.U.G.G.I.N.Gno matter how hard i study throughout the sem, how come i cant seem to remember any shit i supposedly studied. well e only good thing is i have my own notes, so dun have to go "flipping" thruu e notes again..sigh.. i just cant wait. 11 more days. well technically since its wed..10... t.e.n 10 PATTHU SUPULOH sigh...i alreadi have soooo many plans for wad im gg to do after exams. 1. R.E.S.T. meaning, no more muggling till 3 am. no more waking up earli to meet my fellow nerds to study. no more mugging thru e day, stiffling myself up in e library, only going out for lunch and dinner. instead, im gg to watch tv and endless vcds till 3 am, wake up to meet my fellow nerds to HAVE FUN, going out/sleep thru the day, going out for lunch and dinner. wheeeeeee. OF COURSE, catch up on my sleeeep! 2. meet all my frens..malz, NERDS (not for studying pls), sunitha, naz, meenal, logaaiss, thash, thinesh, shanker (yeah u owe me e coffee thingee), yoges, my elder sis, my cuzins, and all those other ppl i have been neglecting..im so sorrie i still laus u all.. MUACKS.. 3. s.h.o.p!!!! WELL was supposed to do that in KL..but hmm..change of plans..sadly..aniweis, now we're thinkin of JB! YAY! 4. go for a holliiddaaeeeeeeeee.. who wants to go? thinkin of either msia or thailand. both also abit unsafe but waddahell. u know im serious u know, if any of u wanna go, pls do tell me ks...we can all go together! eoohooo! 5. sadly find a job as mum doesnt believe in giving me pocket money when i do not go to school.sobsob. and i have to find some way to pay my bills AND start saving up for my 21st bdae bash...hehehehe..and im really sick of workin at ebie. i mean its good as a part time job, but as a full time for 3 mths...i will go MAD. so pls ppl, any lobang, yeah im such a nice girl rite...hint hint hint. 6. spend time with vik. ive been neglecting e poor thing..and our 3rd year (gasp) anniv is comin up next week n i dun even think i can meet him then cuz i have a paper ard that time..sigh..so mean of me..but it has to be done..and its good he understands n haven been bugging me to meet him..that's one thing i love abt him. :) 7. CLEAN UP MY ROOM! its in such a freakin mess. im gonna throw out all my notes (after confirmin my results tt i have indeed passed everything n tht there's no need for me to retake any modules), arrange my stuff, throw out my make-up which is growin stuff and arrange n throw more stuff. BTW, I ARRANGED MY EARRINGS IN SUCH A PRETTY WA!!! ooooHHH its sooooo prettyyyy!!! I would take a pic n show u guys but my mum's keepin my mem. cards cuz she wants to print her paris photos, so maybe another time. but aniweis, i have managed to hang ALLL my earrings in such a pretty and yet cheap way. awww im so proud of myself. sobsob. btw i have like 49 pairs of earrings. lol. not counting all e broken/1 sided ones. wahahahahaha i can really start a shop la...lol... 8. PAINT MY ROOM! i wanna paint the whole room a BRIIIGGHHTTTT pink with swirls everywhere...like HUGE BIG swirls, maybe i shd just paint my room as a swirl..HMMMMMMmmmm.. OH GOSH I SOUND LIKE A 14 YEAR OLD! 9. do wadeva stuff i cant be affording to do now..sigh... aniweis, on a different note altogether... first i was angry, now i am just sad and dissapointed. sad that our YEARS of friendship is about to be dissolved away, just like that. dissapointed that no care was taken to find out what was the truth and what was not, sad that something which was supposed to be fun could have resulted in such angry reactions and words, dissapointed that we all cant seem to see what is blatantly in front of our eyes, and sad because i know it won't go back to what it was before. sigh.6 years down e road.just like that. (0) comments Tuesday, April 11, 2006 ahhhh brain is saturated! political science lectures are always so damn intense! enough to give my brain a seizure. ahh.. and human anatomy before that didn't help either! all about the brain and spinal cords and nerves and neurons and axons and AHHHH!ANIWEIS, exams are comin up real fast. in like 18 days time it'd be my LAST paper. ARGH! im so ready to just die right now. sighs. hmm well weekend was rather tiring. went shoppin in e afternoon with malz n vik for sutha's present oh n winnie's too! lol was damn funny la.. BFF!! hahahahaha.. ooopsss shall not be so mean. lol. due to ppl i realise read my blog, i shall not mention names. but S1 S2 and S3 provided great gossiping tools for me, malz n miruna (and occasionaly the unsuspecting vik whom we were just using to communicate across the table) LOL. but im glad i finally went tho..hahahaaha..aniweis winnie's party was not too bad either, tho i had to leave early..it was at this uber uluated place in changi..and the chalet looked like a fliming location for a 60s/70s malaysian horror flick. lol. food was goooooood, from intercontinental leH! even got chef to come down n cook. wahahahhaa. finally saw my jc (1st year 02s54) ppl after like EONS! wow alot of changes. look different! and this couple have been together since jc1! that's like 4 years! wow. so proud and happy for them i also found out sth abt my ex-classmate who retained together with me. she was really a "black sheep" in JC. u know those that really most of the teachers give up on. and now i heard she's studying in SIM, and a FULL TIME MANAGER! at a video store earning more than 2k per month!! AND AND AND, she is like one of the best students in her class! and she has her OWN CAR!! wow my jaw just dropped when they told me that. im soooo happy for her. she was just a late bloomer i guess. wow so shocking but such happy happy news. :) HAH to all those tutors who thought she couldnt do it. HAH HAH HAH! sundae as usual, dance class dae = tiring dae. was even more tiring cuz we finally finished learning the thillana and its so damn tiring to dance all the whole bloody dance w/o break, till e end. and we did it soooo many times.sighs. ydae the NERD CLUB went for this political science discussion thingee held by the yr 3 and honour students (told ya we're NERDS)..AND I THINK jo is mixin ard too much with me n miruna.lol. she saw this indian honour student guy n fell in love with him. wahahha. first it was pearl now JO! wahhahaha. aniweis jo, there are cuter indian guys ard. after exams we shall go scout for them ks? wahahhahaha. she was just so besotted with him. yeah he's cute n all. and really intelligent. but not the cutest ive seen., okies im off to changing landscapes. YAWN. byeeeeeeeee muah all. (0) comments Wednesday, April 05, 2006 i wanna remove my uterus!having freaking horrible cramps the whole day. now its abit better, can at least walk..sighs. hate it hate it hate it. thank god the girls were clever enuf to forsee the future, that i will soon be engulfed by the pain that was slowly showing its true colours..so they sent me home instead of making me study. i dunno why but the pain just escalated when i reached home. i just lay on my parents bed n started screamin. it was that painful! arghhhh.. well as i said, i can walk now. but still in pain. grrr. and i got a stupid test tmr. argh. hmmm dun u hate friends who just MIA? i have many of those. suddenly they just disappear, no calls, no sms, no msns, no NOTHING. dunno where they go. then they come back like a few years later and pretend nothing happened. sigh. no jo, im not talking about who we were discussin about in e canteen. its some other people. its just irritating, even if they see u on e street, they just pretend they dunno u.argh.realli irks me.. grrr.. oh wells watching american idol AND STUDYING, and instead of being attracted to e voices of e ppl, im more attracted to the fight between ryan and simon. lol. okies im gg to go back to e endocrine system. the gross structure of the thyroid gland : has 2 lateral lobes, connected by a isthmus, which lies on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th tracheal rings. sometimes a pyramidal lobe may be present. the thyroid gland lies in the anterior of the neck, below the larynx. oh how i love my work. *yawn* (0) comments actually i was just planning to let my blog shrivel up and die, but since jo is such an ardent fan, i shall update. wahahahahahahah aniweis my previous entry triggered lotsa emotions, lol, dun worrie noone treated me wrong, i was angry WITH a friend, FOR a friend. geddit? and nah, none of u darlings is e culprit. MUAH KISSES TO ALL. mals! i mish u too! my NASty exams are comin up, so im afraid i wun be meetin u much till prob in about 3 weeks time.. argh my exams ending in 3 weeks time!!! which means it'd be starting sooner!!! AHHHH!!!!!! ANIIIWEIIISS lets see wad's been happenin since i last blogged... i 1. taught tuition, got fed-up wif the girl, i tell u she is SO BLOODY LAZY!!! im scoldin her so much, her mum's gonna fire me for bullying her poor doesnt-do-homework-doesnt-listen-then-fails-exams-and-expects-me-to-make-her-get-A only daughter OR i am gonna quit. grrrr.. 2. went to workkkk..i did bar after EONS. gosh it is sooooo tiring.. drinks after drinks after drinks..i totally abhor the sound of the blender. i almost fainted. so bloody tired..i was so tired till i did the vodka ribena wrongly. jingyi was being miss sacarstic with "ya-kala-u-"never"-go-club-before-so-u-wun-know-how-its-supposed-to-look-like" jokes.. so not funny. 3. sat ws sooooo tiring, went for sitar, then went shopping with yoges to get her BRIGHT BLUE dance saree from tekka, and we went to e new banana leaf appollo for lunch. not bad, quite a nice place. then met naz in town to get nair's 21st bdae present. gosh i spent so much on it! but its worth it, since its SUNITHA NAIR'S 21ST!!! and its really pretty, if she doesnt want it, i will GLADLY take it back. then went home, played with darling navina who had been stayin over since fridae..she's getting cuter n cuter n naughtier n smarter. she realli is so smart for a 1.5 year old!!! so adorable la she. i laus her. aniweis after that, i got ready to go out for some charity dinner at some amk grassroots, courtesy of kaadi maama. i only went cuz amma wanted me to and i din wanna upset her seeing it was her weddin anniv (yes on april fools). din get em anything yet. ahhh so broke, all my money is not coming in!!! argh!!! the dinner was alrite, we were more entertained with navina's antics with the new-water. lol. then went to...ashoka. gosh i cant believe i went, was alr so freakin tired. but oh wells, i dun realli like tt place la, too many old ppl. lol. i prefer O bar/momo anytime! but since e company was good, it wasnt too bad. saw some ppl i NEVER wld have expected to see there. oh weels, ppl wldnt have expected to see me there aniweis. aniweis i cant reveal names but SOMEONE bad got SOMEONE nice drunk and MR NICE is very very very angry with MR BAD. lol. its damn funny la actually. seeing drunk ppl. lol. esp if they r ppl who usually are not talking such stupid nonsense. lol. aniweis vishnu, vik n my brother-in-law are like buddies now.plannin to go clubbin together with e guys n all. and did they thank e person who introduced them? NOOOOOOO. so after ashoka, went to newton for supper and i went over to umaka's place to stay over. 4. sunday woke up all groggy cuz i din sleep enuf. 4 30 am ->9 am okies! went home, took a shower, LITERALLY scrubbed my hair.so smelly of smoke. hate tt aspect of clubbin. played with navina more. was gettin groggy cuz of sleeplessness. so after navina left ard 2 plus, i slept for an hour or so. din go for dance as i had to be at nair's place to prepare for e party. met meena n naz to go over. decorated e place n all. and nair FINALLY came at 8. lol. boy was she suprised, i knew she was too blur to figure the suprise out la. even if i went to her face n told her "we're having a suprise party for u", she will just go "ahh? huh wad u talking abt?!" aniweis it was a very touching party, her mum was so sweet with her speech, almost made me cry man! but i bet my mum will be all "wahteeverrr" since its her 2nd daughter's 21st. see e downsides of being e middle child? its been done before, and its not gonna be e last time, so noone really bothers. sighs. oh wells. aniweis i made a card thingee for nair and she loved it! actually i loved it too, it had so much memories, all e pics and stuff. i almost din wanna give her. hehehehe. but wells, she deserves it. she teared while reading it, and i teared while doing it up. good stuff. memories. they are. 5. since mondae ive been (a) studying (b) cramming for stupid tests(c) sleepin in e hall as aunt is stayin over, sleepin in my room, sighs. okies thats alot. toodelesss outta here. needa continue doin 5(a) and 5(b). sighs. nites all, muah. 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