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Friday, May 27, 2005 i am so fucking pissed now. i hate hate hate hate hate getting dressed, all ready and waiting, just to realise you DUN EVEN BOTHER TO CALL!WHY DO I HAVE TO DO ALL THE CALLING?? WOULD IT BE SO HARD TO FUCKIN CALL ME?? DUN APPOLOGIZE CUZ I DUN BOTHER ANYMORE. i dun even think u'll fucking appologize. and dun scold me for putting this here, CUZ ITS MY BLOG, MY LIFE, AND I'LL PUT WHATEVER I WANT. why bother making plans to meet me WHEN U DUN EVEN BOTHER TO KEEP THAT UP. YOU KNOW URE GOING TO BE BUSY FOR THE NEXT MONTH. YOU KNOW THAT WE HAVEN MET FOR A LONG TIME. YOU KNOW THAT IVE GOT STH ON TMRW. THANKS FOR BOTHERING. (0) comments Thursday, May 26, 2005 well these past days haven been very great. vik's cuzin, who lives in jb, passed away. she's only 21! sigh. actually her death is very sad, cuz its not under normal circumstances, and she didnt deserve to go the way she did. but, to respect her, i shall not go into details.work's been realllllllliiiii tiring as well. but, its still ok. just that i spoiled e blender, spilled alot of stuff n broke a few glasses. sigh im so gg to be fired. fine im exxagerating. the blender didnt spoil bcuz of me (i seriously hope not, cuz it cost fuckin 400 buckers to repair it), but it finally broke down while i was doin bar. wah lao, so suay sia. obviously the cooks were makin me feel like as if its e end of e world, but ive come to realise that they love to do that, n once u know how to joke back wif them, its pretty orite. they're quite funny actually. let me relate a certain incident. ydae nite, i worked from 3-11. 8 fuckin hours doing bar. sigh mix n blend e drinks untill my brain become blended. ANYWAY, our dishwasher ran away after gettin his pay so rite now, we have no dishwasher. SO, WE HAVE TO WASH THE DISHES OURSELVES. it mite sound very unglam, cuz, IT IS VERY UNGLAM. and smelly. and wet. and tiring. i think i know why he quit. ANYWAY, we were all gettin sick n tired of washin dishes, plus doin our usual duties. and poor glenn, this guy who's also part-time service like me, was stuck doin most of e dishes (i only did them when i didnt have drinks to mix. ) so it seems, got 2 chiobu come eat at essential. glenn see the chiobu. roy see the chiobu (super fierce cook who can be funny n nice). roy dare glenn to get chiobus number for him. glenn say "for wad". roy say "if u can get, i wash all e remainin dishes fer u." wah glenn strike gold. thank god, he look abit the presentable, so he go ask chiobus. one give number (obviously both cannot give rite, later think glenn chikopeh, want 2 girls.) aniwei, i not sure if they know its fer roy, think they shd know, cuz they lookin at roy n giggling. wah so roy kanna wash dishes la! funny see chef wash dish. LOL. and got ALOT of dishes la. like buckets full. the rest of e nite, he stuck there wash, n he dun allow ANYONE else to wash, say he got pride. lol, poor glenn was feelin very guilty n tried to help him wash (n tried to make me help) but we just kanna scolded by roy (which is very scary) n he threaten to break glasses if we wash. hehe oh well, works pretty ok, cuz ppl are nice.. aniweiz, todae is "meet-fren-at-workplace" day. 1) felicia goh, my pri n sec school fren 2) my college mate, super gorgeous sarah (one of e rare chindians who's nice n pretty!) 3) sec school classmate, chiu kailing. ah well, find it very coincidental. yay! just got a letter from SMU, got accepted into business management. hehe now i've got accepted to all 3 Unis. Nus sci, Ntu psych and SMU business. i AM still gg to nus, but i dunno, heard SMU business is a tough course to get into, and is a course worth gettin into. sigh. wad shd i dooooooooooooooooo. aniwei, mochi, hope you are in peace now. u went away too soon, too unfairly n too brutally. but rest assuared that justice will be served. (0) comments Monday, May 23, 2005 todae was great!my mummie turned 50 todae.so ydae nite, i made some arrangements n somehow, my uncle, aunt, cuzins niran, lekx n vanitha were going to come over at 12. so i also asked my sis n bro-in-law to come as well. was in town wif vik just bummin (I BOUGHT 5 EARRINGS! WOOOHOOOOOO!) n my sis n bro-in-law were there too, so we met up wif em, chit chatted n then took a cab down to ma place(excl vik of course) mum was pleasantly surprised. :) we cut 3 cakes! hahahaha mainly cuz both me n vanithaka bought a cake each for my mum due to communication breakdown, and i bought an extra cuz my bro-in-law had just passed his diploma! yay! *claps!* was really fun! took pics, eat ALOT OF CAKES. (there was ice-cream cake from swensens courtesy of vanithaka, coffeecake and chocolate courtesy of me!) oh we were watchin e fa final cup! im so happy man u didnt win! wooooohooo! not that im an arsenal fan or anythin, im just.....ANYTHING BUT MAN U. act i prefer real madrid, cuz all e cute guys are there. WOOHOOO! goooo RAUL! hahahahahah aniwei niran n sangithah were real sad abt man u's loss but e rest of us were shoutin n celebratin. was realli fun. we bonded n all, then they left at like 1 30 am. woke up todae, had lunch proper wif family, was nice, we rarely get to do that. :) watched some tv, then went for dance class. im so good. public holidae also go for class. wad to do, performance comin up. well, class was quite tirin cuz we had to do e dances AGAIN and AGAIN. was soooooooo tirin n by e end of e class, we smelt like pigs. sweaty pigs. went dhoby gaut to get my mum's phone. (my bdae pres fer her.) she's been wantin a phone fer a long time, so decided to. tho im broke now. but happy. happy broke. got her a samsung x460c, cuz she cant bring camera phone to her workplace. then went over to gayathri's rest fer dinner. was GREAT! fer once, noone was moody or unhappy. there was my dad, mum, grandma, my maid (urgh), me, sangithah, elder sis umaka, brother in law raj, NAVINA!~!!! and my sis's maid. navina was our source of entertainment. she kept posin for photographs! im serious! one min she's unhappy, then shove a camera into her face n she's just not movin, posing for a photograph.hehe.VAINPOT. she was also very happy bangin the spoon on e table, and eatin rice from my mum.hehehe ATE SO MUCH! was toking to raj, sat beside me n laffin over silly things. mum was sooooo happy wif e phone. YAY. thennnn so happens that e manager of e restuarant is my dad's fren. i think havin many contacts runs in e family. HAHAH. cuz of that, we got like special treatment, 10% discount, AND FREE FLOW OF WINE! and the wine was goooooooooooood. I CANT BELIEVE MY MUM DRANK WINE!!!!!!!!! if u know her, she's like SO AGAINST drinkin. like super agaisnt it. even todae, she didnt know it was alcoholic. she tot it was fruit champagne or sth. after she drank it, she was like, "ITS GOT ALCOHOL!" but since everyone was in a good mood, she didnt say anyhting. and she even let me drink!!!!! faints. haha of course i had to pretend i didnt know anyhting abt alcohol. but my brother in law was starin at me n givin me this cheeky look. hehehe my mum actually DRAGGED the drink ok! i was like super impressed. super. hahahahahahaha. came back at abt 10 plus, then at 11, anu auntie n family, who went to m'sia fer e weekend, dropped by here, on their way home. they brought DURIANS! i ate em! ok, just burped. ergh, durian burp aint nice. ok special dedication time, this fer my dearrrrrr fren thash HI MR THASH! i realli mish ya so much! im glad we've got this advanced technology. cant wait fer u to come back from that darrusallam. come back soon! thanks fer always being such a great fren to me these past 3 yrs. u're the bestest and u hold a veryyyyyyyy big place in my heart! *hugx!* now everyone say...AWWWWWWWwWwWwWWWWWWWwWwW. HEHE Ok goooooot nite. (0) comments Saturday, May 21, 2005 so its saturdae afternoon and im waiting for my bf's call so that i can go meet him.sigh. just went to visit my sis, actually main purpose was to see my niece. aiyoh she's gettin cuter n cuter!!1 her two bottom teeth are out alreadi and now, she's fereva smiling this weird smile, as if she's on E. hehehe. its just so adorable. its this smile that says "i know sth u dun...". but well, she's only 8 mths plus old. work's pretty good.but im just so damn broke!! ahhhhhhhh. tmrw's my mum's 50th bdae. haf NO idea wad to do. i am so dead. im so bored.got a million things to do, but dun feel like doing anything.sigh. (0) comments Tuesday, May 17, 2005 time only for short blog. csi on adverts now.tmrw's nus tea party. shd i go? i'll be all alone! hmm well, a good chance to make frens? but its at blordy 10am!!!! and i wanted to sleep in tmr..sigghh dunno which camp to go for..they sent me like a booklet of camps. lol. HELP. i am falling in love wif this guy from suntv. i think ive gone crazy. actually he's a singaporean celeb's husband. and he's damn cool, and handsome. sighhhhhh..he came to singapore to sing for the pradhana show on sat. he wore a coat n suit n wif glasses. sigh so handsome. sigh so suave. can act. can sing. mulit talented. IM IN LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. ok shall blog later. CSI'S BACK. (0) comments Sunday, May 15, 2005 so i've finally gotten a job.currently workin at Essential O brew at holland v. pay's not fantastic or anything, but its fun n the ppl are really nice (well so far) the part-timers are mostly nus students or ppl waitin fer uni/poly as well. so tis good, same age grp blabla. and since im workin part time, i get to continue even after school starts, so finally. income. works been ok so far. fridae was e killer, till 2am. legs all achin from walkin n kneelin so much. 2nd floor's e no shoes floor. argh. but it was cool. mum wasnt too happy wif it at first but now she's ok i guess. fri n sat nites, they open till 2 am so if i have night shift i only get back at 2 30. so i can finally go clubbin AND come home that nite itself instead of stayin out or sleepin over somewhere.lol.just tell her i got work. ahaha. but shit, gotta be back by 230.ahh. i got into NUS Sci. i am ever so happy now, got into my dream course, still cant believe its true tho. got all my letters, all so confusing. dunno which form to fill back, which form to send back, how to pay my fees balblablaaaaa..argh!!! thank god fer my frens. met nair, naz n meenal last fri noon. they gave me a lowdown on wad to expect n wad to do n really now i feel soooo much better. esp since nair's also in science, doin life sci (wad i wanna do), i feel abit more relaxed. there's also hua, who's also in sci n jo, in nus.all really helpin me lots. oh n miru babes also gg into nus so yay! my best fren's joinin me so i wun be alone. too bad we're not in e same fac, or it'd be perfect. wow, thank god fer frens. :) im gonna get a new mp3 player next week! woohoo! not that im rich or anything, just gonna pay by instalments and its damn cheap la!! woohooooooo! cant wait to get it. but contrary to my blog site, im gettin a Creative Zen Micro, not a iPod. hehe. oops, traitor. lol. ah well too bad, iPod doesnt have a radio. now i need a hp. sigh. wish i didnt lose my hp. ARGHHHHHHHHH. (0) comments Monday, May 09, 2005 so fridae nite was great! just sad i had to leave early..ah well, the curfew was at 1 am so i gotta leave at 1 am. heh.walla walla's great! the band EIC is realli good too. doesnt hurt that e lead vocalist, an indian guy named RAVE is kinda good looking. lol. u guys shd go check them out. www.eic.com.sg they're gooooood!!and i love e girls. was much fun. we shd do it again ya? but i wanna club next time? so we can danceeeeeee e nite away! woohoo! saturdae i just lazed ard, played wif navina who came over! and evenin went fer dinner at NEW PARK HOTEL. was some dinner fer some high class indian organization. the only reason i went was cuz its free and i get to see all my cuzins! and the food was great too..hehe it was fun, wif all my cuzins n all. :) sunday, mothers dae. hehe. i went fer dance class n almost died. 2 hrs of dance! cant even walk properly now.lol bought fer mum some stuff, she was reali touched cuz she tot we forgot abt her as we only gave her e present like at e end of e dae.hehehe. still looking for job. any help? (0) comments Thursday, May 05, 2005 im back. :)Didnt feel like blogging. ah well, i dun haf to explain my actions to anyone. :) ANYWAY, A's results are out, like super long ago..i did ok.not terrific not terrible. just ok. Ok enough to go to my dream course. so its ok. :) i just quit a realli boring job 2 weeks ago. now im bored at home. dun wanna do any more admin jobs. looking for part-time jobs so tt i can continue even after U starts. like waitressin or sth. Any lobangs anyone? well lots has happened. hmm lets see, my parents now know abt vik. its not as good as i tot it'd be, but i feel better inside. still, gotta be discreet cuz my parents dun wan my whole family to know, cuz accordin to them, im still young n might change my mind blablabla. ah well, i pity vik, cuz he's been hidin ard wif me for 2 yrs alreadi! not as if we're doin some cirminal injustice. he deserves a break. :/ actually now im in e middle of cleanin my room. looks like e tsunami attacked here as well. sigh. guess i gotta get back to it soon. gotta go teach tuition to cuz later as well. well dunno if i'll be bloggin anytime soon, see where the wind blows me. hehe i dn like being predictable. maybe ill close this blog? maybe i'll start a new one? maybe i wun tell anyone? hmm who knows. kinda boring. ppl knowin me. ppl readin this blog knowin its ME who's typing. no privacy. feels more like a publicity stint. ah well. nothing much to publicise here. see ya. or maybe not. :) (0) comments |
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